Community > Posts By > codelockbox

codelockbox's photo
Tue 03/24/09 02:16 AM
Who's still awake like me?

codelockbox's photo
Mon 03/23/09 04:45 AM
Take your photos on your phone and e-mail them to your email address then take the photos from your e-mail and upload them.

codelockbox's photo
Wed 03/18/09 02:42 AM
hi there.

codelockbox's photo
Wed 03/18/09 02:03 AM
Still awake.

codelockbox's photo
Wed 03/18/09 01:33 AM
Edited by codelockbox on Wed 03/18/09 01:33 AM
Well not sure what to say about that really. I guess to mess with peoples feeling is wrong. But women by Science, studies, and polls are or will have a same sex experience. Either by the means of kissing, sex, or even dating.

I myself am not a women. I have seen on a lot of dating sites women place there prefer sex as Bi. Maybe this women your dealing might be bi and may not understand the difference between gay or straight.

Sounds pretty confusing I am sure. In time all things show there true nature.

codelockbox's photo
Wed 03/18/09 01:09 AM
Hey whats up?

codelockbox's photo
Fri 01/02/09 11:15 PM
I will be 31 soon.:banana: :banana:

codelockbox's photo
Sun 12/28/08 08:41 PM
laugh laugh laugh

codelockbox's photo
Sun 12/28/08 08:22 PM
A Pack Of Smokes.

codelockbox's photo
Thu 12/25/08 06:23 PM
I don't nor would I take time to attack anyone. I just see things for how they are. I have lived for my age a long life. I grew up in a bad home, or as I would call it. Yet when I was of age, to leave the foster home. I joined and did a total of 12 years in the U.S. Army.

I have been and visited many countries around the world. I have seen and spent 3 years in the Iraq war. I have seen much death, pain, and lived it. I was released from service March 17, 2006 from the service for being shot while serving in the war.

In my life I have come to understand only I have a choice what happens to me. The pursuit of happiness can be found only with in a person.

I guess in the world people like to find pity or reason or try to spend the time to reach to others about there regrets. Being hurt, or in pain is not a good thing at all. And I do feel bad for people who are hurt, people who are killed, people who are abused. I do have a heart. I will not bring god or what I think is write or wrong in to a topic like this. I just wish people would sit down and think to themselves for a bit. I use this word ""CHOICE"" a lot. Why I do it because I think a lot of the world forget they really have a choice on what happens.

codelockbox's photo
Thu 12/25/08 06:05 PM

Well I don't mean to sound cold in anyway. But the truth is everyone has a choice. I watch TV from time to time and I see talk shows, about teens who are abused when they were younger, and they grow up doing bad things. Or people who been treated badly in anyway and its like they GOLDEN TICKET to say hey I did this BUT this is why I did it.

To me, when it comes to life, its all about choice. If your not happy, make yourself happy.

For women to say oh I stayed because I have no where else to go, you always have some where to go, the first step is leaving. Some use the kids as an excuse, he will take my kids in court or little Timmy needs a father in his life. Timmy does not need to see mommy getting beat everyday.

I feel, and in my opinion women who are abused, hurt, beat for many, many years stay because of fear, or like I said before low self esteem. Mental issues. Its a sad story. Yet like I also said before you have a choice.

It was YOU who stayed, It was YOU who allowed your self to get verbally abusive and or physically abused. I mean yes the abuser being man or women did do that actions, but you stayed. For what ever reason you stayed.

I think Human it so easy to point the finger of blame then to say you know what. This was not working, or I did do this to myself, chalk it up and learn, and move on with your life.

I know everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but until you've walked in someone else's shoes, you should keep the rudeness to yourself. We are all here to support each other, we are here to help each other heal, that sure isn't what you are here for.

Again I am never directed my post towards anyone. Once you quote a persons post then the finger pointing starts. My comment on this topic was my opinion. From what I have learned in life. Because I am a man doesn't mean I don't know anything about abuse.

I watched my father beat my mother to death. 1983 she passed away. I was 5 years old. From a small child I can remember back as far a 3 years old the fighting over and over.

The sad thing is I was a child. And my lack of knowledge and being a child. Kids really don't have a choice. Adult, grown humans do.

