Topic: forest gump goes to heaven
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Sat 05/12/07 06:43 PM
here's a joke i heard i thought you guys might enjoy it..

one day forest gump dies and goes to heaven. He gets up to the pearly
white gates and meets st. Christopher who tells him " before you can
enter heaven you must answer three questions" so forest gump goes.. "
ummm k" St. Christopher says " firt tell me how many days in a week
begin with the letter T" ...

forest gump leaves and then comes back to St. C upon which he tells him
" i've got it!!! 2 days.. today and tomorrow" st christopher goes"
well... that wasn't what i was looking for but that will work... the
second question is how many seconds are there in a year"

So forest gump again leaves ponders it and comes back up to ST. C ,
Forest Gump says " i've got it.. 12." st. christopher says .. " what 12
.. how did you get 12" well says forest gump " january 2nd february
2nd... etc. " ST. c replies" well.. that's a little different than what
i had in mind, but it'll work the last question is ... tell me what you
think God's name is"

Again forest gump goes and comes back.. he tells st. Christopher..
this one was easy it is Andy.. "huh" says St. Christoper " how is it
Andy" Forest g ump goes well " Andy (and he) walked with me Andy
talked with me...

i thought it was cute!!! lolo

Redykeulous's photo
Sat 05/12/07 07:58 PM
happy :tongue: happy