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Topic: You have GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!!
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Fri 05/09/08 06:47 PM
your "stories/articles" always seem to brighten my daynoway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway

gardenforge's photo
Fri 05/09/08 08:20 PM
Fanta: It also cures sleepwalking laugh

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Fri 05/09/08 08:35 PM
and where did this happen in Mickey's land.
so close from home.
Orlando is going down big time.

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Sun 05/11/08 07:49 PM
If he ever made it to prison, the inmates would take care of him. :-)

daniel48706's photo
Sun 05/11/08 08:48 PM

Man Uses Sleepwalking Defense In Child Molestation Trial

Last Edited: Wednesday, 07 May 2008, 9:30 PM EDT
Created: Wednesday, 07 May 2008, 9:30 PM EDT

Justin Cox says he was sleepwalking when he allegedly molested a 12-year-old girl. (MyFoxOrlando) From MyFoxOrlando Reports

ORLANDO -- A Florida man accused of child abuse took the stand in his own defense Wednesday and told the jury that he was sleepwalking (video: MyFoxOrlando) when the incident occurred.

Justin Cox, 28, said he can’t remember what happened on the night of May 20, 2006, when he allegedly molested a 12-year-old girl while staying at a relative's house.

Cox admitted waking up on the couch beside the little girl, but he said he was sleepwalking and had no idea how he got there or what happened.

"I woke up, I came to or whatever, I realized I was on the couch," Cox told the jury. "It took me a second because I was like in shock or whatever."

Cox said he's been sleepwalking since he was a child. His mother took the stand shortly after and said it's a disorder that runs in the family.

"My dad sleep walks still to this day," the mother said. "I don't anymore. I only slept walk as a child and they had to keep locks on the doors to keep me from going out of the house."

Prosecutors aren't buying the sleepwalking excuse. They point out that Cox has never been diagnosed with a sleeping disorder and he was drinking heavily that night with his friends.

If convicted, Cox could face a maximum of 15-30 years in prison.

What is the actual charge? Not molestation (in general) but specifically what did the guy do? Did he rape her? Did he go through te motions of sex without rmoving any clothes? Did he just brush his hand up against her backside when he accidenmtly laid down beside her?

if it was any kind of actual sexual act, then I dont buy the sleepwalking cry either.
However, if he WAS sleepwalking, climbed into the wrong bed by accident and simply brushed up against her, then no he did not molest her.

Keep in mind, that in families where sleepwalking is common, not all persons get diagnosed, cause there really is nothing that can be done about it, except for locks and alarms. The family is already used to doiing it for one person so they just start doing it for the other as well.
My five year old walks in his sleep constantly, and I can tell you fro mexperience that he does NOT know what he is doing when he does something in his sleep. One time he walked face first into a wall; not hard but face first. The funny thing to watch was he kept on moving his feet as if he was walking, even though he was against the wall.

mcdchaz's photo
Sun 05/11/08 10:08 PM


I don't buy it either, but you never know.

It's sad nonetheless, that the little girl had to go through that ><


warmachine's photo
Sun 05/11/08 10:39 PM
I have a history of sleepwalking and I haven't done anything worse than playing baseball and running around the house like I was running bases...

no photo
Mon 05/12/08 08:09 AM

I fell sorry for him as much as the girl, 4 someone 2 lash out sexually in such a sick way is a sure sign that he himself was certaily molested

No it's not. If the only people who molested were people who were molested in the past, then there would be no child molestors.

First, being molested can cause psychological issues, that may or may not explain behavior.

Two, molesting a child is ALWAYS wrong. Being molested is the worst thing someone can go through, and it does not midigate the damage done to the child just because of a convienent excuse. There are a lot of molestation victims that do not have nor would ever act on the sick and wrong thought of a molestor being excused because of his or her horrible past experiences

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