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Topic: Free Tarot Card reading
SiriunDreamer's photo
Sat 06/21/08 10:33 PM
I think it is awesome that you are doing this....it's fun!
Here's to you flowerforyou

no photo
Sat 06/21/08 10:35 PM

Word is you got the Mojo"
Whats up with my Love life?

She is a woman who is full of energy and the heart of the affair lies in a profound spiritual connection. Having temporarily retreated into yourself, relationships are not currently a priority in your life, but in spite of this devil may care attitude, you will connect with someone soon. A romance is rekindled or a person you regard as a mentor or guide becomes something more. You are attracted to her spiritual belief and/or the work that she does. Your open communication and complete honesty with each other enhance the relationship. Quickly and unexpectedly the relationship heats up. One or both of you move, or perhaps you move in together.

That's what the cards and book say, let me know if the mojo is working... LOL


no photo
Sat 06/21/08 10:41 PM

I think it is awesome that you are doing this....it's fun!
Here's to you flowerforyou



Here is a one card spiritual and power reading:

Two of Pentacles:

By reading books with spiritual themes, you open yourself to new possibilities. You begin to accept the holistic view that mind, body, emotions and spirit are intimately connected. What effects one, effects the other. You draw spiritual nourishment from the daily aspect of your life.

You versatility is your greatest strength.


no photo
Sat 06/21/08 10:48 PM
romance, please!

no photo
Sat 06/21/08 11:16 PM

romance, please!


Are you currently seeing someone? The cards keep talking about your current "significant other' and the reason for your relationship problems.

You seem to be stuck in neutral, not really getting anywhere. It may be that the people you are involved with don't take you seriously. You tend to argue with your significant other and you disagree on several major points. You each try to change the other's mind about the issues, (an exercise in futility.)

You are a powerful thinker with a curious mind and keen insight into the human condition. You are not a good listener, and so your significant other finds you are not easy to talk to so she isn't telling you everything.

Your detachment about romance in general allows you to direct your energy into other areas of you life. You follow your inner voice. You know that if you wanted to, you could focus and get the woman, but you aren't really focused enough on that.


no photo
Sun 06/22/08 04:21 AM
Thanks JB. I will keep my eyes open.


no photo
Sun 06/22/08 02:08 PM

romance, please!


Are you currently seeing someone? The cards keep talking about your current "significant other' and the reason for your relationship problems.

You seem to be stuck in neutral, not really getting anywhere. It may be that the people you are involved with don't take you seriously. You tend to argue with your significant other and you disagree on several major points. You each try to change the other's mind about the issues, (an exercise in futility.)

You are a powerful thinker with a curious mind and keen insight into the human condition. You are not a good listener, and so your significant other finds you are not easy to talk to so she isn't telling you everything.

Your detachment about romance in general allows you to direct your energy into other areas of you life. You follow your inner voice. You know that if you wanted to, you could focus and get the woman, but you aren't really focused enough on that.


Thanks for the reading. :smile:

As far as the "significant other" business, well... there ISN'T one. I haven't had a significant other for the better part of five years now and that's something that doesn't seem likely to change any time soon.

The whole "neutral" business is rather interesting, as it could be said that I'm in the middle of a "gray area" at present. This particularly has to do with my line of work (which is in danger of a rather long work stoppage due to an impending strike). And yes- a great number of people in my line of work really don't take me seriously on the job, nor do they take what I have to say with any amount of regard.

With THAT said, I've resorted to NOT talking about relative points with those in my work- if they don't want to listen to my suggestions that could very well make the job go by easier and more efficiently, then why should I even bother giving them my suggestions.

And yeah- I'm sort of focused on what will happen with my work than on romance at the present time.

Very interesting findings. And thanks again.

How about some stuff on wealth now? :smile:

TravelArranger's photo
Sun 06/22/08 02:13 PM
Can I try? I am trying to sell my house...can you see anything on whether or not I succeed or stay here?

Thanks drinker

no photo
Sun 06/22/08 03:57 PM

Can I try? I am trying to sell my house...can you see anything on whether or not I succeed or stay here?

Thanks drinker


1.)King of Swords reversed,
2.)nine of Pentacles,
3.)the world

1.) I think this is your real estate agent. Because it is reversed, I would guess that he is not being much of a help in selling your property.

2.) With this card, you get advice. You need to make improvements to your home to make it more attractive for potential buyers. Decorating and landscaping will increase the value and desirability of your home far beyond what you might spend to spruce it up. Trust yourself on how much to spend. These improvements will bring success.

3.) Outcome: Completion, success fulfillment. You get the money for your home. You reap your rewards and move on to another phase.


poetwriter72's photo
Sun 06/22/08 04:00 PM
can i get a reading

no photo
Sun 06/22/08 04:13 PM

I guess your "significant other" was your job. bigsmile

Money and finance: (Job)


1.)Knight of Swords,
2.)Ten of swords,
3.)four of wands,

1.) Knight of Swords - is probably your boss. He does not mince words and seems oblivious to how his actions and opinions affect you. You may be fired or layed off. It's already been decided.

