Community > Posts By > Fit2bFunVB

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Wed 01/14/09 12:25 AM

an 8?

Not average (5)... not exceptional (10)... so, 8 seems to sound about right. :-)

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Tue 01/13/09 06:26 PM

Now my question to you is:

Would you continue to hold the hand of that person who doesn't believe in your belief system and continue to walk up the hill to peace and happiness?


Would you let go because you disagree that the person doesn't deserve to go where you go?


Would you care less, but acknowledge that we are all brothers and sisters afterall and everyone deserves to go there like you can?

None of the above. It is not my decision to determine who is worthy or "deserves" to go to heaven. If He has put me in the presence of others who are walking in God's will, I am not going to be paying attention to who is holding whose hand or what they call their "faith" - I am just going to be praying for the lost ones who don't get to make the journey with me.

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Tue 01/13/09 06:11 PM


[smiling warmly] I have no desire to attack you, nor would I. We are all entitled to our own opinion - and I am more than capable of agreeing to disagree.... "it's all good"

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Tue 01/13/09 01:24 AM

with the site. Posts are not showing all threads.

Dont tell me Im banned again???noway laugh laugh laugh

I can't get it to put in any smileys... :/

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Tue 01/13/09 01:19 AM

I don't care what the popular dribble about "unconditional love" is. EVERY human being that gives love has the right AND the responsibility to see that they recieve love in return for the love they give.

"In return for" to me implies expectations. If I'm giving with the expectation of receiving, I don't call it love. I call it bartering. I wouldn't continue a relationship that was based purely on me giving and them taking however.

Both good points.

Last thing I am in this world is a "doormat" - ask anyone who knows me... *chuckles* However, that doesn't mean that I conduct myself with an expectation of getting something in return. Perhaps I have a broader view of the premise of "love" and don't think of it as something that exclusively comes between people in a relationship [parent/child, man/woman, etc].

Ever gone into a store and been met by a sullen cashier? The sour face, the clipped monotone responses? I have a choice in this exchange - I can let their dour mood effect me, or I can project LOVE and potentially effect THEIR mood, for the good. Most of the time, I am going to do exactly that - I am going to smile, I am going to use a happy/pleasing voice, I am going to use polite words (please, thank you, etc.).. and if all else fails and I've not gotten them to "hear" the LOVE in my exchange with them, before I walk off I say: "Smile, you're loved and it's all good!" Needless to say, that usually gets SOME positive response.

The point here is that giving LOVE in an exchange is done because I have it to give - like that old saying... give away a smile, it costs nothing and makes the world a better place to live.

Anyway, my two cents on this topic. :-)

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Mon 01/12/09 03:26 PM

Sharing love is important, but often times it's scary.

Because there are few things in this life worse than unrequited love.

I think this is a misnomer... you don't have to want/expect/have love returned in order to give it. You can and should be able to express genuine love/care for another person without the desire/expectation that they'll return it - for then, aren't you giving it in the hopes of GETTING something in return? That is not why love should be given.

Hence, the premise of UNCONDITIONAL love... given without the expectation of getting anything in return. Express love because you want too, not because you're hoping to get something in return.


Fit2bFunVB's photo
Mon 01/12/09 03:17 PM

maybe we could do like a group big hug,

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Only if you promise not to grab my ass

I refuse to make such a promise.

I was talking to Kevin. You on the other hand can grab whatever you like

WoooHooo Baby! "whatever I want" works for me!

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Mon 01/12/09 03:14 PM

maybe we could do like a group big hug,

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Only if you promise not to grab my ass

I refuse to make such a promise.

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Mon 01/12/09 12:54 AM

It takes two to tango.frustrated rant

Exactly! Good, Bad, or Indifferent - relationships, or lack thereof, takes two.

Let's face it, we all send out "vibes" whether we're willing to acknowledge it or not. If the vibes you're sending out are not conducive to letting someone else know they're loved and cherished, they're going to perceive that something isn't quite right... hence, come in insecurities, fear, cautiousness, etc. - all negative impacting feelings.

Knowing who you are - strengths and challenges - and the willingness/ability to share of that person openly and honestly is the beginning to establishing the foundation in any relationship - be it friends, professional, or romantic.

My two cents worth.

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Sun 01/11/09 12:24 PM

what is unique about you that separates you from the rest?!

I seem to be one of the rare parents who still teach their children manners and the importance of respecting ones elders. At least, that is what all of my son's teachers always comment on... so, I must be doing something right.

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Sun 01/11/09 12:19 PM
*laughing* This ROCKS!

Interested in a date?!

You're my kind of man!

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Sun 01/11/09 12:16 PM
Have you initiated any contact? If so, are they not responding back? [if they're not, shame on them and you wouldn't want to know any more]

Additionally, I would use spell check when you write to people or post on forums. It gives a much better first impression to read something that doesn't contain any spelling errors. [perhaps it is the "teacher" in me... but, I see this as a common turn off to women]

Hope this helps - and don't give up!

