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Topic: Why does Religion cause problems??
Fanta46's photo
Sun 06/29/08 01:17 PM
Countries with high levels of atheism also are the most charitable in terms of giving foreign aid to the developing world. The dubious link between Christian literalism and Christian values is also belied by other indices of charity. Consider the ratio in salaries between top-tier CEOs and their average employee: in Britain it is 24 to 1; France 15 to 1; Sweden 13 to 1; in the United States, where 83% of the population believes that Jesus literally rose from the dead, it is 475 to 1. Many a camel, it would seem, expects to squeeze easily through the eye of a needle.

No country gives more than the US and we are 78% Christian!
Where do you get your information? laugh laugh laugh

Americans give twice as much as the next most charitable country, according to a November 2006 comparison done by the Charities Aid Foundation. In philanthropic giving as a percentage of gross domestic product, the U.S. ranked first at 1.7 percent. No. 2 Britain gave 0.73 percent, while France, with a 0.14 percent rate, trailed such countries as South Africa, Singapore, Turkey and Germany.

Fanta46's photo
Sun 06/29/08 01:19 PM
Your atheist beliefs override your ability to give correct facts!

Fanta46's photo
Sun 06/29/08 01:23 PM
Here's another fact,
crimes per capita!

#1 Colombia: 0.617847 per 1,000 people
#2 South Africa: 0.496008 per 1,000 people
#3 Jamaica: 0.324196 per 1,000 people
#4 Venezuela: 0.316138 per 1,000 people
#5 Russia: 0.201534 per 1,000 people
#6 Mexico: 0.130213 per 1,000 people
#7 Estonia: 0.107277 per 1,000 people
#8 Latvia: 0.10393 per 1,000 people
#9 Lithuania: 0.102863 per 1,000 people
#10 Belarus: 0.0983495 per 1,000 people
#11 Ukraine: 0.094006 per 1,000 people
#12 Papua New Guinea: 0.0838593 per 1,000 people
#13 Kyrgyzstan: 0.0802565 per 1,000 people
#14 Thailand: 0.0800798 per 1,000 people
#15 Moldova: 0.0781145 per 1,000 people
#16 Zimbabwe: 0.0749938 per 1,000 people
#17 Seychelles: 0.0739025 per 1,000 people
#18 Zambia: 0.070769 per 1,000 people
#19 Costa Rica: 0.061006 per 1,000 people
#20 Poland: 0.0562789 per 1,000 people
#21 Georgia: 0.0511011 per 1,000 people
#22 Uruguay: 0.045082 per 1,000 people
#23 Bulgaria: 0.0445638 per 1,000 people
#24 United States: 0.042802 per 1,000 people

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 06/29/08 01:29 PM

Except buddism, confusism, taosim, paganism, shintoism, and about half the other religions that arn't under the big 3 (christians, jews, muslim)

This is true. Most of the truly spiritual religions are non-obtrustive. It's the religions that are based on egotistical godheads the demand to be the ulimate authoritarians that are the problems.

When they claim that their Gods must be the king of kings and lord of lords and that every knee must bow and every tongue must confess that their religion is true, that's when the problems start.

The other thing to realize also is that the so-called "big 3" are really just one religion that is so confused and muddled that it fell apart. All three of those religions basically claim to be worshiping the same ulimate godhead. They all arose from the same Mediterranean mythologies and folklore.

They are really just one religion that has fallen apart to become incoherent and totally ambiguous.

In fact, if we just take Christianity alone we can see that it fell into two major parts. Catholics and non-Catholics, and the non-Catholics have falling into a myriad of individual denominations. They all seem to agree one one stupid thing, and that is that their God is the God of Gods and every knee shall bow and ever tongue shall confess that their religion is the only correct religion.

It's utterly insane.

It's no joke at all that if the so-called "Christians" managed to somehow convert the whole whole world to "Christianity" that would only be just the beginning of the holy wars. It would be an extremely short-lived celebration before the Christians starting turning on each other. Each demonination denouncing all the others until there was a holy leaving only a single denomination to roam the Earth.

Then the congregation of that denomination would start turning against each other one-by-one until there is finally one person left running around talking to himself, "I won! I won! I won!" ohwell

Those arrogant self-centered religions aren't about God at all. They are all about the religions themsleves.

Better off seeking spirituality and ignoring any religions that claim to speak for any specific jealous judgmental godheads.

Clearly if there were any jealous godheads around they'd speak up for themselves. bigsmile

Fanta46's photo
Sun 06/29/08 01:29 PM
Your author's opinion piece isn't worth a hill of beans!!

