Community > Posts By > SamiisLove87

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Thu 09/18/08 10:05 PM
when you break up with someone...then all you friends start dating...and you end up being the only single one around?

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Thu 09/18/08 10:02 PM

I looked at your profile and I think in twenty years you will say OMG what was I thinking. You are a very pretty girl and your trying too hard to be sexy when my guess is you have a lot else to offer but the guys that would matter too are still wondering what they can say but I am trying not to look down your shirt. Chalk it up to a moment of youthful flirtatious abandon and maybe try again.

oh...ANDDDDDDD in 20 years....ill be saying...DAYUM! I looked good!

no photo
Thu 09/18/08 08:26 PM

I looked at your profile and I think in twenty years you will say OMG what was I thinking. You are a very pretty girl and your trying too hard to be sexy when my guess is you have a lot else to offer but the guys that would matter too are still wondering what they can say but I am trying not to look down your shirt. Chalk it up to a moment of youthful flirtatious abandon and maybe try again.

I know what you're saying...but these are the pictures i have. They were taken by friends, my most recent pics. This is what I wear when I go out to the bars. If a guy wants to talk to me because he wants to see whats going on underneath my clothes, tough luck. Cause I'm a reborn virgin :tongue: til marriage. But thank you for the advice...maybe from now on I'll buy shirts that cover up a lil more...but i wouldn't put money on itlaugh laugh laugh


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Thu 09/18/08 02:42 PM
I didn't mean to take offense to anything people said. I'm sorry.
&& I really do wish I kept my profile up...
but instead I took it all down because some people didn't like it.

Just because I had a really bad night....does not mean I can act like a brat and take it out on you guys.

So again, I apologize.

no photo
Thu 09/18/08 12:09 AM

i would suggest putting different pictures.The cleavage shot is kinda overdone yanno

and then whats after that? get new pictures, when these are the most recent....thats how i look when i go out....

so i changed my profile to practically nothing since no one liked it.

no photo
Thu 09/18/08 12:01 AM

all I have to say is you really need to go back through your profile and rewrite it.

Since my post got steamrolled...I'll simply say..."YEP, I agree". :wink:

there ya go.

no photo
Wed 09/17/08 11:46 PM

all I have to say is you really need to go back through your profile and rewrite it.

alrighty then. thanks for the honesty.

no photo
Wed 09/17/08 11:45 PM

Who's Sammi?

that'd be me....

Your name is sammi...or is it short for samantha?

Sami...aka Samantha

no photo
Wed 09/17/08 11:40 PM

Who's Sammi?

that'd be me....

no photo
Wed 09/17/08 11:21 PM
my profile had my name, age, and pretty much

"I'm awesome, so send me a message"


changed all that.
read it and tell me what u think

no photo
Wed 09/17/08 10:59 PM
FRIENDS: Tell you not to do something stupid when drunk

WISCONSIN FRIENDS: Encourages you to do something stupid so they can piss themselves on the floor holding their stomaches cause they can't stop laughing
FRIENDS: Call your parents Mr. and Mrs

WISCONSIN FRIENDS: Don't even realize they're your parents and start asking them to come out to the bars wit you
FRIENDS: Hope the night out drinking goes smoothly, and hope that no one
late for the ride home.

WISCONSIN FRIENDS: Never want a drinking night to go smoothly and purposely make sure that everyone is home late
FRIENDS: Bail you out of jail and tell you what you did was wrong.

WISCONSIN FRIENDS: Will either be bailing you out to go drinking again, or sitting right next to ya cracking up
FRIENDS: Cry with you.

WISCONSIN FRIENDS: hands you a drink
FRIENDS: Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back.

WISCONSIN FRIENDS: Don't even know where they get the clothes in their closet.
FRIENDS: Are happy that someone picked up a one night stand and leave

WISCONSIN FRIENDS: Will barge into the room and yell HAND CHECK!
FRIENDS: Know a few things about you.

