Topic: Is The Sex Ed: No Sex Until Marriage program is only another
Fitnessfanatic's photo
Fri 04/13/07 08:29 PM
Here an article about a study of No Sex Until Marriage program being
taught in schools...

We all know what the Bible teaches, and many other religious books,
states.... No Sex Until Marriage!

When Bush, a religious consevative, took office he put in place the no
sex until marriage sex ed program in place which almost every religious
athoritiy agreed with.

But does that program teach sexual responsibility or religious

no photo
Sat 04/14/07 10:18 AM
huh? morals ae in question?

La_Esperanza's photo
Sat 04/14/07 10:27 AM
I just think what it's trying to do is teach kids to be abstinent until
marriage. But that's not going to help someone who chooses to have
extra-marital affairs. All they are going to say is "Well, in school
that taught me to just wait!" Although this nation was originally built
on strong Christian principles, it is declining more and more morally
with the passing of time. And by morally, I mean all kinds of morals.
Although I am a Christian, I believe that people can have good morals
without being a Christian. I applaud the effort, but it is going to be a
difficult task to try to impose certain beliefs on a higly sexualized
and secularized country.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sat 04/14/07 11:35 AM
oh abstinence is taught along with other things.but since when do
parents depend on the shools to teach morals to their kids? If you want
kids to know morals live them.You can talk all you want actions are what
kids watch and immitate.

no photo
Sat 04/14/07 12:31 PM
amen cute

daniel48706's photo
Sat 04/14/07 08:03 PM
"does that program teach sexual responsibility or religious

I personally believe sex before marriage should not be discussed in sex
education to begin with. It has NOTHING to do with educating the
teenagers. As far as sex before goes, that is up to the

NOW, I agree with the program I had when I was in school (even though I
had to have parental permission to go through it).
It idscussed in detail, the different outcomes of having sex. Not
different outcomes due to not being nmarried, but outcomes of sex. For
example, pregnancey; STD's (AIDS Ghonarea, syphilus,yeast infections
etc); infertility. We also discussed how it shnages a relationship, and
how it affects how you trest someone.
We had question and answer time with RN'S and were ENCOURAGED to ak any
respectable question concerning sex, no matter what it was. We had one
gentleman that worried about being too big for his girlfriend (and truth
be told, I can understand why he was worried; he put some horses to
shame!) adn wondered if he could tear her vaginal tissue. Not only was
he answered but he was respected and listened to.
We lewarned the proper use of birth control; now this is a touchy
subject cause a lot of people feel that to teach about birth control is
to condone sex. I personally feel that is a lot of bull pucky. In the
end our children are going to have sex if they want to no matter what we
believe or threaten. So it is our responsibility to teach about safe
sex and birth control. And considering a lot of parents will not talk
about it, then the schools need to teach it, so that the children grow
up knowing how to protect themselves and their loved ones.
We had three class groups of thirty, and the rns must have brought in
over one thousand condoms by the end of the month. We were encoureaged
to take them home with us and everything. We got hands on knowledge (no
the clothes did not come off, lol) of a female condom, which back then
was still a relatively new product. IUD's were brought in as well as
pamphlets on the pill.
In other words,we were TAUGHT RESPONSIBLE SEX. When one person asked
about sex before marriage the response was very simple and respectful,
and I will remember it to the day I die: "my personal belief hun is
that you should wait until you have found that one person you are going
to stay with for the rest of your life. But it is YOU that has to
decide for yourself when the time is right or not."

And on a final note, we also discussed rape, and sexual harrasment and
asault and what a person could do not only to prevent it, but to seek
aid in the event of it happening.

daniel48706's photo
Sat 04/14/07 09:27 PM

daniel48706's photo
Tue 04/17/07 11:34 AM

MikeMontana's photo
Thu 04/26/07 06:26 PM

You wrote "We all know what the Bible teaches, and many other religious
books, states.... No Sex Until Marriage!" and I'd disagree. I didnt see
anything in there about prohibitting sex between two consenting adults.

You're totally right that the heavy-handed religious tell you that its
"forbidden" per the Bible, but, they're wrong.

Wisdom would tell anyone that 16yr olds really shouldnt be risking
pregnancy, broken hearts and a f'd-up life for a quickie lay. We have
more than enough broken hearts in this country. So, on these grounds I
agree that there is value, and merit, in teaching Abstinence as part of
the entire package of "Sex Ed".

