Community > Posts By > tjer1l

tjer1l's photo
Sat 08/22/09 09:56 AM
their face, their body and their package

tjer1l's photo
Sat 04/25/09 05:59 AM
the smart thing to do would be to allow yourself one splurge, spending less than 5% of the winnings, the rest you invest in things that pay interest and dividends so you can quit working and live off of your investments. The trick is not to spend the money foolishly, you need to budget and make the money work for you for your life time.
that is the difference between rich and wealthy

tjer1l's photo
Fri 04/24/09 02:17 PM
Edited by tjer1l on Fri 04/24/09 02:18 PM
unless it runs in the family, why not?
while it is indicative of being fairly low class, it is hard to blame the guy for his brother's problems

tjer1l's photo
Wed 04/22/09 10:42 AM
wouldn't it be more fun to go topless?

tjer1l's photo
Wed 04/22/09 10:36 AM
here's my take on what men are looking for:

sex on demand
food on demand
their clothes washed and folded
the house kept clean
you to support them financially
a wife who is a lady in public and a whore in the bedroom
bring them cold beers
to be left alone when the game is on tv
to go out with his buds, hunting, fishing, boozing, chasing other women
I'm sure there are a few things I left out but these are the basics

tjer1l's photo
Wed 04/22/09 07:52 AM
I know I'll get blasted for this but entering into a relationship with so many issues is just not something I would ever do.
While I am far from perfect I don't carry baggage like drug/alcohol dependencies, mental illnesses, or even clinging to old relationships

Why would I want to take on so many possible problems?
there are many other men in the world who don't have such problems, I don't need to get involved with someone with issues

tjer1l's photo
Wed 04/22/09 06:36 AM
Edited by tjer1l on Wed 04/22/09 06:37 AM

I am soo not crazy and do not need to seek medical help. What has happened to society in having a tiny bit of sympathy?

my dear, you realize that there's a problem with the guy, that's a big first step, but you next step is bad, sympathy is fine to a point.

I'll ask again, if the guy has severe issues, why in the world would you want to make those problems part of your life?

now I don't know exactly what the issues are, but I do know that many women cling to men who have serious flaws because of low self esteem, take a look inwards and think long and hard before making a commitment that you'll later regrert.

just because you seek out help for issues doesn't mean you're "sick", it means you are wise enough to allow someone with training and no emotional ties to the situation to assist you.
good luck

tjer1l's photo
Wed 04/22/09 06:14 AM
Edited by tjer1l on Wed 04/22/09 06:14 AM
if the guy has severe issues, you're crazy for getting involved with him. It goes back to how you feel about yourself. I'm not going to give you a 5 cent analysis of the situation, maybe you should seek professional counseling.
good luck, I hope you can find the right path to take

tjer1l's photo
Tue 04/21/09 06:22 AM
Edited by tjer1l on Tue 04/21/09 06:23 AM
think as you pics and profile as an advertisement, if you post attractive/alluring/sexy pics you are going to attract more "business"
It's all about how you market yourself.
If they'd let me post "hotter" pics I would, hotter pics means more looks, more looks means more potential dates.

tjer1l's photo
Mon 04/20/09 01:25 PM
Edited by tjer1l on Mon 04/20/09 01:28 PM

Many of us have been on here a couple years. We've made friends and might now be in relationships. My friends might be curious about my family, etc. just as I am curious about theirs. Some of us have gotten married. We post in the forums. We don't leave just because we found someone. We consider many on here good friends.

I hate to admit that I just put pictures with my boyfriend on here. I get tired of guys not reading your profile that says you are taken or only looking for friends. When I put a picture up with both of us or keep it to the top line in the profile it cuts down on the requests. As long as you have enough photos on your profile to determine who you are I don't see what the big deal is.bigsmile

I think that it's great that you've made so many friends here, found a man here, and are using this as a place to keep in touch, and this isn't a put down, but if you want to turn it into a social site for yourself fine, but don't say I am the one who doesn't get it.
You should know that when men see your profile here they think that you're looking for a date because it is a dating site

if it was me I'd let the friendships, and relationships evolve by taking them to facebook or a similar social site, I would stick to using this as a dating site.

tjer1l's photo
Mon 04/20/09 11:47 AM
I must be the oddball, I have a very robust and varied sex life

tjer1l's photo
Mon 04/20/09 11:40 AM
put off isn't he right word, but I think it's foolish.
why post a pic of you with a man/woman on a dating site?
why post a pic of you and your kids? while the kids could be cute, I'm not looking to date them, also the same goes for the ones who post their pets

tjer1l's photo
Sat 04/18/09 06:15 AM
please give my profile a look

tjer1l's photo
Wed 02/18/09 09:52 AM

Guess me and Dan r rare then!!

Weve been in a LDR for the last 2yrs, and see eachother for about a week in every month, more if we can, money and time permitting.

Anyhoo, when i think of LDRs, i think of Dan n me and how it wont be much longer that were in one!

We will be living together :)

hmmm you're in a relationship but you're on a dating site, looking for something closer?

tjer1l's photo
Wed 02/18/09 03:43 AM
just think about this, obama and his gang want to take over the banks, auto makers and health care, think that they'll be run any different than the dmv?

tjer1l's photo
Tue 02/17/09 09:31 AM
from my profile:

I am looking to meet men who are confident, successful, well rounded, who have no emotional baggage and are comfortable with where there are and who they are. We should be past playing games, I think we all know what is going on.
A youthful appearance is big plus, grand fatherly types usually won't make the cut.
Knowing what chivalry means and how to treat a lady is means a lot.

now I'm not asking too much, am I?

tjer1l's photo
Tue 02/17/09 09:29 AM

I like to go to a good old fashioned pineapple chopping contest on my first dates.....

that's right up there with hog calling

tjer1l's photo
Tue 02/17/09 09:16 AM

I know I'm being impatient.... but I haven't even seen someone on here that is promising.....

[sarcasm on] what do you think makes you such a prize that all the women here will throw themselves at you?
[sarcasm off]

tjer1l's photo
Tue 02/17/09 09:14 AM

load up the bong, crank up the song, let the informa call 911.

go to an adult store and buy each other toys

tjer1l's photo
Tue 02/17/09 06:41 AM

Tryn to see wat ladies are willing

desperation is so ugly