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Amoscarine's photo
Tue 11/26/13 10:52 AM
“everything should be as simple as possible, but not simpler,”
Now I am thinking that this means that the high level, big picture overview of a theory must be conceptually easy to think about. So this part of a theory should be what everyone can understand. The next part should be too, but the "not simpler" part now seems to be the low level action of a theory, all the very basics and small things that add up to that larger than life simplicity. This bottom of a theory should provide the complete picture up top that pops out all kinds of miraculous correspondence to reality.

I'm trying to get behind the exact words to expose the thoughts. Not just looking at the words emptily for a yes/no anwser to some current dilemma. This might be a decdent exercise for any comprehension of text.

Amoscarine's photo
Tue 11/26/13 10:35 AM

I wonder if autism could be a birth defect or brain injury like they discovered cerebral palsy was.

It could also be a result of the dangerous food and drugs Americans consume.

I really think that this stricks the main of the issue. People eat poorly with elements of unknown affective power, are exposed to tremendously different environments than what homo sapiens evolved in and also consume more experimental drugs than is wise. Think of the amazing increase in anti-psychotics being prescribed to youths with behavoir problems, up more than 40% recently in Canada, according to something Gabor Mate said. Besides, I personally know nearly a whole family that are on anxiety meds. If there are vast numbers of ways a brain can be affected, can fire synapses, develop and interact with the environment, this is to the extent that almost all that may be said may affect the mental health of a group or society.

Amoscarine's photo
Tue 11/26/13 10:28 AM

I don't think falling in love is mental illness, but it is more like hypnotism, and its temporary... (So a few years? I think it just depends on how long the person needs it. Kind of off topic, But I wouldn't suggest marraige to myself or anyone unless they thought it'd still be benificial for over about 20-30 years)

People who hear voices in their heads telling them to do bad things, sounds like schizophrenic behavior, but if there are such things as demon possession, mind control, who knows.
(I heard that a guy studying some ethnic group asked them to explain why some girl who heard voices and ate a goat, forbidden meat for a female, was insane when they heard voices during their ceromonies. It was finally said to the guy that she heard voices at the wrong time. People hear good voices, the ones taht say do it to positive matters, so it's considerations like these that I think timing comes up.)

I have known people who hear voices (not their own voices) in their head and have all of their lives. Some tend to think everyone else probably does too and its normal.

(I'm feeling more compelled the more I look into schizo and brain matters that the properly functioning brain is really insane, that all is a hallucination. The trick appears to be to see the right things for the right occasion, so to have controlled chaos, in a sense. I think that it goes along with feeling crazy and drugged on the inside, but functioning rationally and completely coherently on the outside that characterises good mental health, however odd that sounds.)

Good thoughts here Jean.

Amoscarine's photo
Mon 11/25/13 12:09 PM
Edited by Amoscarine on Mon 11/25/13 12:09 PM

relativity is still just a theory,

Yes, and it was proposed as such, as a speculative view. But the spirit of it, that there is some truth that stands for any observer in any place, that there must be one universe, that really happens and is satisfying, that is the true value and success of the theory. This stands even if the first attempt theoretically at such a world picture failed. I like to think that trying is the most attractive virtue.

Amoscarine's photo
Mon 11/25/13 12:05 PM
Good points Moe, good points.

The new physics that will be gladly welcomed will be interesting for those who look into such things. It is really one bright spot in the future that sometime ahead there will have to be new understanding. Exciting? positively.

Amoscarine's photo
Mon 11/25/13 11:18 AM
I think math must become less of a focus. I don't think that a mathematical bit of magic that corresponds to reality exactly will be found, though it be a delightful dream. And the anwser to any theory that is satisfactory must be exact. That leaves math supplemented with reason.

Amoscarine's photo
Mon 11/25/13 11:16 AM
What I wonder is if perception is in the environemnt. Somehow, say, by a trend of points in reality, like particles, there is grounds for information exchange that depends on how they are configured. Does the perception in the human brain happen seperatley from reality, or is it that the tendencies, if not the actual parts (particles vs neurons)? That is what I get hung up on now.

