Community > Posts By > Amoscarine

Amoscarine's photo
Tue 11/05/13 08:46 AM
Can I propose a mix? It is evident that a casually connected line of reasoning is desired to describe reality. But could it be possible that the manner that the events are lined up is not written in stone? At each point or event of interaction, there would be some mechanism that lines up what will happen next, some evolution tendency of nature to select what is efficient at the moment.

Amoscarine's photo
Tue 11/05/13 08:35 AM
Abra, so you kind of made your own picture, magazine cut-out style?

Amoscarine's photo
Tue 11/05/13 08:15 AM
God, time,

I can't stop you flow, it doens't seem to matter that I feel like crap lately, to feel good is a miracle for later years. That's what doctors tell me, what is said in journals, that it shouldn't be a problem until it's too late. Besides never being too late, in my opinion, is not possible. What is there, that will make a difference. difference. Okay not to played, said something that matched nicely to my ear. Still, here lies the manner of the fault, authority doesn't need the backing of truth in society, and so lies burden. I'd be an ***, or mule, then pass on unkown stressors, beneficial traits aside. Not geniticaly, but prescriptionally, an environment inept to understanding. But somehow, I don't need that face, those gestures, at least in vast quantities.

Spontaneaty, frailty, amiss in the world, bad rhymes scold, what strict order says. But the matter, of connotation, is not in the explicit sensation, but rather a mental view, two steps removed. Abnormal policy is not always so bad, yet golden rule reversed lets life be lived (well). Why is gold on my mind, a lie or line that reminds me of the last fall, of trying to get some satisfaction, dull. Environment is a trial the lets buds bloom, even with out buddy near by. Sigh. I can't think about anything besides getting a guitar. But I don't give up on myself, tell tale heart, as it errs.

Flower, if I could make you bloom, in my hands like potasium in my gut from a bannana, I'd do so. The best that can be done is a warm hand, but cold too often have hold. If I'm out in the land, I feel more like a deer, without mad cow disease, or other variants, though. Time holds sway.

without structure, i mean emotioanlly with words. could harp ther moreso thanw hat lies inbetween what makes sense, and the leaks in my brain. personality, sensuality, of love, mood, drive, hiding silently, kills more than what blooms. It is something that you can't really think about ratiopnally, and watching empiricists speak so gives good negative expamples, role models, ways to play. May and be that has and see are rhymed not in mind as much as in time. Yolo is dumb, but I can't argue with the irreverability of arrows fall. Perception, exception, and no movie trailers here! so there more apparent, is the feel and not think attuitude of look, i'm here. TIme is mystery, flowing soft as it does, act out as a man extended, to percieve what lies ahead, but extension, moving forward, is the not in words spoken. These are the gaps, in our social attire, that addict traits in behavoir. They look for savoirs, but the message is inherient, creatively heard, so let punishment or reward go, it doesn't work. Society has no hold in what lies in man's hidden heart. To sit in the dark, but to light up, is what most needs done. Theory is bunked on social habits, in short, the running practice. Blame shows hiding of reasonable interpretation.

Amoscarine's photo
Mon 11/04/13 08:07 AM
So a world without materials... I notice that it is really quite odd that how the state of things are, it is such that humans are tied to a body, and that thoughts of I have to have a biological material origin, or at least facility. Can a person exist without a body, without compiling the materials through diet that make up the bones and flesh? What would be a person then, but a locale? I mean if you really say that the material world runs by the same laws as a mind operating in the same world, which should be guranteed by a scientific mindframe, then bodies are part of our pulsating lump of life, or more reasonably, human is part of everything else. This notion may seem too out there for some, but if one takes it, the 'person' doesn't exist. There is nothing but a life acting as it should in the environment it is in. There is also not material, because the person is connected to the cosmos and it all. Considering how people would act accordingly in different situations, such a world would be more appropriate.

Amoscarine's photo
Mon 11/04/13 07:55 AM
That must be why the English language has rubbish spelling, it was realized that it didn't matter and the fore-running wanted to flaunt their ability to make marks.

