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Calle's photo
Thu 05/06/21 01:42 AM
Hey David and Blondey
I am asking you yet again how is JFK fitting in you definition of conspiracy theorist?

Once again the JFK link here:
Especially Blondey seems to ignore this every time in discussions. JFK is outright talking about a conspiracy in that speech an about informing and warning the American people.

Also in this leaked speech also former linked a powerful person basically thanking media for not warning like Kennedy asked them to do

Should JFKs speech just be ignored for not fitting into official history?

It is very easy to always be a official narrative believing people if you just ignore all info/facts that's goes against your world view like in this case for example JFKs speech.

I think people interested in History tend to question more if you seen how cruel and manipulative people been before.

Yes, Blondey it is true that I question medical authority from own experiences. I have been cured from a sickness normal doctors said where Chronic throw Holistic Therapists and I have a lot of witnesses on that. If people find out they have been lied to once, they tend to question more it is just rational and natural. Fool me once shame on you fool my twice shame on me as the saying goes.

To Tom: Yes I accept that military defense plans etc. should be secret/censored but not what Twitter etc. are censoring now in general.

Calle's photo
Wed 05/05/21 07:24 AM
What evidence are there on no conspiracies?

If people would not have questioned authority people would still think the earth is flat and paid money to the church for not burning in hell. Personally I think it is natural that people questioning more at this time with all the censorship on twitter and other social platforms that's stops open and honest debate. Thankfully it is allowed here, free speech is a corner stone of Democracy.

Some quotes about censorship:
George R.R. Martin "“When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.”

Maximilien Robespierre "The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant."

Was JFK a powerless powerless and disillusioned and tended to gravitate more towards conspiracy theories?
How do you comment his speech above?

Here leaked recording from a globalists own words :

It has been confirmed that Cia have had there dirty hands in middle east for example, this satire is better than most news.

I don´t say I know the truth, but of course there are people with agendas that do not align with the peoples best interests. As a swede I know more about events here and power families her at least.

Sweden have had there part of mysteries/political deaths/murders Ivar Kreuger, Dag Hammarsköld, Olof Palme and Anna Lind. Here is some research from Sweden on the last hundred years history, not easy to follow I most admit. .

However main thing is Wallenberg's influence it is not a known big known globalist family internationally, but famous/infamous here.
Today people are afraid of Chinese/Huawei taking power over internet traffic and that they will spy. Ericsson have controlled the phones for hundreds of years before they are the controlling family basically alone after Krueger's mysteries death. They where involved in ownership in IG Farben, Bosch during second world war etc. but avoided Nurnberg trials. They had their friends Dulles as attorney in a later process for Bosch in USA. Dulles where not a big friend of JFK...

Sources: .

Personally I agree with Martin Luther Kings “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity”. So I try to do my own research and encourage other to do so also, but it is up each person what they consider likely to be true.

Calle's photo
Sun 05/02/21 02:23 AM
Having as so called "smart-phone" close to your reproductive organ like many have might not be so smart... Chemicals also a factor probably like other have pointed out.

I have seen Olle Johansson a now retired scientist (from Karolinska) in cellbiology, histology and neurobiology a referring to a studies about rats with strong radiation on them became infertile after the fifth generation. (Swedish). So link other English video with health impact talk from radiation and this links from lancet and pubmed.

Calle's photo
Fri 04/16/21 03:58 AM
In sourced video she have the facts in the background.

What did John F Kennedy talked in earlier linked speech linked? Did he do it for fun?
But probably he just did it for fun and he and his brother MLK and Malcolm X just got killed by chance. Well reed this so probably not the book have lots of scouce material in the end also .

Well sound Orwellian, I don´t want Ministry of truth and censorship.

Regarding Vaccines I am necessary not against it depends on how they are built. If they have a weakened part of actual virus and non harmfully substances within it i can be for them.

I don´t buy in to the double think either pregnant woman should not eat fish because it is mercury in it that could be harmful for the baby even if the mother digestive organs and liver can clean it on the way.

But it totally risk-free to to inject direct in to babies/children bloodstream, where the digestive system can´t clean anything up at all.
So logically yeah I think Vaccines can be harmfully if they contain mercury or aluminum in them and especially if given to small kids and if given with short period. Injecting mercury or aluminum in to brain cell are probably not good to put it short...

Regarding Gates in the Whistleblower video with Astrid. Gates had influence on WHO changing the definition on a Pandemic before changes done by who around 2010 this would not have been viewed as ah Pandemic.

Calle's photo
Thu 04/15/21 10:32 AM
Hi she/Delores is a Doctor and in that clip the source for the claim in the background if you use your eyes, so the debunking seems dishonest.

Many other doctors have said the same thing as said. Are people just paid from big pharma or WHO allowed to speak regarding vaccine.
**** oh wait Astrid who speak out in earlier video where associated with WHO. Problem then..

