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Topic: legall or illegall
MynDLash's photo
Mon 09/11/06 04:41 AM
Should drugs be made legall? I mean after all it would cut down on the
crime sprees and it would make more room in the prisons for those who
are...hater's, murderer's,child molesters, wife-beaters, thiefs and
more...and not to mention but, it would benefeit the goverment too with
all the sales tax and stuff.

unsure's photo
Mon 09/11/06 04:50 AM
I don't think drugs should be made legal, the world is crazy enough
without all these people being allowed to go out into society all messed
up. We have to draw the line somewhere, I do think that it is helpful
for the people with cancer, I know my cancer was allowed a certain amt
of pot for his condition. It did take away the pain..

MynDLash's photo
Mon 09/11/06 04:56 AM
IT'S JUST A TOPIC OF DISCUSSION! Why should anyone be afraid of that? I
am a single mother and I kicked the habit when got pregnant with my
first son going on five years now. True, there were times I slipped up
and found the same problems still lurking. But, for the most; I don't do
drugs unless u consider coffee and ciggerettes to be as such.

george_cooling's photo
Mon 09/11/06 05:28 AM
hi i am tony from u.s.a and i want u to be my friend how are u doing are
u fine how is life going i hope u are fine how is ur work all is cool
and im want u to chat with me in yahoo my yahoo id is

no photo
Mon 09/11/06 05:36 AM
Those people are already in society fucked and they are better off trust
me if they were straight they would be even for taxes the
gov already gets them.. when the bust people they tax them... it is win
win for ol sam...WILL

no photo
Mon 09/11/06 07:06 AM
i think they should legalize drugs(i don't use)and make the penalties
stiffer if you commit a crime under the influence of them. most crimes
that i have witnessed the perpetrator was not high. they might have
commited the crime to get the money to buy the drugs but they were'nt
high when they did it. i agree about the comment about it thinning out
the prison population. if you aren't trafficking you shouldn't spend 15
to 20 yrs. in prison. mexico just passed a law that made it legal to
possess a certain amount that would constitute personal. still can't
take drugs in public or operate a vehicle but you can possess a personal
amount. it is supposed to cut down on the time they spend on petty
possession charges so they can concentrate on the traffickers.

sage's photo
Mon 09/11/06 07:08 AM
I think certain drugs should be available for prescription only.
Obviously, the pot was one of them. But hey, you never know maybe there
would be a good reason to use coccaine as a prescribed medication. LOL.

no photo
Mon 09/11/06 07:15 AM
cocain,heroin, marijuana,speed, etc.. they all used to be legally used
drugs in the us awhile back til they decided to outlaw them

MynDLash's photo
Mon 09/11/06 06:55 PM
true, true, true, same goes for amsterdamn, you can't walk the streets
with it but, it is legall. And yes I know that there's alot of dummy's
out there that would rather have the thrill of commiting a crime and
hurting others than to just soak in the buzz. And on the other hand, why
shouldn't drugs be legalized? Who knows they just might hold a cure for
some people's illnesses.

scotty652's photo
Mon 09/11/06 07:29 PM
I work in the law enforcement field and I have seen what happens to
people when they loose hope. It's not the drugs, it's the state of mind.
Anything to take their mind off reality. I have several ideas to reduce
the jail population. I don't think you want to hear them.

unsure's photo
Mon 09/11/06 07:56 PM
Well Scotty..I don't think making drugs legal is one of I

no photo
Mon 09/11/06 10:06 PM
i would be very interested in hearing your ideas scotty. i agree with
the state of mind comment you made and have seen it myself, some people
turn to drugs and alcohol to cope and it is not a good idea because it
only makes it worse but the courts and jails are full of possession
charges and such that everyone is swamped. kinda takes away from the
more serious stuff.

no photo
Mon 09/11/06 10:33 PM

I believe in natural medicine. Alcohol is a good medicine but it gets
abused and people drive drunk and kill each other by its use. Pot has
much less harmful side effects to our bodies. People on pot are calm for
the most part and in a state of happiness or laziness or both. People
who have been drinking tend to become agressive and want to fight. Opium
is a great natural drug which was and still is used by doctors to treat
patients for pain. Codine is one of the drugs found in raw opium. Yet
this drug is easily abused in its raw or even pill forms. So making them
prescription only will not stop the abuse or the illegal side making
money and more crime will follow the illegal money.

