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Topic: bratty teenagers?
no photo
Thu 09/07/06 11:42 PM
i have dated nice gals before but the teens were so rude and self
centered i couldnt deal with them! but the mother was a great person.
ever had this happen to you?????

no photo
Thu 09/07/06 11:51 PM
alot of younger people in general are that way. i know not all of them,
i have met some younger people that have their head on straight and it
is good to see but alot of them are completely ignorant of life and they
think that the world owes them something

SteveJarvis's photo
Fri 09/08/06 12:09 AM
yeah, stop dating teenagers would be my advice

no photo
Fri 09/08/06 12:10 AM

hearts_andstuff's photo
Fri 09/08/06 12:47 AM
teenagers arent bratty, and alot of us dont think the world owes us
anything. seriously, im sick of people being so judgemental on our age.
believe it or not, but theres quite a few teens who have been through
more than most adults could possibly ever imagine.

no photo
Fri 09/08/06 12:50 AM

no photo
Fri 09/08/06 01:31 AM
i ain't being judgemental, i know plenty of younger people who are going
in the right direction but the ones that i am talking about do think the
world owes them something and it's usually because they think they have
had a bad life but having a bad life doesn't excuse the attitude. i've
met plenty of people that i realize they may have had a bad day so i let
it go alot of people nowadays think if you let it go that it's a green
light for them to keep it up. when i do something about it they want to
try to blame it on someone else or call the cops when they started the
bullshit. to me it is a lack of character and there are plenty of adults
with the same traits but there seem to be more and more like that

mary_anchor's photo
Fri 09/08/06 02:27 AM

no photo
Fri 09/08/06 05:52 PM
It's never happened to me, but I wouldn't deal with it.

unsure's photo
Sat 09/09/06 06:15 PM
Oh so what you are saying is that you have met nice ladies but you can
not deal with the kids? I am glad that I have taught my boys to respect
the older people!! I honestly think with the younger generation...the
problem is they really think that everyone owes them something...not
everyone, but most of them. You have to get off of your arses and get
jobs just like we did...and when your parents start dating---show some

no photo
Sat 09/09/06 06:18 PM
i kind of agree with you on that one. it can be hard when you;re a
teenager raising a baby and it seems like the parents are getting
younger and younger all the time but it is no excuse to not teach you
kids manners and respect. granted they may not use them as it is not
always the parents fault but it gets old trying to deal with someone who
always has an attitude and you know they know it ain't right because
they get mad when you do it back to them

lionsbrew's photo
Sun 09/10/06 07:52 AM
i always thought it was because the teenagers feelings for the other
parent who might not be there or who has been seperated teenagers are
ust kids with bigger bodies they still havent gotten the concepts of
logic and emotions now i am no pysciatrist hell ive only been around for
26 yrs but i think that the teenagers in that situation are afraid of
having the other parent replaced

lionsbrew's photo
Sun 09/10/06 08:04 AM
yeah i agree i moved out of my parents house just before i turned 18 i
had a son before i turned twenty but i didnt move out because my parnets
made me i saw that hey im an able bodied adult im working full time ive
already got to many siblings still at home i needed my own space i still
help my parents out whenever possible but the rest of my bros and
sisters i get pretty pissed at cause my parents are in their sixties now
and their health isnt all that great and all they can think about is
themselves and their lives

peace_and_love's photo
Sun 09/10/06 10:23 AM
i'm a teenager..and just because i'm one doesn't mean im bratty/self
centered/ arrogant/ignorant.. no one can help beng a teenage.. we all
have to go through this phase sooner or later..some of us just choose to
be more mature than others but just because on teenager is bratty
doesn't mean the rest of the world is too... that a stereotype thats
placed on us and it really sucks because if you look at it there are
people much older than us that are worse than us and no one says
anything about them

chuckbrewster's photo
Sun 09/10/06 11:09 AM
Unsure is absolutely right on.

I believe that Kids and pets that mis-behave, or are disrespectful are
not that way because they want to be, but it maybe the only way a kid or
pet can get attention from a seemingly busy parent or owner.