Best of luck,
Peace and Blessings.

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Wed 12/24/08 03:16 PM
Happy Birthday Jesus!

oh.. yeah.. and, err - Merry Christmas.


Fit2bFunVB's photo
Wed 12/24/08 03:12 PM
Wanting... all of God's children to be comforted by His unwavering love for them, and be able to smile and feel a sense of peace within their souls... not too much. :-)

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Sun 12/21/08 02:12 AM

how many of you are at work right now? I am..

Not I.

I am on christmas break until Jan 5th.

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Sat 12/20/08 02:20 AM
No, I don't take them - they're not mine.

No, I don't give them - they're not theirs to have.

The first thing I do is repeat back them what they've just said... "so what I hear you saying is..*paraphrase their words here*" - I find that sometimes people don't realize what they've said or how it has come across; and I point out that they're coming acorss as if to induce a feeling of guilt from me. If indeed they do mean it as a guilt inducing statement, I then explain to them that perhaps they need to give that some more thought - that perhaps they're having issues with the topic/situation because that is not how it appears to me. I share with them my perspective, lovingly and without judgement, at this point.

I've found that more often than not, even if we don't agree - we've learned how the other thinks/feels about this topic/situation and are able to agree to disagree.

It also can begin to set the foundation for a more respectful, loving way of communicating with this person - over time. No one learns good communication skills the first time out.


Fit2bFunVB's photo
Fri 12/19/08 01:21 AM

When the bible talks about not judging it is talking about assuming that person is bad or evil even though you don't know anything about them.It would be wrong to judge a person only by looking at them.


Hence the premise: "don't judge a book by its cover"

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Fri 12/19/08 01:13 AM
There is a distinct difference between being a believer in Christ, Lord Jesus, and believing in "religion" - walking with eyes wide open in the holy spirit - and knowing that Faith is an action verb - has nothing to do with the man made hypocrisy found in the postulation of religion upon the masses.

I've found, people of Faith seek to share of their personal experiences with their Lord Jesus with other folks - thought their thoughts, actions, and prayers. These folks know that they come from a position of being full of God's love and that love/Faith/serenity/peace comes through in their interactions with others. People who live in that LOVE don't need to cram it down other peoples throats in the name of religion - as would that really be the demonstration of love? No.

Please don't confuse these two very different positions: being religious is not the same as living in God's Faith.


Fit2bFunVB's photo
Fri 12/19/08 12:56 AM

why do women wear make-up and perfume?
because they are ugly and they stink. lol

Why do men open their mouth and speak before thinking?

Because they can only use half of their brain at any given moment and their mouths/thoughts are controlled by different halves.

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Tue 12/09/08 01:06 AM

Answer: Perhaps the best indication that God does have a sense of humor is that He created man in His image (Genesis 1:27), and certainly people are able to perceive and express humor. The American Heritage Dictionary defines a “sense of humor” as “...The ability to perceive, enjoy, or express what is comical or funny.” According to this definition, then, God must show an ability to perceive, enjoy, or express what is comical. The difficulty is that people perceive what is comical differently, and what sinful man perceives as funny would not amuse a holy and perfect God. Much of what the world calls humor is not funny but is crass and crude and should have no part in a Christian’s life (Colossians 3:8). Other humor is expressed at the expense of others (tearing down rather than building up), again something contrary to God’s Word (Colossians 4:6; Ephesians 4:29).

An example of God's humor is the instance in which the Israelites were using the Ark of the Covenant like a good-luck charm in taking it to battle, and the Philistines ended up capturing it and placing it in their temple before their idol of Dagon. They came into the temple the next day and found Dagon flat on his face before the ark. They set him back up. The next morning, there he was again, but this time he had his hands and head cut off as a symbol of his powerlessness before the God of the ark (1 Samuel 5:1-5). God’s putting Dagon in a position of submission to His ark is a comical picture.

This incident is an example of God laughing at the foolishness of those who would oppose Him. “See what they spew from their mouths— they spew out swords from their lips, and they say, ‘Who can hear us?’ But you, O LORD, laugh at them; you scoff at all those nations” (Psalm 59:7-9). Psalm 2 also reveals God laughing at those who would rebel against His kingship (verse 4). It is like the comical picture of a kindergarten-aged child being upset at his parents and running away from home...all the way to his neighbor’s house. But there is obviously a serious side to this as well, and although the picture of weak and silly man trying to match wits with an almighty and all-knowing God is comical, God takes no delight in their waywardness and its consequences but rather desires to see them turn around (Ezekiel 33:11; Matthew 23:37-38).

A person does not crack jokes in the presence of one who has just lost a close loved one; silly jokes are out of place on such occasions. In the same way, God is focused on the lost and is looking for those who will care for their souls as He does. That is why our lives (while having times of refreshing and humor) are to be characterized by “soberness” (seriousness about making our lives count for Christ) (1 Thessalonians 5:6,8; Titus 2:2,6).

Through the scriptures, guiding life principles are found.