Community > Posts By > madisonman

madisonman's photo
Sun 03/15/09 05:59 AM

I did some sausage and red, yellow, green and orange peppers in olive oil last night and had it on a good sausage roll for breakfast. Pass the Gas X

I guess thats a sandwich? or a wrap like a tortilla?

I need clarity here!

a good sausage bun made it a sandwich, forgot to mention the onions. It was realy good, the olive oil tames the peppers and I use this great sausage from a butcher shop

madisonman's photo
Sun 03/15/09 05:54 AM
I did some sausage and red, yellow, green and orange peppers in olive oil last night and had it on a good sausage roll for breakfast. Pass the Gas X

madisonman's photo
Sun 03/15/09 04:16 AM


madisonman's photo
Sun 03/15/09 04:12 AM
a Norris/Palin ticket?laugh

madisonman's photo
Sun 03/15/09 04:03 AM
Chuck Norris, heady from his recent success as political kingmaker (if Mike Huckabee's third place finish in the Republican primaries makes him "king") is now speculating about a political run of his own ...

madisonman's photo
Sun 03/15/09 03:50 AM

You think spitting on someone is acceptable behaviour as well? noway

So anyone who gets insulted by another should be allowed to assault in return and run off scott-free? And be rewarded for it?

If someone was directly responsible for murdering my family my neighbours, my culture.... I would drop my daks and urinate on them, after I threw my shoes, your shoes, and spat on him.

Keep it in context.... does the shoe throwing crime fit the crime done by Bush?
laugh flowerforyou

madisonman's photo
Sun 03/15/09 03:15 AM

Understood. However, if you're going to create laws for citizens to abide by, should it not be that they must all follow the rules? Why should some go unpunished? Who gets to decide which people should be exempt?

I personally don't believe that if I murdered a person who even tormented and killed my entire family, that the deed should go unpunished.

I might feel good about it, and probably not feel any remorse at all, but neither should it be rewarded and reveled.

Indeed and yet Bush goes unpunished for his war crimes.......the closest thing to justice was the shoe heard round the world. One can only hope he ends up dodgeing shoes the rest of his natural life since we all know justice will not be served against this maniac

madisonman's photo
Sun 03/15/09 02:51 AM
Muntazer al-Zaidi. was found guilty and sentenced to 3 years in prison. I think he deserves the medal of freedom.

madisonman's photo
Sun 03/15/09 01:42 AM
Edited by madisonman on Sun 03/15/09 01:42 AM

HUME: It's kind of a bear market within a bear market. The market was already down tremendously over the previous year, and I think most people entered this period of the new Obama administration thinking that it probably was bottoming out and that he would give by his very presence and by what he would offer real hope and that it would at least change the psychology a bit. It has changed the psychology, it seems, for the worse and I think he does bear responsibility for that, and the impression that he has managed to leave is that he's too busy with massive new spending and a scatter shot stimulus bill which was reckless and breathless new initiatives. On top of that you have this budget with all these breathtaking new initiatives to reorder our lives in a multitude of ways.

In the meantime, first order of business, the unfinished business of the previous administration. First order of business for the new administration, the financial crisis, the credit crisis. And, so far, no plan of any discernible shape of dealing with that. A couple of pieces in place as Governor Kaine pointed out. But that's what the market is looking for. It hasn't come. It's very hard. But, that's the big problem.

Britt Hume ABC news. It's the Obama bear market now.
Brit Hume works for Fox big suprise here

madisonman's photo
Sat 03/14/09 08:35 PM

laugh love ya
I know.........:wink:

madisonman's photo
Sat 03/14/09 08:33 PM

madison....stop interupting the play lol
"yes drear"

madisonman's photo
Sat 03/14/09 08:18 PM
I am just so greatfull she isnt our VP.

madisonman's photo
Sat 03/14/09 08:09 PM
I've been investigating this for nearly a month now, and I cannot say that I know for sure what happened in Palmer Alaska on April 18th 2008. But as a medical professional who has spent much of my life around childbearing women I can state this with confidence: Her birth story is utterly absurd, a tale of an implausible series of ridiculous choices. If you want to call it "a lie," be my guest.

No 44 year old woman, pregnant for the fifth time with a special-needs child would make the decisions she made, and no doctor would support them. She traveled out of state during the 35th week of her pregnancy. After experiencing premature rupture of membranes and some contractions, she waited nearly ten hours to give a speech then traveled nearly twelve hours more, taking two separate flights both of which had flight times of around four hours, with a layover of approximately two hours in between. Expected duration of labor for someone with Gov. Palin's history (four previous vaginal births) would be 6 hours +/- 3.6 hours. It was not only "possible" that she would give birth long before she arrived back in Alaska, it was probable. And, while it's just barely believable that she would remain at a conference and wait to give a speech she was "determined to give" (since a modern hospital was only minutes away), there's no way one can apply this same reasoning to her subsequently getting on an airplane for two separate four-hour flights.

Yet, after somehow beating the statistics on the flights, once arriving in Anchorage, she did not drive to the only hospital in the state (Providence) with a neonatal intensive care unit (six miles from the airport) where her doctor had privileges. Instead, she drove an hour to a small regional health facility (only 39 beds in the whole hospital).

