Community > Posts By > mikaxel80

mikaxel80's photo
Wed 01/27/16 10:35 AM

Why do men find it so hard to understand women?

They don't.

Some specific individual men find specific individual females hard to understand but that's mostly because they don't want to look at things honestly, they want to avoid any negative connotations about themselves or the person they want to mate with.

So they refuse to see certain things about themselves and/or others.
Which gives them a lot of dead ends in trying to understand what's going on.
That just leads to frustration.

When people are frustrated because of their own faults they tend to make exclamations blaming someone else.
"I can't understand women!"
"I can't understand men!"
"Everybody is stupid!"

It's also why people feel far more superior and smarter as 3rd party objective viewers.

It's far easier to spot the fault in others when there is absolutely no reason to look for your own.

Nicely put.

mikaxel80's photo
Wed 01/27/16 09:24 AM

Hey share your insights

On what?

Here's what you're saying:
"I know some people. When they have arguments I get involved and make them break up. The women are always right."

So...insight = "a deep understanding of a person or thing."

You give absolutely no information regarding the people you are referring to.

The only information you give about yourself is, at best, you put yourself in the middle of the relationships of others.

Not a lot of room for insight.

Just speculation.

I found this absolutely hysterical, though:
after hearing all the facts and talking to the girlfriend in question (since theee are always two sides to a story) i most of the time make them break up and once in a while i make them reconcile
...I believe relationship problems are only solved through the two people involved.

I can speculate that you pay a lot of lip service to higher ideals than you actually practice or understand.

You are right! Its pure speculation
lemme ask u one thing. Is it wrong when your friend asks you to do something on his/her relationship?

mikaxel80's photo
Wed 01/27/16 09:13 AM

I hear complaints from men and women alike ,which tells me that neither genders are doing a great job of understanding each other. Besides., who has the time to understand anyone when we are so busy trying to transform our partners into carbon copies of ourselves ?

Not all of us are busy doing that, m'lady

mikaxel80's photo
Wed 01/27/16 09:11 AM

I find it rather simple and easy to understand women than MOST men. I don't know why. I have seen many couples break up because of inability to understand her. I find it saddening for this deficiency on most men.
Everybody, I am not a shrink

We bow to you "Knower of All Things"!!!

Thanks but no thanks 'Soulution finder to everything'

mikaxel80's photo
Wed 01/27/16 09:06 AM

In my personal case I found why. Sometimes I don't understand myself, I dub't that other people (men\women) can understand something I don't about myself.

With all due respect lady, if you don't understand yourself you have a big problem.
But knowing that you don't understand yourself is something. Don't you agree everybody?

mikaxel80's photo
Wed 01/27/16 08:58 AM

I like u T. You really made me laugh. From where i am and the ladies i encounter prove that they are right.
BTW didnt say all the women in the world . the 100% i said are the ones i know

Actually if it is the women you know that they are right that much of the time..

All I can say is that all of the women you know I feel sorry for the guys they are with.. The women sound controlling and think things should always go their way.. It does not work that way..

It also seems that the women you know does not know how to communicate with the guys they are with... For if they did know how they would not have to go tell their friends everything and would work things out with the one they are with..

Many times by involving others in your personal problems only causes more problems..

Besides if they are that bad and they can not talk to them then it is time to move on...waving And find someone that you can talk to...

I agree with all the things you wrote. Relationships are based on communication and then the others continue. If you dont have it then......
I believe relationship problems are only solved through the two people involved. Not anyone!!! Yet some fools don't know or ignore it. These kind of people must not have any kind of relationship!!

mikaxel80's photo
Wed 01/27/16 07:20 AM

Many people think when couples argue and break up, it is the woman's fault without understanding the whole situation. But when you closely examine the situation, you always find the fault on men (Sorry my fellow men but thats the hard fact). Sometimes when my friends come to me what to do with their quarrel with their GFs after hearing all the facts and talking to the girlfriend in question (since theee are always two sides to a story) i most of the time make them break up and once in a while i make them reconcile one another.
So 99 percent of the women are always right and never at fault. Men just provoke them to do or say something wrong
Remember I am not a shrink.
Hey share your insights

Honestly after reading this I can understand why your not a Shrink~~~slaphead

People break up for many different reasons.. and it can not be blamed all on one sex or the other...

