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Topic: Free country, so do they have the right?
Redykeulous's photo
Tue 05/01/07 02:03 PM
So We're a free country. Let me ask all of you how you feel about the
following links.

To get the full effect you must view them in this order. In the second
link, scroll down look at pictures and READ what is happening?

Aside from any personal feelings or values, is this something acceptible
in a country of free expression?

Fanta46's photo
Tue 05/01/07 02:40 PM

This would never happen here un contested............


Fanta46's photo
Tue 05/01/07 02:42 PM
WTF, California, stand up for America....WTF
Im too pissed to say anything more.........

Fanta46's photo
Tue 05/01/07 02:45 PM
Now email your congress men!!!

Fanta46's photo
Tue 05/01/07 02:49 PM
FU and your non American Gov--CALIF...

armydoc4u's photo
Tue 05/01/07 03:06 PM
i understand their feeling and their reasonings for doing what they did,
however it dont make it right and it really is sad to see that.

shows what happens when immagration is left unchecked or unenforce,
everybody to include our own government is so scared of special intrest
groups it makes me sick.

and to think that they think they in cali that they are forward
thinkers, i thinks they might have stirred up a hornets nest that they
really didnt mean to do. your here, yes that is a fact, you want to
thumb your nose at the government and say there aint sh1t they can do
about it, watch how many start crying in the near future.

i broke in to your home
i did the chores around the house you dont like to do
you cant kick me out
i let my family come in
you have to pay my medical now
pay for my childrens education now
pay for my social security now
and oh by the way, you need to stop speaking english and start speaking
spanish, NOW!!!

give me a break, let me stand up the national guard in cali for about 1
month, there would be so many deportees that mexico itself will think
they have a refugee problem.


catchme_ifucan's photo
Tue 05/01/07 03:40 PM
At least we still get to dial (1) for English!!!

It was bad when they did this, they had the Fwy. ramps blocked, big
protests at the parks.

lulu24's photo
Tue 05/01/07 05:06 PM
redykeulous, this doesn't bother me a bit, not from the stand-point that
it may others, anyhow. (i read every bit, by the way.) first, it was
perpetrated by one school onto another. rival schools play pranks on a
regular basis...there's nothing new here. this one just happened to
deal with well-made cloth, ugly cloth at that.

i love my country, most of it...not all, but more than not...i'm not,
however, going to get overly upset about a piece of material.

i'm more concerned that they felt they had the right to take down
someone ELSE'S property.

TheGodAndTheDevil's photo
Tue 05/01/07 05:49 PM
I want the US to crush the Mexican government and annex its land to
provide for more states. Mexico is a nasty vile place and millions are
trying to escape it daily. It is time to give Mexicans freedom and
teach them to speak English.

If you want to know more are are interested in fixing the problem of
Mexico join my group The Falconist Part..

Fanta46's photo
Tue 05/01/07 06:03 PM
Ask a vet...........

Fanta46's photo
Tue 05/01/07 06:05 PM

Tomokun's photo
Tue 05/01/07 06:31 PM
Hmmm, I was in 99% agreement up to the "Falconist Movement".

Death is not a solution or an answer. There is no such thing as an
"acceptable" loss of life. Period. Peaceful solutions are always
available if you are vigilant, consistent, and patient; because quick
solutions don't have lasting power.

That being said, I love the quote from Teddy Rossevelt from the second
link. While they have every right to free expression of speech, marching
en masse to a public educational facility is a show of force.

Of course illegal immigration should not continue to go unchecked. It's
a problem that I think can easily be solved by pressing illegal
immigrants into armed service. Why not? They abandoned their country to
illegally come to ours, so, when you find them-make them appreciate and
earn their citizenship. Obviously deportation isn't working, they just
come back. Prison isn't really fair, as a group mexicans (because that
is the majority that we are talking about amongst the illegal immigrant
population) are a hard working, kind, and compassionate. They deserve a
chance, same as anyone else, and its unfortunate that lost the
geographic lotto of birth.

Americans are Americans not because of language, but because of shared
ideas and values. You have every right to not speak the national
language, but you WILL suffer because of it. It's your right to not
speak, and others right to not speak with you.