Relativity has to do with varying time.

Learning is defined in a way as becoming adaptive to an environment, in responding appropriately to stimulus. So is mass behaving in accord to matter, or spacetime curving not very like an appropriate response to info or other energy in an environment? I don't see such a distinction.

Amoscarine's photo
Mon 11/25/13 10:25 AM
A gentlemen, say... how has that rigged role been going?

Amoscarine's photo
Mon 11/25/13 10:20 AM
So is time just a mismatch of a connection of moving parts. I mean, this has so much energy, it sits over here. Another moment later, it is somewhere else and has different energy levels. I'm not particulary talking about conservation here, but is there a significance in here about the role of time as 'what occurs between two different states,' states being just characteristics like position in a configuration, or rate of change to other points, or energy. It is like a disconnect in physical memory. There is a lag time.

Any thoughts?

Amoscarine's photo
Mon 11/25/13 10:12 AM
The only thing that makes any sense to me when I think about mental illness is the timing. Falling in love is a madness in itself, but if you have this at the wrong time, without one who is responding, there is a disorder present. Being hyped upped, being in a dopamine dense state, is fine if it corresponds with natural events, like seeing a nice friend or getting good news, or whatever is a stimulus leading to pleasure in the future. So I think that most of it is just too little development in relevant cortexes. It's when time plays tricks on us.

Amoscarine's photo
Mon 11/25/13 09:42 AM
Edited by Amoscarine on Mon 11/25/13 09:58 AM
Surmise. What can half a brain can do. There are about 5 ways to do a problem, sober. I went to Toledo once, and my friend's floor had a girl on it that probably never kissed a guy. I made up a girlfriend excuse for that weekend, and I say now it was stupid. But after all, I was sick, though getting better. Exactly is the constant dissatisfaction that drives the best of us for the most important reasons. Numbers don't always lie, but they aren't my T. Joys. They start, they move, they drive and they hide, mostly. What happens when are turns to is, yet clearer it glimmers. How words wrap around literal definitions, of form to the cosmos! Math hide it's eyes, if behind black velvet blanket it can't get results.

Shivers. Crimsom. Do I understand? I try to kick it sideways with my neighbor girl at hand, but it never turns out. We read sometimes. That was nice. Now All I want to do is paint and play guitar, and sometimes I try to pull the reign on thinking, and it tears me down, actually. So I try to build up, when i can, when i get a break. I break myself, and it doesn't hurt in the traditional sense. But that is the point right? to build strength so that the fibers snipping doesn't do damage when the strings are snapped. Napped. It helps sometimes, but not sleeping too long. That doesn't do any good, it stinks. Or smells, or to tell you that well, but, the same time could be spent otherwise. So i do another thing, and try to be sapien.

It happens, but I don't do anything. Nothing ever happens personally, and I don't claim much comment to the point. Namely, it just doesn't matter. The inside counts, and looking out stresses me. My thoughts are highjacked by a sense of thinking in external terms. So all I want to do is get away. Stay, say, in a little napsac I can put over one shoulder like a Feynman and his case. He worked with laws, and could argue in very direct language. He was very good at convincing himself and others that guilt was not present, and that responsibilty was not in the hand of people who acted when situations were set up. He was not a lawyer. He was a theoretical physicist, and loved his work and the machine he used to get results- his brain. He was kind in this way.

New days exist ahead, and no amount of predicting will tell them apart from fantasy, or from the real world picture. Time is going slow. I must be miserable. My words don't stick outside even though it's cold in my heart. Ice. I'm glad and summery inside besides that. People say go out, I say.... well, perhaps. I agree, but it's not for the reasons they have, and not in the same degree, so i tentatively concur. That's when i skid.

