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Topic: I Can't Believe He'll Be Here Tomorrow!
JusKat58's photo
Wed 09/27/06 08:01 PM
Back in July, the 2nd day I was on this site, I saw this man's picture
and told him that I thought that his screenname, his bike and his
overall presence were "the whole package". I wasn't kidding, either ~
he just stood out. We started e-mailing here, then went to our private
e-mails, to IMs, to the phone. He calls at least twice a day now...on
the way to work, sometimes at lunch, and always on the way home. Then
we burn up MSN Messenger.

A month or so ago, we toyed with the idea of meeting. He said he'd be
willing to fly here to meet me (he's in central Florida, I'm in North
Carolina). I OK'ed it, and he got his tickets.

He'll be here TOMORROW!!! I pick him up around 4:30 p.m. an hour north
in Raleigh, and he flies out Sunday morning. I feel like I'm going on a
blind date and a honeymoon all at once...but don't tell him I said that!
He is in management with a Harley Dealership there, and has said that if
it works, he'll transfer here.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the "up close and personl" will be
as good as the gradual build up, but don't knock me out of the game
yet... I may be back here Sunday heartbroke!

Wish me luck as I jump into the shark tank without a cage...LOL!

unsure's photo
Wed 09/27/06 08:04 PM
awww good luck Kat, I hope everything goes as wonderful for you as you
want it to!! Have fun and do everything you possible can to this
guy...haha just joking!! (not really)

JusKat58's photo
Wed 09/27/06 08:17 PM
You don't have to tell me! That old saying, "Why buy the cow when you
can get the milk for free?" works BOTH ways! Thanks!

no photo
Wed 09/27/06 08:23 PM
Well, here's hoping things work out because success stories always give
others hope that the same can happen to them, you know?

In fact, if it doesn't work out, gawd forbid, I'm thinking that i'm
going to pretend it did just so I can feel better. -=x

no photo
Wed 09/27/06 08:24 PM
Hi Kathy!
You are a very brave soul! I believe that everything happens for a
reason. I hope that yours is a wonderful reason. I dont
suppose that anyone will be hearing from you for a while. Good
Luck and God bless you. You are a special lady.

FariesDoFly's photo
Wed 09/27/06 09:20 PM
Hey best of luck and hopefully everything works out , dont think of the
negatives our minds always like to compose the negative , but when
something positive comes along like you two meeting it should outway
everything , so best of luck and keep your thoughts positive!

JusKat58's photo
Wed 09/27/06 10:03 PM
And here I thought of deleting the post because it sounds so "DOROTHY" ~

"unsure", you're one helluva gal! You're a great CHEERLEADER!

"metal", it's not a sure thing (nothing is). Keep your eyes open and a
smile on your face, because you never know who might be looking! Keep
the faith, Brah!

"DeeDee", what can I say? You know the deal, and I'll still give people
the benefit of the doubt (until they give me reason NOT to...). I owe
you a long one, mi amiga...

"Faries", there is a very good reason that Paul and I met here, and the
timing was right for both of us. Time will tell if it goes "off the
chain" or "off the TRACKS", but we know and have agreed that no matter
what, the foundation beliefs that brought us together will sustain a
dear friendship. Who could ask for more?

Before I make anyone throw up from all the sugar flying around here,
know that I'm not TOTALLY insane...Four close friends have his cell
number, have done background checks on him, have called his job to see
if he really works there, and I've sent each of them his picture as
well. One will be meeting him Friday. If anything happens to me, He
won't get away with it...LOL!

Thanks, everybody! Share the love...

no photo
Wed 09/27/06 10:12 PM

Please stick around a bit on the boards even if everything works out
great. Your a great person and will be missed when the time comes to say
good bye. I wish you and him the best of luck on your date/weekend.

JusKat58's photo
Wed 09/27/06 10:17 PM
Thanks, Honey!

If it works out, I'll take him to Olan Mills, have one of those goofy
"couple" pictures taken and post a joint profile so we can still

Nah, it'd probably be more like us at Bike Week with our necks loaded
with beads... WooHoo!!!

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Wed 09/27/06 10:31 PM
best of luck to you Kat..I met my Sweetheart on-line about a year
ago...she was the one that suggested we finally meet in person...I'll
tell you what..that was one nerve wracking 500 mile, 9 hour drive to see
her..wondering the whole time if that spark was going to still be there
once we met face to face.. I musta looked like hell too, I worked from
9-6, hopped into my already packed car and got there at 3 am..well
lemmie tell ya Kat.. I got pounced on as soon as I walked thru the door,
and that spark is now an inferno..I make that drive regularily to be
with her until I can move there, and when I'm stuck here..we spend every
possible moment we can on-line or on the phone with each other.
I really am happy for you Kat, I sincerely hope things work out for
you...hell I hope all of you find that special someone.

