Community > Posts By > Ras427

Ras427's photo
Sun 08/02/15 09:26 AM

Not sure what you are asking there, bigpapared.

Using symbols to protest things has been even more American than Apple Pie, since the country was conceived of.

You and I may not agree with the people who are protesting, but as Americans, it is our duty to defend their right to protest this way, for the sake of our own freedom.

If you are asking if anything has been done in the name of the United States, which deserves to be protested intensely, even bitterly, then the answer is yes of course. Evil people have always manipulated patriots of any nation, to get them to assist them in committing crimes of all sorts. Everything from theft, to mass murder.

Now to me, my American flag represents the ongoing battle against those kinds of people, to put an end to such crimes. But I completely understand that those who have suffered abuse under the guise of this nation's need to pursue it's best self interest, might well view that same symbol with dismay and even hatred.
Wasn't you Igor. I can't name him by name but he's avoiding my question about attacking the Union battle flag which flies over the country today.
your question makes no sense, I only answer questions that make sense.

Clarify the question.
Ok. Why aren't we hearing you complaining about people of color defacing the UNION flag in 2015? You want the Confederate flag gone then why don't you support deporting those idiots to Iraq? Oh wait. Liberals don't have room in their agendas for that.
quite simple, that flag warrants defacing. Why would I object, we aren't exactly a unified country. Never were, never will.
Not with people who have views about life that are at best ignorant and worst blatantly racist.
wrong, that flag is rooted in racism, death and destruction as well as a symbol of dehumanization of an segment of society.

You can honor it all you wish, I prefer to dishonor it because it does not represent the principles I believe in.

It does not represent truth, justice or equality.
Then would you agree that we need to ban red and blue bandanas? More people have died as a result of the GENOCIDE perpetrated by the bloods and crips than the recorded amount of slave deaths at the hands of Southern plantation owners.
Recorded deaths? What recorded deaths and who recorded them?
Red and blue bandanas are worn by workers, gangbangers, but bandanas are not a representation of genocide.
The Confederate battle flag represents a segment of society that committed atrocities upon another segment of society and was sanctioned by goverment.

The differences are obvious.

Ras427's photo
Fri 07/31/15 10:25 AM
It's a step foward in the right direction.

Ras427's photo
Fri 07/31/15 10:22 AM

Natural Selection.

Being black, isn't an excuse.

It is not an excuse, it's a cause.
I saw more of the video today including the fake 'Hey buddy how ya doin' from tensing.

I couldn't see anything in the car and have not heard about a liquor bottle or suspicion of drunkenness. What I did notice was Dubose' natural reaction, not violent, of GENTLY pulling the door closed. All speech before this point by both parties was normal volume and inflection. I remember a Set of laws called the Miranda laws that apply to everyone in the U.S. Tensing after the visible slight natural muscular reaction of anyone in fear of their safety then for NO REASON yells STOP STOP! Bang. THEN the car moves. Dubose didn't even put his hands up or attempt to duck or weave away from the gun he likely never saw. The last motion before the shot by Dubose was away from the ignition area because he was asked to remove his seatbelt. He might have actually run over someone if he had removed his seatbelt and been taken out of the car. Atno time during what was showed of the video(s) was he asked to take the car out of gear, turn off the engine, or whether he was drinking or had any weapons. He might have been intoxicated, he might have just had an empty container in the car which is very easy to plant.
Driving without a license on your person might be a moving violation, no front license plate, moving violation, both minor. Tensing did go to the ground on his butt but if he drew and fired his sidearm which we all know he did that takes at the least one hand. If his other hand was on the door handle all he had to do was let go.
Last time I checked door handles don't run people over.
I'd like to see forensic analysis of car and the gun to see if it was inside or outside the window when the solitary fatal shot was fired.
I wonder why tensing or his partner did not attempt to blow out the tires with additional rounds if 'he almost ran him over'? Could it be because they both knew that he was already dead?spock

again, wrong post... do you guys not read either?
It doesn't matter, both cases involve white kops Black person, same premise.

