Topic: I figured out who God is after all these years!
Ruth34611's photo
Sat 11/14/09 08:50 PM

I find the belief that Jesus is God very disturbing because Jesus was a man who eat, drunk, slept, used the toilet, had all man's part, had no power to save himself from his human enemies....etc.
The belief that Jesus is God is against any logic, reason and common sense .

I agree with you that Jesus was not God. But, just for the record, according to the myth, Jesus did have the power to save himself. He just chose not to in obedience to his father's demand that he be sacrificed.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sat 11/14/09 09:00 PM

I find the belief that Jesus is God very disturbing because Jesus was a man who eat, drunk, slept, used the toilet, had all man's part, had no power to save himself from his human enemies....etc.
The belief that Jesus is God is against any logic, reason and common sense .

I agree with you that Jesus was not God. But, just for the record, according to the myth, Jesus did have the power to save himself. He just chose not to in obedience to his father's demand that he be sacrificed.

I do not believe Yahshua could of saved himself as all things are through Yahshua not from him.. What he did and asked for was his fathers will and was granted it the same as we can. He even said we would do greater things than he did. Can anyone here raise themselves from the dead or stop death from coming to them? Shalom...Miles

no photo
Sat 11/14/09 10:49 PM
God is the vibration in everything and more, the tone we only occasionally whisper for a brief moment and usually by accident.

Jill298's photo
Sun 11/15/09 12:34 AM

a link to gods profile....
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Jill298's photo
Sun 11/15/09 12:39 AM

Wow! I think I figured out who god is!

God is the people and everything that lives on Earth. That is god!

Not a single plural being in one sense.

It is all of us and we are the ones responsible for our happiness.

So we look into ourselves and onto every person on this planet.

This is God!

How do you feel about this conclusion?

I have to disagree with this. WE are not God. However I do believe it's true we're responsible for our own happiness, and our own misery.

earthytaurus76's photo
Sun 11/15/09 03:07 AM
Edited by earthytaurus76 on Sun 11/15/09 03:08 AM

is there acid being handed out in this section? Jesus wasn't Created from any myth, he was an actual person and there's plenty of historical documents to prove it. The only myth is the one created by Paul and the kiddie diddlin Roman Catholics that he's God which is false.

No offense guy.. laugh but your answer, as well as the serious tone of your post, cracks me the hell up.


OMG thank you! rofl

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 11/15/09 06:52 AM

I find the belief that Jesus is God very disturbing because Jesus was a man who eat, drunk, slept, used the toilet, had all man's part, had no power to save himself from his human enemies....etc.
The belief that Jesus is God is against any logic, reason and common sense .

I agree with you that Jesus was not God. But, just for the record, according to the myth, Jesus did have the power to save himself. He just chose not to in obedience to his father's demand that he be sacrificed.

I do not believe Yahshua could of saved himself as all things are through Yahshua not from him.. What he did and asked for was his fathers will and was granted it the same as we can. He even said we would do greater things than he did. Can anyone here raise themselves from the dead or stop death from coming to them? Shalom...Miles

I'm sorry, I don't understand this. He said we would be able to do greater things, but we can't. I'm not sure what your point is. I'm not trying to be difficult, I honestly don't understand.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sun 11/15/09 11:24 AM
Edited by Milesoftheusa on Sun 11/15/09 11:30 AM

I find the belief that Jesus is God very disturbing because Jesus was a man who eat, drunk, slept, used the toilet, had all man's part, had no power to save himself from his human enemies....etc.
The belief that Jesus is God is against any logic, reason and common sense .

I agree with you that Jesus was not God. But, just for the record, according to the myth, Jesus did have the power to save himself. He just chose not to in obedience to his father's demand that he be sacrificed.

I do not believe Yahshua could of saved himself as all things are through Yahshua not from him.. What he did and asked for was his fathers will and was granted it the same as we can. He even said we would do greater things than he did. Can anyone here raise themselves from the dead or stop death from coming to them? Shalom...Miles

I'm sorry, I don't understand this. He said we would be able to do greater things, but we can't. I'm not sure what your point is. I'm not trying to be difficult, I honestly don't understand.

Why do you assume we can not do greater things than Yahshua did?

With the faith as small as a mustard see he said we would move mountains.

We read in Rev. 11 the Faith of 2 people who can say to the clouds no more rain and the earth is scorched and the world hates them.

I have seen things happen that are not on a puppet tv show to get your money but happens in everyday life cure the sick of death sentences they have been given by modern day medicine.

We are capable Just as Yahshua was to perform these miracles of Faith and Believing if we would know in our hearts it will happen.

We are shown that everything on earth is under our command if we will exercize the ability.

