Community > Posts By > Desi1

Desi1's photo
Tue 01/08/08 10:30 PM
Hello to all, well i have never had a problem with my size the picture that is now on line was taken last summer i was about 244 pounds now im 175 pound but all my life i have been juicey an thats my nick name that my family gave me as a child, i have always love me you have to like n love yourself no matter how big or small you are, an dont worry what the next man or woman say cause i truley feel that the world today its very hard to try an please other so bump them please urself a tru man dont want a woman that he can onlt take her bones with his bones an just strike a he want something thats soft cuddley something that he can just melt inside of and wen he's inside it just graps him an holds on tight an lets him exit slowly every time he enters, he dont want something hollow if you know what i bbw have that, and we love to please are men an we love to be spoild my father raised me an always said the best way to a man heart is threw his stomach to his head and then in just like that.....WHAT!!!! i have never had a man tell me that im to big for him an if 1 would i would tell him its not my falt that jah made me big n juicey, get on ur knee an pray for him to make you BIGGER....much luv Desi

Desi1's photo
Thu 01/03/08 08:12 AM
next time put the peanut in the peanut hole!!!!!

Desi1's photo
Thu 01/03/08 08:06 AM

If a girl broke up with me & started to go out with one of my friends, I wouldn't bring girls around that friend anymore cause they wouldn't be my yeah its wrong....end of story!!!
your damn right blue sky!!!!!!

Desi1's photo
Thu 01/03/08 04:36 AM

My girlfriend and i are thinking of moving in together after where engaged in Sept of next year then move in.
She's 26 and i'm 28

Should this be the right thing to do...????
wel sweetie i aways said to myself if you need to ask a bunch of strangers then your not ready for that big move yet you will know wen its right because you will just do it, good luck.......Desi

Desi1's photo
Thu 01/03/08 04:23 AM

hey thats a great idea allsmiles a good buddy of mine actually liked the first good to begin with lol. i wonder if he is still interested in her...
Well i feel that its not a good thing to do, what if it was you how would you feel if it didnt workout with the girl that you like then your childhood best friend that you been knowing your whole life steps in an starts dating her, you say you all still hang together an have the same friends if you have any kind of respect for the young lady or yourself you woulnt do that to another person people say thing but dont have to mean it, maybe she says its ok because she still have feeling for you an just want to see you happy, or what if they are just playing you then you come out to be the fool, and their laughing at you cause they know that onlygrimmy guy want to go from friend to friend, i tell my daughter to be careful an watch guys like you who wants to date best friends, because what i think is that the ladys are playing you like a short flute just sizing you up and wen your with 1 they tell how it was an what it was an how long or short it is how long you last then both of them are going to throw you away so you are going to be the 1 hurt, so you better stop an leave them gals alone casuse i dont think their stupid they may just look like that, plus you can get another man but if their true friend they are not going to let you break them up, its to much past between them so you need to leave it alone be4 you get hurt!!!!!!DESI

Desi1's photo
Wed 01/02/08 11:21 AM
i like to date younger men also but my son is 23, so i weouldnt date any one my sons age the youngest ive dated was 30, but my son loves to date older women he's 23 his girlfriend is 40 im just 2 years older then hershe's 17 years older then him an they get along great but see my son is like an older man trapped in a young man body so he dont care to much about going to kid partys hanging out he wants a family for himself she has 2 boys 5-6 and they love my son and he dont just sit in front of the tv playing games cause i raised my son well, for him to be just 23 he take care of his woman n step kids better then the real father did so age doesnt matter sometime it depends on the do your thang sweetie......Desi

Desi1's photo
Tue 01/01/08 05:26 AM

hey sorry its just some girls/women are all talk
if i could so go to America id be hapilly taken by now

well if you hate it over there so much why are you still there is there a reason that u want a woman from the us, like in to get married or something so that you can live here, there are so many men on jsh thats from a far that only looking for women from the us just so they can get married an come here to live an you sound like 1 of them??????

Desi1's photo
Mon 12/31/07 09:45 PM

It won't take you long to win my already have a hold of a big For those that said when you stop looking you will find it, but it took me some serious profile stalking to get this started. Thank goodness I was called on me evil stalking ways. I can't wait to see what great things happen for us in the new year.

