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TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 05/01/07 07:38 PM
When a person first meets you, you will most likely fall into one of
three categories:

1) Your impression is average (this is probably most of you). People
will not form a strong impression of you. There is potential for you to
be forgotten and fade into the crowd of everyone else. However, you are
deemed suitable for continued interaction. Hopefully you can make up for
lost ground in the long-run.

2) You make a negative impression. The person who you have just met
decides to keep communication with you at a minimum. It will be very
difficult, if not impossible, to build a relationship with this person.

3) You make strong first impression. Wherever you go, people take
notice. You are admired and looked upon as a valuable contact. At this
point, people will work for your attention.

Do you think that first impression will cause the person to instantly
decide if you get a second chance? And do you base first impression's?
If so what are some of the things that others should do or say or not
say on the first meeting in order for a possible second meeting?

no photo
Tue 05/01/07 07:52 PM
For myself I try not to base people on their first impression cause I
have met some guys who gave such a good first impression then down the
road the true colors started to come out. Then the other half that
didn't give such a good first impression but after talking for a while
they got better...But then sometimes first impressions are all you need
with some. :smile:
I like it when a guy can start a conversation where the first few
sentences aren't about how horny they are or when your on your date they
are actually listening to what you have to say.
I like it when they actually have something to say and the conversation
can keep going. Dead silence leads to boredom and disinterest....
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

newguy's photo
Tue 05/01/07 07:54 PM
WOW sure asked a loaded question here.

1st impression's on
It takes time to feel a person out on here.
Now in person.....yeah...because I can see...hear...and feel what that
person is really about.

nurjoyce's photo
Tue 05/01/07 07:55 PM
I agree with newguy

knightless's photo
Tue 05/01/07 08:15 PM
I guess I'm pretty bad...when I do meet people for the first time ( at
work, or the bookstore, or the mall)...I watch very closely. I notice
the eyes, the body language, and I was taught some techniques a few
years back on how people do when they decieve you. I also go with my
first gut feeling. I don't pay attention to looks..but I do listen to
words, and look at reactions, and movements. If my gut says turn and go
as fast as you can then I'm gone.

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 05/01/07 09:34 PM
Well with this it mostly pretains to the first impression on a live date
for even if you meet online and talk for a while at times when you
actaully meet them in person the same connections are not always there.

newguy's photo
Tue 05/01/07 09:49 PM
I've experienced both....met a lady from england that I've been talking
to for a year...we spent 2 weeks together before she had to go
back......our conection was perfect.

Cancer took her months later.....never saw it coming.

Met another and moved here to help her out.....used me and then dumped
me like trash...

It's a matter how you look at it.

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 05/01/07 10:01 PM
Yep it is a gamble regardless how you meet or how long you talk to each
other. I thought at one time I had meet the right one we talked online
the phone flew back and forth for a year. He moved to texas 2 months
later he was moving back to Alabama. From the day he arrived he changed
humm sometimes even when we think it is there its not. And we talked for
hours every single day. You just never know.bigsmile

elyspears's photo
Tue 05/01/07 10:06 PM
i think it's interesting that so many studies have been done of this
whole 'first impression' thing and so we are all now well aware of the
fact that first impressions typically seal the deal. But we're each
totally free to choose whether that's true for us on an individual
basis. So if we wanted to, we could make all the studies completely
wrong and turn out the exact opposite way.

That's what I usually do because I hate studies like that so much. They
aren't based on any kind of science. It's almost like their producers
just want to repeat a mantra over and oaver until the public buys into
it. On one level, it's kind of manipulative to convince people that
first impressions are so important. It plays into the whole sterotypical
structure of attractiveness and social expectations.

For me there is no first impression or recent impression, etc. I just
try to get an impression of a person, one that is always capable of
changing. And just because someone is annoying or leaves a bad first
impression does not mean I won't keep talking to them.

CampLight's photo
Tue 05/01/07 11:20 PM
I truly would like to agree 100% with the thought train that first
impressions are just that and ya have to spend time getting to know the
However we live in a fast, ever changing environment. One that is based
on eye cons and sound bites trying to explain depth and meaning. People
are trained by this to make quick judgements.

Ugh, what a set up for disaster. I’m mean look at the divorce rate and
those marriages are getting shorter & shorter in duration and increasing
in frequency.
…..Oh, look at that eye con, better go check out this sound bite…..

Being honest, I do feel the first impression and acknowledge it. Then
wait for a fuller picture with more details. I’m all about experiencing

First date? Well that’s kinda like a first impression. Talking at dinner
is nice but, let’s go do something, go to a festival, wonder through a
museum. Let’s understand what draws each others attention and how we
deal with interactions with other people.

jp4023's photo
Tue 05/01/07 11:25 PM
lmao, my first impressions always suck its always hi then bye have no
idea what i'm doing wrong maybe i'm too old to date

rivame's photo
Tue 05/01/07 11:40 PM
I think first impressions give you a glimmer of interest or disinterest.

Sorting out what that interest is becomes the next process.

Initial interest can be counted in so many different ways:

A recognition of souls


Physical attraction

Most of us are fairly intuitive if we follow our gut instinct.Too often
though we try to process too much information in a short period of
time...just follow your instinct

CampLight's photo
Tue 05/01/07 11:49 PM
I agree riva, using the biased brain with it’s massive filtering network
(Disguised as logic), doesn’t always give the truest result.

Think a lot of folks have numbed out their intuition though. Given their
abilities up for a quick fix, let society or someone else’s opinion run
the show. It’s easier, doesn’t require quiet time or reflection time.

newguy's photo
Tue 05/01/07 11:51 PM
rivame........that's the key.flowerforyou

rivame's photo
Tue 05/01/07 11:55 PM
Thankyou Camplight.


And unfortunately society is geared towards the quick fix and disposable

kidatheart70's photo
Wed 05/02/07 12:04 AM
Funny thing about first impressions, you only get to make them once.
Make it a good one.

rivame's photo
Wed 05/02/07 12:11 AM
Thankyou Newguyflowerforyou

Im a firm believer in a hammer and nail.happy

Hey intuition is strongsmooched

no photo
Wed 05/02/07 12:48 AM
it's gonna take a hell of a lot to quick fix my mentality hahahahhahaa

hey RIVA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so we be doin the museums and festivals
this autumn eh!!???

the amsterdam/ aussie walkabout... betcha my intuition is right on the
money girlfriend!!!

we will have a brilliant time!!

o hey camplight!! so does this mean you're in on the tour??? i have
some galleries i bet you'd love to peruse!!

da ta da ta da tee dum de dum o tral la la la la laaaaaaaaaaa!!!:heart:

rivame's photo
Wed 05/02/07 12:52 AM
Halooooooooo Bl8tnt8.:smile:

Need no gut feelings out Amsterdam...cause you are
gonna rock...ready or not.

glasses laugh

kidatheart70's photo
Wed 05/02/07 01:55 AM
This tour sounds a bit dangerous and like a lot of fun!!:tongue:

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