Community > Posts By > David8976

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Fri 08/22/14 04:00 PM
Ask here. Make sure your post doesn't get spam filtered and is actually posted.

I would reinstall the mouse drivers or try to get it back to the default settings.

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Tue 08/19/14 12:24 PM
Edited by David8976 on Tue 08/19/14 01:04 PM
If you head over to hulu there's tons of free detective shows and quite a few old ones. I have netflix but I watch free shows on regular hulu fairly often.

Just random series free on hulu
The dresden files
crime story
a few sherlock holmes ones including a couple of series
remington steele
rockford files
simon and simon - paid content
tons of police series also

on netflix US
harpers island

monk was entertaining but is only on disc

carnivale ?
top of the lake
Welcome to Night Vale
Bates Motel
River's Edge

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Tue 08/19/14 03:01 AM
Edited by David8976 on Tue 08/19/14 03:04 AM
We do not live in a democracy. In a democracy everyone would get a say in every thing. When they made the US constitution they specifically avoided giving too much power to the people. Otherwise you would have a voting system like Switzerland where you can submit and vote on anything. It usually takes many deaths and a lot of violence to get any kind of change. Look at the USSR, Ukraine, Egypt, Syria, etc... Like the Rodney King riots they will just sweep it under the rug instead of making the morally correct changes.

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Mon 08/18/14 11:16 AM
Edited by David8976 on Mon 08/18/14 11:17 AM

It's all a distraction! So now the issue of militarized police forces will take a back seat to a racial one now with the idiot Sharpie on the scene making it about race and not about SWAT teams invading our homes to serve warrants for parking tickets, shooting homeowners, their pets, and terrorizing children!

To me that's what these riots are about. Basically there's very little accountability to the public for government actions. Government employees (from the president on down) should be subject to public internet trials where the public can vote on whether their actions were right or wrong and the consequences. The military should be responsible for enforcing the vote. This would probably solve a lot of problems and bring back balance.

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Mon 08/18/14 10:27 AM
Topic: Brad Pitt movies

1. Fight Club
2. Inglorious Bastards
3. 12 Monkeys
4. The Devil's Own

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Sun 08/17/14 07:17 AM
After dabbling in neuropsychology for a bit I have to say I see things much differently than before. It was a real eye opener. It's intuitive and common place to punish a person for their actions instead of looking for the cause and fixing it. It's pretty much like your car blowing a tire and trying to fix it by yelling at it then locking it away in your garage to punish it. It's crazy and makes no sense. People are just biological machines and many need fixing. Many things that are wrong with how we deal with things in society are based on what we have learned from previous generations and the human condition.

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Sun 08/17/14 06:57 AM
In the old days divorce was frowned upon and harder to get. No fault divorce encouraged a lot of people to get a divorce. People used to stay in physically and verbally abusive relationships more. Nowadays people are more educated/informed and have more resources available to fall back on. About 50 percent of first marriages, 67 percent of second, and 73 percent of third marriages end in divorce. So it would seem that people who get divorced are much more likely to fail at their second marriage.

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Fri 08/15/14 09:26 PM
Edited by David8976 on Fri 08/15/14 09:32 PM
If the original story is true the police officer murdered brown. In the 70s or something we had a police officer kill a guy who was running away handcuffed because he didn't want to chase him. The police officer wasn't charged.

Looks like another police officer who tried that recently got jail time.

another guy shot while handcuffed

Seems to happen quite often. At least twice this year with a quick search. The screening they do for police officers is pathetic. A very small percent of the population has the ability to do the job and it's unlikely many of them would ever want to be a police officer. It's the same as politicians. The people who want to become politicians are the people who shouldn't be politicians.

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Fri 08/15/14 08:50 PM
Edited by David8976 on Fri 08/15/14 08:51 PM
It depends on the people and the stage of the relationship. For some people relationships seem to be just about sex and others don't really care for it as much. Different people have different sex drives and interests. Usually during the first two years the "honeymoon period" people have the most sex then it drops off and the real relationship begins. Also peoples lives change, they get older and there's children.

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Tue 08/12/14 05:16 AM
Prostitution can be forced upon people to support drugs habits or through force/coercion. Probably also more passion in casual sex I would guess than just doing a job.

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Mon 08/11/14 08:38 PM
Edited by David8976 on Mon 08/11/14 08:42 PM

Treat a women right and she will be loyal....

Quite a few women seem to like "bad boys". Playing the straight guy doesn't always work for everyone. Some people seem to like chaos, fighting, drama, etc...

Quite a few people who contact you are probably scammers also. Friendship probably doesn't work as well for scamming. Throwing people in woo/love land probably makes it easier.

