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krowraven7's photo
Tue 02/20/07 08:24 AM

What are some red flags you feel are deterrents to healthy loving

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 02/20/07 08:56 AM
Stories changes.

They put off meeting you.

When you ask them personal questions they seem to change the subject.

They give you a cell number but no home number and only calls certain
times of the day.

bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

romee's photo
Tue 02/20/07 09:05 AM
when they try to dodge you.

Kevology's photo
Tue 02/20/07 09:08 AM
Guys calling the house constantly for your woman can be somewhat
Your woman cheating on you with those guys is even more


whispertoascream's photo
Tue 02/20/07 09:16 AM
This is a really good thread. I do not know all the red flags. So it is
nice to see what they are so I can watch out for them.

buttons's photo
Tue 02/20/07 09:20 AM
when they check the caller id on cell phone when with u and only
sometimes answer it. nervously shoving it back in their pocket without a
word lol or turn it off after a couple of times they hadnt answered some
calls and not others

buttons's photo
Tue 02/20/07 09:22 AM
when they say they are going somewhere with their friend <dan> and <dan>
calls while he is outlaugh laugh laugh

buttons's photo
Tue 02/20/07 09:25 AM
when u comfront them with something they did u didnt feel was right and
they turn the conversation into something u did in past that bothered
them without talking about what they had just done.

buttons's photo
Tue 02/20/07 09:28 AM
when lots of unexplained money keeps coming up missing

buttons's photo
Tue 02/20/07 09:30 AM
when the only touching u get from then is a groping in the azz

no photo
Tue 02/20/07 09:32 AM
Sadly I should be considered an expert by now with the not so
great relationships/dating experiences I've had. I think many take my
kindness for weakness and that in itself was like carrying a Neon Sign
that said all Axxholes come here; luckily I'm not naive anymore and get
out of it immediately when I see/feel something isn't right. :)

So here goes:

When he doesn't tell you he's divorcing (but still married) and
for months won't let you meet his kids

Anyone who wants sex on the first date; sorry promiscious people are
high risk

Someone who drinks alcohol like a fish and says they don't have
a drinking problem and by the way can't remember what they say or do
when they drink like a fish

Immaturity; someone who wants to be babied and whines all the time

Wierd Extreme Fetishes; sorry even though it's common I feel it's
unnatural although some are okay

Insecurity and paranoia i.e. someone who calls you like 20 times a day
and is upset when you don't answer every call

Someone who says the "L" word after only knowing you a week

Someone who wants to move in with you after only knowing you two weeks

The most obvious: A "TrainWreck" of a life someone leads i.e. financial
problems, friend problems, car accident, etc.

Someone who is still living with their Mommy/Daddy and is well into
their 20's or 30's for that matter (Big RED Flag by the way)

Someone who's in their 30's and say's they are still trying to figure
out what they want to be when they grow up

Flakey Flakes who are so busy (as they claim) that they only call you
like every once in a blue moon or when they want some booty

Someone who invites you and not your kids over to their Thanksgiving
dinner with his family and his kids (ouch)

If all they want to do is have sex and nothing else; sorry I know this
is the City Of Sex but there comes a time when you got to respect your
body and LA County has a high number of HIV and STD's you'd be surprised
how many people have unprotected sex and have never been tested.

Okay! That's all I could think of from the worst of the worst.
:) lol.

Kevology's photo
Tue 02/20/07 09:33 AM
I agree buttons. The cell phone deal is so true!

buttons's photo
Tue 02/20/07 09:33 AM
when they start excluding u from the things they do and spend more
quality time with their friends than with you.

no photo
Tue 02/20/07 09:35 AM
By the way honesty, loyalty, devotion are what healthy relationships
should be founded on anything else and it's bound to crumble you have to
set the relationship in stone with qualities that will last a lifetime.
But first and foremost I think it's important to get to know him/her.

buttons's photo
Tue 02/20/07 09:37 AM
nice ones jade!

oldsage's photo
Tue 02/20/07 09:37 AM
Main thing for me, if something smells fishy; it prob. is. Listen to
your own instincts. You already know all the signs.

DANE1973's photo
Tue 02/20/07 09:38 AM
When you go from sex three times a day to once a week,cold turkey.

buttons's photo
Tue 02/20/07 09:39 AM
when u find yourself doing "everything" for him or her and they are
doing nothing at all for theirself anymore or for you..

buttons's photo
Tue 02/20/07 09:43 AM
when u go to a guys house u have been dating <exclusivly> and there is a
red rose on his mantel. HA! and u know they didnt buy it theirself then
they say "she" gave it to me when i told her i wasnt going to see her
anymore.laugh laugh laugh yea that one is definatly a personal
experience i had

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 02/20/07 09:44 AM
They quit asking you to go to the places they use to and start tell you
it was a boys night out instead.

You call and there cell goes straight to voice mail you know it has been
turned off for he is not wanting any calls.

You can't reach him all day when you finally do he says there must be
something wrong with the phone he never got the call and this was not
the first time it had happened.

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