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 06/29/08 01:58 PM
No country gives more than the US and we are 78% Christian!

That's actually an erroneous number right there.

All that really says if that, when asked, 78% of Americans will say they are "Christian". However the vase majority of them are actually "Designer Christians:" who don't attend church and will actually disagree with most of what the Bible says anyway.

In fact, I was reading an article that explained how religion is in dying in modern times. The organized churches cling to the statistics with the greatest numbers when counting "Christians" because they want it to appear that they have support for their "religion", but in truth those same churches would totally denounce the practices, beliefs, and non-ritual behaviors of the vast majority of those people they are allowing to be counted as "Christians".

So it's truly a bit of a farce.

Organized religions are dying. In fact, the so called "upsurge" in Christian revivals is actually a very desperate publicity stunt by organized religion to try to save their sinking ship. It's not due to a rise in public interest. If you put on a circus people will attend. What the supposed "upsurge" actually amounts to is a increase in advertising efforts by organized religions.

And the only reason they are even interested in doing this is because they are losing paying customers in their churches! Their congregations are dropping off significantly forcing them to advertise for new customers to sell their religion to. Surely you don't think those preachers are doing this for God. laugh

The fact of the matter is that attendance in churches continues to drop off and thus as financial institutions they are becoming desperate for funds.

Those 78% of Americans are no longer paying customers to the churches. They are becoming freelance "Designer Christians".

The greatest growing religion today is "Designer Christianity". These are people who just want to praise Jesus and be saved, but who aren't interested in belonging to any organized churches.

We see these people like this on the forums all the time. They often refer to the organized religion as "Chruchianity". They've actually abandoned the religion but they continue to cling to Jesus and the Cross as a souvenir and memorabilia of what the religion once was. However, they no longer support organized religion financially. "Chruchianity" is dying.

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 06/29/08 02:01 PM

Your author's opinion piece isn't worth a hill of beans!!

You're right. drinker

The truth is free. smokin

It's not worth a hill of beans. drinker

But it doesn't change the fact that it's the truth. bigsmile

People know what's going down. Trust me. They aren't fools. :wink:

Fanta46's photo
Sun 06/29/08 02:25 PM

Your author's opinion piece isn't worth a hill of beans!!

You're right. drinker

The truth is free. smokin

It's not worth a hill of beans. drinker

But it doesn't change the fact that it's the truth. bigsmile

People know what's going down. Trust me. They aren't fools. :wink:

laugh laugh laugh laugh

Unique2468's photo
Sun 06/29/08 02:31 PM

Except buddism, confusism, taosim, paganism, shintoism, and about half the other religions that arn't under the big 3 (christians, jews, muslim)

It's no joke at all that if the so-called "Christians" managed to somehow convert the whole whole world to "Christianity" that would only be just the beginning of the holy wars. It would be an extremely short-lived celebration before the Christians starting turning on each other. Each demonination denouncing all the others until there was a holy leaving only a single denomination to roam the Earth.

I think the way chirstians convert is funny. They bash other religions, brag about their own, steal rituals, idea's, values and ideals from other relgions, then destroy whats left, so no one knows they did it. I think christianity as a religion is exactly there definition of the anti christ, where christianity as spirituality is there definition of god.

Those arrogant self-centered religions aren't about God at all. They are all about the religions themsleves.

Aye, the pope and the church are the wealthiest land owners peroid. The have the largest amount of holdings, and the most politicial sway. not many people bother to question it.

Better off seeking spirituality and ignoring any religions that claim to speak for any specific jealous judgmental godheads.

Actually most of the relgions i menchened, have that in there doctrine, that you should test your faith, and be open minded and accepting. Actually to be fair, so do muslems, christians and jews. Though they are highly encouraged NOT to follow it.

Unique2468's photo
Sun 06/29/08 02:32 PM

Here's another fact,
crimes per capita!