By the time she arrived there, she met five high-risk obstetric criteria:
*she was 44 (anything above 40(some sources say 37 or 39)) is considered high-risk due to maternal age;
* she was carrying a known high-risk infant;
*she was considered "grand multiparous" (five or more viable pregnancies);
* she was in labor at 35-36 weeks (anything before 37 weeks is considered pre term);
* her amniotic sac had been ruptured nearly 24 hours.

Yet, the hospital that she is reported to have given birth at does no high risk obstetrics at all; even twins are not allowed to be born there. She had as her physician a family practice doctor who is reported on the hospital's web site as having done only three births in the previous two years!

None of these choices makes sense. Taken all together, it's ridiculous. And, to repeat, we're also supposed to believe that somewhere there is a doctor who went along with all this.

With this as the "starting point," then you have to start looking at all the other coincidences. Any one of these items, alone, could be easily shrugged off. Without a birth story that resembles Mr. Toad's Wild Ride more than anything else, one of two of these would be insignificant. But, all of this together? What are the chances?
* Gov. Palin never looked pregnant at all before the announcement, and even afterward people had their doubts. (One writer in the Anchorage Daily News asked facetiously one week after Gov. Palin's announcement, when she would have been around seven months, "Where is she hiding that baby? In her pocket?"), yet we have a photograph of her in her first pregnancy in which she looks... very conspicuously pregnant.
*Rumors existed before Gov. Palin announced her pregnancy on March 6th that Bristol was expecting. This has been confirmed by Palin's own spokesman. What did Palin do to counteract them? She told at least one person that it wasn't true. Wouldn’t it have been a lot more effective to appear in public – just one time - with your non-pregnant daughter?
*Bristol was removed from one school in late fall 2007, attended a second one sporadically until Christmas, but then was apparently out due to "mono" from Christmas on. (Correction: Further investigation has tracked down a credible sources that states as follows: Bristol Palin attended Wasilla High School for the fall semester, 2007. After the Christmas Holiday break she attended West High School in Anchorage for January and February 2008. She was removed from Anchorage West High School around March 1, 2008. The reason given among her friends that she had "finished early" due to taking "distance learning classes." I cannot find any "original" source for the idea that Bristol Palin had mono at any point. It was stated in the original Daily Kos blog / diary that broke the story on August 31, 2008, and seems to have been repeated widely, but the original source for this was and still is unknown to me.)
*Not one photo of the Palin family has been released from around the time of the birth, even though Palin has stated that all three of the Palin daughters were at the hospital.
*Palin's doctor, beyond some very brief (and frankly non-convincing) statements made last April in the first 2-3 days after the birth, has never once been willing to give the simplest statement to the press. Wouldn't having your doctor, perhaps accompanied by the hospital's CEO, do a press conference and announcing "Yes, I was at the birth of Trig Palin on April 18th, 2008, and Sarah Palin is Trig's biological mother." be preferable to telling the whole world that your seventeen-year-old daughter is pregnant? Wouldn't the doctor want to do that in the face of "ridiculous" "hurtful" and "insulting" rumors, and to spare Bristol the notoriety of becoming the most famous pregnant teen in America? Apparently not.
*Alaska Air officials, faced with the announcement of the birth on April 18th, made a point of stating that Sarah Palin's "stage of pregnancy" was not obvious on the flight the night before, nor were there any signs of labor or distress. They specifically called a news conference to do this.
*Gov. Palin has already been caught in numerous lies, exaggerations and "flip-flops" regarding the birth. She herself gave varying accounts in the first few days after the birth. She and her doctor put out statements concerning their interaction during the labor which contradicted each other directly. More recently, she told People Magazine (and others) that Willow spotted and asked about Trig's Down's syndrome as soon as she saw him in the hospital, which directly contradicts a statement given to the Anchorage Daily News three days after the birth which was that "you can't tell by looking" at that point that Trig has Down's.

Photos exist of a pregnant Gov. Palin that have widely touted as settling the issue as well. They do nothing of the sort. The allegation is that she faked a pregnancy. To fake a pregnancy one would have to do more than just talk; one would have to, at some point, look pregnant. Therefore, photos of her looking pregnant prove nothing. We would expect that there would be some photos of this nature. This never seems to occur to those who have turned to these photos as proof. However, curiously, these photos do show one thing: careful analysis of those that do exist from the period of 3/6 to 4/17 show an inexplicable variation in size, shape, and positioning of the pregnancy. Two photos exist taken only three days apart just ten days before the birth. In one Gov. Palin can barely get her arms and hands around her noticeably pregnant belly; in the other, she does so easily.

The announcement from the McCain campaign that Bristol is, as of September 1, five months pregnant put the brakes on the whole story, but it shouldn't have. Gov. Palin has used the fact that she gave birth to a child in April knowing that he had Down's as part and parcel of her political persona. This moves the whole issue out of the private realm, and into the public. In the face of legitimate evidence that the event did not happen the way she claims it did, the public does have the right to get some real answers. As of yet, we have not gotten them


Why am I doing this?
My husband and I are not "left wing bloggers," "conspiracy theorists," or otherwise fruitcakes. I am a childbirth labor coach, a published author in the childbirth field, and a lactation consultant; my husband is a physician who has, until this election, always voted Republican. So we're hardly coming from left field.