Ohh and in Reality there is three sides to the story his,hers & the truth..... Most of the time one always leaves out some of the critical details.......whoa

To even say that 99% of the women are always right.. if this is according to your theory's then it could be 100% of the time we are right that you are wrong~~~:thumbsup:

I like u T. You really made me laugh. From where i am and the ladies i encounter prove that they are right.
BTW didnt say all the women in the world . the 100% i said are the ones i know

mikaxel80's photo
Wed 01/27/16 07:04 AM

Amazingly, I have been accepted but not understood which makes me think of leaving him ...

Believe me to find a man that understands you is really difficult. And it requires great effort and patience.
But why do you think he doesn't understand you?

mikaxel80's photo
Wed 01/27/16 07:04 AM

Amazingly, I have been accepted but not understood which makes me think of leaving him ...

Believe me to find a man that understands you is really difficult. And it requires great effort and patience.
But why do you think he doesn't understand you?

mikaxel80's photo
Wed 01/27/16 06:58 AM

I find it rather simple and easy to understand women than MOST men. I don't know why. I have seen many couples break up because of inability to understand her. I find it saddening for this deficiency on most men.
Everybody, I am not a shrink

What's it like up there on the moral high ground.

What's moral got to do with it?? Its all about the facts!!

mikaxel80's photo
Wed 01/27/16 06:42 AM

That's what i told him the day before he came and got her things.

He has only seen the good side so I told him the bad is as bad as the good is good.

He stared at me, his mind spinning.

You know what they say. Love is blind.
Wonder who said it

mikaxel80's photo
Wed 01/27/16 06:36 AM

Everybody, I am not a shrink

Tell us something that we did not already know. rofl


mikaxel80's photo
Wed 01/27/16 06:29 AM

My ex-wife used to start a row on purpose to push me away if she felt close.

Work that one out.

I am sorry buddy but sounds like she didnt want to marry you. But after how many years of marriage did that happen?

The whole 25 years, even on the honeymoon. Now she's with a new guy he will get it and I won't.

Poor guy!!! Doesn't know what he is into

mikaxel80's photo
Wed 01/27/16 06:24 AM
Edited by mikaxel80 on Wed 01/27/16 06:26 AM

coping mechanism developed in childhood
push anything away that feels too close, too loving, too good

for it cannot really be true or last

oh and as for OP's point that women are right 99 percent of time

not saying I am right..on this

but I am pretty sure you are wrong bigsmile

OK. Let me correct myself. Didn't mean 99% of all women. I meant 99% of the women i know
BTW TMommy are u anti live or what? coz sounds like u scared of sthg

mikaxel80's photo
Wed 01/27/16 06:20 AM

coping mechanism developed in childhood
push anything away that feels too close, too loving, too good

for it cannot really be true or last

oh and as for OP's point that women are right 99 percent of time

not saying I am right..on this

but I am pretty sure you are wrong bigsmile

mikaxel80's photo
Wed 01/27/16 06:17 AM

My ex-wife used to start a row on purpose to push me away if she felt close.

Work that one out.

I am sorry buddy but sounds like she didnt want to marry you. But after how many years of marriage did that happen?

mikaxel80's photo
Wed 01/27/16 06:13 AM

So 99 percent of the women are always right and never at fault. Men just provoke them to do or say something wrong
Remember I am not a shrink.
Hey share your insights

Rubbish, is my insight.. it takes two

Good for you but who controls the man?

mikaxel80's photo
Wed 01/27/16 01:29 AM
Edited by mikaxel80 on Wed 01/27/16 01:35 AM
Many people think when couples argue and break up, it is the woman's fault without understanding the whole situation. But when you closely examine the situation, you always find the fault on men (Sorry my fellow men but thats the hard fact). Sometimes when my friends come to me what to do with their quarrel with their GFs after hearing all the facts and talking to the girlfriend in question (since theee are always two sides to a story) i most of the time make them break up and once in a while i make them reconcile one another.
So 99 percent of the women are always right and never at fault. Men just provoke them to do or say something wrong
Remember I am not a shrink.
Hey share your insights

mikaxel80's photo
Wed 01/27/16 01:11 AM
I find it rather simple and easy to understand women than MOST men. I don't know why. I have seen many couples break up because of inability to understand her. I find it saddening for this deficiency on most men.
Everybody, I am not a shrink

mikaxel80's photo
Mon 01/25/16 10:46 PM


Its because you are not seeking true love. There is no true love. There is only love. No such things called false love

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