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Topic: Palin Got Neoconned in Record Time
warmachine's photo
Mon 09/15/08 05:55 PM
by Paul Mulshine

It’s a good thing Pat Buchanan’s not dead. He’d be rolling over in his grave.

At the Republican convention, Buchanan was taken in by the mass hysteria surrounding Sarah Palin. But even as he cheered, Pat inserted a caveat. He feared that Palin would be brainwashed by the nutty neoconservatives whom Buchanan has dedicated his recent life to debunking.

Sure enough. On Thursday we heard Palin telling Charlie Gibson that “perhaps” it might be a good idea to go to war with Russia over Georgia and the Ukraine.

Going to war with Russia over some border dispute is not conservative. It’s insane, and no one has stated this more clearly than Buchanan.

“John McCain may declare, ‘We are all Georgians now!’ — but, are Americans, or Europeans, truly willing to go to war with a nuclear-armed Russia to keep Joseph Stalin’s birthplace under a regime led by an erratic hothead who launched what may be the dumbest war in history, which he lost within 24 hours?” he wrote in a column from the convention.

Buchanan had spent the first half of that column praising Palin. But he spent the second half warning that she would do exactly what she did on Thursday, endorse the loony left-wing Wilsonianism that has come to be known as “neo” conservatism.

I on the other hand had Palin pegged from the start. Maybe it’s because I wasn’t in St. Paul getting caught up by the crowd fervor. But my initial assessment was that Palin is too naïve and unsophisticated to see through the so-called “neo” conservative philosophy, the idea that it is the duty of the U.S. federal government to assure democratic government everywhere on the planet.

And I also thought that she would lack the insight to realize what’s going on in the present case concerning Georgia. There the neocons are advocating not the spread of democracy but its suppression. The Georgian government recently invaded South Ossetia precisely because a majority of the people there wanted to secede.

Of all politicians, Palin should grasp that point. We learned last week that Palin gave a warm welcoming speech to the convention of the Alaskan Independence Party, which advocates secession from the United States.

In other words, it’s okay for Alaskans to talk about leaving the U.S. But when South Ossetians talk about leaving Georgia, well why not risk starting World War III?

That’s Palin’s position. Apparently her brain didn’t need washing. A quick rinse did the trick.

MORON PERSPECTIVE ALERT: I noted in my prior posts on Palin a resurgence of the dread “moron perspective.” This is the perception that I am somehow supporting a liberal position by uttering a criticism of the Republicans from the right.

Please do not comment here unless you recognize that such paleoconservatives as Buchanan and I consider the current Republican ticket and platform to be entirely too left-wing for a number of reasons. Even if you’re a moron, for example, you have to realize that McCain’s insistence on immigration amnesty is left-wing. So is Palin’s bashing of “big oil,” etc.

If you don’t understand the difference between real conservatism and “neo” conservatism, please do not post here until you have educated yourself. I reserve the right to insert the warning “WARNING: MORON PERSPECTIVE” on any posts that fail to meet the above standards.

bergeia's photo
Mon 09/15/08 06:10 PM
wow come on. leave them be. is sarah thinks russia needs taught a lesson i agree! they stomped over a friendly ally over a not a border dispute but because they want georgia to stop thinking of UN membership, its disgusting the way putin called us fools and haraunged us about iraq then he pulls his little strings and sends russia off to fight for what?! those 2 silly half countries within georgian territory! and because georgia wanted to be buddies with us and join the UN! its disgusting!

t22learner's photo
Mon 09/15/08 06:20 PM
Someone should let the neocons know we can't afford any more wars.

bergeia's photo
Mon 09/15/08 06:21 PM
sometimes theres more to a battle than money

guyguy1225's photo
Mon 09/15/08 06:24 PM

sometimes theres more to a battle than money
yes lives are @ stake also !!