I heard that the brain shuts down its record of time everytime the eyes move, so that while reading, this has to happen a lot.

Amoscarine's photo
Mon 11/04/13 07:45 AM
I think in his Relativity book for the layman, he said that information cannot go faster than light, so perhaps that is something that also goes at that speed.

And I've heard Susskind say something like "photons have energy, but no mass," on his very good youtube lectures on special relativity through Stanford University's channel. I recommend watching that and his general relativity lectures as well. He teaches the minimum you need, so it is good for a general science-interested audience.

I've wondered about these concepts near the important number c is considered, and have always thought that there is something fishy about light having energy (and hence technically mass, as they are conversion units) but not behaving like a mass. I don't think that the proposition that light travels at c is maintained in gr.

Moreso, The momentum factors into why something can't go at v=c. It's pretty much like this. A heavy body is accelerated up to about 75% lightspeed about normally, like Newtows gig that is quite familiar. But then the body gains the kinetic energy that was transfered from the source providing the acceleration pull or push that started the body going. So the body is then more massive, and has more momentum, and then it takes even more accelerating force, which makes it more massive, and so on... The result of the momentum formula in sr is such that a body just can't seem to get enough E to match c. I think it has something to do with how the 4-momentum behaves theoretically, and this momentum limit sets a certain velocity.

I know what you're saying though, a photon with mass (E), traveling at lightspeed. I've heard of the idea that light speed is not the ideal, but is actually a slightly bit slower than the real speed limit, and I took this to mean that the little bit of mass that a photon has limits it to some speed just below the ideal c. Such thinking hasn't born anything out theory wise that I've read, at least. But one would think that different light energies would then have different speeds, but I'm not sure that that is reflected experimentally. Gravity redshift might be a good spot to check for this, so that a different redshift rate could be based on energy requirements of light. But this is fishing for differences without a base for which they emerge.

What seems the most intersting when thinking about those 'why' questions with light is that it is true to say that light speed is the speed reached by a particle if (idealized) it is accelerated at the expansion rate of the universe for the time frame of the universe, all of those darker billions. So that offers the possibility that light is different value at earlier, or futher removed in the future, epochs. This would not be surprising granted that I think it technically already can vary slightly in gr around massive gravitating bodies. It also says that the expansion rate of the uni has something to do with the behavoir of matter in it. So that is about all I can say about this post topic.

Amoscarine's photo
Mon 11/04/13 06:45 AM

Open vs closed strings describe the system pretty well... but you have to factor in the mulidimensional effects.

A beautiful idea without anything to sink one's teeth in, and a low iron rating.

Lisa is one of the few who has designed practical experiments to run at CERN to test string theory and multi-dimensional space.


Amoscarine's photo
Sun 11/03/13 02:17 AM
Science elevates the human mind from superstition, and that is a blessing to many. It's hard to say what pure science will lead to, and often the people who invent new ideas or describe a phenomenon don't have any idea of what it will lead to. So in the strictess sense, science doesn't do anything material for people at large, besides augmenting their common thinking into a more logical form. It is really the people who apply science to society that do the most good or harm to the public. They make new technology, discover cures and inovate new practices for old problems, and are often quite removed from the people who originated the material that they work with. In way, science has provided the fodder for new developments in the technological level of society, but it can hardly be said that science did that for the wider lot of humans, that was the business man and inventors. I'd like to think that science offers humanity a more accurate way of viewing the world, one that is closer to the reality of things. To those who value truth, no further benefit is necessary.

Amoscarine's photo
Sat 11/02/13 07:32 PM
So are there places to park a car on Oahu that won't get me in trouble with police and rangers for a night? I'm wanting to know how to be careful and not get into any unnecessary trouble.

Amoscarine's photo
Sat 11/02/13 07:25 PM
How did yo find it? by going through them or is there a search feature?

Amoscarine's photo
Sat 11/02/13 07:23 PM
So this is where I press the keys of a typer and don't think about form or arts or anything like making sense, and then something is supposed to be intelligible afterwards, right?

