Topic: Will Sarah Palin withdrawn
briancarr's photo
Tue 09/02/08 07:26 PM

So abortion rights are not a big deal?frustrated Well ask the families of Woman who have died trying to get one in a basement, or back room.frustrated Education is the key. we dont allways applly it, but it should be there for us. Its better to Knowfrustrated

My ex almost died from getting a legal one...guess what...THEY AREN'T SAFE!!! Sorry to surprise you like that.

Also, appeals to emotions aren't really a good argument. I can just bring up all of the millions of babies who were murdered before they took their first breath. The number of innocent human babies who are killed per year because of Roe v Wade far outweighs the number of women killed in back alley abortions.

But really, how does "Well ask the families of Woman who have died trying to get one in a basement, or back room" trump the fact that Roe v Wade is legislating from the bench? It's an unelected and unaccountable official making a decision which has divided this country for 30 years.
There is no division. Abortion is legal. Its a Law. Anything else is a opinionfrustrated And people die from simple surgery, or from medication.frustrated

briancarr's photo
Tue 09/02/08 07:28 PM

My fear is that the Rep are just trying to use this Woman, just because She is a Woman. Hilery was my First choice. Its just ashame that the Government thinks their people are so dumb. frustrated

Yes, because Obama wouldn't think of using Biden to help him get elected. laugh

Seriously, I shouldn't be talking about this with you. I am getting far too much joy out of your blatant hypocrisy.

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Biden has the experience in the area that Obama needs. She maybe can tell you how to run a Beauty Contestfrustrated

no photo
Tue 09/02/08 07:30 PM

There is no division. Abortion is legal. Its a Law. Anything else is a opinionfrustrated And people die from simple surgery, or from medication.frustrated

There is no division.

Wow. laugh

Public opinion in the United States of America is almost evenly split on the issue. Two polls were released in May of 2007 asking Americans "With respect to the abortion issue, would you consider yourself to be pro-choice or pro-life?" May 4th through 6th, a CNN poll found 45% said pro-choice and 50% said pro-life.[16] Within the following week, a Gallup poll found 49% responding pro-choice and 45% pro-life. [17]

Half the people in the country believe that Abortion should be illegal. HALF. But you claim that there is no division. Only because you are on the winning side...who cares of the American legal system was gang raped by five judges who forced through a decision with wasn't based on law, but rather their opinions.

"Abortion is legal"...only because the Supreme Court broke the law. Maybe you need to educate yourself on what happened with Roe v Wade, because you obviously have no idea.

no photo
Tue 09/02/08 07:32 PM

Biden has the experience in the area that Obama needs. She maybe can tell you how to run a Beauty Contestfrustrated

She has more executive experience than McCain, Biden and Obama combined. She went from leading the PTA to being the Mayor and then Governor of Alaska. She defeated an incumbent Republican and a former Alaskan governor for her current job. She has proven to be a very formidable politician who isn't afraid to confront corruption within her own party.

briancarr's photo
Tue 09/02/08 07:35 PM

There is no division. Abortion is legal. Its a Law. Anything else is a opinionfrustrated And people die from simple surgery, or from medication.frustrated

There is no division.

Wow. laugh

Public opinion in the United States of America is almost evenly split on the issue. Two polls were released in May of 2007 asking Americans "With respect to the abortion issue, would you consider yourself to be pro-choice or pro-life?" May 4th through 6th, a CNN poll found 45% said pro-choice and 50% said pro-life.[16] Within the following week, a Gallup poll found 49% responding pro-choice and 45% pro-life. [17]

Half the people in the country believe that Abortion should be illegal. HALF. But you claim that there is no division. Only because you are on the winning side...who cares of the American legal system was gang raped by five judges who forced through a decision with wasn't based on law, but rather their opinions.

