Topic: Rush Asks ?
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Mon 03/09/09 10:45 AM

Lynann's photo
Mon 03/09/09 12:57 PM
Newt Gingrich slamed Rush Limbaugh:

"You're irrational if you don't want the president to succeed. Because if he doesn't succeed, the country doesn't succeed. I don't think anyone should want the POTUS to fail."

Now we can wait for the next GOP stooge to apologize to Rush haha

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Mon 03/09/09 01:01 PM

Newt Gingrich slamed Rush Limbaugh:

"You're irrational if you don't want the president to succeed. Because if he doesn't succeed, the country doesn't succeed. I don't think anyone should want the POTUS to fail."

Now we can wait for the next GOP stooge to apologize to Rush haha

I don't know why anyone would apologize to him of all people.

Lynann's photo
Mon 03/09/09 01:07 PM
Steele did haha

no photo
Mon 03/09/09 01:25 PM
It's pretty bad that he apologized to Rush.

Like I've said before, Rush can't be taken seriously.

Giocamo's photo
Mon 03/09/09 01:28 PM

Newt Gingrich slamed Rush Limbaugh:

"You're irrational if you don't want the president to succeed. Because if he doesn't succeed, the country doesn't succeed. I don't think anyone should want the POTUS to fail."

Now we can wait for the next GOP stooge to apologize to Rush haha

finish the quote...he added that he wanted Obamas policies to fail...and...he wanted Obama to try different policies...just as Rush..." The Man "...said...remember..." Talent on loan from Gawd "

Giocamo's photo
Mon 03/09/09 01:29 PM
Edited by Giocamo on Mon 03/09/09 01:45 PM

It's pretty bad that he apologized to Rush.

Like I've said before, Rush can't be taken seriously.

but he is...:smile:

InvictusV's photo
Mon 03/09/09 01:29 PM
I find it interesting that you libs are harping on the teleprompter, and not the numbers. Interesting indeed...

Lynann's photo
Mon 03/09/09 01:37 PM
Gio started that he a "lib"

Giocamo's photo
Mon 03/09/09 01:38 PM
Edited by Giocamo on Mon 03/09/09 01:43 PM
a lip...yes...not a lib...actually...Rush brought it up...I'm just the the way...where's " think2deep "...did they arrest him for loitering ?...laugh

no photo
Mon 03/09/09 01:45 PM

I find it interesting that you libs are harping on the teleprompter, and not the numbers. Interesting indeed...

Hah. Giocamo is a lib?

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 03/09/09 01:47 PM i know i've lost my mind...this whole time i thought the thread was Ruth said lol

i was wondering who ruth was and what does she have to do with rush lol

ok i'm on the same page now lol

mnhiker's photo
Mon 03/09/09 01:58 PM

two questions...forget who's the leader of the Republican Party...the real question should be...who's in charge of the Democratic Party ?...think about it...Obama reads everything off a's writing it ?...

the other question is straight from Rush's Friday show...transcripts please...I'll let Rush ask the only he can...

" Is This What You Voted For ? "

RUSH: Let's go back to Election Day, 11/4/08. That was the day of hope. The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at 9625. At this moment, the Dow Jones Industrial Average is hovering around 6580. It is down over 3,000 points. That means that just since November the 4th, the Dow Jones Industrial Average has lost a third of its value, $3 trillion of wealth has been wiped out. Is this what you voted for? A record 31.8 million Americans receive food stamps at the latest count. That is an increase of 700,000 people in one month with the United States in recession. These are government figures. Food stamps, which help poor people buy groceries and People magazine and Pop Tarts are the major US anti-hunger program forecast to cost at least $51 billion in this fiscal year ending September 30th. That's up $10 billion from 2008. So we have 31.8 million Americans on food stamps. Is that what you voted for? The new government unemployment figure is out today, and it is 8.1%, over 600,000 jobs lost last month. "The nation's unemployment rate bolted to 8.1 percent in February, the highest since late 1983, as cost-cutting employers slashed 651,000 jobs." Is this what you voted for?

Obama's only been in office since the end of January 2009.

Bush Jr. has been in office from 11/4/08-1/20/09.

So does this mean Rush Limbaught seriously blames President Obama for what happened to the economy from 11/4/08-1/20/09? noway noway noway

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 03/09/09 01:59 PM
rush is a shock jock and only in it for ratings for money...nothing more nothing less

Giocamo's photo
Mon 03/09/09 01:59 PM

I find it interesting that you libs are harping on the teleprompter, and not the numbers. Interesting indeed...

Hah. Giocamo is a lib?

here's a couple of quotes...that I've often wondered...could they can ever play my this great counrty...I would say...we are inching closer by the day...

America is like a healthy body...and it’s resistance is threefold... It’s’s’s Spiritual life...If we can undermine these three areas...America will collapse from within...Joseph Stalin

I am for socialism...disarmament...and...ultimately for abolishing the state itself...I seek the social ownership of property...the abolition of the propertied class...and the sole control of those who produce wealth...Communism is the goal...Robert Nash Baldwin founder of the ACLU...GULP !!!!...