#1 Colombia: 0.617847 per 1,000 people
#2 South Africa: 0.496008 per 1,000 people
#3 Jamaica: 0.324196 per 1,000 people
#4 Venezuela: 0.316138 per 1,000 people
#5 Russia: 0.201534 per 1,000 people
#6 Mexico: 0.130213 per 1,000 people
#7 Estonia: 0.107277 per 1,000 people
#8 Latvia: 0.10393 per 1,000 people
#9 Lithuania: 0.102863 per 1,000 people
#10 Belarus: 0.0983495 per 1,000 people
#11 Ukraine: 0.094006 per 1,000 people
#12 Papua New Guinea: 0.0838593 per 1,000 people
#13 Kyrgyzstan: 0.0802565 per 1,000 people
#14 Thailand: 0.0800798 per 1,000 people
#15 Moldova: 0.0781145 per 1,000 people
#16 Zimbabwe: 0.0749938 per 1,000 people
#17 Seychelles: 0.0739025 per 1,000 people
#18 Zambia: 0.070769 per 1,000 people
#19 Costa Rica: 0.061006 per 1,000 people
#20 Poland: 0.0562789 per 1,000 people
#21 Georgia: 0.0511011 per 1,000 people
#22 Uruguay: 0.045082 per 1,000 people
#23 Bulgaria: 0.0445638 per 1,000 people
#24 United States: 0.042802 per 1,000 people

Out of curoisity, where are you getting these numbers?

MiamiQ's photo
Sun 06/29/08 06:02 PM

Intolerant? I don't think so...

Jesus talked about sin & their consequences& how it causes seperation from God. He did good to people & He was killed for it.

People complain about all the problems of the world yet they don't realize they are part of the problem by their own actions. If my stating that is being intolerant then so be it, but more to the point is unbelievers are the intolerant ones...of anything that keeps people safe. It's one thing when you want to ruin your own life but don't take others down with you.

Please know that I meant no disrespect or offense to you, Quickstepper.

I can add only the suggestion that we are all on the same path (recently spoke to a friend regarding thishappy) and may simply be at different points along the way. Many may not even realize that they are trying to find their way 'home'. I hope to never do/say anything that may deter anyone from considering a course that leads them to God and the 'home' we all long for. I think intolerance can be that type of deterrent.

From what I see...Jesus reaches out, rather than pulling back from those who are lost. He teaches by example & with stories, rather than with criticism & coldness. He reminds us, too, that our judgement is flawed and best set aside.

Just thoughts on this, Quickstepper...no assumptions about you, no threats to your faith (in someways, I envy you your faith:smile:) and absolutely no judgement of you. Please know thatflowerforyou!
I agree that its intolerance and this is my take on religious differencesflowerforyou :

I think it is fair to give everyone freedom to chose their religious inclination and usually that depends on your location, family religious background or your existing or new paradigm. I may not believe in the same way someone else does. I think we all have a 'GOD'(I'll use as the example) too, I think that individual devotion and beliefs are directed at the same source and each one has chosen how to approach it whether it be calling it God,Allah, Yahweh, Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, and whether you pray, bow, chant, there is only one source that has been intrepreted in many different ways by man. Some people need to focus on a higher being, some need to identify with something exactly like themselves, some need a person to emulate, others need a mediator like a minister or a priest. The source doesn't change in any case. Who is right or who is wrong? Just asking the questions, I have chosen my path. If we can all begin to accept that essentially we all have the same goals perhaps we can get closer to religous tolerance and overlook the definitions that keep us separated. If the world ends tonight we are all going to cease to exist in this life.

MiamiQ's photo
Sun 06/29/08 06:05 PM
My quote picked up the wrong info. This is what I meant to say. Ignore anything in my last post above this.

I agree that its intolerance and this is my take on religious differences :

I think it is fair to give everyone freedom to chose their religious inclination and usually that depends on your location, family religious background or your existing or new paradigm. I may not believe in the same way someone else does. I think we all have a 'GOD'(I'll use as the example) too, I think that individual devotion and beliefs are directed at the same source and each one has chosen how to approach it whether it be calling it God,Allah, Yahweh, Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, and whether you pray, bow, chant, there is only one source that has been intrepreted in many different ways by man. Some people need to focus on a higher being, some need to identify with something exactly like themselves, some need a person to emulate, others need a mediator like a minister or a priest. The source doesn't change in any case. Who is right or who is wrong? Just asking the questions, I have chosen my path. If we can all begin to accept that essentially we all have the same goals perhaps we can get closer to religous tolerance and overlook the definitions that keep us separated. If the world ends tonight we are all going to cease to exist in this life.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Sun 06/29/08 06:54 PM

If God were to exist, wouldn't you expect there to be a huge benefit to those who follow and obey him? Why, instead, do we see the opposite?

For example, there is growing evidence that the delusion of religion causes significant social dysfunction. Statistical research is revealing the problems that go with religion. For example, a recent article in the Journal of Religion and Society points out that religion is correlated to the significant social difficulties that we can see in America:

In general, higher rates of belief in and worship of a creator correlate with higher rates of homicide, juvenile and early adult mortality, STD infection rates, teen pregnancy, and abortion in the prosperous democracies. The most theistic prosperous democracy, the U.S., is exceptional, but not in the manner Franklin predicted.

