Topic: The point of it all.....
FearandLoathing's photo
Sat 04/04/09 10:50 AM

Assuming that there is no big secret to like, that there is no purpose but to live, then what is the point of it all? Why must we continue to live? Why must anything continue to live? Because there is life, must there be a purpose? Must there be a big cosmic reason for our existence?

Help me out here, I'm having kind of a mid-mid life crisis.

Evolution. We live to breed, take care of what we breed, and die. Simple really, and at the same time saddening.

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 04/04/09 11:44 AM

Evolution. We live to breed, take care of what we breed, and die. Simple really, and at the same time saddening.

This seems to truly be the philosophy of the masses.

How sad.

And what does this say to people who are unable to procreate for whatever reason? It basically says to them that their lives are totally meaningless.

It also seems strange in the face of the fact that so many people procreate and do not care for what they breed. Perhaps they just limit their meaning of life to procreation only, and caring is optional. ohwell

nogames39's photo
Sat 04/04/09 11:58 AM

Assuming that there is no big secret to like, that there is no purpose but to live, then what is the point of it all? Why must we continue to live? Why must anything continue to live? Because there is life, must there be a purpose? Must there be a big cosmic reason for our existence?

Help me out here, I'm having kind of a mid-mid life crisis.

There is absolutely no reason. Existence is pointless. The best thing to do about it is to off oneself. The sooner the better.

FearandLoathing's photo
Sat 04/04/09 12:04 PM

Evolution. We live to breed, take care of what we breed, and die. Simple really, and at the same time saddening.

This seems to truly be the philosophy of the masses.

How sad.

And what does this say to people who are unable to procreate for whatever reason? It basically says to them that their lives are totally meaningless.

It also seems strange in the face of the fact that so many people procreate and do not care for what they breed. Perhaps they just limit their meaning of life to procreation only, and caring is optional. ohwell

Just the way it is, by no means do I follow it. I choose not to have kids for the very reason you noted, not the reason but moreso the risk of that occuring. However I do throw more into evolution than any other ideology just because it has more basis of fact to it then the others, I don't completly hold faith to the idea but it is more believable than other thoughts.

Lionfish's photo
Sat 04/04/09 01:17 PM

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 04/04/09 01:19 PM
My sister told me about a movie called "Idiocracy", I haven't yet seen it, but it's supposed to be about the Earth in the future.

The premise is that all of the intelligent people on earth recognized the futility of reproduction so they all chose to not have children. In the meanwhile all the idiots continued to propagate like crazy until the entire population was completely dumbed down.

Somehow two people from the 20th century had been preserved through cryogenics or something like that. They were of perfectly average intelligence for the 20th century, but in the future they were like super geniuses in comparison with the world's population of complete idiots.

It's a comedy of course, but my sister says that it might well come true because a lot of intelligent people are indeed choosing not to have kids, or if they do, they only have one or two at most, whilst the idiots are having have tons of kids and therefore passing on their genes of low intelligence.

Please note - I am not suggesting this as a blanket truth, but rather as a general observation that may or may not apply to specific families. So to those people who have lots of kids don't take this to be an automatic judgment, it's not. It's just meant as a general observation of humanity as a whole. There are always individual exceptions to observations of trends. :wink:

no photo
Sun 04/05/09 03:49 AM
_______________A reply to ABRACADABRA____________________


(I am sorry for your circumstances -- not being able to, or haven't taken time to, produce descendants.. BUT, PLEEEEEASE, DO NOT DISTRUCT EVERYBODY ELSE FROM PURSUING ONE OF THE MOST FUNDAMENTAL OF LIFE'S PURPOSES! ! !) * * *

... to which you replied:
"You never even bothered to ask me what my reasons (for choosing not to procreate) might be."

-- IBYP but my answer was based on whatever you cared to state in your lo-o-ong messages and your profile. The rest is beyond the scope of my interests.
Nevertheless, you shamelessly voluntered to state your reasons -- shamelessly, because you oughtta be ashamed of yourself...
Let's see:
"1. This world is already over-populated by humans, IMHO."

-- IMO, that's exactly what the AIDS virus has been created for -- to rid the population off of the human waste -- rather than limiting our procreation (which is necessary for saving the planet from the idiots!!! as correctly warned in the movie "Idiocracy")

"2. Human society in general is utterly stupid and foolish."

-- IBYP but if you consider yourself as such, I'd appreciate if you do not include me in your society! The wisdom and knowledge tend to propagate from the Top to the Bottom, but just because some parts of the Bottom still haven't been reached yet, doesn't mean they never will... (and those parts that won't, will definitely parish from AIDS!)

"3. Humans have not yet risen above animalistic thought."

