Topic: NEXT
dainty's photo
Mon 01/22/07 06:22 PM
Have you ever been devastated over a breakup,
so crush you isolate yourself for months?

Then when you gather the courage
to put yourself out there, you meet someone wonderful.
Someone who makes you feel so special
you wish when your ex said he was leaving,
you said ok, opened the door wide and shouted NEXT.

Bottom line, there is always someone
out there waiting for someone like you.

terisa's photo
Mon 01/22/07 06:23 PM
dainty ...well said and so very true

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 01/22/07 06:23 PM
Been there done that!! And wonder why I let it hit me soo hard.

michael1313's photo
Mon 01/22/07 06:26 PM
try not to install a revolving door on your hearts...

MikeMontana's photo
Mon 01/22/07 07:24 PM
If you love someone, set them free.

If someone you love breaks your heart, free their heart from the chest
cavity with a cleaver, eat it while it still quivers. Burn the evidence.
Goto Mexico. Happy Valentines Day.

[...sorry, musta been something weird that I ate.]

Kevin3824's photo
Tue 01/23/07 10:18 PM
I did that once on a forum and it got me someone else really fast but
it was not the same and the love was still for the other that left.

slowtogetit's photo
Tue 01/23/07 10:25 PM
well dainty if and when i meet her i will get back to you on it.we shall
see if there is a special lady waiting.

DANE1973's photo
Tue 01/23/07 10:32 PM
LMAO Mike, that sh-it was funny.laugh laugh

no photo
Wed 01/24/07 08:28 AM
yep... their is alot of fish in the sea

Morena350's photo
Wed 01/24/07 08:47 AM
the best thing to do is to learn from out mistakes, and not
repeat them again, trying to make sure you are with the right person
before you commit toa relationship!!

Princess19977's photo
Wed 01/24/07 08:50 AM
Oh yeah. I've been there.

And for some reason every now & then am finding myself there again (the
devestation, heartbreak, etc). Even though the relationship was a short
one AND the break-up was 6 months ago <sigh>

kojack's photo
Wed 01/24/07 09:00 AM
I believe all the past relations are "lessons of life" to prepare us for
the "one" .

Tneal's photo
Wed 01/24/07 09:03 AM
*cracks up at Mike* good lordy....

I have been there to many times to count. Glad I stayed away from there
for the last 20 years.... now I am on my way there again.... UGH!!!!!!