Ras427's photo
Thu 07/30/15 02:28 PM

why is it so hard to do what they say to do?

if that guy did what the cop told him, there wouldn't have been a problem...

whenever someone is pulled over by the police, they are technically "under arrest" until the cop is done doing what they're doing...

not real hard people...
Wrong, this man did not need to die. He was unarmed. He was not a criminal, he was not wanted, he had no warrants for anything outstanding.

The problem here is the total disregard for life when it comes to Black people.
There is great denial in this nation in regards to the racist element within law enforcement.

Whenever a nation fails to acknowledge her shortcomings, there is no way to correct it.

The racist element in law enforcement is well documented.

it's his own fault... to bad your hatred can't see reality..
I hate injustice, but I'm afraid your condition is far worst. A compassionate person who holds all life dear, you'd have a different position.

You say it's his fault, that alone sounds like you have sided with the police. Whereas that police was arrested for murder.

Hateing injustice is not adhering to racism. I simply hate injustice while those who are detached are comfortable with it. Afterall, kops, Black or white don't kill unarmed whites.

well, if you don't wanna get shot or tased by the "black hating 'kops'", i suggest compliance would be the best answer...
Wrong!! The best answer is radical reform for law enforcement.
No one unarmed should be sentenced to death on the spot under any circumstances.

You HATE the fact that a killer kop was arrested and has a million dollar bail. Good, im sure this makes you unhappy, but I'm more concerned for the family of this murder victim.

The kop was wrong and that's why he is presently in jail wearing the uniform he desearves.

wth are you talking about? no one went to jail, cept the black dude...
Cincinnati policeman Ray Tensing for killing a Black unarmed man named Samual Dubose. A clear case of murder.

Ras427's photo
Thu 07/30/15 12:12 PM

why is it so hard to do what they say to do?

if that guy did what the cop told him, there wouldn't have been a problem...

whenever someone is pulled over by the police, they are technically "under arrest" until the cop is done doing what they're doing...

not real hard people...
Wrong, this man did not need to die. He was unarmed. He was not a criminal, he was not wanted, he had no warrants for anything outstanding.

The problem here is the total disregard for life when it comes to Black people.
There is great denial in this nation in regards to the racist element within law enforcement.

Whenever a nation fails to acknowledge her shortcomings, there is no way to correct it.

The racist element in law enforcement is well documented.

it's his own fault... to bad your hatred can't see reality..
I hate injustice, but I'm afraid your condition is far worst. A compassionate person who holds all life dear, you'd have a different position.

You say it's his fault, that alone sounds like you have sided with the police. Whereas that police was arrested for murder.

Hateing injustice is not adhering to racism. I simply hate injustice while those who are detached are comfortable with it. Afterall, kops, Black or white don't kill unarmed whites.

well, if you don't wanna get shot or tased by the "black hating 'kops'", i suggest compliance would be the best answer...
Wrong!! The best answer is radical reform for law enforcement.
No one unarmed should be sentenced to death on the spot under any circumstances.

You HATE the fact that a killer kop was arrested and has a million dollar bail. Good, im sure this makes you unhappy, but I'm more concerned for the family of this murder victim.

The kop was wrong and that's why he is presently in jail wearing the uniform he desearves.

Ras427's photo
Thu 07/30/15 12:03 PM

why is it so hard to do what they say to do?

if that guy did what the cop told him, there wouldn't have been a problem...

whenever someone is pulled over by the police, they are technically "under arrest" until the cop is done doing what they're doing...

not real hard people...
Wrong, this man did not need to die. He was unarmed. He was not a criminal, he was not wanted, he had no warrants for anything outstanding.

The problem here is the total disregard for life when it comes to Black people.
There is great denial in this nation in regards to the racist element within law enforcement.

Whenever a nation fails to acknowledge her shortcomings, there is no way to correct it.