-- oh, come on, that's an utter generalization!!! (speak for yourself) On the other hand, having risen from the animal world, humans do what's prescribed by the Mother Nature -- PROCREATE -- and progress along the way, reaching to the stars and beyond...!
(I hope you do not dare to insinuate to have risen above animalistic nature, rather than already no longer being able to perform!!!)
... And further you state:
"We live in a world that is driven by competition and greed. Not cooperation and sharing. This is the norm. I see no reason to bring more people into an overpopulated species that thinks itself higher than animals but doesn't act the role."
-- I agree, we still have awhile to go... But, COMPARED TO THE DARK AGES, we're on the right track! ! ! Temporary difficulties along the way are not the reasons for ceising the development...

... And then -- after suggesting a few books to read (and the doctrines to study) -- and admitting their possible uselessness (in response to my counter-argument) -- you have a nerve of stating:
"I never even suggested that they might answer these questions to any degree of satisfaction. I merely suggested that they address the questions being asked."
-- That's a hell of the usefull answer to the person in distress, who's searching for an immediate safety support!!! Just because he's raised the questions that are similar to those covered in the books, doesn't make his queries less unique and personal!

I presume, you're lucky to have all the free time for surfing the web and carelessly dispensing the useless suggestions... But I, for one, simply do not have time (and patience) for disputing with you over the phyllosophical matters -- you seem to feed off of the respect you get from the students that you no longer can impress with your elloquence... (however, you have a professional difficulty of arriving directly to the point -- if you have never been a teacher, you sure think like one! ! !)
Therefore, this is my final reply to you!
* * * And I would prefer if you don't reply to this post -- its a waste of my attention -- I do not have time for this! * * *

. . . . F A R E W E L L ! ! !

P.S. How can immeasurable vastness be the same as emptiness?

I don't know what Jess642 had in mind -- I presume its the immesurable vastness of the outer-space (i.e. Vacuum)? In that case, the "Oxford American Dictionary" defines the vacuum as the

In that respect, as you can see, both are the same!


Abracadabra's photo
Sun 04/05/09 10:30 AM
"3. Humans have not yet risen above animalistic thought."

-- oh, come on, that's an utter generalization!!! (speak for yourself) On the other hand, having risen from the animal world, humans do what's prescribed by the Mother Nature -- PROCREATE -- and progress along the way, reaching to the stars and beyond...!
(I hope you do not dare to insinuate to have risen above animalistic nature, rather than already no longer being able to perform!!!)

Yes it is a generalization. Based on observation and fact.

I never once suggested that no humans have risen above animalisitic behavior. You are so fond of jumping to conclusions that it makes no sense for you to even bother reading the writings of other creatures.

I had even explained you that I made a choice to not procreate, yet you are still insinuating that I am not able to. Most likely in an attempt to try to insult me in some way, which is typical of generalized human behavior.

Please keep in mind that you were the one who jumped on me in this thread. You made a lot of unfounded accusations directed toward my post. I'm merely attempting to point out why your accusations are totally unfounded, and clearly incorrect.

None of your accusations are true. Especially the accusation that I was attempting to push doctrine.

In fact, I offered three entirely different views to shed light on the situation, and made it clear that they mere suggestions, which I believe is all that any human can offer to the questions asked.

... And then -- after suggesting a few books to read (and the doctrines to study) -- and admitting their possible uselessness (in response to my counter-argument) -- you have a nerve of stating:
"I never even suggested that they might answer these questions to any degree of satisfaction. I merely suggested that they address the questions being asked."

You have a problem with honesty? huh


You're funny.

All I did was mention some books that contain materials that I felt Kravin may find interesting. I never suggested that they would solve all his problems. They may simply help to give him a different view of existence.

-- That's a hell of the usefull answer to the person in distress, who's searching for an immediate safety support!!! Just because he's raised the questions that are similar to those covered in the books, doesn't make his queries less unique and personal!

Who suggested that I felt his queries are not unique or personal. I read his profile before I responded and I specifically responded because I deeply identified with some things he said in his profile.

I can only wish that someone would have recommended these books to me when I was his age.

The following was your suggest to Kravin:

From the Univers-al point of view, there's absolutely no reason (or purpose) for a speck of dust to exist!
But, since we have been given a gift (or a curse) of existence, we're trying to make the best of it -- as comfortable and pleasant as possible! (the alternative is a Misery!!!)

You call that a great response? huh

I used to get that crap when I was his age too, and trust me that didn't help. That's like telling somone who's drowning in a sea of manure not to worry because eveyone else is drowning in it too.

That's suppose to be uplifting? It never was for me.

Therefore, this is my final reply to you!

I certainly hope so. You seem to be upset about something.