Happy New Year

happy new years to you both.....ooohhh you both are soooo Desi

Desi1's photo
Mon 12/31/07 09:41 PM

im broke and im sick i think ill stay inside where its warm and drama free

well happy new years any whoo sweetie

Desi1's photo
Mon 12/31/07 09:01 PM

i would take turns cooking for you if you cook for me

I can make some amazing meals.
hello there sweetie the saying is true,k but it depends on what you cook now if your just throwing food together an call it a meal then no boo boo it will not feed his heart, a man loves when all the meal comes together and is very colorful, he can smell it be fore he reach your door, when the family next door who's been living there for years an has never said a word but hi invites themsevles over for dinner, thats the kind of meal i cook now if you can feed a man like that then you got him at least for 10 years or

Desi1's photo
Sun 12/30/07 06:27 AM

Well im Desi an my plans for the new year is not working so much spending more time with family n friends and finding me an handsome green or blue eyes
oopppsss sorry about that to much wine last

Desi1's photo
Sun 12/30/07 06:25 AM
Well im Desi an my plans for the new year is not working so much spending more time with family n friends and finding me an handsome green or blue eyes

Desi1's photo
Sun 12/30/07 06:14 AM
Well im the queen n looking for her king LEO an very true to it!!!!!!

Desi1's photo
Sun 12/30/07 06:06 AM

laugh welll I am sure he love that
or just get some eatable underwear and rap a red ribbon around you an let him have you his

Desi1's photo
Sat 12/29/07 03:11 AM
good morning n how r u?

Desi1's photo
Fri 12/28/07 06:13 PM

LOL, I think Yahoo Messenger break up is just as bad as 'Text Message break up". Such a wussie way out. Anyway, CarisLove, we already know that you're like... the perfect, but you still live about 700+ miles from me, which really does me no good.

I do know that there are women out there just as bad as the guys I wind up meeting. I think I hate them MORE than the men for ruining the few good ones that are left.
well sweetie i think your putting yourself out there a little to much not to try an tell you what to do but i dont care how long a chat with a man on line an he tells me that he loves me im not going to believe that you can tell a stranger that you love them, for me action speaks louder then words i rather to be with some1 an he doesnt have to open his mouth to say he loves me its all of the things he do for me that proves it, you can chat on line with a man for the first time an they say ohh baby i love you please im not stupid i just look like so i think you need to be more careful with on line dating.....Desi

Desi1's photo
Thu 12/27/07 10:02 AM

I could be "Jethro"!!!!noway laugh
lol lol lol lol

Desi1's photo
Wed 12/26/07 11:30 AM

i do wish you luck on the weight loss and happy birthday
hey girl i see they got you started, lol hope you enjoyed your hoilday, and i never called myself fat, fat to me is like your weight is 250-300 pound if your between 150-210 your not fat your just a pretty juicey woman thats what i call myself an no matter what any1 says love yourself, because you can be a little over weight but if you want to you can put your mind together an loose the weight but once your ugly inside an out theres nothing you can do about that but live with it, for the people who always got something to say about others that maybe a bit heavy you just mad or jealous or just dont have a life to just sit an talk about what other should do, sweep in front of your own front door, i rather have my plump round 40-ds my 27inch wast n my peacan brown ass so round you can set a plate on it an eat off it ass my 38 hipe that wen a walk across running traffic i dont have to wait for a red light cause they just stop even wen they have their partners in the car, so girl friend you tell the next ones that, an never call yourself fat we are just juicey in all the right places,, n happy new years lol lol lol

Desi1's photo
Mon 12/24/07 09:37 AM

Not all men are dogs, that's true, some are closer to donkeys. laugh On the serious side, there probably are some good guys out there....but the problem is...where does a woman look...or should she not look at all, in hopes that he will find her?
i feel there are good guys but they live so far

Desi1's photo
Mon 12/24/07 08:50 AM

Just my luck. I've been looking for an UNPROFESSIONAL black female girlfriend for years. Maybe weuns could conversate over some shrimps huh? maybe....

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