Community > Posts By > Austinguy189

Austinguy189's photo
Thu 12/25/08 09:55 PM

honestly im a young guy young girls would be the audience id like to talk to. or maybe some other bros for pointers


Austinguy189's photo
Thu 12/25/08 09:47 PM
I have two weaknesses:

1) Athletic girls. If she can run faster than me, longer than me, then I'm in love. Not muscular athletic. More like tennis athletic.

2) Someone that can bring me down a few notches. If a girl can get me to shut my mouth and won't take any of my crap, then I just sit there and admire.

Both amazing qualities. If I end up finding someone with both, then I'll probably die of happiness before I even have a chance to make a moveslaphead But good thing for me, they're all taken already:cry:

Austinguy189's photo
Thu 12/25/08 09:35 PM

definitely alone...privacy is essential to liberty...:smile:

But that doesn't change that I'd much rather live together. Because the only relationship I'd be in would be for the long haul. And I would do anything to wake up next to the person I love.

When you have been married for a while, I'd like to hear your thoughts on this.:laughing:

I guarantee they'll be verbadum.:thumbsup: :heart:

Austinguy189's photo
Thu 12/25/08 09:31 PM
Pool shark here ;-)

Austinguy189's photo
Thu 12/25/08 09:30 PM

definitely alone...privacy is essential to liberty...:smile:

Nicely put. You wouldn't happen to be a Lincoln-Douglas debater? I've said that exact line probably 300 times back in high school.

But that doesn't change that I'd much rather live together. Because the only relationship I'd be in would be for the long haul. And I would do anything to wake up next to the person I love.

Austinguy189's photo
Fri 10/31/08 06:31 AM
To quote yourself, actually.

I would think that the deepest connection that exists between people is through falling in love.
and I would also think that If it was true love it would be as open and honest as I would be with someone I have been friends with for years.

You still care. Just fight through whatever it is, Kitty. It'll be worth it, I promise.

Austinguy189's photo
Thu 10/30/08 10:24 PM

I am hoping to turn my best friend into my lover...he's already my love. happy

Well the best of luck to you. I hope everything turns out transendently.biggrin

Austinguy189's photo
Thu 10/30/08 10:22 PM

How the heck do you flirt using only text?

Whoa - and for those of us who do better in to turn that into reality?

Anybody who can respond to both questions...have at it!

I'll try and help in the best way that everyone will understand; a list!All of these are very general guidelines and may change depending on the specific situation. But for the majority, they apply. Just anytime you would use one of these emoticons, just do what I put next to them.

:wink: = hip nudge or playful push(a push that's hard enough to move them from their current position, but not hard enough to actually de-cleet them.)

:tongue: = "What now?!" kind of face. Almost like an "I told you so". A very cocky face.

Kissy face = A special smirk in which you slightly turn your head and VERY slightly close your eyelids. Act as though you're posing for the cover of cosmo.

happy = A very genuine grin. This one is sold in the eyes. You have to try and get accross that your were truly touched by the other person. They sincerely made you happy.

blushing = When someone gives you a compliment. Bashfully accept it. DO NOT PLAY IT OFF BY COMPLIMENTING THEM. The worse thing is when you give somebody a compliment and they don't even accept it. Just humbly say, "thank you so much." and move on.

noway = "What did you just say you want to do to that little girl?!" That's a no-no face. It comes natural to you, so don't worry about it.

laugh = Very literal laugh out loud. This one is another one that comes natural.

ohwell = Make an unhappy smirk. It shows you have discontent with something but you're not completely frustrated with it. Then seem hesitant when you start talking about it.

glasses = A very cocky grin. When you know you've done something cool or want to pretend you did such a thing and wish to jokily brag. Slowly shake your head vertically with a very cocky grin starring at the bottom of the horizon in front of you. Do not make eye contact, it shows that you feel as though you are their equal.

devil = This is when you make the stereotypical evil vilan laugh or pose. Place your fingers from each hand upon eachother, and periodically seperate them and unite them. Do this while slightly grinning while starring off into lala land.

frown = PLacing your upper lip behind your lower. This shows that you're not actually unhappy because it is an exageration.

frustrated = Face-palm!

Alright, I think I have listed the ones used most commonly in texts, e-mails, etc. I was suposed to go to sleep fifteen minutes before starting this, so off to bed! G'night everyone! Hope it helps.

Austinguy189's photo
Thu 10/30/08 09:48 PM

I would think that the deepest connection that exists between people is through falling in love.
and I would also think that If it was true love it would be as open and honest as I would be with someone I have been friends with for years.

I think really the majority of the problem in this is that people build walls around themselves. and many times feelings and emotions are withheld. and sometimes it is easier to share things with a friend than it is to share things with somebody you have romantic feelings for.

it all takes time. the process is gradual. and perhaps should not be rushed.

but i do believe it is important to view your lover as a friend also. perhaps when this does nbot happen or stops happening is where cheating starts to occur.

I agree and disagree.

The love one shares for a friend is just as amazing, deep, and true as falling in love. It's just as simple as not feeling romantically for eachother.

But you are completely correct when it comes to being a friend just as much as a lover. If your lover is nothing more than that, then they're just your sex buddy.