Pot where it is legal is treated like drinking. It is much less a
problem than drinking in these countries and since the illegal side is
gone you have tax paying industies processing and growing the pot for
sale. So I am 100% for legalizing pot.

Meth, cocaine and many other hard core drugs have no place in society
other than being used properly by a doctor prescription. These drugs do
have real medical uses. Plus many people using these drugs OD. You can
not get enough THC(pot) into your system to OD on by smoking or eating
it. You would pass out before hand. You can OD from drinking.

As to how to clean out the jails. It is very simple kill all convicted
murders after allowing them sometime for proper appeals. And when you do
it do it on the county square like they did in the old days. Let all see
what happens when you commit a crime. Then make the second offence for
theft death. Child molester and rapist death. I think you get the idea.
No one would be in jail over a couple years. If they need to be jailed
more than 2 years kill them and remove them from society forever. You
will either change and live right or you will commit another crime and
get death.

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Mon 09/11/06 10:40 PM
I live in Canada and the de-criminalization of pot has not caused any
major probs, as a matter of fact, the fine for smoking a cigarette in a
bar here is higher than for smoking a joint in said bar..The
lagalization of pot will free up a LOT of resources that are being
wasted chasing growers and users down..Marijuana is NOT a threat to
society, as matter of fact the reason the US banned pot was based
solely on racial reasons and had absolutely nothing to do with health,
and why should it? Pot is not nearly as harmful as tobacco or alcohol,
it does have medicinal qualities besides treating the side effects of helps with nausea, hangovers, I even had two female friends in
my teens and early 20's that only smoked pot at that time of the month,
said it helped with their cramps..and that was the ONLY time they'd
smoke it, the same goes for hash and hash oil...HOWEVER..the other shit
that's out there is just nasty, I got to see how many illegal narcotics
are made and the type of chemicals that are used is appalling. Cocaine
is made using reducers ie: acetone, methanol, toluene, and if they can't
find any of those,then gasoline will do. Meth is nothing more than toxic
waste..the way I look at it..if it ain't natural, I won't touch it.

MynDLash's photo
Tue 09/12/06 10:43 AM
that's my point on the whole topic. Natural resources. god made it, why
not use it.

no photo
Tue 09/12/06 10:46 AM
Now scotty..Be nice.. euthanasia is not the way to go..By the way...Lets
keep the violent thoughts to a minimum..I hate pigs but i dont want them

Countrygurl2wild's photo
Tue 09/12/06 10:53 AM
Well when you are a parent that has watch your children hurt and almost
destroyed from drugs, you would say no, they should be illegal.

no photo
Tue 09/12/06 10:55 AM
Legal or illegal they ARE there..Don't expect big brother to really help
with anything..HE is only interested in your money..It is really up to
you..Always has been..and always WILL

MynDLash's photo
Tue 09/12/06 11:41 AM
LOL, WILL'S A TRIP! no i mind what he has to say matter of fact i love
to hear his thoughts;but, have u noticed that he's been in here talkin
bout gettin drunk and shit lol HEY, weren't u the one that talked about
ur so called christian wife lol

MynDLash's photo
Tue 09/12/06 11:46 AM
and to answer ur question i do know what it'S like for drugs to ruin a
childs life. Thats why my babies don't have a daddy! Because that sorry
ass freeloader that I pay for and paid for his strippers too, all
thought that crack and pussy was better than havin A FAMILY!

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