So I do understand this topic. And inside very upset at my mother for staying with a man who ended her life. But all things aside. She loved him, she loved me. And she died by him. Her choice.

From my first post on this topic. I had said I have seen many, MANY posts on here. About cheating, abuse and other things. Its to easy for people to point the blame and seek pity about there bad choices. Yes I do feel horrible for people who been hurt. And even some of the people who have quoted me on here, which is a form of finger pointing, name calling. I feel for there pain as well.

codelockbox's photo
Thu 12/25/08 05:55 PM
Edited by codelockbox on Thu 12/25/08 05:56 PM

you know what? it's people like you who perpetuate the myth that women who dress provocatively deserve rape and women who stay are simply defective. ugh this is so disgusting i'm out of here.

thanks everyone else for your kindness and understanding.

don't talk about what you don't know code 2#$%

god see ya

I am sorry that your another sad case online trying to reach out to people for pity because in life you went down the wrong path and now seek to make a post on here to reach out to others about your pain. I am sorry that you were abused. I am sorry that you were hurt and are still hurting.

At the same time UNTIL you understand that you put your self in that pain. You will never learn. Making yourself look like a victim does not change the fact that YOU were with that man.

Everyone has red flags about them. I am sure your not dumb and blind to the world, you seen things. I am sure you picked up on things from time to time, but more the anything you second guessed stuff. Oh I am sure this was a first time thing, or oh he will change, or I am sure it was an accident. You should have went with your gut feeling. And left a lot sooner then you did.

But again I am only guess all of this because how you have lashed out at me. These are public forums. And I was only speaking my opinion about how I feel about the topic.

Again I am sorry about the pain you have been and still are having inside. But remember you always have a choice.

codelockbox's photo
Thu 12/25/08 05:45 PM
Well I don't mean to sound cold in anyway. But the truth is everyone has a choice. I watch TV from time to time and I see talk shows, about teens who are abused when they were younger, and they grow up doing bad things. Or people who been treated badly in anyway and its like they GOLDEN TICKET to say hey I did this BUT this is why I did it.

To me, when it comes to life, its all about choice. If your not happy, make yourself happy.

For women to say oh I stayed because I have no where else to go, you always have some where to go, the first step is leaving. Some use the kids as an excuse, he will take my kids in court or little Timmy needs a father in his life. Timmy does not need to see mommy getting beat everyday.

I feel, and in my opinion women who are abused, hurt, beat for many, many years stay because of fear, or like I said before low self esteem. Mental issues. Its a sad story. Yet like I also said before you have a choice.

It was YOU who stayed, It was YOU who allowed your self to get verbally abusive and or physically abused. I mean yes the abuser being man or women did do that actions, but you stayed. For what ever reason you stayed.

I think Human it so easy to point the finger of blame then to say you know what. This was not working, or I did do this to myself, chalk it up and learn, and move on with your life.

codelockbox's photo
Thu 12/25/08 05:19 PM
I can't relate myself. I guess when I see things are not going the correct way, I leave, break up, move on with my life. Yes I am a guy at the same time I think why stay in something that is not good or healthy?

Women can be abused in some situations, like maybe if they are locked in a basement, chained up, no way out. But for the other 99 percent who are or still in an abusive relationship they are there by free choice.

Women feel they can't move on, either are married have kids, they have a false sense of hopelessness. Low self esteem or mental health issues.

In life everyone has a choice. You choose your path, your walk, and what you do.

I have read many posts about people who have been abused, or cheated on, or beat, ect... ect.. Its sad but unless they were chained to a basement the end result is they took that path that caused them that pain.

codelockbox's photo
Wed 11/19/08 01:39 AM
The books is about time travel.

codelockbox's photo
Wed 11/19/08 01:36 AM
I have been working on a book for the past 2 years. Writers block. I have done some poems here and there from time to time.

codelockbox's photo
Wed 11/19/08 01:33 AM

codelockbox's photo
Wed 11/19/08 01:30 AM
Is it a good book?

codelockbox's photo
Wed 11/19/08 01:28 AM
Well I guess that will work.

codelockbox's photo
Wed 11/19/08 01:27 AM
I am sorry to hear that.

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