Shortly after the announcement of Palin's selection, rumors ran rampant on the Internet that she had not given birth to "Trig" but he was the child of her oldest daughter Bristol. Then – bang – in one fell swoop, the story was killed by the staggering announcement that Bristol was actually five months pregnant now, thus (very neatly) precluding her giving birth in mid April.

There are enough "anomalies" surrounding the pregnancy and birth last April that reasonable people can ask reasonable questions, and should be able to get answers without feeling like we're breaking some sort of national law or "picking on" a seventeen year old or a baby with Down's Syndrome. One right wing blogger suggested that there are just some things we have to accept on trust, this is one of them, and that's the end of it. Not to us. The story does matter... if she would lie about something like this, what else would she lie about?

Comment: In short, that Governor Palin, NOT her daughter, did give birth is now "proved" by two facts: the first is that Bristol Palin is currently expecting a child, and the second is that photos exist, reliably datable to March and April 2008 in which Gov. Palin definitely looks pregnant. Here is my response to both of these "proofs." First, how in the world do we know that Bristol Palin is five months pregnant now, other than the word of her parents? And she MUST be FIVE MONTHS (as of September 1, 2008) pregnant to preclude giving birth in April… if she is even 3 ½ months, it does not rule out that she could be Trig's mother. Secondly, photos exist of Sarah Palin appearing pregnant in March and April. What does this prove? Nothing. A quick internet search will reveal numerous "gag" sites which sell pregnancy suits, modeled by women all of whom … guess what? … appear very convincingly pregnant.

madisonman's photo
Sat 03/14/09 08:04 PM

laugh women get pregnate that late these days.

my sister was 8 months pregnant and you couldn't tell. with me i looked like i carried twins

even premature....that's still way too close
a simple birth certificate would end the rumors yet it was never made available nor was the birth record recorded at the office Palin alagedly had the kid at.huh

madisonman's photo
Sat 03/14/09 08:01 PM

so Trig born in Sept + Tripp born in December = not phsyically possible to be from the same mom

so how is that possible???? is that possible for bristol to give birth to 2 in a few months?
could be a lie the baby was premature? who the ehck knowes the birth certificate was never made availaible adding fuel to the rumor

madisonman's photo
Sat 03/14/09 07:59 PM
1. Sarah is 44 years old- pretty unlikely that she’d just get pregnant naturally.

2. She announced her pregnancy at 7 MONTHS and the general consensus was that Palin “simply doesn’t look pregnant.”

3. After supposedly going into labor in Texas, Sarah stuck around for awhile to give a speech and eventually hopped on a plane back to Alaska to give birth. When asked why the airline employees actually let her on the plane, she said: “I wasn’t showing much so they didn’t know.”

Now I don’t know about you, but personally I think I’d know if a woman was seven months pregnant- and I’m certain I’d know it at nine months - especially someone as fit and trim as Sarah Palin.

Also - there is NO WAY IN HELL any doctor is going to ok air travel for a 44 year old pregnant woman- especially one carrying a baby with down syndrome.

Now let me be clear: I don’t care if she wants to raise her daughter’s son. It’s actually a pretty honorable thing to do.

However, if it turns out she lied about it being her kid, then she is done. McCain is going to need a new running mate.
Information and Links

madisonman's photo
Sat 03/14/09 07:55 PM
If rumors on the internet are to be believed, the 4 month old infant baby Trig Palin (picture above), Who Sarah Palin introduced as her baby is actually her daughter Bristol Palin’s (picture below) baby. Trig Palin has been diagnosed with Down Syndrome and was seen in the hands of Bristol Palin when the entire family was introduced by Sarah Palin. It is being said that Sarah Palin pretended to be pregnant and not even her own staff were aware of the pregnancy until she was seven months into the pregnancy. According to Bristol’s classmates at school she was beginning to show a small bump and had missed 5 months of her school owing to what her family described as a “bad case of mono”.
This also factors in

madisonman's photo
Sat 03/14/09 07:52 PM

there are many reasons people think Barracuda Palin faked a pregnancy see this CBS news footage .............

MADMAN....i already said i don't have speakers. is there a transcript??? but how is that HUMANLY possible. where did trig come from?
Goes like this, she was in TEXAS giveing some pep rally speach her water broke, she then flew back to alaska many hours with amnionic fluid running down her legg in a high risk pregnancy, drove past a couple hospitals in alaska to get to a local one near Wallisa and they do not have the birth record.......I will dig you the facts up

madisonman's photo
Sat 03/14/09 07:50 PM
Its sorta sad the abstinance only mom couldnt keep her daughter in her Calvins and out of Levis:wink:

madisonman's photo
Sat 03/14/09 07:32 PM
there are many reasons people think Barracuda Palin faked a pregnancy see this CBS news footage .............

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