When Cain killed Abel it is written that the Earth Cried out because of Abels Blood.

We see humans living as long as 969 years through faith and belief.

Then when corruption came in people having to big of a head that they thought they needed no Elohim Noah was instructed to build an arc. That the time of innocence had come to an end.

As Yahshua said unless you be Born again you can not enter that kingdom where all things are possible again.

You must become child like as you have been Born Again and the Holy Spirit the Breath of Yahweh that gave life at the beginning of mankind to Adam and then 2 Eve.

Yahshua was that 2nd Adam and we are the 2nd Eve being given a chance to believe Yahweh and know that our Husband will petition for us to his father that we are granted what we ask for we Believe with all faith and have learned we are not of this world but of a world to come.

When you are of another world then this world becomes like starting your car you believe it will start and it does.

We are not part of the car but its caretaker to make it do as it was meant to.

Yahshua is not Elohim. He said in John 5:43 I come in my fathers name. Yahshua literally means Yahweh is salvation or Yahweh Saves not Yahshua. He is only granted what he asks for through faith.

Hear oh Israel Yahweh is one.

It is he who gives all things to all people...Blessings of Shalom...Miles

LashV1200's photo
Sun 11/15/09 11:46 AM

Wikipedia: "God is a deity in theistic and deistic religions and other belief systems, representing either the sole deity in monotheism, or a principal deity in polytheism.[1]

God is most often conceived of as the supernatural creator and overseer of the universe. Theologians have ascribed a variety of attributes to the many different conceptions of God. The most common among these include omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence, omnibenevolence (perfect goodness), divine simplicity, and eternal and necessary existence. God has also been conceived as being incorporeal, a personal being, the source of all moral obligation, and the "greatest conceivable existent".[1] These attributes were all supported to varying degrees by the early Jewish, Christian and Muslim theologian philosophers, including Maimonides,[2] Augustine of Hippo,[2] and Al-Ghazali,[3] respectively. Many notable medieval philosophers developed arguments for the existence of God.[3] Many notable philosophers and intellectuals have, by contrast, developed arguments against the existence of God."

no photo
Sun 11/15/09 01:47 PM

is there acid being handed out in this section? Jesus wasn't Created from any myth, he was an actual person and there's plenty of historical documents to prove it. The only myth is the one created by Paul and the kiddie diddlin Roman Catholics that he's God which is false.

Actually, there aren't any credible historical documents that show the validity of his actually having been real. That would be one of the problems of believing in him.
However, just about everything that has ever been written about him can be found in other, older, stories about other "people". That would be another problem.
Look up zeitgeist. Then do the research yourself. You'll be amazed.

no photo
Sun 11/15/09 01:49 PM

is there acid being handed out in this section? Jesus wasn't Created from any myth, he was an actual person and there's plenty of historical documents to prove it. The only myth is the one created by Paul and the kiddie diddlin Roman Catholics that he's God which is false.

There's no need to be insulting. I think most people agree that the human Jesus was real. When we speak of the myth we are referring to the Virgin birth and the idea that he was resurrected from the dead and is God.

I don't agree he was ever a real human.

no photo
Sun 11/15/09 03:16 PM
very empowering

no photo
Sun 11/15/09 03:17 PM
very empowering

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 11/15/09 05:27 PM

Why do you assume we can not do greater things than Yahshua did?

YOU said, "Can anyone here raise themselves from the dead or stop death from coming to them?" as the bar for what one would have to exceed as far as deeds go.

No, there is no one who can raise themself from the dead or stop death from coming to him.

So, I still don't understand what you are talking about.

msharmony's photo
Sun 11/15/09 06:13 PM

is there acid being handed out in this section? Jesus wasn't Created from any myth, he was an actual person and there's plenty of historical documents to prove it. The only myth is the one created by Paul and the kiddie diddlin Roman Catholics that he's God which is false.

Actually, there aren't any credible historical documents that show the validity of his actually having been real. That would be one of the problems of believing in him.
However, just about everything that has ever been written about him can be found in other, older, stories about other "people". That would be another problem.
Look up zeitgeist. Then do the research yourself. You'll be amazed.

Define 'credible'... y do we consider the writings of most history books 'credible' but not the history written in the biblical books,,,,?

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sun 11/15/09 08:28 PM
Edited by Milesoftheusa on Sun 11/15/09 08:54 PM

Why do you assume we can not do greater things than Yahshua did?

YOU said, "Can anyone here raise themselves from the dead or stop death from coming to them?" as the bar for what one would have to exceed as far as deeds go.

No, there is no one who can raise themself from the dead or stop death from coming to him.

So, I still don't understand what you are talking about.