The racist element in law enforcement is well documented.

it's his own fault... to bad your hatred can't see reality..
I hate injustice, but I'm afraid your condition is far worst. A compassionate person who holds all life dear, you'd have a different position.

You say it's his fault, that alone sounds like you have sided with the police. Whereas that police was arrested for murder.

Hateing injustice is not adhering to racism. I simply hate injustice while those who are detached are comfortable with it. Afterall, kops, Black or white don't kill unarmed whites.

Ras427's photo
Thu 07/30/15 11:57 AM

why is it so hard to do what they say to do?

if that guy did what the cop told him, there wouldn't have been a problem...

whenever someone is pulled over by the police, they are technically "under arrest" until the cop is done doing what they're doing...

not real hard people...

hence in an earlier post when i said that if people did what the police asked/ordered them to do then it's unlikely people, black or white would be getting shot.
the people getting shot by police are getting shot because they are dumbasses who either don't realise the danger of complying or perceive it as funny or cool.

do as the cops tell you and comply then you won't get shot
it really isn't hard.

(and you wonder why brits refer to "dumb yanks") :smile:
Non-compliance does not warrent death especially unarmed.

Ras427's photo
Thu 07/30/15 11:55 AM

why is it so hard to do what they say to do?

if that guy did what the cop told him, there wouldn't have been a problem...

whenever someone is pulled over by the police, they are technically "under arrest" until the cop is done doing what they're doing...

not real hard people...
Wrong, this man did not need to die. He was unarmed. He was not a criminal, he was not wanted, he had no warrants for anything outstanding.

The problem here is the total disregard for life when it comes to Black people.
There is great denial in this nation in regards to the racist element within law enforcement.

Whenever a nation fails to acknowledge her shortcomings, there is no way to correct it.

The racist element in law enforcement is well documented.

Ras427's photo
Thu 07/30/15 06:53 AM

So, how much power should cops have to respond to someone being 'non compliant'..which can be anything from non reactive to verbally and physically resistant?

how long do we tolerate acceptance of the ' do what they say or else anything is acceptable,,,,' mindset?
America will continue to tolerate it as long as racism is tolerated within law enforcement.

Ras427's photo
Thu 07/30/15 06:51 AM

Non compliance will get you killed.
Not necessarily, however, if that "noncompliance" is by a Black person, it will indeed get you killed.

Since when is non compliance warrant a execution?

Ras427's photo
Sun 07/26/15 12:49 PM

The Latest: Obama says US, Kenya working for direct flights

President Barack Obama says the U.S. and Kenya are working to launch direct flights between the countries. Obama says eliminating multiple legs of travel to get from one place to the other would be a boon for business and tourism.

Kenya's $1 billion tourism industry has suffered in the wake of mass assaults carried out in recent years by the al-Shabab extremist group, which is based across the border in Somalia. Obama says the U.S. Transportation and Homeland Security departments are working with Kenyan officials on the protocols and security issues that must be settled before direct flights can begin.

He declined to say how soon that might happen, but said progress is being made.

President Barack Obama is warning that corruption may be the biggest impediment to Kenya's growth and opportunities in the future.

Obama is speaking in a joint news conference in Nairobi with Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta. He says he believes Kenyatta is serious about going after corruption.

Obama says it's a basic issue of math for international businesses that are concerned about their profit margins. He says companies will be concerned about doing business in Kenya if 5 percent or 10 percent of the cost of investing is being diverted due to corruption.

Obama says the U.S. has seen "all kinds of corruption" in the past. But he says the U.S. over time has showed that when people decide it's a priority to stop it, corruption can be stopped.

He says it's critical to go after corruption at the highest level of government and not just at lower levels.

Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta says gay rights are a "nonissue" in Kenya and that the issue is not a priority.

Kenyatta was asked about gay rights during a joint news conference with President Barack Obama in Nairobi. Obama voiced strong support for gay rights in Africa.

But Kenyatta says while the U.S. and Kenya agree on a lot, there are some things that cultures or societies just don't accept.