Well, it is kind of dark in this room. dark like a pixxelated pin pointed graphite drawing made by imprinting with some energy the paper. apinting as in what is a painting, some color or words+ words of color, a colorful phrase, or perhaps something silly that is just said to take some form, to conform to what is already in the common knowledge base. like a base palt or other fusilage, vial, drawing up liquds, I sometimes wonder how trully remarkable it is that drinkkng so ittle a fluid state in the viens and muscles can be mainteained to some degree, at least.

I don't know how I feel about this, is this, not that it is less ardous, or tedious than what I thought, but ideas seemed to be flowing coagulatedly, like the fat things I eat today got pressed into my thinker already. beddy betty, that cartoon figure I thought was good-classic and not to out there with provacation. Still, i must escape this topic

Does anybody, well I do, but feel as if sometimes their own before and afters aan be looked at as drugs vai no drugs? I mean super yoggis spirit sytle bliss and all, and other substance users approximate his ecstasy for a temporay rise, but motions notions, surprises, higher and lower city skies, yeild also peaks taht are somewhat artificail, and these are things I try to avoid,

Null and void, back ink on white paper that is really pretty sometimes, dul grey on a tie is not so much, even when highlighted with silver. and. desk jobs tend to suck but the offer chances of flying paper airplanes to lovers or other breaks from the monotone experienes of life going so slow... So time or the timeing of things, as in when time is put ionto some task even though it does not make immediate bucks, wealth, happiness, due s, is something like a eally ong shot of heroin in veins, one taht lasts a lifetime, and the life force is the rise, get it too high naturally and go into otherlands like a yogi pro. Or stay and ride the emotional rollercoster of drugs via substance,. Religios overdose is good, god, if I could write a peom in a minute.... Yet food is legal, it can be drug like, air, water, poison fidhy do like other reasonable things and get out, but isn't that how we evolved???

So evolution by using less things in environment, by being less upset by turmoil, bound to happen to all anyway. So that leaves future, after spiritual epidemic as left garbled roadside mud slinger turtle back steinbeck style, as those who can do better with less, and get high off of simple gestures of hand. man, yet I am not really missing out, or maybe I am. Fully biological an human is to be what I am limited to. It sometimes says that the good it observes in practice wouldn't be facilitated by society either, by the way, cyberness is a certain part toxicity, will I walk tomorrow? I must, I must, must ist kissed, where was she that turned to stone, als, alone! yet guild and gild, why is it that fate thus spilled, I swear it officer, it was only the miss. t. that I saw on the 2cd of november at 5 o'clock p.m. by the riverside, yet something, though perhaps evil died.

Aware, wired, yet not quite there, the time and experience, always truth's what not it wears. close m eyes, would rub temple if i thought it did anyting. bing, do i like bing, who actually uses it? I'm here. defenseless, bare (clean since) Action says talk, talk barks, thus man has brain. brain to be aware, talk..... talk is cheap. and time is money, so it is a matter of which you have if you want to engage what you make with what you can get. brain to understand dog song to unwind the spring of time, that rhymes too well to make sense on it's own. but isn't prose illogical? logicing in prose, nose, mob led, just as that one Edgar poe Allen guy said, before he was found gutter driven, shevering turbuc-his wife but him no, dressed though, in clothes not his own, is nature placed such i mens eyes, oh LIES! HIs part in nature was art, and art means only, his end was bitter, but one mysterious indeed. A good end for a poet, and he likely did really know it.