* * * And I would prefer if you don't reply to this post -- its a waste of my attention -- I do not have time for this! * * *

So I'm supposed to not reply simply because you have no discipline to leave a conversation without getting in the last word? whoa

If you don't have time for this then you should refrain from jumping on people's thoughts without sufficient cause.

I personally didn't feel that your response to Kravin was so hot. But I didn't jump on you for it. You're basically just confirming to him that life is meaningless and hopeless and that he should just shut up and make the best of it.

I at least offered some potential hope for something better. And I didn't even push it as 'doctrine' as you have suggested. I made it clear that I was merely offering suggestings for whatever they might be worth.

I was attempting to be as honest as I could possibly be.

And yes I'm rambling because I know that you have no time for this and you also feel a desperate need to read this and respond to it. So I'll keep you here for as long as you are addicted to having to have the last word. I have all the time in the world. I'm retired. tongue2

Just keep in mind the entire time that you jumped on my comments to criticize. I didn't jump on you. I personally don't feel that jummpers should have the last word. :wink:

So as long as you continue to jump, I'll continue to watch you dance. I think it's funny to watch actually.

Hey, if life is so meaningless, at least I can enjoy the show right?

So be my guest and jump all you want. If you have the time.

Maybe I can find a book on jumping for Kravin to read. I'll go do a search on Dr. Seuss books and see if he has any books on jumping.


Ah, here's one! It's not Dr. Seuss, but it's close.

It's called Five Little Monkeys Jumping on a Bed

I confess I haven't read it yet but the description sounds pretty heavy.

"As soon as they say good night to Mama, the five little monkeys start to jump on their bed. But trouble lies ahead as, one by one, they fall off and hurt themselves."

It sounds like a good metaphor for life. The monkeys are an analogy for how humans truly behave. They are always jumping without thinking. They jump on other people's posts. They jump to erroneous conclusions. They jump on each other. They're just jumpy in general.

Their jumpiness gets them into trouble and they fall off the bed and hurt themselves thus showing that the monkeys they had jumped on are over their head.

The moral of the story is that, while life is all about jumping, we need to be careful where and why we jump. We must jump on opportunities that are positive and constructive, and not jump on other people without cause.

So our jumping should not be random or driven by a lust for self-fulfilling arrogance. We need to learn to jump together in unision. Or find a partner we can jump in a romantic way.

Life is all about jumping and how to make good jumps or bad jumps.

So that's the answer Kravin. It's all about learning how to jump. When to jump, and when not to jump.

At least that the conclusion that the the description of this particular book cause me to want to jump to. laugh

Now we need a book on how to laugh!

Owl go search for some more books. :wink:

Books are cool. Actual authors wrote them. Books are collections of thoughts from actual monkeys. Er, I mean, humans. bigsmile

Life can be great fun! drinks

Don't let that precious thought get lost in the mix. :thumbsup:

Alverdine's photo
Sun 04/05/09 11:55 AM
Kravin did I read that correctly? You are having a "mid-life crisis" at age 23? Thats part of the problem right there. laugh

no photo
Sun 04/05/09 12:15 PM

Assuming that there is no big secret to like, that there is no purpose but to live, then what is the point of it all? Why must we continue to live? Why must anything continue to live? Because there is life, must there be a purpose? Must there be a big cosmic reason for our existence?

Help me out here, I'm having kind of a mid-mid life crisis.

Kravin, you're my kind of person..I love that..and here is my response:

First, don't post that in "Creative Writing" like I did, LOL (Sorrrrryyyy!!) Okay anyways

Second, the answer to your question in my opinion is this:

The reason we are all here is all the same at point of birth. To live, yes. But as we start, from day one. Things change. We "grow." Get this...Its like a flower. You can plant 10 "daisies" Theyre all the same kind of seed. Will they all grow straight up to the sun? No. It depends on a lot of things. Some of those daisies will have different colors, different sizes, different shapes and they all will go in different directions but...they are all daisies.

Now, in my opinion...the idea of life is to figure out which way you want to go. You have "grown." You were planted and its your turn to now grow and find your path. What it is, is not up to you totally. And that is unfortunate. It is unfortunate because of the society we live in, but you have no other choice. No matter if you are in America, the Soviet Union or China. Society still changes who you are. You have to just "filter" out what you want and focus on growing. Like that flower. What is the most important thing? Reaching sunlight. But if you arent watered...what happens? You got it....but....a flower can go a couple days without water and if it gets water again as long as there is still sunlight (and there always is) it can grow again. And so can you.

So here is the conclusion. You need to find what is best for YOU. You need to figure out what makes you the strongest, happiest, most satisfied person you can be. And are alive. Just like that flower. The before mentioned part is the water. Everyone gets sunlight.

no photo
Mon 04/06/09 11:21 AM

Assuming that there is no big secret to like, that there is no purpose but to live, then what is the point of it all? Why must we continue to live? Why must anything continue to live? Because there is life, must there be a purpose? Must there be a big cosmic reason for our existence?

