Community > Posts By > AllenAqua

AllenAqua's photo
Tue 08/31/10 01:57 PM
My thanks to all for the input so far. especially to Teditus:thumbsup: and venusenvyflowerforyou

I guess I'm just trying to make a good choice about whether or not it's worthwhile to continue to see this person. I realize that it's hard to give good advice with limited information. I also admit that my take on this person is iffy, at best.

She doesn't seem to be asking me for much beyond just listening to her vent and understanding but sheesh... She's almost got me to the point of agreeing with her that men are indeed "pigs".

It's all so conflicting because she smiles at me so sweetly whenever I smile at her and seems excited to see me...
At the same time it's a heavy burden to bear attempting to be THE one man who isn't like "all the rest"...

I think I can handle a little anxiety, but I'm not so sure of someone that's unwilling to be introspective about their past...

It's a hard call... For sure...

AllenAqua's photo
Tue 08/31/10 11:03 AM
I believe that the Keebler elves are mocking me from my pantry shelf.

They don't realize it yet but since their package is dated past the edible date, they're about to have their magical little behinds thrown in the disposal...


AllenAqua's photo
Tue 08/31/10 10:34 AM

I've no formal training in these areas but have had many dealings with many people types... with that said, I think it would depend on how destructive, both physically and emotionally, to others the person is.
It's a shame, to me, to watch others getting involved with people who have any type of emotional/psychological disorder without researching what they're getting into... and that's given that the person with the disorder realizes the disorder and is upfront about it.
If they are aware and make the other person aware... good relationships can be built. But I also think that those are the rarer scenario...

Yeah... The reason I'm wondering is that I've been seeing this attractive but slightly mixed up lady who's my age, has children at home still, lives off her deceased husband's pension, and seems to blame every man that she's ever been involved with for turning her into the "*****" that she is...

We're only casually dating and for the most part it's fun but anytime she brings up the subject of men I feel the need to defend myself for being one...

I'm not sure of how to discuss my concerns with her without seeming critical or even if I should agree to another date or not...

I do know that she was abused by her mother but I'm unsure of how to do more than listen quietly when she brings it up.

Anyways, it's always something, I guess...

AllenAqua's photo
Tue 08/31/10 10:05 AM
I've read that these are considered character disorders. That in simple layman's terms, the narcissist views the world (things and circumstances outside his/her self) as the root cause of their problems, while the neurotic considers problems, no matter how outside their control, as caused by them personally...

And that most of us fall somewhere between these two extremes...

My question is are folks datable if they display attitudes and behavior that point to them being close to either side of the spectrum ?

I realize that there are some learned members that may have insights pertaining to my query so while completely open to any thoughts or opinions, I'd most like to hear what someone who's studied these conditions might have to offer on the matter...

AllenAqua's photo
Tue 08/31/10 09:30 AM
I believe the topic is dishonesty in relationships, not whether my screen name is my actual name, which is for me to know and you to never find out... If that bugs ya, well... whatever...

AllenAqua's photo
Tue 08/31/10 09:26 AM

And they said I was just paranoid of people following me scared scared I knew I was right!

(Off topic: Hey Allen ever dive in Belize?)

Not Belize yet, but I have in Aruba...Awesome, to say the least...

I've been too busy following you around dude!laugh

AllenAqua's photo
Tue 08/31/10 09:22 AM

I don't think it takes nerve... Or gall...

Posting a reply, no matter how absurd or ridiculous is pretty much an exercise in futility in my opinion, if there's no productive point to be made...

what's ridiculous is those that go around trying to dictate what should or shouldn't be posted by long as what is being posted falls within the rules of the site then it shouldn't be a problem .....perhaps you have an unconscious desire to be a site moderator


AllenAqua's photo
Tue 08/31/10 09:18 AM

All right, I'm going to be gone a few days.
So I want everyone to play nice while I'm gone!! happy

Have fun roaming! drinker
...nice is a four-letter word, js.

Roaming is going Walkabout !!
But if we played nice the place would get
too crowded.

What exactly is a walkabout?

Good morning Miss Ruthflowerforyou

I love going walkabout. I first heard the term as a young sailor on liberty in Australia. It's a wonderful experience of just roaming about, whether actually walking or not, the countryside or any undefined area for the expressed purpose of spontaneously experiencing whatever the journey might bring. There are no rules or customs to it beyond just following your nose...

Another fun activity I like is called "follow your neighbor" in which the whole point is to just get out in your car, pick another car that you'll see and follow it. You have to be somewhat careful and stealthy about it since it verges on stalking but the whole idea is to just see where the following takes you...
Of course if you're spotted or the other vehicle stops, you have to pick another car to follow... It's somewhat mischievous but totally harmless fun, Fun that is if you're like me and enjoy offbeat activities...

I once ended up in Gatlinburg Tn. just in time to win third prize ($100.00 gift certificate) in a raffle sponsored by the local fire dept.
I'd not been in town for ten minutes even...

AllenAqua's photo
Tue 08/31/10 09:01 AM

does telling lies ever benefit anybody?i guess what i mean is ,even if you don,t get caught in the lie,are you glad that you lied later.doesn,t every lie come back to haunt you,one way or seems to me that there is a lot more talk about dishonesty on this internet site than in real life.does anyone else notice this.if so,do you think maybe its because people are more likely to admit their dishonesty on here or that maybe its got something to do with the group of people who frequent these sites?

Online or off, being dishonest in a relationship is akin to building a fire in the woodstove because the ac is set too cold...