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Mon 08/11/14 07:21 PM

I will never understand the rich famous people committing suicide.

Mental illness affects rich famous people as well as anyone else.

He pretty much got burdened by his divorces and was apparently having financial troubles. Sometimes its better to have nothing. He was pretty funny and made me laugh quite a few times.

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Tue 08/05/14 07:43 AM
Edited by David8976 on Tue 08/05/14 07:43 AM
A smart person can be lazy and just get others to do the work for them or work around stuff. Workaholic is a sure fire relationship/marriage killer. Neglecting a spouse or being work focused (night shifts, shift work, travelling, overtime, bringing problems home, bad jobs, etc...)is bad regardless of the reasons and quite often destroys relationships.

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Fri 08/01/14 08:34 PM
Edited by David8976 on Fri 08/01/14 08:39 PM
Basically if we invented a computer or whatever that could accurately predict chemical reactions and we knew all the molecules in an area we could see the past and future to a degree based on the reactions. The ability to see the past and future would be limited by the computers power and amount/area of data. It would be interesting to see if there were anomalies in the data.

Free will and consciousness are illusions. We are a series of chemical reactions. Saying we have free will is like giving someone drugs then expecting them to act normal. If you were put in the body and same environment as the worst person on earth who was doing terrible things you would have the same chemical reactions and do exactly the same thing as they would.

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Thu 07/31/14 11:37 AM
Supernatural on netflix and hulu.

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Wed 07/30/14 07:48 PM
McHale's Navy (1997)

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Wed 07/30/14 05:25 PM
Edited by David8976 on Wed 07/30/14 05:34 PM
I am not sure nanotech would work. Anyways most if not all of famous historical/scientific persons who have made world changing events/discoveries have had severe to moderate mental problems. Like talking to ghosts or trying to murder people and going into violent psychotic rages. If you deviate from the bell curve (average) you tend to mess stuff up. The best "superhuman" would probably not be a human but an engineered life form. Currently we are limited by biological factors. If you start investigating human mental limitations it's pretty humbling/sad. People actually don't work well so we are stuck in a slow rut that often repeats. It also definitly helps to explain the human condition. superhuman =/= human

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Thu 07/17/14 04:43 AM
Edited by David8976 on Thu 07/17/14 04:46 AM
If your goal is to gain weight and get bigger pounding on your muscles is usually bad and inefficient. I wasted a few years on stuff like that. It's also a lot more work ironically. If you want to get bigger do a low intensity 5x5 program or a starting strength program and watch your calories. Approx 2500 excess calories relates into 1 lb weight gain. Basically eat to get big and lift to get strong. You may also want to skip cardio especially if you are young, an ectomorph, or live a busy lifestyle. After about 60-80 lbs of weight gain you might want to start cardio again since the extra weight puts a load on your heart. You will also plateau after about a year or less usually then any gains will be harder to gain. Working out with less weights and not to failure can actually produce good results every once in a while. Body sculpting may be what you are looking for.

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Sat 03/08/14 08:09 AM
Edited by David8976 on Sat 03/08/14 08:11 AM

argo63, you are so wrong. Back when I was married to my ex-wife, I was a battered husband. I still have on my left arm the 2" scar that my ex-wife put there. I consider myself lucky. The next man who ended up with my ex-wife was shot by her. The local District Attorney had charged her with "shooting with intent to kill", but the charge was dropped because the shooting victim refused to cooperate with the D.A.

I got assaulted several times and had a woman try to force herself on me when I lived with a woman also. Keeping a woman's body off you for like 30 min while she is trying to force herself on you is quite tiring and disgusting. A black eye and a bruised neck were about the only injuries I sustained other than stuff which didn't leave marks or I was quick to avoid/block. You have to remember that attacks can be verbal and not just physical. A verbal attack isn't that different than a physical attack. Anyways if someone attacks you or calls you names etc... take it as a hint they don't want to be with you and leave. Don't bother putting up with it. Put yourself in their shoes and then think what it must take (judge them) to make them act that way and what they must think of you.

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Thu 01/30/14 04:56 AM
Edited by David8976 on Thu 01/30/14 05:26 AM
I would take notes on what causes you to get angry. Is it memories, biological or your environment. Notice how you feel and what you think. Be aware of how you are physically before and during your anger. After you figure out the source address it or take steps to diminish the effects (cut out caffeine, etc...). I would probably go to an anger management course. I knew a guy who was sent to one and he managed to stay very calm. Getting angry is a waste of time and energy. It's not useful.

For your bad memories there's a process to rewrite them. I can't find the post in the reddit psychology forums but the idea was to write a letter to someone about an event that makes you angry. Then write a letter from them to you basically apologizing, etc... Apparently this reduces/gets rid of the memory.

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