"Abortion is legal"...only because the Supreme Court broke the law. Maybe you need to educate yourself on what happened with Roe v Wade, because you obviously have no idea.
I know that you cant stop a woman from having one. I know if you try you will be put in jail. i know that if more than half wanted abortion illegal it would be. I know it hurts too be on the loser side.frustrated She Just has too many things going against her. That is a opinionfrustrated

briancarr's photo
Tue 09/02/08 07:39 PM

Biden has the experience in the area that Obama needs. She maybe can tell you how to run a Beauty Contestfrustrated

She has more executive experience than McCain, Biden and Obama combined. She went from leading the PTA to being the Mayor and then Governor of Alaska. She defeated an incumbent Republican and a former Alaskan governor for her current job. She has proven to be a very formidable politician who isn't afraid to confront corruption within her own party.
Alaskafrustrated If it wasnt for oil, no one would even care about Alaska. I would take almost any other governor over her.frustrated Alaskafrustrated

no photo
Tue 09/02/08 07:41 PM

I know that you cant stop a woman from having one. I know if you try you will be put in jail. i know that if more than half wanted abortion illegal it would be. I know it hurts too be on the loser side.frustrated She Just has too many things going against her. That is a opinionfrustrated

You are 46 years old and don't have any idea what Roe v Wade, but you support it. There is absolutely no excuse. NONE. Half of the country wants Abortion to be illegal, but there is NO CHECK ON JUDICIAL ACTIVISM. Remember civics class, about the checks and balances? Well the framers of the constitution never expected that Judges would legislate from the bench. For such actions, there is no check. The only way for judicial activism to be overturned is by the Supreme Court. Sorry, but once a precedent is sent, it's there until enough judges vote to overturn the precedent. The problem is that there haven't been enough conservatives on the Supreme Court since Roe v Wade to overturn Roe v Wade. Democrats claim "stare decisis" on Roe v Wade. A Democrat judge can say "Roe v Wade is bad law, but I would rule in favor of stare decisis and leave it in place".

no photo
Tue 09/02/08 07:41 PM

So abortion rights are not a big deal?frustrated Well ask the families of Woman who have died trying to get one in a basement, or back room.frustrated Education is the key. we dont allways applly it, but it should be there for us. Its better to Knowfrustrated

My ex almost died from getting a legal one...guess what...THEY AREN'T SAFE!!! Sorry to surprise you like that.

Also, appeals to emotions aren't really a good argument. I can just bring up all of the millions of babies who were murdered before they took their first breath. The number of innocent human babies who are killed per year because of Roe v Wade far outweighs the number of women killed in back alley abortions.

But really, how does "Well ask the families of Woman who have died trying to get one in a basement, or back room" trump the fact that Roe v Wade is legislating from the bench? It's an unelected and unaccountable official making a decision which has divided this country for 30 years.

Sorry that your ex had problems with an abortion. But, is that the reason you're so against them?

no photo
Tue 09/02/08 07:42 PM

Alaskafrustrated If it wasnt for oil, no one would even care about Alaska. I would take almost any other governor over her.frustrated Alaskafrustrated

Alaska not good enough for you? As Governor of Alaska, she has more constituents than Biden. She has the executive experience that everyone else is lacking. She has made an meteoric rise in just a few years. Sorry, but your arguments are sexism, pure and simple.

Redshirt's photo
Tue 09/02/08 07:43 PM
WASHINGTON (AP) - GOP vice presidential pick Sarah Palin accepted at least $4,500 in campaign contributions in the same fundraising scheme at the center of a public corruption scandal that led to the indictment of Sen. Ted Stevens.

The contributions, made during Palin's failed 2002 bid to become Alaska's lieutenant governor, were not illegal for her to accept. But they show how Palin, a self-proclaimed reformer who has bucked Stevens and his allies, is nonetheless a product of a political system in Alaska now under the cloud of an ongoing FBI investigation.

It's the latest in a string of revelations that have forced John McCain's campaign to defend his choice and the thoroughness of the background check of Palin, 44, a little-known governor who is new to the national stage. Palin stunned delegates at the GOP convention Monday when she announced through the McCain campaign that her unmarried 17-year-old daughter, Bristol, is five months pregnant.

With the convention still abuzz, the list of potentially embarrassing details grew Tuesday:

_Palin sought pork-barrel projects for her city and state, contrary to her reformist image.

_Her husband once belonged to a fringe political group in Alaska with some members supporting secession from the United States.