It only makes sense to a one track mind...

AllenAqua's photo
Tue 08/31/10 08:56 AM
I don't think it takes nerve... Or gall...

Posting a reply, no matter how absurd or ridiculous is pretty much an exercise in futility in my opinion, if there's no productive point to be made...

AllenAqua's photo
Tue 08/31/10 08:30 AM
It's astounding to me that this well intended thread has been hijacked by someone who's plainly obvious agenda is to argue pointlessly ad nauseum .


AllenAqua's photo
Tue 08/31/10 07:05 AM
I'm thinking I wouldn't dress any differently, or carry any weapons, but I'll certainly keep my eyes wide open next time...

AllenAqua's photo
Sun 08/29/10 08:53 AM

I'm single again.

Who is gonna come around and try to hump my leg? laugh

I remember all too well last leg I humped... It was a bright shiny new day and the flowers were blooming, the sky was vibrant and the bees were buzzin...

She was 4 times my size and fragrant of calamine lotion and tacos...

My love for her was pressing and immediate, bound only by the constraints of New Hampshire state laws we, ( or I should say "I" rather) humped without abandon and then in the mystical afterglow of that burning forbidden moment, the traffic light changed and she crossed the street and crushed my heart...

Hang in there Kiddo, things could be worse ohwell


AllenAqua's photo
Wed 08/25/10 04:32 PM

I don't believe that anyone holding the office of Presidency in the United States should bow to any foreign power...

He lost major points with me for that reason alone...

its a sign of respect, he gained points with me,

our customs dont apply everywhere else,,,

He can bow and scrape all he wants to, I reckon... I guess you don't see the irony of our Commander and Chief bowing to a foreign potentate, emperor or whatever since it's a sign of "respect". What? A handshake isn't a sign of respect in foreign countries?

Hmmm... Bowing to a slave owner... Nope, nothing wrong with that picture.
Bowing to the Emperor of Japan... Japan??? Excuse me, but weren't they the ones that claimed complete superiority over all other races and nations?
I'm sure the family members of those massacred at Pearl Harbor and the Philippines appreciate that one...
I had two uncles that sacrificed their lives fighting in the South Pacific...

Excuse my American ugliness but having the supposed leader of the free world even lowering his eyes to another "leader" makes me sick...

AllenAqua's photo
Wed 08/25/10 07:06 AM
I don't believe that anyone holding the office of Presidency in the United States should bow to any foreign power...

He lost major points with me for that reason alone...

AllenAqua's photo
Wed 08/25/10 06:34 AM
I would think that the Marine Corp would oppose open homosexuality in their ranks for the same reason women don't bunk and fight side by side with men.

Relationships are bound to occur right?

Imagine you and your boyfriend are captured...

I know that if my girlfriend were captured, I'd just about give up anything to keep her from being tortured... I'd be ineffective as a soldier in that case, not to mention a security risk...

Anyways... It seems so to me...

AllenAqua's photo
Tue 08/24/10 09:03 AM
I'd expect her to be good at kickboxing, know how to bait her own hook, and read my mind... Oh yeah, one more thing... She absolutely MUST love to watch old 3 stooges reruns...

Now that's not too much to ask... Is it ???

AllenAqua's photo
Tue 08/24/10 08:39 AM
Edited by AllenAqua on Tue 08/24/10 08:44 AM
The disappearing part is easy... We're all going down that road...

The reappearing part, not so much...

As for me, I'll strive to enjoy my days in the here and now since fantasy has no substance but every minute that I waste is precious...

I do get your meaning though...

I suppose I'd wish big though...

Something like, I'd "reappear" on another planet that's like Bora Bora as a bird or a mermaid with the power of the incredible Hulk and hang out with Grizzly Adams and Rondoobie. We'd all go to the club to listen to Neil Young groove with Thorb...

Afterwards, I'd of course turn into a wolf and eat everyone...

AllenAqua's photo
Tue 08/24/10 08:00 AM

Hi Miss Ruth,flowerforyou

Oh... I've been to my home planet... I had some extra rocket fuel so I decided to check in with the old crowd...:tongue:

Well, I for one, am very happy you stopped by. It sounds like you might be having a hard time....Sorry. frown

But, I'm still happy to see you and hope you are well. flowerforyou

Thanks so much but I'm not having a particularly hard time. I'm just stating my true feelings on this topic.

I, myself have made the mistake of both seeking advice and understanding online. Looking for answers from without, not always stopping to realize that all life's important answers come from within.

I'm just not sure about the notion that it's always healthy to express what you're feeling.

Hey Miss Ruth, love the new pics...

AllenAqua's photo
Tue 08/24/10 07:44 AM

I'd like to know why one should let it all out... How would that really help anyone to express your true feelings to strangers?

How can this help you to be "healthy" ?

Even your closest friends can betray you on a bad day...

Unless you're in a running for some popularity contest, which I'm not, I don't see the point because you're more than likely to going to get some ersatz advice or insincere sympathy at best, or kicked in the head (because you admit you're down) for your trouble...

This is my true feelings on this particular matter...


The grumpy Grinch

PS. By the way, I didn't steal Christmas or have wicked thoughts about Cindy Lou Who...

It's all a lie...

Allen!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where ya been???? flowers flowers flowers

Hi Miss Ruth,flowerforyou

Oh... I've been to my home planet... I had some extra rocket fuel so I decided to check in with the old crowd...:tongue:

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