WISCONSIN FRIENDS: Knows so much about you, they'd rather drink then share your life story
FRIENDS: Will leave you behind if that's what the crowd is doing.

WISCONSIN FRIENDS: Will have whoever left you...their name, number, social security number, address within 2 hours

FRIENDS: Would knock on your door.

WISCONSIN FRIENDS: Walks right in and takes a big dump in your toilet
FRIENDS: Will try and talk to the bouncer when you get tossed out of the

WISCONSIN FRIENDS: Get the bouncer fired.
FRIENDS: Will wish you had enough money to go out that night, and are
you couldn't come.

WISCONSIN FRIENDS: Will come get your broke ass and show some tits for some free drinks!
FRIENDS: Will take your drink away when they think you've had enough.

WISCONSIN FRIENDS: Sends over more shots to make sure you get F-ed up!
FRIENDS: Want the money they loaned you back next week.

WISCONSIN Friends: Can't even remember what they all did yesterday, how are they suppose to remember who owes who money?
FRIENDS: Will say "I can't handle Tequila anymore".

WISCONSIN FRIENDS: Buys another round of Tequila
FRIENDS: Will talk **** to the person who talks **** about you.

WISCONSIN FRIENDS: Beat them up til the ambulance arrives, at least we're that nice
FRIENDS: Will tell you "They'd take a bullet for you."

WISCONSIN FRIENDS: Will actually take a bullet for you.
FRIENDS: Will ignore this
WISCONSIN FRIENDS: Will laugh and have another sip of their beer, most likely reposting this everywhere they can

no photo
Tue 09/16/08 09:48 PM
21 in 4 days 13 minutes/ female/ wisconsin

no photo
Tue 09/16/08 09:47 PM

I had to go into the headquarter office of Social Security today to get a replacement SS card.

On the door I see the following WARNING:


((((((((((( WARNING ))))))))))))
It's a Federal Offense to KILL (?) KIDNAP (?) ... yada yada... a "federal employee" ...pitchfork


huh Does that strike anyone else weird?

I mean last time I checked it was illegal, a felony & a heinous crime to KILL or KIDNAP *ANYONE*. shades

Does the fact that someone is employed by the Federal Gov't kinda give them clout to NOT be murdered? slaphead

Uhhh .. I'm ready to take someone out, but heck .. it says its a Federal offense oops .. that shot that in the hole. shocked scared

I'll just go to a State office? or a grocery store? or a local car dealership?

Random. Just random. spock

should've taken a picture.

no photo
Tue 09/16/08 09:44 PM

mine isent untill nov

my sister and her husbands annerversary is sept 18th they will be married 32yrs they got married right after high school

awww congrats to them! that is soooo cute!

no photo
Tue 09/16/08 09:43 PM
#3 or the one you have now :)

no photo
Tue 09/16/08 09:40 PM
if you got a birthday coming up....


mines this GOLDEN birthday. 21!!!!!!!!!!

im a lil excited. okay, im uber excited.

no photo
Tue 09/16/08 09:36 PM

To show your ID when asked for it when your buying tabacco or alcohol? Its not the persons fault who's behind the counter. At the very least it could be their job, most is their freedom.

Sorry just got yelled at by some "kid" at work for asking for his ID.

i don't like it when they card me for alcohol...since im not 21 yet...

on sunday i will be though!!!!!!!!

no photo
Tue 09/16/08 09:35 PM

How could I have forgot my jacket???

no one EVER forgets their jacket in wisconsin.

no photo
Tue 09/16/08 09:33 PM

Do you actually go for the men that put up then lame ass pic's of them almost being nude? just want to know what you really think about men that do that and what does it do for you if anything?

its nice, but i usually look for a clear picture, shirt on or off. :)

no photo
Tue 09/16/08 09:32 PM


if i love 'em, i tell 'em.

too much time is wasted on "what ifs"

so im not gonna sit and wonder 'what if' i said i love you....

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