Should I stop, nah, what's it matter, batter up, my percentage is below practical.The brain exists t hear, to categorize, but categories are no part and play into nature, to create her, is half a tune and dollop of daisy, maybe I raise these kids some way day z how do they fly... bye, but I missed her, still a twirl of colors experience, dents my mind in it's due labor, savor chocalate in old age, Paige , once was a girl that I knew.... Still, the days turn as pages. What is all the rage about today then? doesn't the same thing happen for all, to all, or me, nothing at all. stall, the question still sits, and mind, gurgles in fits.

gurgle, wait murmur, that a sound and language in its own, stone, sit still, yet spoke, and not alone. Creator, thy maker, not of one or tree or thing, yet sing to me softly, swing as we did, corked up by the Id. One can't have one bottled wine and still the divine. So forget the wine, throw it on the curbside, and let the excellent times roll.

choice moist cake, bake, make me eat, seed sate. mate. <these things show a gate. still barking, give reason to appreciate, the sounds entering my ears, do faintly,as appears, to entertain, lions roar, sore till hurts.. that was a bad play date,,,,,, nnnno. But still, the existence as a will. Yeilds, fields, take it all. their is something else, to which my spirit calls.

It says deeper, always deeper, until the ants crawl between the floor boards of what is being said, of body out of hand. Grossly articulate what is meant, so that when you arise, you can protest it being dreamt. But nobod, of reason that is, ever really would lie, decieve or cry wolf, so that regard for me, when I get sucha look in my eye, is really out of place and uncalled for. door. closed and opens, another"oh brother"hahaahahh

there is not much i can do about the worls, so let it be said, that as I am living, is that state to be dead. there is no break, not this, not that , yet still instead. Oh lovely, cursed fate, it's never too oo late. spock
oops offtopic

Nature must have a language, and it is tough to hear. It says things that are spooky, but it is always clear. To speak is to conscious to meanin what was not there, creation, sweetly, how do i , well, sometimes I pear, anyways. It speaks without words, but they help one understand. Cut it, reel two.
Round two. fight.

I'm glad i never watched wrestling. The world gets lonely, why wouldn't it talk to it's toe. to create another consious in man is a drug, and to be man without regards the greater unknown and al parts of the univers is to say we are conscious alone and seperate from its unity, and is akin to the first delusion mentioned. Thus we hear the stars relate and explode, but listening closely, its abode sets our heart. well, at least to start!

Amoscarine's photo
Sat 11/02/13 06:08 PM
I thought...

Then another time I once told a girl that I'd go forward in time and make her breakfast while she slept and then that way she could eat it in the mornig without waking up to actually get ready and meet. She wasn't a morning person...

Also told a girl that her boyfriend would take part in a time event, in principle, in his basement and gave consent when she said she'd check it out. But I thought for a few months beforehand without the best fodder for it. I didn't exactly say that I wanted to be there too, but i thought it. Really, just predicting something can be taken as being there to oversee it happen, the error being that I could make anything happen involving other people without coperation.

Amoscarine's photo
Sat 11/02/13 05:58 PM
Has anybody went? I'm going soon and want to know if there are any parkinglots that let people park and sleep in them for free, like some walmarts do. Or any tips on eating cheap there would be useful. I think I'll get some tourism job, hopefully for leading hikes or something. That would be ideal for me now.

Amoscarine's photo
Sat 11/02/13 05:45 PM

Open vs closed strings describe the system pretty well... but you have to factor in the mulidimensional effects.

A beautiful idea without anything to sink one's teeth in, and a low iron rating.

Amoscarine's photo
Sat 11/02/13 05:42 PM
Well, I think that their is a difference between being filled with the creative spirit, and this leading to the making of something, or a person, and then using creation to make situations where one is unjustly favored, or where one uses the building in a corrupt manner. Two sides of a coin, I suppose.

Sometimes, when i draw at least, I get into a groove by not focusing on what my hands are doing, or making. I let the focus drift. People seem to like the results, somehow, so I wouldn't say that focus neccesarily comes with creativity hahahaha:smile: So I aim for neither. Nothing is wrong with success or money, and they can be really good things, but I'm not chasing them either!

And I don't want anything. As far as I am concerned with it, and you will see it is not very, wanting doesn't exist. One is responsible for what they are at present and what the can develop into. Misery comes about when opposing the natural order of things, by saying that since a distant star acts on me, that I can change it's course in the cosmos.

Why not indeed. I'm just saying that there is a good way and a bad way to handle the fruits of creativity.

