PirateQueenNoelle's photo
Sat 01/26/08 12:13 PM
very well said! This sounds like a nice guy and the crappy guys that suck! (i counldnt think of anything better to say.)

PirateQueenNoelle's photo
Sat 12/22/07 08:04 PM
just an update....dude turned out to be a jerk...look out for ted!

PirateQueenNoelle's photo
Sat 12/22/07 08:03 PM
wow...true that! thank you so much for your response!:smile:

PirateQueenNoelle's photo
Sat 12/22/07 06:14 PM
THANK YOU EVERYBODY!!!! It makes me feel better to know that I am not the only one that this has happened too. Some of you told me that they never heard anything back at all...so i should be grateful that i even heard something. I am glad you all got my back and maybe eventually the right guy will come along.

PirateQueenNoelle's photo
Sat 12/22/07 06:12 PM
hahahaha thats awsome! lol.

PirateQueenNoelle's photo
Sat 12/22/07 01:01 PM
going out with guys that claim to be these nice guys and then you get a text message the next day that says..."oh I decided to hook up with my ex...sorry"
Seriously...you have no idea how often that happens...if you want your ex then why did they go out in the first place? to make them jealous and take them back?!?! I dunno...but guys, if you are claiming to be a nice guy,
1.dont check out other girls on a date and then tell your date how hot you think they are.
2. If you decide not to date somebody say it personally not in a text message.
3. If you claim to be a gentleman...back it up!brokenheart

PirateQueenNoelle's photo
Thu 12/20/07 12:22 PM
a chork...well that rhymes with spork....so that is what you get.

PirateQueenNoelle's photo
Tue 12/18/07 06:18 PM
thank you so much for the great advice. I will keep that in mind.

PirateQueenNoelle's photo
Tue 12/18/07 06:18 PM
thanks everybody for the advice. I will definatly keep it all in mind *takes out a pad of paper and starts writing notes* lol

PirateQueenNoelle's photo
Tue 12/18/07 06:16 PM
hahahha omg! I love that movie. That made me crack up.
remember these:

PirateQueenNoelle's photo
Tue 12/18/07 06:15 PM
oh and one more,
"all work and no play makes jack a dull boy"

PirateQueenNoelle's photo
Tue 12/18/07 06:14 PM
from the shining...

PirateQueenNoelle's photo
Tue 12/18/07 06:12 PM
I am sure a lot of woman have said this.
I like being held tightly.
Kissed on the forehead...the tip of my nose.
kisses on the neck.
being suprised by a hug from behind.
a sweet little note saying that you care.

PirateQueenNoelle's photo
Tue 12/18/07 06:11 PM
I have never dated anybody online. I have been chatting with this very nice guy for a few days now. I really want to meet him and I want things to go well. Does anybody have any advice on what I should do?? I feel like I can totally be myself when I am talking with said guy. I think that is a great start. Its just that every time I start dating somebody after date 2 things never work out...either on my side or theirs....they turn out not to be the nice guy they claim to be. I am really looking forward to meeting this guy?? Can I have some info from some groovie chicks and dudes?? lol.

PirateQueenNoelle's photo
Tue 12/18/07 05:58 PM

PirateQueenNoelle's photo
Tue 12/18/07 05:56 PM
Hello all at Justsayhi.
I am new to the whole internet dating and I am very interested in meeting new people via the internet. So I started chatting with this one guy and I am very interested. I find myself thinking about him and wondering what he is doing...and we havent even met yet. I take that as a good sign....but how do I let him know I care without scaring him away??
I have my fingers crossed that we are a good match and so far so good.:wink:

PirateQueenNoelle's photo
Tue 12/18/07 05:52 PM
oh my gosh I just saw the Mist. That movie is seriously disturbing. Its awsome. I want to see it again because I got so scared at some parts that I missed something that followed. I high suggest it.
1408 is another good one.
Friday the 13th....Freddy is a Classic.
all of the saw movies
Halloween (the new version is pretty good.)
Scream (it makes me laugh because it is so ridiculous)
the exorsist, (emily rose)
ummm....the x-files.
the twilight zone
and I dont know if anyone remembers outer limits.
speaking of outer limits...signs is scary.
the old version of war of the worlds and invasion of the body snatchers...very good classic black and white.
another movie i think is awsome is the rocky horror picture show. Not scary but still pretty darn funny...if you have that odd sense of humor.
I love horror movies they are my favorite. I think maybe I should be a critic for them.
In fact...I should just be a movie critic for any movie.
Oh yeah, Disney put out a tower of terror movie. It creepie for a kiddie movie. Well put together and explains the ride. (no there was no actual episode of the tower of terror, all made up.)