Community > Posts By > grobi

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Tue 01/16/07 01:54 PM
Kojack has a point. I'd go even further than that, though. Never be
desperate, no matter how much you don't want to be alone. If he really
is worth all of that, he will take his time with you, and be patient.
He will wait for you, or he will relocate to where you are. Sounds to
me like it's not being kidnapped that you ought to worry about, but
being controlled. At any rate, it doesn't sound like a good senario
that he is suggesting. Hold off.

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Sun 01/14/07 11:03 AM

Treat yourself well!!

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Wed 01/10/07 08:16 AM
Congratulation, Jerbear!

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Wed 01/10/07 05:12 AM
Hey Purplecat,

My profile says what I want. Check it out, critique it, talk about it.
I invite you to.

no photo
Tue 01/09/07 08:34 PM
That's hilarious! Nice one, anyway!
Welcome to the site.

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Tue 01/09/07 08:17 PM
I can't really speak for other men, I don't know what they "really" want
from women. But, speaking for myself, I look for non-judgementalism --
an openmindedness that allows her to see me without being compared to
another, or to some standard of manhood that gauges how 'useful' I could
be for her puposes.In other words, I look for signs that there could
develope a real emotional involvement where I feel I can reach her. And
when I hold her, she's not distant. Someone who can make a passionate

no photo
Tue 01/09/07 07:44 PM
It could simply be that there are other demands he senses attached to
the offer ofsex and intimacy. He may be pulling away from you because
he feels he can't or doesn't want those demands being made. Pehaps he
doesn't want to hurt you by confronting you about them. Just a thought.
Don't take my comments as insults -- they are not meant to be. Talk to
him. Don't just let anything happen and drift further away. You owe it
to yourself to know just what's going on.

Feel for you.

no photo
Mon 01/08/07 10:06 AM

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Sun 01/07/07 12:24 PM
Hey T!
I hear you loud and clear!
There's alot of damage in this world, and
it just may be, that the women you've been talking to have there own
baggage: faith unfaithed, so to speak.
Their rejection just might not be about you personally.
In you they perhaps see others. It may not be a manhood thing. They're
Give yourself a big break -- keep looking.

no photo
Sun 01/07/07 12:08 PM
Just remember, be caught up in the swirl of Love,
drift into the singularity,and never leave it.

no photo
Sun 01/07/07 12:06 PM
Hi Chubbycherubpoet!

Just a note: like Sweetcountrygirl there are many of us just trying to
reach out and help somebody, trying to make a connection. Iv'e read
alot on this sight, and your poems bless everyone, even me. Thanks!!!

no photo
Sun 01/07/07 11:52 AM
Hi again, everyone. What I hear you saying is all true. Meeting
someone to love them, and being in love with them are aspects of love --
but, there are many. And not one precludes any other. After a
political science seminar I took back in Ohio, I was in discussion with
my professor about the subject of love. He anguished over the fact that
he felt his kids weren't turning out to be the kind of understaning
people he had hoped they would become. We got to talking, and I told
him that I believe, as I still do, most people don't know how to love;
they have never fully developed within themselves the capacity for love.
He himself seemed to have a bias towards people of european ancestry (if
you get my drift). I swear that I had never seen anyone's ears and
whole face turn as red as hot coals before!

At the beginning of the next class, he began his lecture with a
paraphrase of my previous remarks, and asked the class if they disagree.
No one answered -- an ominous silence befell the room. His intro was
geared toward embarrassing me, calling me out before the entire class,
but I knew no answers were forth coming. Hot coals radiated from the
front of the room.

My point, here is that everyone comes into this world with the capacity
to love, but it has to be developed. Most people arrest that
development, stuggling to balance fear, pain, and even utter rage with
the urgency to love and be loved -- blurring thier vision of love as it
defines itself. Like an "undiscovered country" love, its meaning, by
necessity has to be discovered and seen as it reveals itself in and of
itself. All we have to do is look with complete openess.

Keep thinking about it. I have seen and felt the ecstasy of it, but
only when I realized that to love one entails loving all. It is this
awareness that allows one to truely love another seen or unseen.

no photo
Sat 01/06/07 06:48 PM
By the way, that is a great question!

no photo
Sat 01/06/07 06:47 PM
It's more than possible! I love all of you, though I've never met you.
There's a way to view it with simplicity: Love is the unconditional
acceptance of the existence of all people! If you can see that inherent
in the definition of love is 'unconditionality', you can and will love
without knowing, because there are within yourselves no obstructions to

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Fri 01/05/07 02:54 PM







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Thu 01/04/07 10:23 PM
I swear! Songbird has wisdom!

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Thu 01/04/07 02:00 PM
Let's face it! I'm not on this site to simply talk; I believe that for
all of us, the ultimate hope is to find someone whom we will eventually
meet, regardless of the motive.

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Thu 01/04/07 01:44 PM
I should think that you are looking for more than a friend; friends can
be married or in a relationship just as well!

no photo
Mon 12/11/06 08:54 AM
Hi! Just looking for a nice woman with whom to share nice times!

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