Community > Posts By > just_jessie

just_jessie's photo
Fri 08/21/09 12:09 PM
I agree whole heartedly!!!

just_jessie's photo
Tue 08/18/09 07:56 AM
So that explains why I always want more money!!!

just_jessie's photo
Tue 04/28/09 03:05 PM
I call my car all kinds of names. It just depends on if I am mad it, or sweet talking it before I get mad it, as to what names it gets called.

just_jessie's photo
Sun 03/15/09 02:17 PM
I like it!!

just_jessie's photo
Thu 02/26/09 12:29 PM
When I have torn the house apart looking for mine, it never fails that they are hanging in the front door.....Very happy those days that nobody decided to try to break in during the night!!! I seem to make it easy for them a couple times a week!!!

just_jessie's photo
Thu 02/12/09 07:16 PM
Edited by just_jessie on Thu 02/12/09 07:33 PM
My aunt had epidurals with both of her children. The first went off without a hitch. The second, however, was completely messed up. After the birth, the tube was left in her back, but everything was disconnected from it, allowing spinal fluid from that area to leak. They had to take fluid from another part of her back to inject back into that spot. She had a headache that lasted for days, and hurt her so badly, all she could do was cry. She went home with alot of lower back pain. Four days after being released from the hospital, she passed out for a brief moment. After coming to, and refusing to go to the hospital, she just went to bed. My uncle came running out of their room later that night, yelling to call 911, and to tell them to hurry, cause she was not breathing, and he was doing CPR on her. She coded twice more at the hospital that night, and was then placed in ICU for two days.

Official hospital records state "UNKNOWN CAUSE" for this. However, we found it very curious that the DR's that were called back in that night, and that were responsible for her care after almost dying was the anesthesiologist.

Seeing that firsthand, I chose to have both of my children natural. I told the nurses as soon as I arrived at the hospital, that no matter what I say when I am in labor, DO NOT give me an epidural. My Dr. was also very aware of this. I was in labor with both of my children for over 40 hours (induced). Yes, it hurt...alot, but it was over shortly after delivery. I am able to live daily with no pain, while my aunt has lower back pain, sometimes severe, on a daily basis. I also feel this quiet strength and pride, knowing I did the hardest, most painful thing I will ever do, without the aid of pharmaceuticals. Except for the pit. used to put, and keep, me in labor)

Her experience is probably very rare, but the risks are there. Talk with your Dr. and educate yourself. You are the only one that will know what is right for you.

just_jessie's photo
Wed 02/11/09 08:32 PM
I would be a little irritated if someone spent more than a few hundred dollars, let alone three months of hard earned income, on a ring for me that I would undoubtedly lose or drop down a drain.

If the three month salary thing is a must, spend a couple hundred on the ring. With the difference, buy "engagement" mud tires, and his and hers new "engagement" four wheelers, and, depending on how much that three months salary is, perhaps a new "engagement" boat and more fishing tackle too.

just_jessie's photo
Sun 01/18/09 02:05 PM
Perhaps you need to take some time off dating,concentrate on you, and allow yourself time to heal. It helps during that break to think about what you are really looking for. When you are ready to get back in the saddle, just remember, nobody is perfect, but that perfect one for you is out there!!