Community > Posts By > CHutch

CHutch's photo
Sat 07/04/09 11:16 AM
Lex: The problem arises if one believes 'there is a reason for everything'..hence God is in charge of all the little quirks in our lives from birth to death aside from the free will actions we commit on each other for good and bad.

Now I believe God created this world, and occasionally gets involved to prevent us from blowing this world up, but other than that I'm thinking the Sims game. Set it and forget it.

So perhaps the 'there is a reason for everything' line that annoys me. Perhaps its more likely things happen.

2kidsmom: I can't say if there is or isn't, but I think everyone should have someone, provided they treat the other person decently and both are happy.

Indnprncss: You're right we shouldn't just 'settle'. My issue is I'm not even getting the first dates. If its decided on the first date it won't work, thats one thing, and I'm content with that. But it seems like there is something natural or supernatural that says 'don't get to know this person whatsoever, move on to someone else. I know that seems absurd to think, but well..

Now I believe I have something to offer someone. I don't presume I'm Gods greatest gift to women. But I do have some sticking points..IE someone in my generation, takes care of herself, kids are okay.

CHutch's photo
Sat 07/04/09 10:56 AM
Or is that simply a line we feed to ourselves and others to make people feel better, give them false sense of hope?

Is it just as likely some are condemned to live a life alone either by themselves or a higher power as some sort of punishment for past actions?

I am on the fence on this one. I suppose a sense of hope, even a false one, is better than no hope at all.

CHutch's photo
Sat 07/04/09 09:48 AM
Just keep trying. I've been at it for nearly 6 months and have gotten nothing. though I've sent a number of interested e-mails, winks, etc..

I know some will say maybe trying too hard, and maybe so, but come on. At some point there has to be someone who's even just willing to start a friendship.

CHutch's photo
Sat 07/04/09 08:28 AM
Lex is a Doctor Who fan I gather....

Billie Piper was good at the role of Rose, no doubt about that. Much better than Martha.

CHutch's photo
Sat 07/04/09 08:25 AM

Needs salt or something, kinda bland.

Gut to Guy, your main pic looks like Josef Stalin.
Someone you know has a digital camera, ask them for a favor.

Good Luck.

Josef Stalin???

Well, I did do some updating. Although getting a better photo is going to take time.

But thanks all.

CHutch's photo
Sat 07/04/09 08:12 AM
Older men like younger women. Thats been a given for centuries.

I suppose all you can do is ignore them since you've made it clear you prefer the age group you cited.

CHutch's photo
Sat 07/04/09 08:09 AM
It means being thankful we don't live in a place with an oppressive government. Despite all our complaints about Republicans/Democrats, the economy, stupid laws they pass..

We're still one of the better nations on the planet. Although Western Europe, Canada, and Japan aren't bad either. But thats largely thanks to the US model.

And can't forget to be thankful about the good barbeques and fireworks either.

CHutch's photo
Sat 07/04/09 08:02 AM
Phuque has an interesting point I hadn't considered. Most women do seem to prefer one with at least some remnants of a positive attitude. If you've said you've 'given up' somewhere on here, if that is your attitude, then you probably don't seem like someone they want to approach.

I haven't given up myself on meeting someone, although I do feel I have this big wall in front of me and its hard trying to go over it/around it/through it and..well, thats just probably not contributing positively to how I express myself.

CHutch's photo
Sat 07/04/09 07:52 AM
I see what you are saying and agree although in my view there isn't really a difference between 'unapproachable' and 'don't care to approach'. Well, maybe there is a difference but I'll be honest, sometimes a photo and a profile ..or text on a forum may give me pause, as in "I don't think this person is a good match'.

Of course I fully expect others might feel the same way about me.

CHutch's photo
Sat 07/04/09 06:55 AM
No, and I'd probably avoid it at all costs.

CHutch's photo
Sat 07/04/09 06:49 AM

I would like to hope for something similar.

CHutch's photo
Sat 07/04/09 06:46 AM
I don't know, but I plan on coming back again in another life.

CHutch's photo
Sat 07/04/09 06:44 AM
I've been doing this for nearly 5 months and have yet to meet someone. Not just on this site, but a few other dating sites too.

Does my profile exude some kind of 'stay away' attitude I'm not aware of?

CHutch's photo
Wed 02/18/09 02:14 AM
Pizza delivery driver

CHutch's photo
Wed 02/18/09 02:13 AM

CHutch's photo
Wed 02/18/09 02:10 AM
Room 1408 at the Dolphin hotel is more entertaining, IMO.

CHutch's photo
Wed 02/18/09 01:31 AM
This time of year? Someplace warm.

CHutch's photo
Wed 02/18/09 01:23 AM
What I think might be irrelevant, but I think asking a bunch of people to IM you on a dating site and giving out your AIM address might be asking for a little trouble.

CHutch's photo
Wed 02/18/09 01:20 AM
I think...I believe..some people are just destined, for whatever reason not to find their certain someone until some point. And some I guess I believe..won't find anyone.

Some call it fate, some call it destiny, mine is a religious view or Gods will. I don't claim to understand it. I admit to not exactly liking it, but I think that is the way it is. I'd like to think I learned from my past mistakes, but in my case it may just not be my time yet.

CHutch's photo
Wed 02/18/09 12:52 AM
So I voted for Bush in 2000. I didn't vote for him in 2004 although I wasn't big on Kerry either.

But over the past 8 years, I've seen Bush's policies where the well off get even more well off, and those at the bottom have it harder.

I voted for Obama in 2008. And I think he's trying to do the best with what is clearly a bad situation. Is he perfect? No...but at least he's trying. Its better than doing nothing.