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Topic: What are you incredibly PASSIONATE about?
Rasmus916's photo
Wed 07/15/09 04:18 PM
Honestly, its my music I am passionate and slightly obsessed about. Sadly though when times do get tough, I revert to my origional obsession, making money :P

Rockmybobbysocks's photo
Wed 07/15/09 04:18 PM

Its awesome to see the diverse array of people here. Its fascinating to me that no matter what it may be, we all have something that we care deeply about and compels us to embrace the day and push forward toward a dream, financially lucrative or not.

There is a fine line between passion and obsession, however.

At what point does a passion become an obsession? And is obsession inherently negative?

passion is excitement and joy over one singular thing. passion has a limit.

obsession is destructive. it is losing control of your own mental function.

snarkytwain's photo
Wed 07/15/09 04:25 PM
Edited by snarkytwain on Wed 07/15/09 04:27 PM
In this order, excluding people:

1) BOOKS! Literature, to be more specific. I read like most people watch TV. At the moment I'm reading three books: (Considering I can't underline here, I'm quoting. I KNOW it's supposed to be underlined, mmkay? Thanks. Me, anal? NOOO! laugh ) "Faeries at Work and at Play", "For Whom the Bell Tolls", and "Mark Twain's Library of Humor". (Chances are, at least one of my current books is Mark Twain. I am TOTALLY his *****. Now you know where my handle came from!) Don't ask me for my favorite writer or book, because other than Mr. Clemins, I can't even begin to tell you.

2) BOOKS! Wait, didn't I just type that? Yeah, but this one's different. The first was reading, this one's writing. I'm published, though I haven't written for publication in ages. I love especially to write fantasy epics. (Yes, I've done RPGs, and love them. Female geeks DO exist, we just tend to blend into society a bit better. laugh ) Though I've been considering a post-apocolyptica lately. Something about mixing Sci-Fi and Fantasy (no, they are NOT the same), that just makes me all drool .

3) Pop. What?

ETA: I also LOVE music. Singing and listening. But, alas, I cannot say it's truly a passion, as I have never followed any particular band in a fanatic way, and can't list off ANY full albums by ANYONE. I'm eclectic, and love all kinds of music, but I like songs, not bands, for the most part. Yeah, there are bands who have more songs I like than don't, but if I tell you I like Flogging Molly, don't ask me what I thought about such-in-such album, cuz I don't know. I used to be ashamed of this. But hey, we're all of us different! laugh

Musiclover76's photo
Wed 07/15/09 04:35 PM

Honestly, its my music I am passionate and slightly obsessed about. Sadly though when times do get tough, I revert to my origional obsession, making money :P

Ha!! I hear that!

MadroxKran's photo
Wed 07/15/09 05:20 PM
I really like DJing, but it's very difficult to break out here unless you spin rap or top 40 crap.

seamac's photo
Wed 07/15/09 07:12 PM

I firmly believe that a person should have at least one thing that they are totally and completely stoked and excited about, something they look forward to engaging in and makes them feel alive.

For me its being artistically creative first and foremost...but its also the thrill of what lies around the next corner, the next trip to somewhere new, the next film or inspiring book, the next inspiring thrill, the next song that gives me goosebumps, the next time my hair stands on end, the next composition or idea that comes pouring out of me. Just the next anything really.

What lights your fire? And is it something lucrative that you are able to make a living at?

Writing, and yes I finally sold a piece. It is not yet published but hoping soon. The money is spent!

Knitting, I have sold a fair amount over the years.

Neither is what you could call lucrative but I have hopes for my writing. Is it weird that I am very proud of my rejection letter from The New Yorker???

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