Topic: interracial dating ?
iceprincess's photo
Thu 03/22/07 02:02 PM
Ok just my opinion who really givews a damn last time i checked we all
bleed red.

no photo
Thu 03/22/07 02:56 PM
Can't add anything better then what the " Princess" just said ... :)

Donnie920's photo
Thu 03/22/07 03:05 PM
theres nothing wrong with interracial has no color.
besides if we were all skinned alived we would look exactly the same.
(not saying I want to expieriment)

Morena350's photo
Thu 03/22/07 03:59 PM
well, ice, some people don't like to date or marry someone
who is not from the same culture or background
believe it or not, there are many right here, it's just that is no one's
business, but the is there hon!! and you'll know exactly what I mean,
even between races, ethnicity and religion there are differences,
interracial dating is an issue for some

for some people!!!!

SilentSkies's photo
Thu 03/22/07 04:02 PM
What about the kids?

I'm Japanese and Italian

I look hispanic

People go to tanning salons to look like me in the winter.

Growing up people were fascinated by my heritage, not uncomfortable. If
you're worried about your kids being made fun of you are obviously not
inclined to another race except for maybe sexual diversity.

At that point you're a fetishist. Not capable of truly loving someone of
another race.

And you probably hate fat people.

millsdd's photo
Thu 03/22/07 04:18 PM
I've dated several ladies of varying ethnicities and obviously don't
have a problem with it even though my parents were pretty bigoted and
predjudiced. My Dad: "We're not predjudiced but if you ever bring a
black girl home don't bother coming home" Thankfully I had moved out
about the time I had my 1st date and the issue never came up until after
my divorce. At that time my mother and I discussed what they had said
waaaaay back when (Dad had already passed) and I told her in no
uncertain terms that I intended to see ladies who interested me and if
she EVER made any of them feel uncomfortable for any reason like that
she'd find herself WAY up on my **** list.
I think my feelings on race can be summed up with a comment I made to a
woman I dated who'm I had known since kindergarden....
Her:" I have to tell you that I'm biracial"
Me: "Soooooooo let's see....that means you're human and ?cat, dog,
horse, elk? What race besides human?!?"

erinestrella's photo
Thu 03/22/07 06:34 PM
But then again.. theres always some type of jealousy...
Usually whenever I read an article out of a Black Women's magazine
they're asking why White women get all the "brothas"
I think it's kind of absurd... unless the black guy is just doing it for
"ulterior motives" then it's really sad.

iceprincess's photo
Thu 03/22/07 06:40 PM
i know a lot of people have issues w/it and i feel it's absurb. let them
need a blood transfusion or some type of transplant and see if they ask
what race the donor happened to be

Morena350's photo
Thu 03/22/07 06:49 PM
roflmao!!! iceprinces. your so right roflmao!!!

slowtogetit's photo
Thu 03/22/07 06:51 PM
last time i checked a woman was a so what's the big
deal? i think if you sit and be open with your kids it will not matter
what other people say.

Morena350's photo
Thu 03/22/07 06:53 PM
right slow, education is the key to a better future

derfw3's photo
Thu 03/22/07 06:55 PM
I think Erin brings up a good point. How many times when someone is
dating a person of another race are they doing it only to raise eyebrows
or to show how "open-minded" they are (or for other reasons- usually of
a sexual nature)?

As for my opinion, I don't care; but believe me, in a lot of places
you need to be a strong person to deal with the B.S. that accompanies

Kevin3824's photo
Thu 03/22/07 10:34 PM
I think that true love is completely blind to a persons appearence
personally. Love comes from within. It is an emotion that can grow over
time as well. Two people that truely love each other entirely will never
grow apart they will always grow togeather.

If it was only for outside appeareces like skin color for example would
that mean that a blind person could not fall in love with a sighted

no photo
Thu 03/22/07 10:55 PM
well i belive its whats inside that matters and not apprence

no photo
Fri 03/23/07 06:10 PM
yes i have and i would do it again a gal of color.:tongue: :tongue:

no photo
Fri 03/23/07 06:15 PM
by golly---i'm with what ol' slow says----yeah

prussia's photo
Fri 03/23/07 07:10 PM
actually .. Morena you are,big time right ... color of blood or inner
organs or even color of skin ...doesn't matter. We are all human beings
and have simullar desires and such.

The difference in cultures that's where a trouble is.

Would any girl marry Muslim and spend whole her life covering her head
and follow Coran?

Morena350's photo
Fri 03/23/07 09:05 PM
nope don't think so!! not me

slowtogetit's photo
Fri 03/23/07 09:19 PM
why do we as a society have to make such a big deal out of this issue.
seems to me that they are never going to let it just die out.

nvr2old2grv's photo
Fri 03/23/07 09:39 PM
maybe if WE teach our kids,and our kids teach theirs etc etc that
bigotry and racism are sins, it will die out one day (spoken by a mom
with biracial kids)