Topic: My Secrets Revealed
AJoy2Know's photo
Sun 06/29/08 12:27 PM

Often I am asked to share my “secret” to a healthy, fit, (somewhat) well-defined body. Apparently there are a few who are of the mistaken notion that there is some small bit of until-now-unbeknownst insight to which they imagine I must be privy and of which I am fiercely protective…keeping it “under my hat” and sharing it only with those who would dare to be presumptuous enough to ask. As is true of the vast majority of the general and extremely diverse population, I do, in fact, have my own little secrets.

By definition, “secrets” are considered private and intentionally withheld from general public knowledge. Mine are no different. Additionally, they are mostly of a nature that would perhaps (hopefully) beguile, but more likely would both raucously amuse and entertain or completely bore those who would determine to listen. Many would totally embarrass me were I to share such jovial and frivolous information! Past revelations of my deepest, darkest “secrets” have usually been met with either the belly-laugh they deserve or the experienced nod of mutual understanding.

Such private and personal truths of mine have never been acknowledged, though, as either instructionally enlightening or inherently useful information. Those types of truths, dear friends, are not “secrets”; they are well-known, established facts…although most prefer not to recognize them as such. The “hidden” truths for which they search are, in actuality, merely successfully-ignored brutal facts of life…summarily held in two oft-regurgitated words…hard work.

If there is any “wizardry” to be found in the necessity for hard work, it is the acceptance of the challenge in oneself to perform consistently in an arena where active determination and dedication to high standards and extreme limits of physical exertion are daily assaulted by the often more alluring qualities in the demons of lassitude and laziness.

Do I have a “secret”? Yes…I secretly wish that it was possible to achieve good health, well-being, and overall physical fitness simply by wishing it so! Alas…I embrace the fact that this will NEVER be the case and admit that my other “dirty little secret” is one not much different from that which is probably your own…the ignominious desire to concede to my demons and take the path of least resistance (at least some of the time)!

boneyjoe's photo
Sun 06/29/08 12:28 PM
is it too late for me

MsCarmen's photo
Sun 06/29/08 12:53 PM
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou