Community > Posts By > Seamonster

Seamonster's photo
Wed 12/03/08 05:39 PM

aliens should be LEGAL!!!!

wait, what?

did I miss a topic change somewhere?

Seamonster's photo
Wed 12/03/08 05:37 PM

There is no point in disputing you.
You are as prejudiced and judgmental as they come.
You stay in your corner and judge like you are God himself,
we stay in our corner and are happy, too.

If you call yourself a Christian, then I'm happy to say, I have absolutely nothing to do with what you believe to be Christianity.

Like I said in my last post I have heard it all before.I would rather someone dispute the main topic.

LMAO! I bet you have from many diffrent people and yet you do not change or even think "hey, mayby I'm an irrational bigot".
Nope you just hear people tell you that and you just keep on going with your crazy.

Seamonster's photo
Wed 12/03/08 05:31 PM

I'm against it also.How does two gay guys explain to their adopted children where babies come from?I also don't believe you are born that way.Scientest have done much research on this issue and have never concluded that a person is born gay.If you are telling me you are born gay then you are basically saying that this person is incapable of loving someone from the opposite sex.Anyone can love someone.


Hi, I am a bigot.
Things that are not just like me frighten and confuse me.
And because I live my life in an overwhelming fear of the unknown I must project that fear on everyone else.
Even though jesus never said anything about it, it is one of the few parts of the old testament that I have picked out to obey, because it makes me superior to others.

P.S. also people did not evolutionize from a monkey either.

P.S.S. ye ha

Seamonster's photo
Tue 12/02/08 07:33 PM
I don't realy see the problem with it.

Seamonster's photo
Tue 12/02/08 10:16 AM

furthermore..if we are going by actual hard scientific fact...then when it can be proven that one species can evolve into a whole new species of their own.. and Im not talking about genetic disorders and minor variations in the gentic code (all of which are harmful and not the norm)

Im talking about one species changing into a whole new species...examples breed a dog and cat...create a new species.

it hasnt been done. it cant be proven. Therefore why should children be taught this "theory"??? cause right now thats all the belief in evolution is.

give me just one scientific fact that shows a god.
I can not prove to you that thor does not exist.
Does that mean he's real?
We have fossils to show us evolution.
Again Evolution does not disprove a god.
They are two diffrent subjects.
But there is zero evidence for a god.
none zilch zero nada

Seamonster's photo
Tue 12/02/08 05:54 AM

biggrin My twelve year old just got home from school. I asked her how we we were made. she said our mommys and daddys. i said no silly how did the human race get started? she said adam and eve.
I then asked her who put adam and eve here? and she said God.

I told her never to forget that. This SHOULD be reinforced in schools. BUT since its not, I can reinforce it in my home.biggrin

right, and you can reinforce that the world is flat and that the best way to get though life is to not think and just live by fear.

She sould be fine, the world needs more ditch diggers anyway.

Christians have never accepted that the earth is flat. Those Christians in the past who pushed that belief were ex-communicated. One of the first Christians to be ex-communicated was excommunicated for teaching that the earth was flat. Humans have known for 2400 years that the earth was not flat. The claim that people believed in a flat earth during the middle ages is used to make Christians look stupid. But it works the other way, because what is exposed is that you don't know an obvious historical fact.

well Galileo and copernicus will be glad to here that.
Because when Galileo spent the last yrs. of his life locked up by the christian church because of his ideas on the universe didnt jive with the bible he will be glad to know that it didnt realy happen.

Seamonster's photo
Tue 12/02/08 05:44 AM

So far no animals have evolved from one thing to another in the entire time we have been studying them.Everything else is just theory isn't it?

I sujest you read up on what a theory realy is.
It is just a theory that the earth revolves around the sun.
Evolution is as sound a theory.

Seamonster's photo
Mon 12/01/08 10:21 PM

Atheist meets god: anyone of a higher mind would see this video as a spoof and a putdown on the bible. Its is a blatent comedic highbrow insult to dim-witted HERD MINDED souls

btw Lenny Bruce is one of my heroes.

along with Bill Hicks

Seamonster's photo
Mon 12/01/08 10:04 PM

God is not a jerk!

Atheist meets god

watch all three, there short I promise.

Seamonster's photo
Mon 12/01/08 09:12 PM
sorry, my bad.
I was reacting to an earlyer post.

Seamonster's photo
Mon 12/01/08 09:09 PM

I have a degree in science..I understand microbiology.

i can tell you...we didnt evolve from nothing. God had a hand in it..our bodies are too complex.

God made us and he made the ground we walk on. We abuse it...and I belive he has forgiven and expected that.


When I went to college and studied science, I truly realized then that there was a God. Yes, our bodies are too complex and nothing is an accident.'re saying that a human body is so much more complex than that of any other animal that it couldn't have possibly been the work of nature? Faulty reasoning. Name one thing that's too complex to be a result of nature/evolution/natural selection/what-have-you.

The human bodies and all animal bodies.

Hmm...example. The process of making urine is quite interesting. Also, all the cells and macrophages and red blood cells and those little pac man cells that help get rid of cellular wastes. All of the systems and how they work together is all quite amazing actually.

Whoa, whoa, whoa...little pac man cells? At least this isn't coming from the person who said they understand microbiology :laughing:

Urine production is actually quite simple. It's basically just based on osmosis, which is just diffusion across a membrane/barrier. Hell, dialysis machines can do it for you (not create urine, per se, but essentially the same function...rid the body of toxins). I could did out my IB HL bio notes and go more in depth, but I don't feel like it. Glomerulus is an awesome word, though ^^

Now, I have to give credit where credit is due. At least you're not saying "humans aren't really animals;" you at least acknowledge that our bodies function in the same ways.