Amoscarine's photo
Sat 11/02/13 05:23 PM
So I recently heard that information can be stored inside a vacum of a compressed gas cloud of atoms, and then extracted again. Now it can be wondered if the vacum was a real vacum, or only an aproximation, but I think that for mental purposes, an ideal can be used. Thermodynamics are more like guidelines, though the no perpetual motion idea is a great tool for thinking about how time can progress, because it go along with the thought that one can't get work out of nothing, and that time must then build up physical law sometime, instead of it just appearing and clockwork ready to run out of the package.

The question of whether a computer can have free will is interesting. If the case, which seems reasonable, is made that the characteristic of free will that will be used is the ability to put oneself in a certain environment, then a computer will not meet this criteria. But what is meant by the staement that humans can attend to their environment in a way that they can choose what is in store for them? If what is in their future is actually just a part of their capabilty, that is what they can do with their body, by the l�aws of physics, then it does follow, in certain sense anyway, that that this behavoir is mirrored also in nature. What happens to them, happens also in the real world. So one can attest that free will is actually already written. There is perhaps a simpler way to put it, that all that happens does, which can be taken to imply that what is the most efficient is what nature partakes in. To put this notion to nature, to say that nature acts as such in scenerios where it is most fit or effective, that it could be taken as a choice to run a certain way, that is, to adjust it's laws in new environments, results as the view that allows novelty, and is not determined in the strict sense of the word. Such behavoir is to be predicted for special cases, however, or small time frames whatever small is taken to be.

A vacum is an increadably misleading idea. It attenuates the absence of matter to a state of absolute nothing, where in gr models the absence of matter is still the presence of spacetime. Outside of this, there is nothing. That is where the finite part of the finite, yet unbound phrase comes into play. There is a difference between empty spacetime and what lies beyound it, but since no clear edge can be found, it can be thought that the whole is not contained by a definite boundary. Going back to the whole trapping a vacum in a gas, and trying out a new context, say that the general principle that changes what laws are (given no eternal truths) is such that certain conditions are presented, namely here the condesation of a gas cloud leading to the presence of vacum inside it of a particular kind. Now once that get up is attired, there is information in the vacum, which can (or not as well)be extracted as such. This is what they did in the experiment. Not matter normally has info tied up with it, and so the information that an object has can be used to figure out some other properties about it, and the laws can be enscribed to the realtions that are found. This can go for little atoms as well, and not just bigger everyday bodies. As such, the vacum would be presented as something like a holder or mover of information just like those other matter were. So the vacum is a participant in the info exchange. Now since the experiment put nature in a certain disposition by setting up controls and the type of matter used, how it groups together or how spacious it is, it may not be a prime example, but what happens next is that the system must behave in a certain matter, and choose what is efficient or reasonable, even if it is offered one at gun point. Perhaps the reason that novelty is not seen so often, or the notion of a certain type of choice briefly touched on here, is that the conditions already set up one thing to happen, and one thing only. There is a little saying in practice that no experiment fails, one just did not provision nature with what she needs to succeed. It could be that when it comes to options, that this is not nearly enough.

Amoscarine's photo
Sat 11/02/13 03:25 PM
So what is generally concluded is that magents show their effects very well when they are explained by the concept of a field. The idea of lines of force, as they go with this field description, also have a unique form proposed in Gravitation, namely that a magnet can be represented as a wormhole, with lines of force going to one end, through the hole, and out at the opposite pole, in a sort of loop configuration. That example about the momentume is great for its clarity. About the most wonderous thing about magnetism is that its oscilations (magnetism and electric charges) go in a void at the important and terrific value c by Maxwell. Considering the example about momentum being in the field, and beeing lobbed back and forth between two charges, it could be said that light has momentum. But where is the field for electromagnetism? Such perplexities sent many thinkers, and perhaps a whole era, on a quest to dtect the seat of the electromagnetic force, and like many scientific endeavors, it was a bummer. The results were nill again and repeated!

