Community > Posts By > Whisperss

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Sun 12/14/08 05:47 PM

Meh -- it is what it is. People love it or they hate it. It doesn't change anything either way.

The scared guy was meant in fun and I apologize if it came out differently. See ...him again>bigsmile

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Sun 12/14/08 05:39 PM

yes, i feel that it would make dating much easier. because it would go both ways. where as i do like to look at someone thats easy on the eyes all the time, if they dont have the right mental/spiritual beauty, then the deal is off. and also if this scenario were true, then more people would be willing to get to know me for me as opposed to what i look like.

I didn't mean it would go both ways. If you and only you had the brain defect I mentioned would you then have an easier time finding a mate? Are you sure there aren't thousands of women out there that might think you look handsome but they are not considered by you because you can't see past their physical appearance.
I'm just trying to get some different points of views from men.....I hope I'm not coming of as hostile because I'm not. Just prodding you is all. See, big smile>>>bigsmile

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Sun 12/14/08 05:32 PM

I won't say it's not a consideration -- only that I wouldn't use it as an incontrovertible deal-breaker.

I have other criteria that pretty much eliminate 112% of the female population, in general, from consideration, and 178% of the female population on this site!

...hey hitting quote I learned how you changed colors .....Did I do it...did it work?

If 100% equals all the female population and you eliminated 112% of the population....then you're eliminating the unborn. laugh.... I'm sure you're just exaggerating .....maybe. Now about your profile.....scared

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Sun 12/14/08 05:19 PM


I've dated guys that I wasn't physically attracted to.. AT ALL.. but nice guys that deserved a chance.. but.. when the time came to kiss.. sometimes I just couldn't do it.. so if Im shallow or whatever then so be it.. but if I can't kiss them and enjoy it.. I can't continue it...

Yes.....the same for me. I've dated one man.... a good man...a man I wanted so badly to like and love physical attraction whatsoever. There was no way I could go through life without at least some spark. It's too bad because he's now married and it's a wonderful marriage...I envy his wife...not becasue she has him....I don't want him.....but because she has the happiness he brings her that I couldn't get from him.

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Sun 12/14/08 05:12 PM

You can fix ugly body but you can't fix an ugly spirit most of the time.

....I'm only quoting the part of your post that I'm responding to....I hope this isn't considered bad form....

I wasn't aware you could fix ugly....laugh ....I thought the most one could do was spruce ugly up and hide it behind bad lighting.....laugh If ugly could truly be fixed I know of a couple of gentlemen that I'd give a call to immediately.

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Sun 12/14/08 05:00 PM

I'd be married already if that were so.

.....First time using the quote feature....excuse me if I use it incorrectly and it explodes...

So you've turned down otherwise good women because of their physical appearance? I'm not judging......for I have done the same with men. One in particular....a great guy but he just has an odd and unattractive look about him that I can't get past.

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Sun 12/14/08 04:53 PM
Quote from Lexfontayne out of context.....

"the fact is that none of my "deal-breakers" has anything to do with physical appearance."

A man that doesn't include physical or the lack of... as a deal breaker.... Can a man such as this really exist? So if you're still single....and you're not constrained by the chains of physical attraction and lust..... you must have other bonds which keep you back.

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Sun 12/14/08 04:35 PM
Edited by Whisperss on Sun 12/14/08 05:06 PM
Would you find a mate easier if....... you were blind to physical beauty?

...okay...lets say you were born with a brain defect that made it so all people of the opposite sex were of equal physical attractiveness. Sort of like you were blind except your blindness only applied to a person's physical appearance.
.... Lets us say you still got sexually aroused but not by physical beauty...but instead by personality and mental beauty.

....So I'm curious.....would your dating life be easier without the bonds of physical attraction limiting your choices?

I hope it's not too late to edit to add more information.....I wonder if men in particular would consider the above mentioned defect to be a curse. Men?

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Sun 12/14/08 03:36 PM
"to treat you as the being you are and not care about any of your faults.
Loves you for you"

When I hear that from someone.....someone saying they want someone to love them despite their faults.....I often think the person is either too lazy or too weak to work on improving themselves. What if your fault is that you like to throw rotten eggs at puppies? People will judge your faults and they should. My ex fiance has a big fault...he cheats. Should I accept him for who he is? Should his next girlfriend accept him knowing he will cheat OR OR OR should he change his cheating ways?

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Sun 12/14/08 03:25 PM
Thank you for the response SitkaRains .....(and everyone else).
I had to laugh at your "no excuse for cheating" statement. If you were to hear my ex and his friends tell the story you'd hear 20-30 excuses for his cheating......and half of them are my fault. grumble

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Sun 12/14/08 03:17 PM
"How is it that a woman will think you are handsome while another woman of equal beauty will not? "

...What do you mean by another woman of equal beauty? Are you saying that the beauty of a woman determines how handsome she finds a man? .....Are you saying beautiful woman might find a man handsome whereas unattractive women will not? ......hummm ...Strange concept.

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Sun 12/14/08 03:09 PM
So everyone says cheating is cheating but ......I wonder....that's what my ex said once too. I'm beginning to think what men say and what men do is.....not the same. I'm sure this doesn't apply to all men...but many. Even my ex's guy friends think I should take him back. Ha! He didn't even confess until after I caught him. Hummm, I thought I'd hear more diversity of answers on an anonymous forum.

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Sun 12/14/08 02:45 PM
My ex fiancé cheated on me twice.....I caught him in the act the second time and then ....during a heated exchange about the cheating he confessed to the first cheating incident.

That was...oh...about a year ago. He called me 2 weeks ago and tried to make up. His story....he would never cheat on me during marriage. He was just ....I quote..."getting it out his system." My reply.....cheating during an engagement is the same thing as cheating during marriage. I won't tolerate it. If he cheated then he'll cheat when we're married.

I'm not taking him back.....ever. I am curious if other men see this the way my ex does. Seriously men, do you think cheating during an engagement is not as bad as cheating during marriage? If a man cheats during an engagement isn't he just as likely to cheat during marriage?

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