Community > Posts By > iceprincess

iceprincess's photo
Thu 12/18/08 08:18 AM
Edited by iceprincess on Thu 12/18/08 08:20 AM

I don't take anything you say personal so for telling me that you're not bringing me home, I wasn't asking. I was conversing in conversation. I don't feel that someone needs to have 500 to spend on meeting through the internet because of distance. That's quite retarded.

The money is irrelevant. It is you who are insecure so you are assuming that I am insisting that they spend money and that this really has nothing to do with my own personal safety.

That is hogwash.

How am I personally responsible for them living a great distance from me and requiring a hotel? How will the money they are forced to spend be beneficent to me in any way? They are not spending that money on me but on themselves.

I will not allow a man I just met on the internet to stay in my own place of residence for general safety reasons. What if the relationship does not go as he had planned and now he knows where I live?

Amy number of dangerous circumstances could arise.

Oh no someone who lives 3 hours away from me knows where I live..., I'm gonna die now!!!! Are you serious? Hahahaha. I'm sorry but that is the funniest thing I have read in quite sometime.

How many relationships haven't worked out for you? How many lived closer than 3 hours away? Please post these so we all can show you some statistics.

You have a much greater chance of being killed by someone who lives closer and that you didn't spend as much time with than the internet guy. That's why I brought up the bar thing. You want to go with the church. should I bring that up? I mean churches go on to other churches for events and sleep overs. You're beyond insecure with that phrase by the way.

I want you to really think about this. The guy goes to his hotel, has driven 3 hours, met you somewhere to get to know you which means at least dinner he's hungry I'm sure. He has at the minimum or will at the minimum spend 500 dollars to meet you. But he's not welcome back at your house so again he must spend more gas money *I'm going to guess since you're so uncomfortable meeting this person that you're going to take 2 vehicles everywhere as well* going to places of your choice for possibly breakfast lunch and dinner for the next 2 nights. However, what else are you going to do for activities? I mean surely he didn't come 3 hours and get a hotel for 3 nights to sip coffee all day. Like I said, you're asking someone to spend well over 500 to spend time with you. A hooker charges about 300 if she's good looking per hour and 500 for a night. *my sister's one I sorta know the deal* Not only do they get to degrade this hooker, they **** her, and don't ever have to see her again. However, they just had a night of wild crazy sex and it cost a lot less than meeting you. It would be absurd for a girl who should be at the very least a very dear internet friend by now to ask for that kind of person. I just don't see how you think this compromises your safety.

As for money being irrelevant... Oh no it's totally relevant. Unless you're totally lonely in this world, can't get a date from anyone, have absolutely no friends whatsoever, and you have a buttload of cash, that is the only person you're ever meeting that lives over 3 hours away. Which would make them a potential psycho since the above criteria isn't a good fit for a potential lover.

Are you actually suggesting that because some guy spent $500 to come meet me ( a request of his btw if you look in the original post)that I should Fu*k him? I'm sorry I don't give a damn what your hooker sister charges I'm worth a hell of a lot more than that and if your not able to afford to pay your own way than drive 3 hours to meet me and turn around and drive your ass home.......better yet save up to do it if your wanting to spend a couple of days

iceprincess's photo
Wed 12/17/08 06:55 PM

I'm not a big fan of "don't ask, don't tell".

I've learned at times TMI is just that TMI.If the facts at hand have no bearing on the situation at hand then all you do is cloud the water. Some things are private and should remain skeletons in your closet. But that is just my opinion and agan if someone wishes to share I'll listen and hope I'm secure enough not to allow it to sway my original opinion.

iceprincess's photo
Wed 12/17/08 06:42 PM
depends on what they were hospitalized for..........criminal purposes definitly not......ongoing mental issues that require constant monitoring......probably not........ongoing mental issues that require meds and frequent to periodic monitoring....again probably not.........if none the above instances apply then i don't feel i need to know they were ever in unless they want to tell me........then i'd hope i'm secure enough for it to not change my opinion of them

iceprincess's photo
Wed 12/17/08 06:34 PM

I'm simply a firm believer in doing what you say you're going to do. And yea, they definitely had a life before I came along and they'll continue to have it...but with the ease of texting (unless they fell asleep of course) it won't take more than a couple of seconds to just shoot a text and say "Hey, busy today talk to you tomorrow" or something along those lines.

But yea, I have no relationship atm either and it's damn hard for me to find a steady one anyway just because of my job. "Oh hey you're- oh you're leaving the country in 6 months. Nevermind."