_A private attorney has been authorized to spend $95,000 to defend her against accusations of abuse of power.

_She has acknowledged smoking marijuana in the past.

It is sounding more and more like McCain did not have a team doing an adequate check. If elected is this a forshadowing of the poor research for the cabinet?

no photo
Tue 09/02/08 07:46 PM

Sorry that your ex had problems with an abortion. But, is that the reason you're so against them?

No, I have been against Abortion for all of my life, since I was old enough to know what Abortion was. I always said "Abortion is fine for everyone else, but not for my babies, that's murder". I finally realized I was a hypocrite. If it's murder when it's my baby, then it's murder when it's any baby. I have never seen a convincing argument for why a human fetus or embryo isn't a human. And if it's a human, then killing it is murder. It's really a very simple topic once you break it down to it's components.

briancarr's photo
Tue 09/02/08 07:48 PM

I know that you cant stop a woman from having one. I know if you try you will be put in jail. i know that if more than half wanted abortion illegal it would be. I know it hurts too be on the loser side.frustrated She Just has too many things going against her. That is a opinionfrustrated

You are 46 years old and don't have any idea what Roe v Wade, but you support it. There is absolutely no excuse. NONE. Half of the country wants Abortion to be illegal, but there is NO CHECK ON JUDICIAL ACTIVISM. Remember civics class, about the checks and balances? Well the framers of the constitution never expected that Judges would legislate from the bench. For such actions, there is no check. The only way for judicial activism to be overturned is by the Supreme Court. Sorry, but once a precedent is sent, it's there until enough judges vote to overturn the precedent. The problem is that there haven't been enough conservatives on the Supreme Court since Roe v Wade to overturn Roe v Wade. Democrats claim "stare decisis" on Roe v Wade. A Democrat judge can say "Roe v Wade is bad law, but I would rule in favor of stare decisis and leave it in place".
I understand that when you feel that you are ata lose you want to attack. the fact is nomatter what age i am, Its legal. Period. There is a old saying, Sh1t in one Hand, and Wish in the other, and see which one gets filled firstfrustrated

catwoman96's photo
Tue 09/02/08 07:48 PM

Sorry that your ex had problems with an abortion. But, is that the reason you're so against them?

No, I have been against Abortion for all of my life, since I was old enough to know what Abortion was. I always said "Abortion is fine for everyone else, but not for my babies, that's murder". I finally realized I was a hypocrite. If it's murder when it's my baby, then it's murder when it's any baby. I have never seen a convincing argument for why a human fetus or embryo isn't a human. And if it's a human, then killing it is murder. It's really a very simple topic once you break it down to it's components.

flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers

no photo
Tue 09/02/08 07:48 PM

Sorry that your ex had problems with an abortion. But, is that the reason you're so against them?

No, I have been against Abortion for all of my life, since I was old enough to know what Abortion was. I always said "Abortion is fine for everyone else, but not for my babies, that's murder". I finally realized I was a hypocrite. If it's murder when it's my baby, then it's murder when it's any baby. I have never seen a convincing argument for why a human fetus or embryo isn't a human. And if it's a human, then killing it is murder. It's really a very simple topic once you break it down to it's components.

So, even though they are legal, you're still preaching to others that they're wrong if they aren't against them?

no photo
Tue 09/02/08 07:51 PM

Sorry that your ex had problems with an abortion. But, is that the reason you're so against them?

No, I have been against Abortion for all of my life, since I was old enough to know what Abortion was. I always said "Abortion is fine for everyone else, but not for my babies, that's murder". I finally realized I was a hypocrite. If it's murder when it's my baby, then it's murder when it's any baby. I have never seen a convincing argument for why a human fetus or embryo isn't a human. And if it's a human, then killing it is murder. It's really a very simple topic once you break it down to it's components.

So, even though they are legal, you're still preaching to others that they're wrong if they aren't against them?

Abortion is "legal" because five judges broke the law. They legislated from the bench. The Supreme Court is supposed to use laws to come to their rulings, not their personal opinions.

