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Topic: ... So has anyone else had a similar experience here
SitkaRains's photo
Sun 02/08/09 03:32 PM
I always answer emails here. There is a glitch in the system though from time to time. I will get a week or so old dated email in my inbox when I log on. I am like oh boy... Now this one isn't going to believe me so I answer and let the chips fall where they may.

I look at online dating as something that I won't take to seriously. It is great to email with people and become friends, if there is a meet that is great if not oh well chatting was nice.

Just kick back and enjoy what comes along. Is my motto.

As far as being different on here as I am in real life, nope not going to happen. I don't have time nor the inclination of playing games.

CChristo's photo
Sun 02/08/09 03:36 PM
... This is exactly what I DO love about this site, though ~ you all; everyone who has responded to my posts has been just super cool about stuff. Thanks you guys.

no photo
Sun 02/08/09 04:03 PM
Yeah, I think in real life you have a much better chance! The problem is, getting the opportunity to approch someone. In real life many woman are spoken for or whatever.....So its more difficult to find prospective dates. In here its the laundry list you have to be concerned with before you get a chance with a lady. But i think the ladder is a good thing at least you know where you stand. But in person charm works much better as well as you get to see eachother right away! But hey why not both? I dont care if she falls out of the sky into my lap.....As long as i find that one special lady i dont care how i find her!

no photo
Sun 02/08/09 04:06 PM

Hi happy

I've had the experience, and I've also been guilty of not replying to someone if they are not my type.

I tried to send nice replies of 'no thank you' -- to at least acknowledge the person -- but then I receive nasty message back because I'm not interested. I finally decided to just stop replying to avoid confrontation.

It's easier for people to throw manners out of the window on a dating site. A lot of times, with the messages I've received, the person doesn't even introduce themselves. If they were to approach me in person, I'm sure their overture would be much more socially acceptable.

I'm a stickler for genteelism. Regardless of how 'wonderful' the person seems that writes me, if they refer to me as "Hey you" or "Hey" in the subject line, I won't reply. I think that is truly impolite. Again, I doubt that is how they would get my attention at the store or gym. The internet is not an excuse to be loutish.

Think of the positive side of this equation. If the person doesn't reply, are they someone you would want to date anyway? That behavior is probably a small example of their total inconsideration.

Melody :heart:

She shot me down very nicely acctually....even after multiple trysdrool :thumbsup: winking

MsCarmen's photo
Sun 02/08/09 04:57 PM
Also just because you are confident and outgoing in the RW, doesn't necessarily mean you'll come across that way in your writing.

It's like someone on here who is trying to be sarcastic or funny, if it's not written just the right way, it gets taken completely out of context.

35papasmurf73's photo
Sun 02/08/09 10:05 PM

Also just because you are confident and outgoing in the RW, doesn't necessarily mean you'll come across that way in your writing.

It's like someone on here who is trying to be sarcastic or funny, if it's not written just the right way, it gets taken completely out of context.

Ramble ramble! LOL

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 02/08/09 10:21 PM
The thing that really stands out to me about this place is that the men outnumber the women by somewhere around 3 to 1.

There is a LOT of competition for female attention around here.

FearandLoathing's photo
Sun 02/08/09 10:35 PM

The thing that really stands out to me about this place is that the men outnumber the women by somewhere around 3 to 1.

There is a LOT of competition for female attention around here.

Yep, so I'm just here...not even sure why I'm still here, but I am.smokin

CONativeGirl's photo
Sun 02/08/09 10:45 PM
Hey CChristo-
I was really glad to read what you wrote! I have been miffed by the same kind of things from guys. I don't know if this will make you feel better, but i have the same problem. When i first started doing this online stuff I was amazed at how many guys just flat out ignored me when I sent them a message. I couldn't believe they didn't even have the courtesy to say "not interested"! Then I wondered why. What am I doing wrong? Is it because I say i'm curvy or above average rather than fit or athletic? Blah blah....
I have come to the conclusion that people just don't want to take the time to respond if they're not interested. It saves them from hurting someone's feelings by being honest.
What i've decided is this is a numbers game and i'm trying not to let it bother me when I don't get a response. I just try and move on to the next 10 guys!
Wish i had better answers for you, but i can at least commiserate with you!
Ignored in CO

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