If credentials is important Bill Gates is not a Doctor, but he should guide healthy policy... It is starting to be much double standard here...

Yeah, good guys use censorship and try to stop free discussion... Book burners where the good guys...

Regarding fact checkers. .

I prefer to buy things where the sellers is willing to stand for there services or goods. Well nice to hear it is not risk free...

The safest choice is probably choosing to boost your immune system with things like selenium, zinc and d-vitamins, natural stuff for the body.

Calle's photo
Thu 04/15/21 02:51 AM

Otherwise ... Unsubstantiated rumour is the basis of misinformation . I will add you to that list :wink:

Hey why are not whistleblower working independent a reliable source?
This whistle blower are working in WHO and i havelinked to that source before but that was ignored. Whistle blower Astrid Stuckelberger, Ph.D., a WHO insider, about what she discovered about Bill Gates and GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance.

Stuckelberger has served as deputy director of the Swiss national program of aging since the 1990s, and is the president of the WHO-funded Geneva International Network on Ageing. (Bio here
see this link:

Some other linked Gavi as source do they not have conflict of interests?

Independent researcher are more reliable in my book have respect for Mercola also.

If it safe why do the pharmacy company they want/have indemnity?

As posted in earlier post it is a emergency approval for the Vaccine in at least USA. Do you have any long terms studies on good working on MRNA-vaccines?

Several independent researcher have said it has backfired before in animal studies.

hello Calle waving I didn’t notice your earlier post about whistleblowing and the WHO. My comment about unsubstantiated rumour was concerning a different matter . If there is any basis to the claims I am sure they will be held accountable.

As for indemnity insurance .. as far as I know most health providers have such insurance .. it provides personal protection and covers legal costs for claims relating to professional practice . I am sure lots of industries are covered by indemnity insurance .

I read recently that Pfizer consider they have enough safety data to apply for full approval . Watch this space .

It is unlikely there are long term studies available yet . Perhaps ask in a year :wink: that said mRNA as a potential therapeutic platform has been studied since the 1990’s... the following link explains that history in more detail ...

As you can see from the article there were several obstacles with earlier trials and research including the development of a safe delivery technique to deliver RNA to target cells . (Recent breakthroughs leading to the development of the covid vaccine have solved those obstacles and found a safe way to encapsulate and deliver the RNA so that it is not broken down.

Much of the earlier research focused on cancer cells but there have been studies which attempted to harness mRNA technology for vaccination purposes (Zika virus , Ebola , influenza ) . I haven’t reviewed those studies personally but It would be difficult to draw any comparisons /conclusions unless the exact same platform production techniques/ingredients and encapsulation method is used . . That would be like trying to compare apples and bananas .

I am not aware of other animal studies using the exact same platform (apart from the Pfizer and Moderna studies ) . Can you tell me which animal studies you are referring to ?

Well regarding Who/Gates wistle blower, i really hope they get a fair trail for Gates. If Gates can infiltrate WHO and change the definition of Pandemic and then sell Vaccines with profit something is wrong. I think it is wrong that any person should have such power. It should be transparency also, not indemnity.

I try to investigate self. Ignorance and naivety are dangerous and there are warnings now and in history for example JFK infamous speech about hidden powers with dark agendas that works partly with infiltration: .

What other branches have indemnity? Sadly politicians in Sweden have fixed that for some reasons, but else I don't know any.
Warranty are standard 1-2 year and must consults have insurances (I have one my self) if they do something wrong at least so in Sweden.

I don´t find it exiting trying a new technology on Billions without long terms studies. Then you give pharmacy company indemnity and let them into a race for selling vaccines and get money... What can go wrong...
How can one claim it safe if no long term studies?

Dr. Lee Merritt earlier linked bitchute-clip said it backfired. Already linked to one Kennedy here is nephew Robert Kennedy junior talking about it backfiring

If you have way to search. Then search on cat and ferrets studies and corona/ MRNA vaccine, but heard even more doctors say the same. Here is an article talking about poor studies with more links

This new article in Sweden suggest that the immune system have not responded as it should, might be the canaries in the mine...

Yet, again I hope they/I are wrong, but I think this is a very risky approach.

Thanks for the links Calle .. I was unable to open the last one . Tried with and without google translate .

I did read the links from
Anthony Colpo . He claims to be an independent researcher but unable to find if he has research qualifications or participated in research studies . His bio says he is a “certified fitness instructor”.
With the following disclaimer on his site ...,,

“All content on this web site is provided for information and education purposes only. Individuals wishing to make changes to their dietary, lifestyle, exercise or medication regimens should do so in conjunction with a competent, knowledgeable and empathetic medical professional. Anyone who chooses to apply the information on this web site does so of their own volition and their own risk. The owner and contributors to this site accept no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any harm, real or imagined, from the use or dissemination of information contained on this site. If these conditions are not agreeable to the reader, he/she is advised to leave this site immediately.”