HOTMOMMA's photo
Wed 09/27/06 10:32 PM
the best of luck going strate to you from me and the baby

paterafan's photo
Thu 09/28/06 12:20 AM

JusKat58's photo
Thu 09/28/06 05:23 AM
"Animal", that is SO hot! To know that there are others out there
devoted enough to someone to make the DO the DO...I had no
idea! You've got a fan here, Sweetie! Tell your BabyDoll I said,
"Life's too short not to take your fair share!"

"Momma", thanks so much, but promise not to name the baby after anyone
here ~ LOL!!!

Jenn, Jenn, Jenn ~ I'm your door gunner, Girl! Good luck, and glad that
other issue dissipated. Must have been the "shit whammy deflector" I
sent your way...

Eight hours and counting...

TiredOfBeingSingle's photo
Thu 09/28/06 05:50 AM
hey kat good luck my friend i am in sumthing like that myself. i have
never met this girl but from the first time we talked i loved everything
about her. we plan to meet on thanksgiving in tenn and thats where i
will be then. you can say that i love her so and myself cant wait to
hold her in my arms. so i wish u all the best luck in the world and
praying that God has Fancy and I in his plan for life. may God richly
bless you and your man till the end as I pray he'll do the same for
Fancy and I

Mrsoundman's photo
Thu 09/28/06 05:52 AM
JusKat58. I know what you must be feeling right now. I to have found
someone but on another site. We started talking be e-mail first, then
chat, then by phone. Now we talk every night and sometimes in the
morning. I am planning a trip out to see her the second week of October.
We are both a little nervous about it but like I told her the other
night. I think starting a relationship based on communication is far
better then meeting in a bar, getting a little smashed, then off to have
sex. What is that kind of relationship based on. The bar, booze or sex?
HUMMMM. I like the communication aspect allot better. If your
conversations are anything like ours has been, You'll be fine. We have
made each other laugh, we've vented on each other and have even had some
tearful times. If you have exchanged photos then you know what each
other looks like. You must talk well together or he wouldn't be on his
way to see you. The only thing left is to be able to experience the kiss
to seal the deal.
Good luck to both of you and if you do hook up, remember what got you

cookieie's photo
Thu 09/28/06 06:08 AM
Congrats Kat, Things will work. I am happy to see so many Cheerleaders
here who have found someone and still hang out with the rest of us.
Gives us all hope and we do love hearing the good, the bad and the

SalvationJane's photo
Thu 09/28/06 06:37 AM
Wishing nothing but the best for you Kat!!

We want all the details!!

Have fun and God Bless,


JusKat58's photo
Thu 09/28/06 09:38 AM
"Tired", all we can do in this world is suit up and show up, because the
final decision will be His. He was behind this from the start!

"Mr", that's such excellent advice and I'd never thought a man would be
discussing communication with a woman ~ how refreshing! That you did so
gives ME hope! We've gotten this far because he IS expressive. You
just cannot imagine the things we've divulged to each other, and I felt
completely safe telling him all my secrets. In turn, he opened the
closet and drug that skeleton out for me to see. I ain't afraid of no

"Cookieie", I'll post the details ~ good, bad and OMG! (hopefully) when
I can. Thanks for being another cheerleader.

"Jane", He brought us together. Our talks have proven that to us.
However it turns out, we were destined to be here and walk this path

Thanks, all! He'll be here in 4 hours!!!

TiredOfBeingSingle's photo
Thu 09/28/06 11:28 AM
how much longer

JusKat58's photo
Thu 09/28/06 07:36 PM

I was late to the airport with traffic,and after making 3 laps around
Terminal A, I found him outside smoking and waiting. He couldn't see me
through the glare on the windshield, but when I crooked my finger ("Come
here, you..."), he did. That hug was THE REAL DEAL...

Nice hour drive to my town, went to dinner and ran the roads a bit. A
rainstorm came up and we went back to the hacienda. I'm here now,
teary-eyed and smiling at the love and good wishes you all are sending
our way, and he was on the bed watching "SouthPark", but he saw me
smiling while I was typing and he came up and started in on the back of
my neck...

More about THAT later, promise! I'm gonna try to coax him to sign on
and say hello...

More later!

Love you ALL!

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