Community > Posts By > LatinLunatic

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Thu 11/23/06 01:08 AM
true but u know what, the a**holes will get most of the good toys first.

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Thu 11/23/06 01:07 AM
<<lions>>, u are truly a wordsmith

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Thu 11/23/06 01:06 AM
no way, people punch each other out on that day for toys

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Thu 11/23/06 12:52 AM
she is the team of an old 50's song.....(((singing-shheeeerrrrry, sherry
baby, sheeeeeerry wont you come out tonight))

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Thu 11/23/06 12:51 AM
but peeing is fun...and feels SO good, especially when u get that chill
up your spine when you pee outside on a cold winter day.

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Thu 11/23/06 12:40 AM
i still am

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Thu 11/23/06 12:40 AM
<<lions>> lol, get your mind out of the gutter and relieve yourelf that
wishful thinking. i was just saying can only pee for so long, and i
would help you complete it. im being..corteous!!

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Thu 11/23/06 12:29 AM
<<lion>> i'll help u with the exclamation marks!!!

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Thu 11/23/06 12:26 AM
<<shadow>>are you serious?? the fact, most of these facts can be
gathered from a book or various studies does not invalidate them. and as
for life, i have live it. i'll list it out for you beginning with the
day i got out of highschool.
1. joined the navy
2. got married
3. had a child
4. got out the navy
5. got divorced
6. got a college eduation
7. got a real job so i wouldnt have to live in poverty and bitch at the
people that were aducated and successful in life.

and that is just the shortest cliff notes of my life i can give. can you
say you have done as much?

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Thu 11/23/06 12:08 AM
<<shadow>> and the ACTIONS of many are taken into account in these

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Thu 11/23/06 12:02 AM
<<escape>>i aint that tough either but i fight dirty, i'll kick any dude
in the nuts if it means he wont be able to punch me

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Thu 11/23/06 12:01 AM
<<morena>>blah, well a rose by any other name would smell as sweet (not
that im trying to be sweet, but you get the point)

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Wed 11/22/06 11:58 PM
<<escapedlunatic>>congrats, you stated the obvious again...The world
runs on generalities. walmart does not cater to an individual. your
church does not cater directly to your family. your family psychiatrist
did not study only to do therapy on your kids and ex wife. It is a world
of generalities and the are GENERALLY TRUE

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Wed 11/22/06 11:51 PM
<<morena>> there we go, refer to me as lunatic, latin is just my birth,
lunatic is by choice...and to all. i actually dont pee very far, so i
hide a squirt gun in my a DAMN CHEATER!! horray

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Wed 11/22/06 11:48 PM
<<chubby>> we are talking apples and oranges, i am talking about
generalities and you are talking specifics...everyone is different, and
there are exceptions to every rule in this world. HERE is one; most
people are born with 5 fingers on each hand...the fact that some are
born with less or more DOES NOT disprove the fact that MOST people ARE
born with 5 fingers on each hand.

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Wed 11/22/06 11:44 PM
if you know this is true than be the BIGGER man and stop replying. no
one is being rude to any of these women on here, the fact, that i am
stating my opinions in no way should belittle them if they stick by
their values.
so, if u r done trying to be the second knight in shinning armor on this
site, we can bury the hatchet, shake hands, and continue on our marry
way. toodles

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Wed 11/22/06 11:40 PM
chevy better-slutty sweater!!

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Wed 11/22/06 11:39 PM

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Wed 11/22/06 11:38 PM
<<chubby>> i dont claim anything, a wise man knows he knows nothing. the
are merely observations. and until i see different, they are generally

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Wed 11/22/06 11:37 PM
<<morena>> do you really think her pic was meant to attract members of
her same gender?