Training is everything in raising anything.. human or animal. Don 't be
fooled by the experts that offer opinions which seem complicated. This
is not rocket science and it is not brain surgery... so do what past
generations have done to make their offspring ready for the real world
in a real way, smack their butts when they are intentionally mean,
disrespectful, destructive or abusive. Don't take their whinny ways,
make them take responsibility for what they do.. either bad or good. And
make sure you as the adult speak your piece to the parents or keepers of
ill-mannered kids or pets.

If the kids are in the way, you are in the wrong house. Get out and find
what is a better fit for your temperament.

no photo
Sun 09/10/06 03:50 PM
Not ALL teens bratty self centered bitches. I personally can't stand
relationships like that.

sage's photo
Mon 09/11/06 07:18 AM
The teens are probably just being protective of their mother or did not
like the fact that dad is not around.

soul's photo
Mon 09/11/06 07:40 AM
I deal with this alot with my daughter. I can't even begin to tell you
how many guys have turned and ran in the opposite direction because I
have a teenager. They can be self centered and selfish but weren't we
all at that age? It comes with the territory and I am frankly sick of
guys that just tuck tail and run. They can't handle it so they take off.
I have a 8 year old that people just love cause she is so sweet.
Sometimes I can't help but wonder if it is because she hasn't developed
a mind of her own yet to where she has formed opinions and thoughts of
her own about subjects that might raise some issues or flare tempers
yet. My teenager is a great kid but she does speak her mind and I think
that is what alot of guys run from. She is not an obidient robot that
does everything she is told but she is a young woman coming into her own
ideas on life, love and happiness and she should be validated for her
thoughts and feelings and shown how to work with them and use them
productively. Men that can't see that don't deserve the women raising
these socially independant teens.

soul's photo
Mon 09/11/06 07:51 AM
I have to say that my daughter doesn't always choose the best ways to
make herself heard and can be a handfull but I think if you are going to
take the time to get to know someone well enough to get to know their
kids then there needs to be some effort made on both sides. Teens are
not always and in many cases hardly ever socially acceptable to adult
terms but that is where we come in and have to teach them what is
acceptable and what the concequences are to unacceptable behavior. If
the mom is not willing to guide and discipline the child then the
problem is not with the child it is with the mother. If the mother is
doing these things then the man needs to be patient and supportive and
even jump in and help if the relationship has gone to that level.

rickdobs's photo
Sun 09/17/06 12:21 PM
Soul... I think that you have a valid point, but it's conditional. By
that I mean, a man coming into a "premade" family (I speak from MUCH
experience!) first has to observe what is going on in this new family...
without prejudgement or expectation. You can't look at the inner
workings of a family like you look at an engine, or a business plan.

An engine works one way and one way only... a business plan works within
an established system of finance, management and supply. A family has NO
set rules or recognizable parameters other than the fact that these
people are living and growing in the same building.

Unfortunately for me, I learned that lesson twice the very hard way
(yes, I know I'm a bit slow at some things... ;-> ) The parent you're
involved with has to invite you to share the parental "chores" or you'll
be meddling and the kids WILL resent you. If that happens it's a huge
chain-reaction between you and your partner. I think that's at least one
reason why "men" (it happens to women too, I'm sure) turn and run...
They simply are equipped to be so patient and quietly observant.

I'm in a relationship now that I "talked myself into" because I thought
I could deal with the challenges of a totally dyfunctional family. I
mean it shouldn't be too hard to be patient, trusting, honest, open AND
open-minded, and fair... right??? As my mistakes piled up, so did their
resentment... both the children and their mother. (No tissues, please...
men don't cry over such things) Now... we're all unhappy. Ok, maybe I
should've left the personal stuff out, but I'm feeling better already
just by "confessing" it.

My point?... I agree that teens can't be totally responsible for who or
how they are... parents AND grandparents AND neighbors AND associates
all play an important part in the play.

As mentioned, I agree that it's a shame that men run from the
challenge... and I agree that it's one helluva challenge!

Thank you for your time,

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