Gay sex is a crime in Kenya punishable by up to 14 years in prison.
Kenyatta says it's very difficult to impose beliefs on people that they don't accept. He says his government wants to focus elsewhere.

Kenyatta says after Kenya deals with other, more pressing issues such as terrorism, it can begin to look at new issues. But he says for the moment, gay rights isn't at the forefront for Kenyans.
Obama says as an African-American, he's "painfully aware" of what happens when a government treats some people differently. He says, "Those habits can spread."

I don't know about others but I can't wait to book my next vacation to Kenya.noway

He want's to make it easier to visit the land of his birth once he doesn't have Air Force One catering to his beck and call!
I say we should tell Trump to stop messing around and give us Obamas birth certificate already.laugh

Ras427's photo
Sun 07/26/15 12:44 PM

If the Muslim global agenda to spread Sharia law is not obliterated, everyone in the world may end up speaking it.
right, approximately 7 billion people are all going to speak Arabic,

Stop it you're killing me.laugh laugh

Ras427's photo
Sun 07/26/15 08:22 AM

^ Once we all start speaking Arabic and making women wear burqas, you won't be saying that.
Are 300 million americans going to speak Arabic?

Ras427's photo
Sun 07/26/15 08:19 AM

^ Once we all start speaking Arabic and making women wear burqas, you won't be saying that.
and how exactly do you plan to do that?

We must be more intelligent than that.
Sharia law is laws for muslims.

There will never be Sharia law in America unless approximately 300 million people convert to islam.

Now how likely is that? People must become more astute and less obtuse.

Ras427's photo
Sun 07/26/15 06:07 AM
Sharia Law does not supercede any law nor could it affect non-Muslims at all, no more then Jewish Rabbinical Courts or the Canon Laws of the Catholic church.

Ras427's photo
Sat 07/25/15 01:28 PM

Well let's step back for a moment and use some deductive logic shall we?

1) This current movement is based on a perceived hate crime. A white man shooting black people. Ok. Pretty simple really. As a reaction to this, there is now a movement to purge symbols of perceived hatred from society. Again. Pretty simple concept.
2) So in keeping with this thought process, I move that all traces of Martin Luther King be expunged from American society as we know it. Buildings need to be renamed, and statues need to come down.

How can I even for a moment think that anything Doctor King ever did is even remotely similar to what Dylan Roof did? Pretty simple actually.

In the mid 1950's, having been threatened on numerous occasions, Doctor King applies for a weapons permit to protect his home and family. His application was actually denied. He then stocked his home with firearms provided by family and friends. His intent in having these weapons would have been to shoot people, specifically WHITE people, that he perceived to be a threat to him,his family, and way of life. You know, kinda like how Dylan Roof is said to have seen African Americans.

Only through pure luck, there is never an attack on the King home which requires Doctor King to commit a racially charged homicide using the weapons he at the time kept illegally in his home. To his credit, he later removes the weapons, as he sees they are not consistent with his non-violent approach to dealing with the issues of racial strife in America.

So, forgetting his contributions to mankind, and approaching this from a PURELY logical and legal point of view, MLK kept weapons illegally in his home, and was prepared to kill the white people that he perceived as a threat. Dylan Roof had a LEGAL weapon and killed people HE perceived as a threat. You can definitely argue that one was a nutbag, and the other merely engaging in legitimate self defense. I will strongly suggest to you however that there are people out there who think MLK was the nutbag. THAT is the actual problem you face as a society.
Dr.King had actual threats, Dylann Roof had no perceived threats, he is simply a terrorist who wished the like-minded to follow suit.

One was a noble man, the other a terrorist.
To have a perceived threat and have actual threats is a big difference.

Ras427's photo
Sat 07/25/15 01:27 PM

Well let's step back for a moment and use some deductive logic shall we?

1) This current movement is based on a perceived hate crime. A white man shooting black people. Ok. Pretty simple really. As a reaction to this, there is now a movement to purge symbols of perceived hatred from society. Again. Pretty simple concept.
2) So in keeping with this thought process, I move that all traces of Martin Luther King be expunged from American society as we know it. Buildings need to be renamed, and statues need to come down.