Help me out here, I'm having kind of a mid-mid life crisis.

Love the picture.bigsmile

The purpose of life is not only to exist, but to meet challenges, grow, learn, love, create and most of all HAVE FUN.

There are only two choices and they are universal ones.

To be or not to be.

To exist or not.

Something or nothing.

Life or death.

My theory is that since the existence of "nothing" is impossible, we have no choice but to exist. In what form, for how long, for what purpose, well that is up to self.

Love is the prime source of creation and expansion of the universe. It is the bond that holds us all together. It is what makes us real.

All else is illusion.

From the High Priestess of the Universal Live Church of Brutal Truth and Honesty.

Live your life as if you have forever and as if it might end tomorrow.

Live your life. Live loud, live bold. Fear nothing. There is nothing to fear. You are eternal.

You are infinity.

AdventureBegins's photo
Mon 04/06/09 01:36 PM
My purpose of life.


no photo
Mon 04/06/09 03:31 PM
...From the numerous observations offered above, you might realize there are so many facets to that great question -- just as many as there are answers... And one cannot help but wonder, what's the real answer -- WHAT IS THE TRUTH?

Well, astonishingly enough, the answer to that infinite question lies in the question itself: WHAT IS IT? ? ?!!!
In one way or another, everyone is trying to answer that same question, which tends to re-affirm itself in an infinite circle -- that's how we spend our lives (i.e. trying to find the answer...)
Going along the way (round and round), we discover various UPs and DOWNs, Successes and Failures, Victories and Defeats, etc. -- all the while burning with the desire of finding the right answer to that same question.
Thus, always keep on going! (and I'll see you around...)

P.S. As Jeanniebean beautifully noted,
"Live your life. Live loud, live bold. Fear nothing. There is nothing to fear. You are eternal. You are infinity"

... and do not forget, please, sharing with us know your discoveries of "What is it?"
(WOW, I feel a bit dizzy from that circular motion! LOL)

no photo
Mon 04/06/09 07:25 PM

...From the numerous observations offered above, you might realize there are so many facets to that great question -- just as many as there are answers... And one cannot help but wonder, what's the real answer -- WHAT IS THE TRUTH?

Well, astonishingly enough, the answer to that infinite question lies in the question itself: WHAT IS IT? ? ?!!!
In one way or another, everyone is trying to answer that same question, which tends to re-affirm itself in an infinite circle -- that's how we spend our lives (i.e. trying to find the answer...)
Going along the way (round and round), we discover various UPs and DOWNs, Successes and Failures, Victories and Defeats, etc. -- all the while burning with the desire of finding the right answer to that same question.
Thus, always keep on going! (and I'll see you around...)

P.S. As Jeanniebean beautifully noted,
"Live your life. Live loud, live bold. Fear nothing. There is nothing to fear. You are eternal. You are infinity"

... and do not forget, please, sharing with us know your discoveries of "What is it?"
(WOW, I feel a bit dizzy from that circular motion! LOL)

I like that...the reason to live is to find the reason to live out. That is a great way to look at it. If I understood you correctly.

no photo
Mon 04/06/09 07:32 PM
why do you think there has to be a 'purpose'?


no photo
Mon 04/06/09 07:45 PM

why do you think there has to be a 'purpose'?


Who is that in reponse to? Because I think the previous statement was saying there is no purpose

no photo
Mon 04/06/09 07:49 PM
Edited by monkey127z on Mon 04/06/09 07:50 PM
^ if my post was directed at anyone minus the OP, there'd be carat sign(s)

Monier's photo
Mon 04/06/09 09:45 PM
The purpose is simply to exist. It's your life and you're the one who's leading it.

no photo
Mon 04/06/09 10:37 PM
Thanx, but I think you misunderstood me...
Probably, I should have emphasised my two main points, somehow. But just for you, I'm gonna spell it out:

_______THE PURPOSE OF LIFE_______

1. PRODUCE DESCENDANTS - either the natural way or thru adoption. Otherwise, after u're gone, there'll be nobody left to bury you (except of the government...)

2. FIND YOUR TRUE CALLING - your goal or aim -- something to be remembered for...
Otherwise - and only if u're lucky enough - there's a risk your epitath would read:

creativesoul's photo
Mon 04/06/09 11:59 PM
The point of it all is held within one's own understanding. To take the knowledge base which has been given to one, apply it to life, and continually assess and re-assess whether or not the place one is in is the place one thinks one should be in.

Or like my Dad once said...

Do whatcha love.