Dropping this issue for now, and moving ahead to ideas focusing on the momentum part. To do so it must be noted that light is imperitive in our conception of time. It is a somewhat circular defintion, as any high school student can point out, if they look at the SI defintion of a second. Yet it is stuck in our minds, and has augmented understanding in physical thought. So light itself is for now a measure of time. If the momentum it has upon interacting with bodies is taken into account, momentum then has time-like characteristics. A larger momentum, or a bigger push, has more time associated with it, and smaller, simply less. This works even for gravity. A mass bends spacetime, and if the curvature is significant, time slows down, and hence it is harder to pull a body away from that noteworthy mass, and so the opposite.

Keeping to this momentum view of things, the spacetime also affects bodies, as can be seen be the worldlines of test particles. But just as the field stores momentum in magnetism, the exchange between spacetime metric or curvature and mass of body is not instantaneous, as indeed all gravitational effects, like graviational waves, must go at light speed. So what is the holder of this matter-continium exchange? Perhaps this gets one closer to the feeling of when Einstein said that indeed, the existence of spacetime in his general relativity took the role that the Ether did in Newtons program, if i read the meaning of his remark correctly. So the beauty of Einsteins approach is that the ether is contained Inside the theory, at least, in his field equations.

So when one looks at the presented problem, of where the exchange of momentum can take place, if not in empty space, which is really equivalent to actual "nothingness," or in the matter-energy either, where else to put it besides in the other stars, and their relation to the specific epoch at hand? So The only thing I know about magnetism is that it must lead to a better understanding of other phenomena.

Amoscarine's photo
Sat 11/02/13 01:35 PM
Just because we are consious, in a developed case creative, doesn't mean that one should use this intelligence for any personal gain, to manipulate and get what we want. I think that this is a struggle that everyone who has even an once of power has to deal with.

Amoscarine's photo
Sat 11/02/13 01:01 PM
Edited by Amoscarine on Sat 11/02/13 01:05 PM
I sometimes want to hold a dolphins brain, and see how it fits together and works. Dolphins have a way of talking to eachother, and have been known to have a few human words when trained. I thnk that it is amazing that they can get our language to some extent, but that we still don't have a clue about how to crack even a syllable of their language. It's almost like humans are just to specific and sylized to get any general idea besides their own. Doplhins have been also known to wrap weeds around their noses where foraging around rocks to help protect their skin, and this is a skill taught to youngins after birth, i.e., it is social. Some even adorn reeds as a part of a male flaunting act during mating season. But dolphins are also an animal that engages in self sexual acts and sex for recreation. So they display many human or at least intelligent characteristics.

Brain size is not what makes humans unique. Think of a whales brain. It is the brain volume to mass ratio that we rock, meaning big brains for our size, which may increase now becasue the birth canal no longer limits successful births of big brained babies due to c. sections. Whales, by the way, have songs which last for very long periods of time. The information was accounted for in somebodies figuring once, by counting so much frequency change as a bit of information, or by some other way, and it was comparable to a Homer Odyssey, if not exceeding that. So I often think that there environment has no need from them to develop in the way that humans do and did. With out hands and the like, I don't see what good anything but great memories and social interaction remain for putting a brain demand on such animals.

And this question lies on a bias that we are the only very intelligent animal about that nature created, but from the little I know about species from watching youtube videos about human geneology, it appears that there were more human like creatures than just homo sapiens around. So we killed anything that had a chance for competing, or that were suceptable like natives to new diseases are, which would include more intelligent animals and animals that perhaps would pass for a human at a distance today. That's part of nature that isn't talked about much. It kind of puts a bad light on arguments that beging with 'humans are the only...'

Amoscarine's photo
Sat 11/02/13 12:40 PM
For all that it is worth, all science since Newton was done inside the box, and it is that thinking which has brought it to a standstill. Most solutions, even for things like gr and gravity, are with special conditions that limit the range of influence to a small area or degree. This is what eliminating variation by using control factors is all about, making everything run smooth so that the same result is had yet again. Our scientific method of approval is limited to in the box thinking that truncates the larger picture of nature into one that is more easily handled. New thinking in science will surely take some imagination and daring!