How can I even for a moment think that anything Doctor King ever did is even remotely similar to what Dylan Roof did? Pretty simple actually.

In the mid 1950's, having been threatened on numerous occasions, Doctor King applies for a weapons permit to protect his home and family. His application was actually denied. He then stocked his home with firearms provided by family and friends. His intent in having these weapons would have been to shoot people, specifically WHITE people, that he perceived to be a threat to him,his family, and way of life. You know, kinda like how Dylan Roof is said to have seen African Americans.

Only through pure luck, there is never an attack on the King home which requires Doctor King to commit a racially charged homicide using the weapons he at the time kept illegally in his home. To his credit, he later removes the weapons, as he sees they are not consistent with his non-violent approach to dealing with the issues of racial strife in America.

So, forgetting his contributions to mankind, and approaching this from a PURELY logical and legal point of view, MLK kept weapons illegally in his home, and was prepared to kill the white people that he perceived as a threat. Dylan Roof had a LEGAL weapon and killed people HE perceived as a threat. You can definitely argue that one was a nutbag, and the other merely engaging in legitimate self defense. I will strongly suggest to you however that there are people out there who think MLK was the nutbag. THAT is the actual problem you face as a society.
Dr.King had actual threats, Dylann Roof had no perceived threats, he is simply a terrorist who wished the like-minded to follow suit.

One was a noble man, the other a terrorist.

Ras427's photo
Sat 07/25/15 01:20 PM
Edited by Ras427 on Sat 07/25/15 01:24 PM

Well let's step back for a moment and use some deductive logic shall we?

1) This current movement is based on a perceived hate crime. A white man shooting black people. Ok. Pretty simple really. As a reaction to this, there is now a movement to purge symbols of perceived hatred from society. Again. Pretty simple concept.
2) So in keeping with this thought process, I move that all traces of Martin Luther King be expunged from American society as we know it. Buildings need to be renamed, and statues need to come down.

How can I even for a moment think that anything Doctor King ever did is even remotely similar to what Dylan Roof did? Pretty simple actually.

In the mid 1950's, having been threatened on numerous occasions, Doctor King applies for a weapons permit to protect his home and family. His application was actually denied. He then stocked his home with firearms provided by family and friends. His intent in having these weapons would have been to shoot people, specifically WHITE people, that he perceived to be a threat to him,his family, and way of life. You know, kinda like how Dylan Roof is said to have seen African Americans.

Only through pure luck, there is never an attack on the King home which requires Doctor King to commit a racially charged homicide using the weapons he at the time kept illegally in his home. To his credit, he later removes the weapons, as he sees they are not consistent with his non-violent approach to dealing with the issues of racial strife in America.

So, forgetting his contributions to mankind, and approaching this from a PURELY logical and legal point of view, MLK kept weapons illegally in his home, and was prepared to kill the white people that he perceived as a threat. Dylan Roof had a LEGAL weapon and killed people HE perceived as a threat. You can definitely argue that one was a nutbag, and the other merely engaging in legitimate self defense. I will strongly suggest to you however that there are people out there who think MLK was the nutbag. THAT is the actual problem you face as a society.
Dr. King never had a "perceived" threat. He had personal death threats levied at him, his wife, his children.

Hardly the same. Secondly, Dr. King lived through a time when murdering Black people was an everyday occurrence in which few actually were punished.

To compare his lifes and the many threats upon his life with that of a little terrorist who was attempting to inspire others to follow suite borders on complete idiocy.

Absolutely amazing.

Ras427's photo
Thu 07/23/15 12:30 PM
Another cowardly cop. How convenient that the dashcam, one of the police vehicles important apparatus is allegedly malfunctioning.


Ras427's photo
Thu 07/23/15 09:42 AM
I said it before and I'll say it again, Trump is deliberately hamstringing the Republicans.

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