Yahshua was born a human just like us. Had temptataions and over came sin by believing and faith. We have that same ability.

Yahshua did not or is not recorded that he did all this before Baptism.

He was born again just like we are. The spirit lighted on him like a dove.

At pentecost the spirit lighted on the 120 as cloven tongues of fire the word of Yahweh was upon them and then they were changed and spoke boldly and believed.

That same spirit has been thier for anyone who would recieve it.

Thier was nothing that Yahshua did that we can not do also.

He was our example. Learn from him see what he did closely not what you are told for Jerimiah and Hebrews both say that we will be taught by the Spirit and not by man.

The family of Yahweh we become sons and daughters and Yahweh does not have respect for persons and this includes us with his son Yahshua.

Believe and all things are possible. Not by works but by faith. James says you show me your faith I will show you my faith by my works.

Yahshua said the same thing when he healed on the sabbath by what do you condemn me for are not all good things by or from the father.

Good works are part of our faith but does not define it but the 2 will work hand in hand and this is 1 reason why we have the ability to perform any deed or miracle Yahshua did...Blessings...Miles

Yahshua could not stop his death or raise himself from the dead either. He was raised by the one who has given all life Yahweh the Father

no photo
Mon 11/16/09 10:58 AM

is there acid being handed out in this section? Jesus wasn't Created from any myth, he was an actual person and there's plenty of historical documents to prove it. The only myth is the one created by Paul and the kiddie diddlin Roman Catholics that he's God which is false.

Actually, there aren't any credible historical documents that show the validity of his actually having been real. That would be one of the problems of believing in him.
However, just about everything that has ever been written about him can be found in other, older, stories about other "people". That would be another problem.
Look up zeitgeist. Then do the research yourself. You'll be amazed.

Define 'credible'... y do we consider the writings of most history books 'credible' but not the history written in the biblical books,,,,?

gosh and b'golly, mayhaps it's because history books don't have an agenda while biblical books most certainly do. Perhaps it's because biblical books use circular logic. i.e. "God is real. How do I know? Because it says so in the Bible. How do I know the Bible contains the truth? Because God says it does. Where does God say that? In the Bible."
Perhaps it's because biblical books have almost nothing in them that aren't copied stories from other older texts...which would seem to indicate that those stories, at the very least, aren't really christian. And if they aren't really christian, and they claim to be christian, that would mean they lie. If the Bible is full of lies, actually, if you can verify even one lie, then the whole can not be trusted.
Simple logic.

freeonthree's photo
Mon 11/16/09 11:24 AM
Edited by freeonthree on Mon 11/16/09 11:28 AM
You must be right, because there sure ain't no super being in the sky screwing with us. Problem is, all the religious people I have taked to seem to think that the bible is a history book. Actually it was just a story written by an early man, and was never meant to be taken literally. I sure wouldn't want to beleive anything written by anyone who lived before they were burning witches (innocent people).
They wern't too bright back then, and extremely superstitious.
The only thing worth worshiping is life and health, period.
Like i've always said, you don't have to believe in a god to be a quality person. There are 3 simple rules to that. Never lie, cheat, or steal, and your gunna be just fine morally. smokin

no photo
Tue 11/17/09 08:29 AM

You must be right, because there sure ain't no super being in the sky screwing with us. Problem is, all the religious people I have taked to seem to think that the bible is a history book. Actually it was just a story written by an early man, and was never meant to be taken literally. I sure wouldn't want to beleive anything written by anyone who lived before they were burning witches (innocent people).
They wern't too bright back then, and extremely superstitious.
The only thing worth worshiping is life and health, period.
Like i've always said, you don't have to believe in a god to be a quality person. There are 3 simple rules to that. Never lie, cheat, or steal, and your gunna be just fine morally. smokin

Waddiya mean "back then"? They're non too bright and extremely superstitious NOW.

no photo
Wed 11/18/09 10:40 AM

is there acid being handed out in this section? Jesus wasn't Created from any myth, he was an actual person and there's plenty of historical documents to prove it. The only myth is the one created by Paul and the kiddie diddlin Roman Catholics that he's God which is false.

There's no need to be insulting. I think most people agree that the human Jesus was real. When we speak of the myth we are referring to the Virgin birth and the idea that he was resurrected from the dead and is God.

I find the belief that Jesus is God very disturbing because Jesus was a man who eat, drunk, slept, used the toilet, had all man's part, had no power to save himself from his human enemies....etc.
The belief that Jesus is God is against any logic, reason and common sense .

Jesus clearly stated that he had the power to save himself from his enemies. Jesus choose not to. That's what makes his sacrifice so amazing, Jesus could have given up at any time and destroyed his tormentors and healed himself. Jesus was a master of self control.