Macrophages remind me of pac man - gobbling up all of the cellular debris.laugh

Urine production, waste production, sperm production all working in order in quite amazing to me.

there is a great deal about the human body and how it works that is very amazing.
And evolution itself is amazing.
our eye for one, it is actually upside down and backward.

Seamonster's photo
Mon 12/01/08 08:20 PM

president-elect obama reiterated AGAIN today his timeframe for 16 months and OUT.....of iraq.

the iraqi government supports this also.

here's hoping.....

good I think they should just leave tomorrow but 16 months is ok.
There are some people that are cool with american soldiers dieing and just don't care about them and want to keep them there to die.
I for one am glad that Obama is doing the right thing.

Seamonster's photo
Mon 12/01/08 08:14 PM
Edited by Seamonster on Mon 12/01/08 08:16 PM

I have a degree in science..I understand microbiology.

i can tell you...we didnt evolve from nothing. God had a hand in it..our bodies are too complex.

God made us and he made the ground we walk on. We abuse it...and I belive he has forgiven and expected that.

Realy? and you thought evolution said we evolved from monkeys?

Where did you get your degree from bazooka joe college?

Seamonster's photo
Mon 12/01/08 08:10 PM
There may or may not be a god.

To say that there deffinitly is or is not is being inelectualy dishonest.

But I don't personaly see much reason to think that there is.

Evolution does not disprove god, and to think that it does or for a creationist to be so sfraid of it is bizare.
Evolution is not realy even debated in the scientific community.
How it works is but not evolution itself.
I find it odd that someone would just tell their child that there is only one way to see the world.
But it's how we get ignorant people and i guess we need all kinds.
I am a rabid agnostic, but I tell my kid about both god and the science side and even have takein him to church. I want him to know all sides of an issue and then he can dicide for himself.
I guess some people do not trust their children to be smart enough to do that. And maybe some are not smart enough to that, and if thats the case then good job.

Seamonster's photo
Mon 12/01/08 07:58 PM

biggrin My twelve year old just got home from school. I asked her how we we were made. she said our mommys and daddys. i said no silly how did the human race get started? she said adam and eve.
I then asked her who put adam and eve here? and she said God.

I told her never to forget that. This SHOULD be reinforced in schools. BUT since its not, I can reinforce it in my home.biggrin

right, and you can reinforce that the world is flat and that the best way to get though life is to not think and just live by fear.

She sould be fine, the world needs more ditch diggers anyway.

Seamonster's photo
Mon 12/01/08 06:41 PM
This is not where I wanted to go with this thred but now that it's here I'm done with it.
It's amazing that anyone would or could defend her and the venom ahe spews.
I have an aunt that would love to be in the same room with anyone that defended her.

Seamonster's photo
Mon 12/01/08 06:35 PM

I have discovered a fascinating splinter sect known as:

The Al Dente-ists.

It is common practice within this group, upon stepping out of the redemption bath, to ritually fling ones self against the wall to assure the purest state of Al Dente.


laugh laugh laugh
Thats great

Seamonster's photo
Mon 12/01/08 06:31 PM

I was so disgusted when I saw her say those things about the widows of 9/11. That so mean and hurtful to the women that already had their lives wretched apart that day. I can't even fanthom how anyone could have such feelings inside of them.

Oh, I CAN Fathom it......hatred is all through this thread.......and for no reason other than pure hatred....Ann Coulter has done nothing to anyone on this post and those who act so self righteous are the ones who have the least room to spout off hatred....If Ann Coulter were not so great at what she does, she would not be in the political analyist business.....THINK ABOUT IT.slaphead


And if Hitler was not great at what he did he would not have made to where he did.
Just because shes great at spreading hate does not make her great.
It sounds like you agree with her that the widows of 9/11 mean nothing.
Well If thats where your comming from then I'm done sorry.
I lost a cousin there and to hear her pew bile at the widows of the victoms makes me ill.
And to hear someone defend that hate is insaine.

Seamonster's photo
Mon 12/01/08 06:26 PM

All of this love feels great.

To think all this time you guys were thinking that I was witty, funny and made extremely valid points, but the only feedback I was getting was that I was caustic and sarcastic. I guess I do know how Ann Coulter feels when people complain about how she delivers the message rather than trying to debate the message itself.

Quote something you think Anne has said that you felt was valid.

Because I know myself, I only hear of her when she is being a wretched idiotic *****.

It may just be the good ole media only gets the really good juicy bits of her for us.

Take your pick, shes right on the money most of the time.

man you are right,
When she bashed the 9/11 widows.
They been getting a free ride too long.
Just because their husbands or childern died in the towers does not mean they deserve any sympathy.
And those police and firemen that died they were just doing their job.
They deserve nothing.
Your right she's spot on. pfft

She is as bad as the ones that flew the planes in the towers.
She is a hate monger.
And a bigot.
Her statement about jews also makes her a racist.
to say she's right on the money makes me realy question where your comming from.

Seamonster's photo
Mon 12/01/08 05:56 AM

I forgot something....Two things atheists always believe.

1.)They are always right.

2.)Christians are always wrong.

oh and you forgot 3.) you make **** up off the top of your head with no facts to back up your blanket statements.

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