Community > Posts By > Fit2bFunVB

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Tue 12/09/08 01:03 AM

cause everybody knows that dancing leads to card playing
noway Full House, Aces over Eights smokin

*peaks at her cards*
Royal straight flush, Ace high
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Tue 12/09/08 12:44 AM
As someone who has also just recently returned to the embrace of the Lord Jesus' Love, .... welcome home lilwick.

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Fri 12/05/08 12:42 AM

If I have love I need just enough income to have a home and the nessessities and thats every thing it takes to be happy . If having real love and a home and the nessessities is all you need to be happy then i would love to talk to you and see where it goes.

Regardless of the material items needed to survive, there are three essential people in any long-standing, committed relationship: he, she, and HIM (God).

Too many people forget that crucial fact.

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Sun 11/23/08 02:08 AM

I dunno but why does my kitchen sink smell like goat poop??????noway

Uh... I think I would be more concerned over the fact I even knew how goat poop SMELLED in the first place...sick

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Sun 11/23/08 02:04 AM

However, I think love can help to strengthen someone. And we all know the occasional hug can do miracles for helping someone who is having a hard time. And sometimes a good word can help someone to cope a little better. And we all know, sometimes, it might be nice to have someone else in our lives who really loves us like a significant other can. By being supportive and we be the same to them, but at the same time we all need someone to complement us, someone to be our other half. would ya'll agree on that?happy flowerforyou

Agreed - having a supportive partner can give your life a sense of serenity and calmness, knowing you have a safe place to fall is an essential part of healthy love. However, it also takes having the ability to trust another person to the degree that you allow yourself to become vulnerable with them... and that takes Faith. So, in answer to the question, love of another is not enough - one must also have Faith. It takes three to make a relationship: You, Me, and Him.


good answer, faith is definatly important, a matter of real trust must be established, but people should not make someone trust completely in them if they don't trust themselves, don't you think?

It depends upon where that "self-trust" is derived from - once again, if you have Faith then the ability to trust, yourself and another, is born of a place of selflessness and therefore the actions one takes from this position is going to bear fruit between the people involved. To simply rely on oneself to "know" what is best, is not enough.

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Sun 11/23/08 01:53 AM

However, I think love can help to strengthen someone. And we all know the occasional hug can do miracles for helping someone who is having a hard time. And sometimes a good word can help someone to cope a little better. And we all know, sometimes, it might be nice to have someone else in our lives who really loves us like a significant other can. By being supportive and we be the same to them, but at the same time we all need someone to complement us, someone to be our other half. would ya'll agree on that?happy flowerforyou

Agreed - having a supportive partner can give your life a sense of serenity and calmness, knowing you have a safe place to fall is an essential part of healthy love. However, it also takes having the ability to trust another person to the degree that you allow yourself to become vulnerable with them... and that takes Faith. So, in answer to the question, love of another is not enough - one must also have Faith. It takes three to make a relationship: You, Me, and Him.


Fit2bFunVB's photo
Thu 11/20/08 12:59 AM

I was reminded of something I heard a long time ago. It was actually said by a comedian, don't remember his name, but it came back to memory. "What if all those people you see on the streets talking to themselves are just reluctant prophets?" It got me thinking, and as this place is filled with people who have seemed to studied a lot of religion and even those of different types, I wanted to see some opinions along these lines.

Why aren't there any more prophets?

Do we just not listen anymore, or did God stop speaking directly to us?

Can't wait to see what you all think.

It is interesting that you begin by making notice of regular type people walking the streets, apparently talking to themselves, as it can be likened to the walk that Jesus took while he was here in physical form. There were no TV's, radios, internet, etc. to preach the word of gospel to the masses - the disciples of God spoke to everyone they came in contact with about the love of God and its availability to everyone as a way of salvation. Is it so hard to believe that His word is still being passed along in the same manner?

I find it a little disturbing that people are always looking for the "ONE" [a human being] who will have the panacea of answers that they're seeking. Perhaps it is a tad optimistic of me; however, I believe that if you have a strong personal relationship with God, minister [not preach, there is a difference] to those people who cross your path on a daily basis, follow His laws as best as you're able to [being the sinful humans we are..], then it is less important who might or might not be a "prophet" in this time - then it is that you're walking the walk and not just talking to talk.


Fit2bFunVB's photo
Thu 11/20/08 12:28 AM
I like my coffee in a cup.

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Mon 11/17/08 11:38 PM

6 - 12 months?! *laughs* Hunny, that is the blink of an eye... long-term is for the rest of your natural born life.

Nah, that was a joke. I'm not looking anymore.

*smiles warmly*

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Mon 11/17/08 11:35 PM

Telling me what I believe is a tad arrogant, though. Now who is attempting to be omnipotent?!

Dude you quoted the Christian bible. I didn't tell you what you believed, you advertised it.

Dude?! [looks down at herself]

Need glasses?
*wanders off to something a little less testosterone filled*

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Mon 11/17/08 02:26 PM

"Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts... and everyone who loves and practices falsehood." Rev 22:15


I love me some falsehoods. :smile:

But meh - we're both making a leap of faith in one direction or another. You believe some omnipotent being willed things into creation, I believe everything came from nothing for no good cause. We both have evidence on our side that we claim is reliable.