The tension you have been experiencing about money matters comes to head. Deal with it in a straight-forward manner, then go on and don't look back. This dissolves the block and allows the prosperity flow to move into your life again.

2.) Ten of swords - This card supports the one before it.
It represents forced change and the final resolution of a situation or the dramatic end of a cycle. You give up on a lost cause and get on with the true purpose of your life. Ultimately you feel relieved, accept the inevitable and move on.

You are forced to quit your job or are demoted or dismissed. You may be aware of having consciously chosen this change or you may have been pushed out through the betrayal or disloyalty of someone you trusted. Either way, this is an opportunity to change our life for the better. You've outgrown your current position and the time has come for you to move on.

Outcome card: 4 of wands drinker

You get an offer from another company for more money and greater responsibility that you can't refuse. This is the door to your future; step through it with confidence. Your work may involve a move to another city or state. Your office may move across town, to a better neighborhood. You enter a new and prosperous period in your profession.

no photo
Sun 06/22/08 04:43 PM

can i get a reading


What is your question? The more specific a question, the better the reading.


TravelArranger's photo
Sun 06/22/08 04:44 PM
Thank you so much! This is fun!

Can you see in the cards if romance will happen? flowerforyou

no photo
Sun 06/22/08 04:50 PM
Hello Jeannieflowerforyou
Do you have time for a five card spread?
My question is: Did I make the right decision concerning my business?
or Concerning guardianship of my nephew?
Thanks Angel

no photo
Sun 06/22/08 04:57 PM

Thank you so much! This is fun!

Can you see in the cards if romance will happen? flowerforyou

Page of cups , the hanged one reversed, and page of pentacles

My gut feeling on this reading is that you are going to be too busy with the children to focus on a relationship. Its not out of the question, but right now you are stuck in neutral by your own choice.

When you are ready, you will focus on that and will have more success.


no photo
Sun 06/22/08 05:10 PM

Hello Jeannieflowerforyou
Do you have time for a five card spread?
My question is: Did I make the right decision concerning my business?
or Concerning guardianship of my nephew?
Thanks Angel


1.)Justice and 3 of wands Melted
2.) The Hierophant
3.) Ten of wands
4.)Seven of pentacles
5.) knight of cups

1.- It looks like you made a good decision regarding your business, and a judgment is fair and in your favor.
2. You come up against the powers that be-- could be regarding your nephew?
3.You have taken on a lot of responsibility and it may zap your creativity, but you can handle it. You need to learn how to delegate and stop thinking that you have to do it all yourself.
4. You take stock and reevaluate your goals and trust that the projects that you have set in motion will move forward under their own momentum.
5. - Remember to follow your heart. This card symbolized the path with heart.


no photo
Sun 06/22/08 05:37 PM
Okay, I'm game. I recently started seeing someone, he's sure, but I am dragging my feet about proceeding further

no photo
Sun 06/22/08 05:45 PM

Hello Jeannieflowerforyou
Do you have time for a five card spread?
My question is: Did I make the right decision concerning my business?
or Concerning guardianship of my nephew?
Thanks Angel


1.)Justice and 3 of wands Melted
2.) The Hierophant
3.) Ten of wands
4.)Seven of pentacles
5.) knight of cups

1.- It looks like you made a good decision regarding your business, and a judgment is fair and in your favor.
2. You come up against the powers that be-- could be regarding your nephew?
3.You have taken on a lot of responsibility and it may zap your creativity, but you can handle it. You need to learn how to delegate and stop thinking that you have to do it all yourself.
4. You take stock and reevaluate your goals and trust that the projects that you have set in motion will move forward under their own momentum.
5. - Remember to follow your heart. This card symbolized the path with heart.


Thanx JB :heart:

no photo
Sun 06/22/08 05:50 PM
Can I get some info on romance? my life is very confusing at this pointsad 6-6-79flowerforyou flowerforyou

no photo
Sun 06/22/08 06:39 PM

Can I get some info on romance? my life is very confusing at this pointsad 6-6-79flowerforyou flowerforyou


Sexual electricity seizes you; the affair is passionate, tumultuous, and incredibly romantic. Dreams become a vital source of information about the relationship, perhaps pinpointing connections. You may have visions or clairaudient experiences about the relationship. Maintain your equilibrium and normal routines so that the passion of the liaison doesn't swallow you whole.

You may be involved in an uneasy truce or stalemate regarding a major life issue. Take a break by yourself for a weekend, make plans with friends you haven't seen for a while, to to a movie alone. What you do is not as important as doing something to distract you from that confusing situation which has your attention. You may need to be alone in order to collect your thoughts.

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