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Topic: would you date -
daniel48706's photo
Tue 04/10/07 12:34 PM

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Tue 04/10/07 12:47 PM
friends but i dont have a dildo and i'm sure not gonna date one with

Belushi's photo
Tue 04/10/07 12:51 PM
I lived in Thailand for 7 years.

Some of my best friends were gender-reassigned.

They are human after all, and the need for human company is the same
whether you are male or female.

You dont have to have sex with another human being to sleep in the same

Im straight, and Im comfortable with that.

I have no issue with transexuals of either gender.

ShadowEagle's photo
Tue 04/10/07 12:59 PM
Would you even Stereotype the ones who never had a choice of gender. In
history past in some of the islands and foreign coutries they did
mulitation of the gentalia areas of either a boy or girl because simply
the fact was. If a couple wanted a boy.. and all his wife would produce
is female. They would alter the babies gender and transform the baby in
what they wanted.

every wondered if there were some transsexuals out there were once
hermaphodites. Was it their fault they were born in a genetic misfit
with two genitals of both male and female. XXY chromosomes

Autumn_queen's photo
Wed 04/11/07 02:48 PM
Maybe i would, and defend them, sure.
I wouldnt consider marrying them though, just date.

Modius's photo
Wed 04/11/07 03:14 PM
I am the type to defend a friend no matter what, a friend doesn't come
in a preassigned package, a friend is a friend, no matter the race
gender, color or anything else

Redykeulous's photo
Wed 04/11/07 06:30 PM
The question of which bathroom to use is a very pertinant one. Last
year a Trans M to W, not competely altered, was harassed on the job,
some kind of construction. Not just by the public but by the police as
well. She was arrested and a hearing arranged. Folks this was a woman
from all outward appearnance, she used the woman's restroom, after being
chastised and harrased and beat up for using the men's room, and was
arrested for doing so. There were doors on the stalls - who would know?
The issue is that this person was known to be a transgender. There was
no choice, when you work construction in a public place, you use the
bathrooms offered. The brutal way this person was treated was
unwarranted. The case was thrown out of court, but being thrown out of
court is not win. That's the court system saying they don't want to
commit to making a decision, the court system saying they won't open
this debate.
I understand that many transgenders are obviously just that. And
there is always that fear of some psychopath dressing as a woman to gain
access to a woman's public bathroom for deviant purposes. This is
understood by most Trans M to F and in consideration of that, they will
often use the men's room, but they take the beatings, the harassment,
until they fear for their lives and safety, because even the police will
not protect them. Is this the way we want our American citizens to

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