Fanta46's photo
Tue 05/01/07 06:48 PM
make it a felony if they come back and are caught again and enforce the
laws on those that harbor them (rent) and those that employ them. And
something starting to gain support here, if both parents are illegal,
regardless of where the children are born, then make them illegal too,
and ship their ass back with the parents. Quit being soft asses and
wusses, don't you see they have no respect for our country or our laws.
I was reading the news this morning, and found out that the HS drop out
rate for kids with illegal parents was 48%. way above any other group in
the country, double in fact.

Redykeulous's photo
Tue 05/01/07 07:29 PM
What I just can't seem to get past is this; I may not agree with our
laws, I may not agree with the president, I may even protest vividly, at
the top of my lungs, but this country gives me the right to do so. For
that, I love this country. I have so much respect for the icon that is
our Flag, that it would never even occur to me, never, to be so
disrespectful of another countries flag.

If this is the kind of respect that other's have for the one icon that
ALL Americans share in commonality, than what can we expect to share
when millions are allowed to enter, without that respect.

It is a free country and any voice that had something important enough
to say, has a right to say it, without degrading, damaging, or
surrendering the value that this country places on the one greatest mark
of freedom, our flag.

armydoc4u's photo
Tue 05/01/07 07:57 PM
its funny how it appears to some that getting into the US is like a
weekend at the carnival, great to come and play on al the rides, trash
the hell out of it, but the guest never leave.
i have some strong opinions about all this crap, yes i appreciate the
fact that they want a better life for themselves, oh, and heres a
question- why is it that they see it as a better life when we have so
many here already who b1tch and moan speaking about how awful we are and
how bad we suck, and those are home grow..... 'i'm more disturbed by
messing with someone elses property'? ok, forget the fact that so many
here take being here for granted, what have so many of us ever done, or
given back to the country that we live in beside gracing it with our
presence and taking it for granted and speaking ill of it and the people
within it.

falconist party- yeah ok, right, your scaring me now.

anybody else want to speak up and out with some more things that should
land you into a mental institute, or at least on some heavy meds.

holy sh1t


lulu24's photo
Tue 05/01/07 08:19 PM
i don't take "here" for granted, i just think it's luck of birth. i
didn't ask to be here, nor did i work very hard to GET here...i just got
lucky, if that makes sense.

i have a problem with the theory that we can "own" land...and are
"entitled" to it. i also don't put much stock in symbols, except as to
keep from harming other people. to me, the flag is just colored's the PEOPLE that make america special.

so yes, it concerns me that people feel they have the right to pull down
the flag that someone else owns and mess with it...if it was their own, wouldn't bother me, personally, other than for the reason
that it would incite so much angst in others. kind of like the rebel
flag, for me...i don't like it because it hurts others, not for the flag

armydoc4u's photo
Tue 05/01/07 08:29 PM
so your all about the feelings part of it, dont like the rebel flag
because it hurts people?

what about the hurt people feel when their flag is demeaned and mocked,
does it work both ways or only for the small people, kinda like an
underdog thing.


armydoc4u's photo
Tue 05/01/07 08:30 PM
it really doesnt matter one way or the other to me, i was just trying to
understand you, dont really wish to be thought of as an ass by it tho.

lulu24's photo
Tue 05/01/07 08:33 PM
"it wouldn't bother me, personally, other than for the reason
that it would incite so much angst in others."

that about covers it. i'm not a very emotional person, and i don't put
much into material it possessions, symbols, what-have-you.
i do try to be fairly neutral, and not harm others.

you're not being an ass.

Fanta46's photo
Tue 05/01/07 08:40 PM
colored cloth?????
Where are you from? Have you never studied the history of that flag?
Have you never seen how many have died for that colored cloth?
Luck of birth? I came from generations of Americans that honored that
flag many of them died so that you can disrespect it and call it colored
cloth?? Excuse me but what the hell is wrong with you? Do you come from
generations of deserters and draft dodgers? colored cloth? Is that what
you are teaching your child? maybe we should send you to Mex for awhile.
You might come back with respect for that colored cloth. Somehow I doubt
it though.....What did Clint say? Make my day and disrespect that
colored flag again with your ignoramus words.

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