Mon 09/15/08 06:24 PM

coquibella's photo
Mon 09/15/08 06:29 PM

wow come on. leave them be. is sarah thinks russia needs taught a lesson i agree! they stomped over a friendly ally over a not a border dispute but because they want georgia to stop thinking of UN membership, its disgusting the way putin called us fools and haraunged us about iraq then he pulls his little strings and sends russia off to fight for what?! those 2 silly half countries within georgian territory! and because georgia wanted to be buddies with us and join the UN! its disgusting!

My dear, nothing was done that is worth war. Let those countries bicker amongst themselves. I for one am quite tired of paying tax money that goes to benefit other countries while we are drowing in our own misery. Make peace, stop sending billions to other countries and fix the crap we have going on in our own country. What sort of example are we if we don't even have our own stuff in order?

t22learner's photo
Mon 09/15/08 06:30 PM
Sure, lets war ourselves into a third world country.

bergeia's photo
Mon 09/15/08 06:31 PM
wow this is exactly what was said right before the japs hit PH. no one wanted war, which is fine, but sometimes you have to punch a bully in the nose so he doesnt get durnk with power, come on guys, you cant think the USSR comgin back is a good idea?

t22learner's photo
Mon 09/15/08 06:35 PM

sometimes you have to punch a bully in the nose so he doesnt get durnk with power

From the perspective of some, that's what happened on 9/11.

bergeia's photo
Mon 09/15/08 06:37 PM
well i guess some qualify a bully as someone who gives billions in aid to foreign countries and whos citizens travel the world trying to cure the sick and dying. yeah if thats your definition of a bully id agree. sorry bro, were the most advanced sountry on earth, do you let a kid play with gasoline/ no of course not, why let a whole country of idiots do it? were the police of the world because the world needs it. its sad, but true.

t22learner's photo
Mon 09/15/08 06:39 PM
That's just arrogant nationalism. We're broke in part because of our international adventures.

wouldee's photo
Mon 09/15/08 06:41 PM
Edited by wouldee on Mon 09/15/08 06:41 PM

by Paul Mulshine

It’s a good thing Pat Buchanan’s not dead. He’d be rolling over in his grave.

At the Republican convention, Buchanan was taken in by the mass hysteria surrounding Sarah Palin. But even as he cheered, Pat inserted a caveat. He feared that Palin would be brainwashed by the nutty neoconservatives whom Buchanan has dedicated his recent life to debunking.

Sure enough. On Thursday we heard Palin telling Charlie Gibson that “perhaps” it might be a good idea to go to war with Russia over Georgia and the Ukraine.

Going to war with Russia over some border dispute is not conservative. It’s insane, and no one has stated this more clearly than Buchanan.

“John McCain may declare, ‘We are all Georgians now!’ — but, are Americans, or Europeans, truly willing to go to war with a nuclear-armed Russia to keep Joseph Stalin’s birthplace under a regime led by an erratic hothead who launched what may be the dumbest war in history, which he lost within 24 hours?” he wrote in a column from the convention.

Buchanan had spent the first half of that column praising Palin. But he spent the second half warning that she would do exactly what she did on Thursday, endorse the loony left-wing Wilsonianism that has come to be known as “neo” conservatism.

I on the other hand had Palin pegged from the start. Maybe it’s because I wasn’t in St. Paul getting caught up by the crowd fervor. But my initial assessment was that Palin is too naïve and unsophisticated to see through the so-called “neo” conservative philosophy, the idea that it is the duty of the U.S. federal government to assure democratic government everywhere on the planet.

And I also thought that she would lack the insight to realize what’s going on in the present case concerning Georgia. There the neocons are advocating not the spread of democracy but its suppression. The Georgian government recently invaded South Ossetia precisely because a majority of the people there wanted to secede.

Of all politicians, Palin should grasp that point. We learned last week that Palin gave a warm welcoming speech to the convention of the Alaskan Independence Party, which advocates secession from the United States.

In other words, it’s okay for Alaskans to talk about leaving the U.S. But when South Ossetians talk about leaving Georgia, well why not risk starting World War III?