Ties, betwixt people and i, are sparse, crabby grasses, that raise between my toes, and make me think of wonders. When I meet someone, it is the same way. Why now, here, you me? I have no anwsers, but it seems entirely remarkable. I know i'm likely not even a flake of dust scale-wise with all, so without much hope, i attempt to frame myself as being caught in a shaft of sunlight as well. Turning the world around, I lose my words, and don't feel alone in this. Particulary is the case when i kiss, my mind blanks, I see vague points of light when my eyes are closed. Language stops, and evolution continues. Imagination blushes and blooms in lighted corridors that i walk down sometimes. I like those times. Pages of moments past flutter across the concrete of alley, I wander by buildings that contain aspects of my personality. I am them, they're i. The is no difference, but the window sills sag under heat exhuast, the time machines been running to long, and memory is hot, but the windows can't open. Such is my lot. I'm skatting on thin ice.

I can't seem to find levered door knobs. I fancy they are black, but it doesn't matter. There is something in my mind that says it is aware of where my feet go. I agree, but don't really understand. myself. Why then contemplate my motions? it's interesting, so my strongest argument is Why Not? So I twirl.

Time is a bust, Space is bunked, and all I want to do is go home. But i'm aware, so i have to say that was just a sweep of phrase summing dry days, up off the ground so i can read it myself, in my sphere of mind. So the point is that I make up what i do, and then build around it. Nothing other than the world as is goes into what i do. I let the warm are select turn to building. But perhaps I'm still walking on the concrete.

This is most likely.
I hang up my skis on a wooden, unpolished peg.

Amoscarine's photo
Mon 11/25/13 08:53 AM

Jacket, dress and socks :)

Appropriate post :)

Amoscarine's photo
Sun 11/24/13 04:37 AM
It is just that info occurs in the mind, in awareness, and so consciousness, and also in gravity and mass relationships. Follow? The tendencies on one may be like the other.

Amoscarine's photo
Sat 11/23/13 05:52 AM
Thank you two for your kind and sincere words, and the emotional thought that surely resides with them. I guess there is comfort in the idea that something will happen, albeit be it unknown. blushing

Amoscarine's photo
Fri 11/22/13 08:51 AM
I hope it doesn't bug you that I think to mesage you sometimes. I hope you don't half read these now. I hope there is concepts that keep you there. I fear I can't help myself, or you, but you don't need help, not from me at least. But that's not what I am saying. I mean that I don't feel bad about bad things that happen out there in the Other lands. I GUESS I DON'T KNOW YOU I hope you get a house, but not too soon in life, I hope you never eat with gold forks, or dine crystal-decked-out. Unless it's the rimmed kind that composes gypsy music. I hope you wear woven shoes, ones like sandle but made from hemp like treads, like wool looking. I hope you don't take the red bull from the sales man. I hope you don't listen to me, what I'm telling you, but see behind these lines in a way that makes sense. I don't fear that the other person doesn't know what I'm saying when I talk on the fly. I don't worry about dieing young- I don't think that time is going to be kind to my eyes. I don't think about the future, it is empty, lost, but not unfound. I look through the times, they distort the light of truth I understand that I undo my own sentences, and only to makes threads to let you make lithe meaning. Or not. But I hope that you have a good well if you have a good house. I don't care about houses, but water is important. One has to drink. I want to help people drink well, but I only do sometimes, so I'm not the best canidate per date. I know that it doesn't matter, It doesn't matter at all. So I hope that you can read this and feel small in the world, to see the sky, to write dumb silly western songs in the sky when it seems to have gaps. Oh nature, why do you feel? I hope you don't think I ever thought it was real. I thought the future was real, and that I could extend significance backwards. I hope that you don't repress yourself or restrict others, and I feel that this is not an empty thought. I fear that you're engrianed, or I am, and I am not afraid. I see light, but that is just a story. I hear words, but they are distortions. I rummage in books, and walk outside, And misconceptions abound in the world. I believe in a new world order, but this appears to not involve you and me. But I try to see behind appearances in hope of intuition breaking through. I hope you hear this message in 3 or more ways. It is semi logical, which means not all the way. It is slightly phrased, and intended to be read gracing through the words, which are mostly rubbish. I hope finally that this doesn't change events in a way that favors me, that odds in current conscious favor aside. I fear I've done too little, or nothing at all. I don't know what it means to do nothing like you say it, and that is all I have to communicate now, I hope

Amoscarine's photo
Fri 11/22/13 06:07 AM
So info is cool shiz right now in physics. It goes something like this, there is a pattern to nature, laws that involve certain functions, and these are what is commonly thought of when physics is mentioned. It is regarded as when one looks at the facts and say, this is the sum of experience. But that is just lacking something fundamental one might feel in their bones- consiousness and the moment of now. But Info is neat, and it can also be thought of simple questions, this is yes, a positive spin, or no, isn't. So that's what is meant in part when it is said that info pops up in physics equations, and might be fundamental in all phenomenon, which interestinf�gly, might include the feeling experience.