The school systems have only a limited place in "moralizing" the sex-ed
scenario. Limited to teaching teens that "save it till later" to prevent
a f'd-up life. So long as the right-wingers dont expand that moralizing
limit, I'm ok with it.

lulu24's photo
Thu 04/26/07 08:55 PM
i'm teaching my children to wait until they feel they can emotionally
handle the physical needs of their body. to wait until they are
completely ready...and to be strong enough to not give in based on the
"in the moment" feelings or pressure from others.

my girls are all independent thinkers, and strong-minded.

it may be unrealistic for us to think they should wait until
marriage...unless we really want them marrying before they are twenty.
but if they wait until they can handle least they will be old
enough to handle the consequences, and prevent the unwanted ones.

Autumn_queen's photo
Fri 04/27/07 04:18 PM
Thats kind of throwing Separation of State and Church right out the
window isn't it?

Id sue the school,lol.

no photo
Sun 04/29/07 08:45 AM
look, i think everyone who is religious needs to think about this.
Firstly i live in south carolina, most states have similar laws except
for wonderful states liek cali who are actually smart, but in sex
education here there is no talk in reguards about sexual minorities
unless its in reference to public health risk, no talk about
contraceptives unless in reference to failure rates or to future family
planning, theres a ban on talking about abortion, and they do teach
about STD's and HIV. The current stats for 2005 19 million new cases
of STD's and half were for people in the age rage of 14-24. In 2005
there were hundreds of thousands of teenage pregnancies i forget the
whole number but if you break it down by 365 its about 2300 girls a day.
The sex education programs in place abstinence only have information
that is not medically correct in them one says you can get hiv from skin
to skin contact, one says that syphillis affects 130,000 while CDC says
it only affects 32000, they play sterotypeical games and some of the
quotes are crazy thers one about a man is turned on by sight and a woman
by her heart so girls don't wear low cut clothing, because after all
you can't help how your body is... which basically serves as a quote for
any rape case she wore skanky clothing ... i couldn't help it ... kind
of issue, Bush pledged over 1 billion dollars since 1996 towards
abstinence only education and the country is getting worst! realize
that with almost 50% of kids having sex by the time they are out of
high school to 70% having atleast oral sex that kids are doing it..
obviously the abstinence only education isn't working, and that you
have to supply them with real facts, for example hiv can be prevented if
you wear a condom, condoms protect against pregnancies and some STD's
if used correctly; however, in an abstinence only class they'd only
learn the statistics about condoms that fail, but not because they're
used wrong, but because their condoms .. i'm just saying everyone its
not about morals its about being realistic!! if your kids are going to
do it make sure they are protected!

no photo
Sun 04/29/07 08:47 AM
let me just add that there are currently 3 fundings for abstinence (
federal fundings) only education title V, title XX , and community based
abstinence education, there is nothing for a abstinence plus education
.. sorry i did research on this in a 20 page paper grrr! lol

Autumn_queen's photo
Sun 04/29/07 05:49 PM
I am homeschooling my kids....

MikeMontana's photo
Sun 04/29/07 08:11 PM
SororityGirl: You make a great point "They're gonna do it - they should
be protected!". I agree, and thats the core to what sex-ed is for -
teach them to protect. To me, one valid aspect of that protection is to
say, in a morally-neutral way, "you really should give serious
consideration to simply NOT engaging until you are older".

Seems reasonable enough.

AdventureBegins's photo
Sun 04/29/07 09:00 PM
Best form of abstinance (if you have daughters)...

Take the boyfriend to a pistol range. Have the 'talk' after you done
showed him a perfect score with very little effort and he seen you
reload the pistol.

Helps if you (kinda casual like) lay the thing down pointed (sorta) at

no photo
Mon 04/30/07 11:24 AM
lol@ adventure i'm glad i'm not a man, and i'm glad im not dating your
daughter if i was one :P

Tomokun's photo
Mon 04/30/07 12:10 PM
I'll have to try that for my niecesdevil !

This is another one of the government projects that just seems to go
against common sense. I agree with *points into crowd* you when you
talked about the "old skool" program. Education does not mean
permission, but lack of education does mean ignorance. So we either have
a bunch of kids out there having sex, or we have a bunch of ignorant
kids having babies and STD's...?