That’s Palin’s position. Apparently her brain didn’t need washing. A quick rinse did the trick.

MORON PERSPECTIVE ALERT: I noted in my prior posts on Palin a resurgence of the dread “moron perspective.” This is the perception that I am somehow supporting a liberal position by uttering a criticism of the Republicans from the right.

Please do not comment here unless you recognize that such paleoconservatives as Buchanan and I consider the current Republican ticket and platform to be entirely too left-wing for a number of reasons. Even if you’re a moron, for example, you have to realize that McCain’s insistence on immigration amnesty is left-wing. So is Palin’s bashing of “big oil,” etc.

If you don’t understand the difference between real conservatism and “neo” conservatism, please do not post here until you have educated yourself. I reserve the right to insert the warning “WARNING: MORON PERSPECTIVE” on any posts that fail to meet the above standards.

moron alert.

centrists win close calls.

nobama 2008.

luckycharm89's photo
Mon 09/15/08 06:53 PM
It's nearly impossible to run a country without having to fight for it. We need to keep our allies, so in turn we help them. And if we pull out completely of Iraq and everywhere else we're at right now, who's to say they won't attack us here? Again? What would keep them from doing that? I support all of our troops 150% percent, and I know how it is for the families. I was married to a soldier. So I know how badly we need them home, but we have a job to do. They're well enough trained and need our support in everything that's going on. They're fighting for your right to be able to speak your mind...

t22learner's photo
Mon 09/15/08 06:55 PM

They're fighting for your right to be able to speak your mind...

No they're not.

Winx's photo
Mon 09/15/08 06:56 PM

It's nearly impossible to run a country without having to fight for it. We need to keep our allies, so in turn we help them. And if we pull out completely of Iraq and everywhere else we're at right now, who's to say they won't attack us here? Again? What would keep them from doing that? I support all of our troops 150% percent, and I know how it is for the families. I was married to a soldier. So I know how badly we need them home, but we have a job to do. They're well enough trained and need our support in everything that's going on. They're fighting for your right to be able to speak your mind...

I have nothing but respect and support for our soldiers.

But...our right to be able to speak our minds was never threatened by Saddam.

bergeia's photo
Mon 09/15/08 06:58 PM
om not a nationalist you dolt. im simply stating the truth, would you have us send no aid to darfur? or send no help to geaorgia afetr what just happened? we get no kudos or respect for the good we do, the international community just creates pariahs of us because we do what they wont, stand up. weve been over saddam and his war crimes, which were many many many in number. should we let the bad guys do whatever they want to innocent lives?

t22learner's photo
Mon 09/15/08 07:02 PM

om not a nationalist you dolt.

I won't call you any names. Your posts are an illustration of what you are.

At this point, we can't afford foreign aid either.

bergeia's photo
Mon 09/15/08 07:05 PM
my posts are an illustration of my views, dont try to label me. im not repub or democrat or communist or any mix of all of it. i feel that wrong people need to die, they need to go away, you want utopia? sit back and chill. its never gonna come,never. you want the govt to care what you think? get 1,000,000 people marhcing with you on washington.

as for foreign aid, we might not be able to afford it, but everyone expects us to give it, and if we dont were even worse than we were before. america dug its grave by being too damned nice.

alexk10's photo
Mon 09/15/08 07:10 PM
It's not about labeling anyone, but it's about respecting other people. I think Palin might have good intentions, but she is nowhere as ready for the position she is aiming for.
War should be last result. I think bad guys should be trial, and go from there. You are mentioning that Russia should be attach because the jump into a country who couldn't take them.... didn't the US do the same with Irak? yeah, they had a bad guy, but so does N. Korea, and a lot of African countries, and why not them which they present a bigger treat to to world peace, or genocides?
When people block their thoughts to the bias media information and are not able to question it, things will be the way they are, the government starts to scare their own citizens and take away their rights little by little, and at the end only a small portion has power and rights.

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