This is pretty alluring, that a physics theory could show that the mind is physical, but it would require some really different physics from the cut and dried theorizing of today. Besides needing more speculation in advanced science, something doctorates might not be too comfortable about, there is also the possible scenerio where nature itself has tendencies that are pyscho, that is that gravity and a theory of mind could be compatible. And however fanciful that sounds, it might actually be fleshed out. Such a scheme would start out with using information to try to explain why gravity seems to happen, and what parellels can be made between human thoughts and natural phenomenon. Maybe this is still missing something deep. But in finding further routes to explanation it is perhaps a reasonable path of handling the business.

It's almost expressed more succintly as seeing physics grind to a halt if it never touches meaningfully on the facts of consciousness, and so why do it if it won't pan out? Physics needs to pal up with philosophy to answers some of the deeper questions humans have about their experiences. Some new way of thinking is needed, not neccessarily just the structure and dynamics of successful physics past. It will be a joyious day when it may be finally realized.

Amoscarine's photo
Fri 11/22/13 05:34 AM


He is totally responsible for his drunkeness. HE DRANK BY HIS OWN CHOICE.

In fact I will go so far as to say that he is entirely responsible for everything that happens to him.

Well, say he breaks his foot or something, or ruins his bank account, then sure. But is he responsible for being someone who happens to be in an environment where he expresses himself (through drunkeness) in a way that has social consequences. If he was born and shipped to another planet or isolation and disliked his drunkeness, and had some allowance that he used too quickly, he is responsible. But if he alternatively did not experience alcohol in his isolated environment, and did when he was with people on the earth, it is not his fault. It's a bad situation that leads to the drinking.

To put it another way, if the guy can control whether he goes to Mars or stays put and goes to the pub or makes a quick run for some cheap whiskey, then he is responsible. But if he's stuck in the everyday, with no prospects from getting away from the humdum of bad circumstances, and can't leave his environment, he is no more responsible than a grasshopper is for eating old plants in a poor field.

So to say man is responsible for everything is an overestimation of what a person can do. But everyone is responsible for the little they can do. If they can change themselves good, but the quality of people does not always facilitate this, especially as overpopulation makes more poor living conditions and social situations.

Amoscarine's photo
Fri 11/22/13 05:13 AM
Now that I've thought about it some more, the evolutionary thought trends in science won't be useful, but borrowing specific ideas is sometimes a modicum, and will continue with varied success. The basis is not evolutionary in the since of Darwinism, but biological analogies may help.

Amoscarine's photo
Sat 11/16/13 06:10 AM


I think that order & chaos follow each other on opposite sides... And of course, what 1 may see as chaos, another may see as order.

That is correct that order could have come from chaos. Even Einstein seems to acknowledge the use of the incomprehensible in his thought

"My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble minds. That deeply emotional conviction of the presence of a superior reasoning power, which is revealed in the incomprehensible universe, forms my idea of God."

and also another instant

“Out of clutter, find simplicity. From discord, find harmony. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”

Which vaguely suggests that order could be found from chaos.
this seems to be a good sum up of some of his views about chaos and math and language
And there is another one that I can't think of well enough to find now, but in it he first said that he thought order existed, that events and reality was rational, but that off course it could be that in nature there is nothing about orderliness and it is chaos. If I find it again, I'll put it up.

Amoscarine's photo
Fri 11/15/13 08:47 AM
Or if you like a more modern reply about where the mass goes, the very end of this blog entry or whatever it is says that momentum has a limit in a certain sense because in Lie algebra it coils curls around itself and acts massless, so there are some weird dynamics going on there.