Sorry if this doesn't make complete grammatical sense, I've drinkin quite a bit of wine tonight so my mind is thinking faster than I can type correctlydrinker

Austinguy189's photo
Thu 10/30/08 06:35 PM

so i guess why I originally posted this becasue a true friend is very rare. A friend is somebody you open your heart to and share moments with..little and big moments. somebody that when you know they are sad or something is call them and talk about it untill they feel better. and they do the same. someone you both love and respect all the time.

now for my life I can maybe count on one hand "TRUE friends"

some people I belive dont seek this closer connection and would fill their lives with many aquantinces. (which doesnt exactly leave time left to do the things it takes to cement friendship)

so it crossed my mind...that if you had what you considered a true freind...this is one steep into a deeper very satisfying, more loving relationship.

Exactly. But it doesn't necessarily have to go on to the step of a relationship. The friendship of a true friend could never step up to a deeper, more satisfying love. It's already completely pure and true. A romantic relationship is different, yes. But not necessarily deeper nd more satisfying. And certainly not more loving.

Austinguy189's photo
Thu 10/30/08 03:54 PM

Personally, I'd feel WAY more comfortable dating a girl who I was friends with first.

So many people seem to do it the other way around... hit the sack, and then figure out if they are even compatible as friends!

I dunno... personally I think there's a lot MORE merit and honor with the former, compared to the latter. winking

I also seem to be nearly alone in that perception...grumble

I personally think that it's equal merit. A friendship is just as important and personable as a relationship. A real friendship that is.

Now if what you're refering to is an acquaintance, then I completely agree.

So many people nowadays use the word friendship so loosly. The love in a friendship is just as pure and true as one in a 50 year long marraige.

Austinguy189's photo
Thu 10/30/08 03:49 PM

Yes it's true!
I have had a "Best Friend" for over 20 years and we dated in High School.....but now we are inseperable. We share all our laughs and cries.

The man I am with now has been my other Best Friend for over 3 years and I wouldn't have it any other way!

The real question here is:
Can men and women be friends or Best Friends?

There is a pre-consieved notion in our society that the opposite sex cannot be friends due to the sexual stigma involved......

Only if both parties involved are mature enough to handle such a friendship. I have five best friends. All girls. One of which I dated in high school, but now we don't really talk very much. Only because we're too busy. I still know her better than anyone else ever will.

And out of those five girls, there is only one of which I would even begin to consider moving the relationship onto a romantic level. Another one of them is married, even.

My life's experience is proof enough that it's not only possible, but happens often.

Austinguy189's photo
Thu 10/30/08 01:03 PM

make a awesome lover????


The only people I ever even consider as lovers.

If you know everything about a person and still wish to be their lover, then you know you have something truly special.

Love is not finding the perfect person. Love is finding an imperfect person and perceiving them as perfect.

OOOOOOO good answer!!
and u know this at such a young age too!!

nobody is really perfect...but to find somebody that loves how you are...mind and soul..AND body...what a GIFT!!!

Exactly. So if that indeed is what you have in your life right now, don't let it pass. That's once in a lifetime, kitty.

Austinguy189's photo
Thu 10/30/08 02:02 AM
I don't need that site! The Mayans already told me.


Austinguy189's photo
Thu 10/30/08 01:56 AM

make a awesome lover????


The only people I ever even consider as lovers.

If you know everything about a person and still wish to be their lover, then you know you have something truly special.

Love is not finding the perfect person. Love is finding an imperfect person and perceiving them as perfect.

Austinguy189's photo
Wed 10/29/08 05:18 PM
Have my cake and eat it, too?

Austinguy189's photo
Wed 10/29/08 02:09 AM
I'm in no way a superman.

Austinguy189's photo
Wed 10/29/08 02:01 AM

then once you had her you would fail to see her as perfect? do i understand your logic?

No, because I would never get her. That's the point of wanting what you can't have, you can't have it.

Austinguy189's photo
Wed 10/29/08 01:51 AM

*swing and a miss*

maybe you just got to that person too late......then that wouldnt make them the perfect person now would it? isnt one requirement of the perfect one to be single too?

No, because if they were single then one would focus on their faults because they could potentially deal with those faults.

But if they're taken then one tends to focus on the amazing qualities and make them apear to be perfect. Because most people would rather dwell on how that could be their significant other rather than move on to somebody else.

Austinguy189's photo
Wed 10/29/08 01:46 AM

I always want the women I can't have.

I'm so picky that the woman closest to me that I'd date is 500 miles away from me.

If you're anything like me, it's because your expectations are so high that there is nobody else that you even want to consider because you think you've found the perfect person, who just so happens to be unavailable.

not too shabby for your first post.

i dunno...he just needs to live closer...

Thanks. It's kinda the reason I'm here, though. :-)

You have to ask yourself if you can do the long-distance thing. It takes a lot of time talking on the phone, and a lot of dedication to eachother. If you're up for it, then you should definitely talk to him about it.

But the biggest thing is that if he's not up for it, then you have to move on. Dwelling on this person will probably cause you to miss another amazing person. Believe it or not, there is more than one amazing guy out there ;-) They're just rare, so you have to keep your eyes pilled.

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