Giocamo's photo
Mon 03/09/09 02:00 PM

two questions...forget who's the leader of the Republican Party...the real question should be...who's in charge of the Democratic Party ?...think about it...Obama reads everything off a's writing it ?...

the other question is straight from Rush's Friday show...transcripts please...I'll let Rush ask the only he can...

" Is This What You Voted For ? "

RUSH: Let's go back to Election Day, 11/4/08. That was the day of hope. The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at 9625. At this moment, the Dow Jones Industrial Average is hovering around 6580. It is down over 3,000 points. That means that just since November the 4th, the Dow Jones Industrial Average has lost a third of its value, $3 trillion of wealth has been wiped out. Is this what you voted for? A record 31.8 million Americans receive food stamps at the latest count. That is an increase of 700,000 people in one month with the United States in recession. These are government figures. Food stamps, which help poor people buy groceries and People magazine and Pop Tarts are the major US anti-hunger program forecast to cost at least $51 billion in this fiscal year ending September 30th. That's up $10 billion from 2008. So we have 31.8 million Americans on food stamps. Is that what you voted for? The new government unemployment figure is out today, and it is 8.1%, over 600,000 jobs lost last month. "The nation's unemployment rate bolted to 8.1 percent in February, the highest since late 1983, as cost-cutting employers slashed 651,000 jobs." Is this what you voted for?

Obama's only been in office since the end of January 2009.

Bush Jr. has been in office from 11/4/08-1/20/09.

So does this mean Rush Limbaught seriously blames President Obama for what happened to the economy from 11/4/08-1/20/09? noway noway noway

I think he blames his anti business rhetoric...and...policies...

InvictusV's photo
Mon 03/09/09 02:18 PM
Actually I didn't see the poster pulling the typical liberal "bush did this or bush did that". You knew very well to whom I was referring.

warmachine's photo
Mon 03/09/09 03:16 PM
Who needs that dividing, polarizing hypocrite? I have Dr.Paul!

Hughley: Ron Paul 'too human' to be RepublicanDavid Edwards and Stephen C. Webster
Published: Monday March 9, 2009

Post-Limbaugh apology, Hughley says call Steele 'aluminum'

Comedian D.L. Hughley is not famous for flattery.

Especially when his guests are not Democrats.

But one Republican, Congressman Ron Paul of Texas, seems to have found another liberal admirer in the CNN variety show host.

"Ron, you are too human to be Republican," he jested on a Sunday broadcast of D.L. Hughley Breaks the News.

"Ron, you ran for president," began Hughley. "And when you dropped out, you did not back John McCain. You have some issues with some members of your party, right?"

"Yeah, when they don't live up to their promises, if they call themselves fiscal conservatives and then they double the size of the budget and the deficit, then I can't with a clear conscience support them," Paul said without hesitation.

Of course, Paul isn't only at odds with his party. He refused to support President Obama's economic stimulus package as well: a point of inquiry for Hughley.

"Well, I don't think it's going to do any good," he said. "Most of that money so far hasn't helped the little guy. Going to Wall Street, if they would have taken all of that money and just sent checks out, we would have been better off.

"I would like to get the money into the hands of the people. I don't trust the government and don't trust the politicians and the bureaucrats because they bail out their buddies. What we want is to get more money in the hands of the people. That's why should suspend the income tax and everybody would get a pay raise immediately. There are still a few people employed. So this would be a big boost to the economy. And the people make the decisions rather than bailing out corporate giants and banks, and then they take their money and they get billions of dollars worth of bonuses."

He called the current state of affairs, "absolutely out of control."

"The amazing thing is you almost -- you don't seem like a Republican to me that I have ever heard," exclaimed Hughley. "You seem so reasonable. No, honestly, you really do. You seem to make sense, which I don't attribute to very many politicians."

"... Ron, you are, you are too human to be Republican," he said.

Earlier in the interview, Hughley had joked about RNC Chairman Michael Steele's apology to talk show host Rush Limbaugh after he had made borderline disparaging remarks on Hughley's show.

"I like Michael Steele a lot," he said. "... I don’t think he should resign. This is like, I started all of this. This is like black-on-black crime. That’s what it is. I want him to keep his job. But since then Michael Steele has apologized which, I hate. I think if you say something you mean, you should just stand by it.

"... Why is his name Steele? You should call him aluminum. He folded that fast. I don’t understand. Does Rush Limbaugh run the GOP? It seems like it to me."

Asked his opinion on the controversial radio pundit, Congressman Paul stated bluntly: Rush Limbaugh "certainly doesn't represent me."

Hughley also carried an interview with former religious right evangelical leader Frank Schaeffer, who castigated the GOP, calling them a "fifth column" and "anti-American."

This video is from CNN's D.L Hughley Breaks the News, broadcast Mar. 8, 2009.

no photo
Mon 03/09/09 08:15 PM

It's pretty bad that he apologized to Rush.

Like I've said before, Rush can't be taken seriously.

but he is...:smile:

By anyone worth taking seriously either.. :wink:

Winx's photo
Tue 03/10/09 06:50 AM

two questions...forget who's the leader of the Republican Party...the real question should be...who's in charge of the Democratic Party ?...think about it...Obama reads everything off a's writing it ?...

I don't get it. What's wrong with a teleprompter?

Sounds like a Repub. nit pick kind of thing.