Besides fitness he has written a couple of books and built a business which ??? appears to be centred around “******** detection”. . Some would call that a bias . If you have any evidence of his qualifications as an independent researcher please post that link . If it is just a self imposed title then to me it carries little validity .

The last article where about people with blood-clots problem from the immune system over responding it says in the article. If it is cause blood clots it might possible in even more people more hart attacks, strokes might come from the Vaccine in the future.

Can you ask my question then, which other branches have indemnity?
How can you claim it is safe if no long term studies?

Anthony Colpo have lots of sources throw links that backs much of the info in is article if you look. Also had Kennedy junior and other Doctor claim the same about earlier vaccine of this type have backfired.
But well here you have on interview with info of the studie in the background.

Calle's photo
Mon 04/12/21 04:13 AM

Otherwise ... Unsubstantiated rumour is the basis of misinformation . I will add you to that list :wink:

Hey why are not whistleblower working independent a reliable source?
This whistle blower are working in WHO and i havelinked to that source before but that was ignored. Whistle blower Astrid Stuckelberger, Ph.D., a WHO insider, about what she discovered about Bill Gates and GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance.

Stuckelberger has served as deputy director of the Swiss national program of aging since the 1990s, and is the president of the WHO-funded Geneva International Network on Ageing. (Bio here
see this link:

Some other linked Gavi as source do they not have conflict of interests?

Independent researcher are more reliable in my book have respect for Mercola also.

If it safe why do the pharmacy company they want/have indemnity?

As posted in earlier post it is a emergency approval for the Vaccine in at least USA. Do you have any long terms studies on good working on MRNA-vaccines?

Several independent researcher have said it has backfired before in animal studies.

hello Calle waving I didn’t notice your earlier post about whistleblowing and the WHO. My comment about unsubstantiated rumour was concerning a different matter . If there is any basis to the claims I am sure they will be held accountable.

As for indemnity insurance .. as far as I know most health providers have such insurance .. it provides personal protection and covers legal costs for claims relating to professional practice . I am sure lots of industries are covered by indemnity insurance .

I read recently that Pfizer consider they have enough safety data to apply for full approval . Watch this space .

It is unlikely there are long term studies available yet . Perhaps ask in a year :wink: that said mRNA as a potential therapeutic platform has been studied since the 1990’s... the following link explains that history in more detail ...

As you can see from the article there were several obstacles with earlier trials and research including the development of a safe delivery technique to deliver RNA to target cells . (Recent breakthroughs leading to the development of the covid vaccine have solved those obstacles and found a safe way to encapsulate and deliver the RNA so that it is not broken down.

Much of the earlier research focused on cancer cells but there have been studies which attempted to harness mRNA technology for vaccination purposes (Zika virus , Ebola , influenza ) . I haven’t reviewed those studies personally but It would be difficult to draw any comparisons /conclusions unless the exact same platform production techniques/ingredients and encapsulation method is used . . That would be like trying to compare apples and bananas .

I am not aware of other animal studies using the exact same platform (apart from the Pfizer and Moderna studies ) . Can you tell me which animal studies you are referring to ?

Well regarding Who/Gates wistle blower, i really hope they get a fair trail for Gates. If Gates can infiltrate WHO and change the definition of Pandemic and then sell Vaccines with profit something is wrong. I think it is wrong that any person should have such power. It should be transparency also, not indemnity.

I try to investigate self. Ignorance and naivety are dangerous and there are warnings now and in history for example JFK infamous speech about hidden powers with dark agendas that works partly with infiltration: .

What other branches have indemnity? Sadly politicians in Sweden have fixed that for some reasons, but else I don't know any.
Warranty are standard 1-2 year and must consults have insurances (I have one my self) if they do something wrong at least so in Sweden.

I don´t find it exiting trying a new technology on Billions without long terms studies. Then you give pharmacy company indemnity and let them into a race for selling vaccines and get money... What can go wrong...
How can one claim it safe if no long term studies?

Dr. Lee Merritt earlier linked bitchute-clip said it backfired. Already linked to one Kennedy here is nephew Robert Kennedy junior talking about it backfiring

If you have way to search. Then search on cat and ferrets studies and corona/ MRNA vaccine, but heard even more doctors say the same. Here is an article talking about poor studies with more links

This new article in Sweden suggest that the immune system have not responded as it should, might be the canaries in the mine...

Yet, again I hope they/I are wrong, but I think this is a very risky approach.

