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Topic: How can you prove your real on, JSH .?
tallandtttanned's photo
Wed 03/07/07 07:44 AM
still upset thopugh

newguy's photo
Wed 03/07/07 07:47 AM
I agree 100% of what your saying LA. In my line of work I deal with
people from all over the world and you have to beable to listen to
them...observe how they react to certain things in order to beable to
accomadate thier needs and wants. It dosen't work like that on a pc. I
know that. You do have to be careful...watching out for the curve balls
thrown your way..laugh

tallandtttanned's photo
Wed 03/07/07 07:50 AM
hey newguy where do u work

no photo
Wed 03/07/07 07:54 AM
Bear and Whiskey are certainly "real" you can come see the piles of poop
I have to clean up every week. laugh laugh

newguy's photo
Wed 03/07/07 07:54 AM
I work in a small fine dining restaraunt in alabama. Moved here a little
over a year ago from Tampa where I worked in a restaunt 2 blocks north
of tampa stadium for 15 years.

Morena350's photo
Wed 03/07/07 08:05 AM
this is not a joke tread, Im talking about people's feelings getting
hurt, some people don't take that kind of pain lightly
and if you take this tread as a joke, maybe you should think about how
would you feel if it was you getting hurt,
it can happen you know,
pain and hurt does not discriminate you hear!!!!

tallandtttanned's photo
Wed 03/07/07 08:07 AM
hey morena are u maqd at me

buttons's photo
Wed 03/07/07 08:08 AM
i wasnt joking for what i said morena. just saying for if he isnt real
and true to be the person hes protraying his self to be yea ill be hurt
toosad sad

aleacim831's photo
Wed 03/07/07 08:15 AM
Oh I'm so fake lol

newguy's photo
Wed 03/07/07 08:18 AM
morena....thats exactly the point I was trying to make. People say you
gotta post on here....make yourself known...show yourself...just so you
can get some joker to jump in and throw nonesence into the mix. I have
an idea to subjest to van...tell me what you think.
How about a private chat forum with a moderater to oversee that the
subject stays on topic. People that want to talk about certain issues
will beable to talk without all of the interuptions coming in. Those who
try to change the issues are booted off.

aleacim831's photo
Wed 03/07/07 08:19 AM
Really though, people who are fake on here obviously have no life and
aren't happy with themselves. So why worry about them? I'd follow my gut
feelings if someone is real or not and if they turned out fake not the
end of the world there are millions of people in the world!!! NEXT lol

newguy's photo
Wed 03/07/07 08:19 AM
damn..need to use a spell checker herelaugh

simpledisaster's photo
Wed 03/07/07 08:24 AM
you posted a good topic. i've met a few people offline, and it's been
the worst experience. just because people say what you want to hear,
and they know what you want to hear by reading your profiles.. it's
pretty sad that people will go out and try to minimize someone's
feelings, like they're nothing. all it does in the end is making that
person a little harder on who he/she is going to trust in the future.
it's very rare it seems, even offline to find someone that's going to be
real with who they are and what they want. i've had the people out on
websites that, don't know what they want, but say they're looking for
long term or marriage and all that and then it's like oh i don't know
what i want.. well then don't put yourself out there like you know what
you want, because all you'll end up doing is hurting yourself. i don't
think it's that hard to be real.. i honestly don't know any other way to
be... i wonder why people feel the need to hurt.. or mislead.. maybe
they've been hurt a lot in their lives and want to pay it forward??
beats me... anyways.. i just rambled.. lol but thanks for posting
something with meaning morena

gardenforge's photo
Wed 03/07/07 08:33 AM
I think that a lot of people that use this site or any online dating
site don't want an actual relationship, they prefer the anonominity and
distance of a cyber relationship. This allows them to live their
fantasy without ever haveing to meet anyone. I think that with this
site as with all other sites, there are as many if not more game players
as there are people actually seeking a relationship. The game players
don't care who's feelings they trample as long as their fantasy needs
are met. Unfortunately it is very difficult to weed out the game
players because they are quite adept at what they do.

simpledisaster's photo
Wed 03/07/07 08:35 AM
yes yes they are. it's pretty sad.. cuz one day they'll be looking for
a relationship, or aspire to have one, and they'll be so used to
spittin' their game it'll end up ruining it.

newguy's photo
Wed 03/07/07 08:37 AM
You 2 have hit the nail right on the head.

simpledisaster's photo
Wed 03/07/07 08:43 AM
lol maybe they'll see this and get all hot in the face like omg they're
talking about me.. i know they are.. unfortunately that's not enough to
make people change their perception on how they treat others...

no photo
Wed 03/07/07 08:53 AM
I think the computer is just another tool to help single people meet
other single people.

Rather than go to bars I like the internet. My last relationship lasted
5 years and we met on match.com So for me it was a great success, even
if we didnt make it forever.

The world is full of un-real people and scammers, but that is the chance
you take everytime you get out of bed and face the day.

If your so fragile and scared about being hurt or scammed or becoming
upset because someone didnt call you back or meet you when you agreed or
whatever, then maybe you should live in a cave and just give up and live
a single life and move on from this and any other dating site.

taking a chance on life or new relationships is what its all about.

take the challenge or dont, its all up to you.

simpledisaster's photo
Wed 03/07/07 08:59 AM
it's not about being scared. it's about being frustrated. i was in a
relationship with someone from the net for about 2 years, we're still
the best of friends. not saying everyone out there is out to
hurt/scam/use you. i don't recall anywhere i said that.

newguy's photo
Wed 03/07/07 09:22 AM
frustrating is an understatment.
It's a good thing I've developed patience over the years...lol

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