Who's crazier?

But does the bible say God didn't populate other planets with life? If he truly is omnipotent and omniscient (which in itself is a logical fallacy), and if he loves life as much as he says, why not fill the dark void with flowers and birds?

Sorry Darlin'... I have no burning desire to argue who is crazier - too reminiscent of the testosterone driven "mine is bigger/stronger/better than yours" position that is as old as life itself.

I do not need to "understand" [dissect] a belief in order to "accept" [have Faith] it as being valid.

Telling me what I believe is a tad arrogant, though. Now who is attempting to be omnipotent?!


Fit2bFunVB's photo
Mon 11/17/08 02:16 PM

God repeatedly speaks of the "universe" in the new testament:
1Co 4:9
Eph 4:10
Php 2:15
Heb 1:2 and 11:3

What is more important than substantiating what is meant by universe or trying to argue "science" vs "Faith" is to understand that... "Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts... and everyone who loves and practices falsehood." Rev 22:15


Universe means "One Word". happy

*smiles warmly*

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Mon 11/17/08 02:14 PM

I would refrain from speaking negatively about your life.

We've all been screwed up and stepped on, but that is not going to attract a potential love interest.

I would mention some positive things about yourself.

Additionally - the fact that your name has "lonely" as part of it, speaks volumes. If this is truly where you are in life, then that is fine; what you need to be working on is YOU - not bringing someone else into the mix.

Broken people attract broken people... work on getting whole, happy, serene... so that you attract whole, happy people.

Keep the Faith, first.


Fit2bFunVB's photo
Mon 11/17/08 02:08 PM

Personally, I don't believe in aliens. I think we are alone in the universe, which makes our lives all the more special.

Alone in the universe?! The probability that one and only one planet would evolve intelligent life in the entire universe is tiny. Our existence alone should imply that the universe is teeming with life.

Maybe you believe in a higher being who set Earth as the center of his master plan? If that's the case - why bother with building billions of other stars in our galaxy and billions of other galaxies outside of that?? If we're the end-all of importance in the universe, why does the rest of the universe even exist?

For an omnipotent God, creating one solar system or billions wouldn't make a difference.

Genesis 1 gives us this "let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years"

Psalms 19:1

The heavens declare the glory of God;

I suppose I could come up with more reasons, but I'm not sure I can back them with scripture in the short time I have to post.

God repeatedly speaks of the "universe" in the new testament:
1Co 4:9
Eph 4:10
Php 2:15
Heb 1:2 and 11:3

What is more important than substantiating what is meant by universe or trying to argue "science" vs "Faith" is to understand that... "Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts... and everyone who loves and practices falsehood." Rev 22:15


Fit2bFunVB's photo
Mon 11/17/08 01:42 PM


Well, yeah, but....I feel the NEED to be picky. because I've seen what happens when I'm not picky enough, and 3-month relationships aren't a lot of fun when you have to spend the last 2 months trying to figure a graceful way out.

If I'm going to be with someone long-term -- say, 6 months or maybe even a year -- they're going to have to mesh well with my preferences....!


6 - 12 months?! *laughs* Hunny, that is the blink of an eye... long-term is for the rest of your natural born life.

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Sun 11/16/08 01:10 PM


Dang right I am picky! No way I am going to just "settle" for whatever comes along so I can be in a relationship.

One thing I have learned... you're better off just living your life to the fullest - enjoying those people who are in your life (friends, family, colleagues, etc), making the most of everyday, and being open to who might cross your path without some secondary voice asking you "is he/she the ONE?!"

What is meant to be so shall come to pass, regardless of what you do/don't do. RELAX!

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Sun 11/16/08 12:58 PM

fake ass people are around every corner, people who act sweet, gentle and nice, then stab you in the back the second you start to trust them. they dont care who they hurt, just as long as they get what they want. they think that nothing will ever hit them the way they have hit people. but guess what???????????

there are real men and women standing there ready to bust you in everything fake ass move you try to pull. im sick of the "nice guys" who act sweet and innocent until they completely blindside someone just as sweet and nice as they can be. those sweet people may not have a vengeful bone in their body, but they have friends who are a little diffrent than they are. they have friends who will do anything to protect their friends who wont do the things we do. true friends who no matter what stick by them through thick and thin, rain or shine, flood or famine.

and we do see you out there.

end of my rant for the day

*thankful she doesn't let others drama affect her world*

offers:drinker drinker drinker drinker

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Sun 11/16/08 12:53 PM
No real opinion on the topic... it's more important if you're happy with it than if I am..


Thank you for serving our country. You're in my prayers.

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Sun 11/16/08 12:50 PM


why oh why cant I find that one girl,why cant I find the right man,why am I so ugly,why why why

oh stop whining poeple

damm its getting annoying

Ok, I know I am going to get slammed here, but so what. How about instead of getting annoyed, turn it around and remember when you were young and didnt know everything you know now. How about we all try to be tollerent of others and help them out in their search of how to improve themselves. Then eventually there will be less whiners on here. JMO

Teaching tolerance ROCKS!

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Sat 11/15/08 10:50 AM
Only when we learn we have nothing to fear.