Topic: Defenceless
CATBW56's photo
Sat 01/17/09 07:34 AM
Pardon me while I vent here...but this just irrates the hell out of me. Why do people just let their animals (mostly cats and dogs) out to wonder and fend for themselves when the temperature outside is absolutly freezing. Or worse yet, they have a dog staked to a tree or post with a bowl of frozen water next to him/her. Hello!!!!! what good does that do, in a very short time the dog maybe come just as frozen as the water. Call me soft hearted and yes I am an animal lover...but I just find that so cruel.

no photo
Sat 01/17/09 07:35 AM
People suck...

aLittleBird's photo
Sat 01/17/09 07:35 AM
I agree! They should be chained out instead of their dogs.

papersmile's photo
Sat 01/17/09 07:36 AM
i don't know

my dog woke up in a warm bed snuggled against me. she wouldn't even stir until i'd gotten out of bed, even though the kids were already downstairs.

she sure smiled when she saw us coming to the breeder to pick a dog.

SweetButSpoiled's photo
Sat 01/17/09 07:38 AM
I am a pet owner (cat, fish, turtle) and I don't believe that the family pet should live outside of the family home. My cat is strictly indoor cat. My dogs when I had them only went out to do their business or play with the kids. Chaining an animal is cruel.

no photo
Sat 01/17/09 07:54 AM

I agree! They should be chained out instead of their dogs.
who knows maybe someday that will happen to them? lets hope.noway