Calle's photo
Sun 04/11/21 09:48 AM

Otherwise ... Unsubstantiated rumour is the basis of misinformation . I will add you to that list :wink:

Hey why are not whistleblower working independent a reliable source?
This whistle blower are working in WHO and i havelinked to that source before but that was ignored. Whistle blower Astrid Stuckelberger, Ph.D., a WHO insider, about what she discovered about Bill Gates and GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance.

Stuckelberger has served as deputy director of the Swiss national program of aging since the 1990s, and is the president of the WHO-funded Geneva International Network on Ageing. (Bio here
see this link:

Some other linked Gavi as source do they not have conflict of interests?

Independent researcher are more reliable in my book have respect for Mercola also.

If it safe why do the pharmacy company they want/have indemnity?

As posted in earlier post it is a emergency approval for the Vaccine in at least USA. Do you have any long terms studies on good working on MRNA-vaccines?

Several independent researcher have said it has backfired before in animal studies.

Calle's photo
Sat 03/27/21 01:56 AM
Yes, the more I investigate the more insane/scary this seems. The survival rate is 99,8 % and they still stress and push a vaccine with fear.
Several Doctors have said that this kind of Mrna-vaccin it have backfired in all animal studies, so based on that it might brake the Nuremberg code. The Vaccine have not got the ordinary approval or testing. Se for example.

Example on warning for MRNA-vaccine: (really hope they are wrong)

well in a Way it is line with Bills for some reasons smiling predictions .

I pass on being guinea pig.

Calle's photo
Fri 03/26/21 02:03 AM

hi calle waving .. I read the analyses article attached to your link ... it is very confusing to read . If I have understood it correctly ., the analyses refers to people already infected with covid that received a subsequent vaccination. ... is that correct ??? If so .. what evidence is there that the vaccine caused the deaths and not the covid infection ???

Who is the author of the article ??? It does not specify his qualifications/credentials ???

Are you claiming that the ministry of health is withholding information or providing false information about covid vaccine outcomes ??

I will check my medical databases and see if any actual scientific data has been published from Israel .


The claim is that Pfizer’s shot causes “mortality hundreds of times greater in young people compared to mortality from coronavirus without the vaccine, and dozens of times more in the elderly, when the documented mortality from coronavirus is in the vicinity of the vaccine dose, thus adding greater mortality from heart attack, stroke, etc.”

My understanding is that they have compared the death rate on people recently taking the jab (within 5 week).
It also states that “those vaccinated and above 65, 0.2 percent … died during the three-week period between doses, hence about 200 among 100,000 vaccinated. This is to be compared to the 4.91 dead among 100,000 dying from COVID-19 without vaccination.” Do the math from there 200/4,91=40,73

Else they clearly claim 3 sites for the data, but have not looked in to them. For instance I don´t no if the death rate in covid they use is for all or just for all people or specified for people over 65, but guess so sine they have compared on younger.

(might be little more info there )
Dr Hervé Seligmann works at the Emerging Infectious and Tropical Diseases Research Unit, Faculty of Medicine, Aix-Marseille University, Marseille, France. He is of Israeli-Luxembourg nationality. He has a B. Sc. In Biology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and has written over 100 scientific publications.

The other person comparing the data is engineer Haim Yativ about their research and data analysis.

The authors of the article declare they have no conflicts or interests other than having children in Israel.

Calle's photo
Thu 03/25/21 07:49 AM
Edited by Calle on Thu 03/25/21 07:51 AM
Hi from my own experience. Big Pharma is mostly about money and only treat symptoms not causes. I hade chronic eczema from 16-28 normal doctors said I had to live with it. I noticed that omega3 made it somewhat better, so I did a blood analyze at a holistic therapist and based on the test I got strong vitamins minerals and amino acidic. First it got worse possibly detox effect but after half a year I was cured. So sadly I know many suffers in vain.

It is known that d-vitamins and low zinc level is a reason for severe illness from Covid, yet they try to market the Vaccine as the only mean and don´t tell the people about that.

I don´t buy in to some double think either pregnant woman should not eat fish because it is mercury in it but it totally risk-free to to inject direct in to the bloodstream, where the digestive system can´t clean anything up at all. Also why do the companies have/want indemnity if it is risk free?

It has not been a success in Israel either... . Other very disturbing news from there also.

People that in general are for Vaccine say this the wrong way to do it .

Also why should be Bill Gates be in charge, who have not been Successful with getting rid of Virus in Windows in 30 year

Guilt by association goes to far in some cases but Bill Gates (but little close for making me comfortable) farther William Gates where on the board in planned parenthood with this nice person From planned parenthood not far to Rockefeller/Gates and several big pharma companies. That's my thoughts.

Calle's photo
Sat 03/20/21 04:44 PM

Have a wonderful beginning of spring everyone!
Happy Ostara!

Is Ostara more common in central Europe or used by "pagans"?
But reed this article some year ago so now i know the origin of easter bunny andorigins of eastern

Happy Ostara

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