But see your the best kind.......because for 6 months at a time I least I don't have to remember to call you........LOL

iceprincess's photo
Wed 12/17/08 06:25 PM

this is bad ... I want to apologize now:

You could swing a cat in this thing and still not touch the sides that where she asked you about your twizzle stick?

iceprincess's photo
Wed 12/17/08 06:22 PM

iceprincess's photo
Wed 12/17/08 06:13 PM
I've learned your only worth to others what you are to yourself....

Life shall never be fair no matter how level the playing field

carrying grudges make make you bitter but sometimes it's better to function than crumble.

iceprincess's photo
Wed 12/17/08 06:07 PM

is that a twizzle stick?

You've heard that a lot I take it?


You wish

LOL yep It's every girls dream to say this to a just sets the mood baby

iceprincess's photo
Wed 12/17/08 06:05 PM



never fails

Hmmmm as your taking a hand upside the face........

iceprincess's photo
Wed 12/17/08 06:04 PM

is that a twizzle stick?

You've heard that a lot I take it?

iceprincess's photo
Wed 12/17/08 06:03 PM
probably D........but B has been known to work when I'm drunk enough........:)

iceprincess's photo
Wed 12/17/08 05:58 PM

Do you attend church? A lot of the time going to church with your children regularly will help.

Pray tell how would attending church help with the OP's issue?

iceprincess's photo
Wed 12/17/08 04:54 PM
I love you but......

iceprincess's photo
Wed 12/17/08 09:33 AM
every split in a relationship is made up of three parts his side/her side/the truth. I'd say the biggest issues in most relationships is self responsibility for our part in what caused the break-up, and our inability to deal with the other parties actions.

iceprincess's photo
Wed 12/17/08 09:09 AM

i am a farther of two beautiful children i love and adore.and would lay my life down for ever in the state i live in i have not been abble to adapt to the way people live or think i must move to a place where i can be means i give up a lot of rights.but in the past my son has shown much anger towards his mom after being with it makes sence that if his niot being around me helps him at home and school.that i should be the bigger parent and stay out of the picture till hes old enough to understand.that i will always be different then his mom.and the love he gets from me will be different.still thinking about his life and education is more important then my want mor need to see him just an example of whatwe as parents should be thinking about.not ourselve

That sounds like a load of BS and self justification for not wanting to do your part. As for him being old enough to understand your actions? He'll never understand them he may be able to get past them and accept them for what they are (a father who didn't care enough to try) but understand them No nobody ever understands being abdandened you just learn to deal with it.

iceprincess's photo
Wed 12/17/08 07:47 AM

flowerforyou When your significant other says they will call but doesn't, would you be offended or upset?flowerforyouAlso, if they don't mention "forgetting" or anything "urgent", what do you think?flowerforyou

Once, I was separated from someone I was living with, committed to, and loved very much, for 10 days because of their business trip in another land. I had panick attacks, severe depression, lost a significant amount of weight because I stopped eating and sleeping, suffered a case of severe diverticulitis, and experienced PTSD symptoms because they decided it was "for the best" to shut off their phone on me and not email. It was my calling plan and affordable for me to call, so that wasn't the reason.

I was demeaned, derided, and ignored, and my fears and insecurities were minimized by them because I expressed how it affected me when I received no response. It had to be one of the worst abandonments/perceived losses of my life.

I'm sorry but that is kinda creepy. flowerforyou

iceprincess's photo
Wed 12/17/08 07:37 AM

Dependency issues.........

I'm self reliant and most times that turns men off.......I seem to not need them enough

I like independence in a woman... but there is a big difference in that and felling shunned

To be honest I probably make you feel shunned.......I have my life and expect you to have yours and I'm not always the best at "making" time for my partner

iceprincess's photo
Tue 12/16/08 06:32 PM
Dependency issues.........

I'm self reliant and most times that turns men off.......I seem to not need them enough

iceprincess's photo
Tue 12/16/08 06:07 PM

did you get or are you giving?

if getting who gave it to you?

if your giving then who are you giving it to?

A person who is mentally stimulated but lacking in other areas of endeavor.

wth go for it worst hat happens is they are offended and if you just met them dec 10 can't be that much invested.

iceprincess's photo
Tue 12/16/08 06:03 PM
why do most assume when he/she doesn't call that there is another person? to me that speaks to a lack of self confidence and trust in another party...maybe you shouldn't be in a realtionship you can't live for another person......

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