Topic: Father Treaty
DeathsTreaty's photo
Tue 07/29/08 09:13 PM
Do I have any Belivers?

Take that walk between the shadows Death lies so comfortably across lifes pain with me

Take that walk and make it to the End

Take it to the End to find you

Find what We are

What you are

Take these steps with me

and see what Father Treaty has set for you all

Let us put our head and face the place we want most

Etrain's photo
Tue 07/29/08 09:14 PM
devil devil devil devil devil

DeathsTreaty's photo
Tue 07/29/08 09:16 PM
Let me hear the voices that choose to follows us

Brothers and sisters

let our mind stay open and our eyes clean of the filth this world feeds us

Listen and walk away with what Im here to share with you all

neanderthalDave's photo
Tue 07/29/08 09:20 PM
but if it wasnt for the filth that this world feeds us Id be a hungry mother f**ker

DeathsTreaty's photo
Tue 07/29/08 09:22 PM
That filth is not so bad

The filth I speak of is within all of us already

Young or old

it finds its way inside

It gives of sickness, Sadness and Death without reasons

jonny63's photo
Tue 07/29/08 09:30 PM
I have walked the edge my friend,
Tasted the stench of failure
Darkness you've seen before me
Is a path I shouldn't follow

neanderthalDave's photo
Tue 07/29/08 09:40 PM
dude I got a pic of a reaper Im gonna tat on soon,it says something about death being for I wanna come up with somthing else to put there, I need something morbid and unique that only takes up two lines or so,if u can help me out..holla at me
I use the same name on myspace if u wanna hit me up there.

DeathsTreaty's photo
Tue 07/29/08 09:48 PM
The Dark is not for everyone, but we all have it

Darkness is as real as Life and Death

Will do Dave

I have the same name on myspace too
Ill look you up tomorrow
Ill be glad to help

Let me know a little more on what you want it to say more or less

I will not create it, but I will suggest and kind of guide you to creating it from you so its original ^^

but I do have to go now

Good seeing you again

Have a Good night Everyone