The United States is almost always the most dysfunctional of the developed democracies, sometimes spectacularly so, and almost always scores poorly. The view of the U.S. as a “shining city on the hill” to the rest of the world is falsified when it comes to basic measures of societal health.

The prevailing view is that religion is harmless even if it is delusional. That turns out not to be the case. America is the most religious country of those studied in the developed world. America also has the biggest problems in terms of things like homicide, juvenile and early adult mortality, STD infection rates, teen pregnancy, and abortion.

This article by Sam Harris puts it this way:

While most Americans believe that getting rid of religion is an impossible goal, much of the developed world has already accomplished it. Any account of a “god gene” that causes the majority of Americans to helplessly organize their lives around ancient works of religious fiction must explain why so many inhabitants of other First World societies apparently lack such a gene. The level of atheism throughout the rest of the developed world refutes any argument that religion is somehow a moral necessity.

Countries like Norway, Iceland, Australia, Canada, Sweden, Switzerland, Belgium, Japan, the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark and the United Kingdom are among the least religious societies on Earth.

According to the United Nations’ Human Development Report (2007) they are also the healthiest, as indicated by measures of life expectancy, adult literacy, per capita income, educational attainment, gender equality, homicide rate and infant mortality. Conversely, the 50 nations now ranked lowest in terms of human development are unwaveringly religious.

Other analyses paint the same picture: The United States is unique among wealthy democracies in its level of religious literalism and opposition to evolutionary theory; it is also uniquely beleaguered by high rates of homicide, abortion, teen pregnancy, STD infection and infant mortality.

The same comparison holds true within the United States itself: Southern and Midwestern states, characterized by the highest levels of religious superstition and hostility to evolutionary theory, are especially plagued by the above indicators of societal dysfunction, while the comparatively secular states of the Northeast conform to European norms.

Of course, correlational data of this sort do not resolve questions of causality--belief in God may lead to societal dysfunction; societal dysfunction may foster a belief in God; each factor may enable the other; or both may spring from some deeper source of mischief. Leaving aside the issue of cause and effect, these facts prove that atheism is perfectly compatible with the basic aspirations of a civil society; they also prove, conclusively, that religious faith does nothing to ensure a society’s health.

Countries with high levels of atheism also are the most charitable in terms of giving foreign aid to the developing world. The dubious link between Christian literalism and Christian values is also belied by other indices of charity. Consider the ratio in salaries between top-tier CEOs and their average employee: in Britain it is 24 to 1; France 15 to 1; Sweden 13 to 1; in the United States, where 83% of the population believes that Jesus literally rose from the dead, it is 475 to 1. Many a camel, it would seem, expects to squeeze easily through the eye of a needle.

Tell me your reasons please. thank you

with all respect all these data is absolutely BIAS.

Quikstepper's photo
Sun 06/29/08 07:10 PM

Except buddism, confusism, taosim, paganism, shintoism, and about half the other religions that arn't under the big 3 (christians, jews, muslim)

It's no joke at all that if the so-called "Christians" managed to somehow convert the whole whole world to "Christianity" that would only be just the beginning of the holy wars. It would be an extremely short-lived celebration before the Christians starting turning on each other. Each demonination denouncing all the others until there was a holy leaving only a single denomination to roam the Earth.

I think the way chirstians convert is funny. They bash other religions, brag about their own, steal rituals, idea's, values and ideals from other relgions, then destroy whats left, so no one knows they did it. I think christianity as a religion is exactly there definition of the anti christ, where christianity as spirituality is there definition of god.

Those arrogant self-centered religions aren't about God at all. They are all about the religions themsleves.

Aye, the pope and the church are the wealthiest land owners peroid. The have the largest amount of holdings, and the most politicial sway. not many people bother to question it.

Better off seeking spirituality and ignoring any religions that claim to speak for any specific jealous judgmental godheads.

Actually most of the relgions i menchened, have that in there doctrine, that you should test your faith, and be open minded and accepting. Actually to be fair, so do muslems, christians and jews. Though they are highly encouraged NOT to follow it.

Considering that you bash what you don't agree with I consider your statements about tolerance hypocritical...to say the least.

Christians like myself are so from PERSONAL experience...not just going with the program...it's not about being "encouraged not to follow it" as you put it.

I suppose if you were perfect you wouldn't be putting down something you really know nothing about...Yu think?

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