And regardless of if it's legal or not, it's still murder. I still haven't heard an argument that is even slightly convincing that a embryo / fetus isn't a human. Killing a human is murder.

briancarr's photo
Tue 09/02/08 07:51 PM

Alaskafrustrated If it wasnt for oil, no one would even care about Alaska. I would take almost any other governor over her.frustrated Alaskafrustrated

Alaska not good enough for you? As Governor of Alaska, she has more constituents than Biden. She has the executive experience that everyone else is lacking. She has made an meteoric rise in just a few years. Sorry, but your arguments are sexism, pure and simple.
600,000 peoplelaugh laugh laugh The elected Actors,and wrestler as governor, and they had bigger, and better, more important statesfrustrated Alaskalaugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Tue 09/02/08 07:52 PM

Sorry that your ex had problems with an abortion. But, is that the reason you're so against them?

No, I have been against Abortion for all of my life, since I was old enough to know what Abortion was. I always said "Abortion is fine for everyone else, but not for my babies, that's murder". I finally realized I was a hypocrite. If it's murder when it's my baby, then it's murder when it's any baby. I have never seen a convincing argument for why a human fetus or embryo isn't a human. And if it's a human, then killing it is murder. It's really a very simple topic once you break it down to it's components.

So, even though they are legal, you're still preaching to others that they're wrong if they aren't against them?

Abortion is "legal" because five judges broke the law. They legislated from the bench. The Supreme Court is supposed to use laws to come to their rulings, not their personal opinions.

And regardless of if it's legal or not, it's still murder. I still haven't heard an argument that is even slightly convincing that a embryo / fetus isn't a human. Killing a human is murder.

Do you support the death penalty or war?

briancarr's photo
Tue 09/02/08 07:52 PM

WASHINGTON (AP) - GOP vice presidential pick Sarah Palin accepted at least $4,500 in campaign contributions in the same fundraising scheme at the center of a public corruption scandal that led to the indictment of Sen. Ted Stevens.

The contributions, made during Palin's failed 2002 bid to become Alaska's lieutenant governor, were not illegal for her to accept. But they show how Palin, a self-proclaimed reformer who has bucked Stevens and his allies, is nonetheless a product of a political system in Alaska now under the cloud of an ongoing FBI investigation.

It's the latest in a string of revelations that have forced John McCain's campaign to defend his choice and the thoroughness of the background check of Palin, 44, a little-known governor who is new to the national stage. Palin stunned delegates at the GOP convention Monday when she announced through the McCain campaign that her unmarried 17-year-old daughter, Bristol, is five months pregnant.

With the convention still abuzz, the list of potentially embarrassing details grew Tuesday:

_Palin sought pork-barrel projects for her city and state, contrary to her reformist image.

_Her husband once belonged to a fringe political group in Alaska with some members supporting secession from the United States.

_A private attorney has been authorized to spend $95,000 to defend her against accusations of abuse of power.

_She has acknowledged smoking marijuana in the past.

It is sounding more and more like McCain did not have a team doing an adequate check. If elected is this a forshadowing of the poor research for the cabinet?
Anybody want to buy a Bridgelaugh laugh laugh

no photo
Tue 09/02/08 07:53 PM

I understand that when you feel that you are ata lose you want to attack. the fact is nomatter what age i am, Its legal. Period. There is a old saying, Sh1t in one Hand, and Wish in the other, and see which one gets filled firstfrustrated

Attack? Man, what I said was simply an observation. Everything I have posted about Roe v Wade is completely new to you. You would do yourself well to research what I have said and see that it's true. Then maybe you could see straight or at least have an educated opinion on the topic.

briancarr's photo
Tue 09/02/08 07:55 PM

I understand that when you feel that you are ata lose you want to attack. the fact is nomatter what age i am, Its legal. Period. There is a old saying, Sh1t in one Hand, and Wish in the other, and see which one gets filled firstfrustrated

Attack? Man, what I said was simply an observation. Everything I have posted about Roe v Wade is completely new to you. You would do yourself well to research what I have said and see that it's true. Then maybe you could see straight or at least have an educated opinion on the topic.
Again attack, and assume. All i need to know is that what you want is not what islaugh laugh