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AJoy2Know's photo
Sun 06/29/08 04:38 PM
Such is life, I suppose, that we must all learn to accept the fact that rejection is a harsh reality, always lurking in the shadows as an inherent part of every relationship into which we dare allow ourselves to be committed.

No matter what the level or intensity of the involvement, we inevitably leave ourselves open…flagrantly exposed…to the pain and heartache inflicted by the cold hand of rejection. Any shield, any armor, any walls, any misdirection with which we choose to protect ourselves is of little consequence against the onslaught of that most powerful of nemeses.

As if impaled by its sharp sword, we find ourselves completely defenseless…sometimes totally incapacitated by it. We become incapable and unwilling (to some degree) to function normally for some length of time. Sometimes it is for shorter periods, sometimes longer…but always it seems interminable at the time.

Ruthless, merciless, cold and unfeeling…rejection will forever be part and parcel of all relationships. Friends or lovers…no one is spared. Attempts to ignore it or otherwise convince ourselves of its non-existence are merely exercises in futility. No matter the number of times we experience it, rejection never becomes any easier to accept. Being abruptly discarded hurts every time. Even so, we must learn, no matter how distasteful, to do that very thing…for we have no other choice. We must accept it, deal with it, and move away from it into a new and hopefully brighter light. So we forge ahead.

Rejection sucks. Unfortunately it is a necessary evil. One which must be experienced in order to better comprehend and more fully appreciate the peace and contentment, the beauty and fulfillment ultimately found in that most precious and sought-after, yet oft-times quite elusive of emotions…true love.

For the prospect and hope of that alone (yet still with much trepidation) I continue to leave myself somewhat exposed (if only fractionally) to the likelihood of further encounters with that enemy. And, true to form, even now (when I least expect it) I find myself assaulted by the pain of utter rejection…of being abruptly discarded. Still, the promise of new love…of the true and faithful companionship I seek…continues to be more appealing, alluring, and compelling to me than the desire to off-handedly dismiss it in order to protect myself from the rejection suffered between times.

(But rejection still sucks!)

AJoy2Know's photo
Sun 06/29/08 12:27 PM

Often I am asked to share my “secret” to a healthy, fit, (somewhat) well-defined body. Apparently there are a few who are of the mistaken notion that there is some small bit of until-now-unbeknownst insight to which they imagine I must be privy and of which I am fiercely protective…keeping it “under my hat” and sharing it only with those who would dare to be presumptuous enough to ask. As is true of the vast majority of the general and extremely diverse population, I do, in fact, have my own little secrets.

By definition, “secrets” are considered private and intentionally withheld from general public knowledge. Mine are no different. Additionally, they are mostly of a nature that would perhaps (hopefully) beguile, but more likely would both raucously amuse and entertain or completely bore those who would determine to listen. Many would totally embarrass me were I to share such jovial and frivolous information! Past revelations of my deepest, darkest “secrets” have usually been met with either the belly-laugh they deserve or the experienced nod of mutual understanding.

Such private and personal truths of mine have never been acknowledged, though, as either instructionally enlightening or inherently useful information. Those types of truths, dear friends, are not “secrets”; they are well-known, established facts…although most prefer not to recognize them as such. The “hidden” truths for which they search are, in actuality, merely successfully-ignored brutal facts of life…summarily held in two oft-regurgitated words…hard work.

If there is any “wizardry” to be found in the necessity for hard work, it is the acceptance of the challenge in oneself to perform consistently in an arena where active determination and dedication to high standards and extreme limits of physical exertion are daily assaulted by the often more alluring qualities in the demons of lassitude and laziness.

Do I have a “secret”? Yes…I secretly wish that it was possible to achieve good health, well-being, and overall physical fitness simply by wishing it so! Alas…I embrace the fact that this will NEVER be the case and admit that my other “dirty little secret” is one not much different from that which is probably your own…the ignominious desire to concede to my demons and take the path of least resistance (at least some of the time)!

AJoy2Know's photo
Sun 06/29/08 12:22 PM

Awaken and unfurl, My Heart…to love as you have loved in seasons past!

As the fragile bud of a newly-formed rose slowly unfurls in response to the first diaphanous breath of warm spring;

Gently enticed into glorious awakening by gossamer droplets of succulent dew on the delicate outer fringes of downy, silken petals;

Lovingly caressed into majestic bloom by the velvety-sweet kiss of
early-morning sunshine;

Sensually boasting magnificent fullness in intricate folds of
softly-swirling beauty;

Luxuriantly displayed in wanton, breath-taking splendor;

Urgently beckoning the deft, innocent touch of tender, fresh love.

Alas…love’s plea unrequited, slowly curls itself tightly and protectively closed
To lie dormant and waiting through the long, cold chill of winter.
Yet…expectant and ever-hopeful in anticipation of the promise
of a bright, new season

To which you will awaken once more and unfurl, My Heart…

To love as you have loved in seasons past!