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Topic: The Perfect Path
AdventureBegins's photo
Sat 06/02/07 12:26 PM
Each of us has chosen to follow God in our own way.

Do you believe that God knows all things?

Is there anything that happens on this earth that God is not involved

no photo
Sat 06/02/07 12:36 PM
Do you believe that God knows all things? Yes

Is there anything that happens on this earth that God is not involved
in? No

:wink: Very simple

lazyj321's photo
Sat 06/02/07 12:36 PM


no photo
Sat 06/02/07 12:36 PM

Hi lazy flowerforyou

lazyj321's photo
Sat 06/02/07 12:38 PM
hi bc..

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sat 06/02/07 12:52 PM
yes AB YHWH knows all things.YHWH does not get involved in most
things. He allows us to make our own mistakes. He wants us to call on
him. In 1993 during the flood of 93 i had worked 31 16 hour days
straight and then went to 6-12 hour days. I was a tech for a major
Electrical company. I was working between 3 medium size transformers and
3 voltage regulators. With about 6 feet between them. I had worked on
this voltage regulator for 3 hours and could not get it fixed. It was
live at 14,400 volts. I was not working that voltage but was working the
controls and in it was the wire and a plug for the current transformers
on the regulators. To let us know the current on the line. After
frustration I called in and told the dispatcher i would have to come
back the next day. He said ok put it back the way you found it. I went
to start to put it back and i forgot to pull a plug to release the
current transformer from the unit. Instead i reached in and took ahold
of a red plug clearly marked "danger possible death". I pulled that plug
apat. when i did all i could hear was crackling I could not see. I could
not yell. I tried to jump up and fall away from it and i could not. I
did see flashes of childhood and family in my mind. I thought this is
it. It was throughing me back and forth like a ragg doll( i wiegh over
200lbs). All i could do was think in my head Yahshua HELP me.
Immediatedly I was let go. I spent the night in the burn unit at a major
hospital. They tested everything they could. I showed no outside burning
but they were afraid i had inside burning from having the plug in each
hand and i was completing the circuit with my body. The next day i was
released the doctor said he could not explain it. He told me I should be
dead. Yet i had no injuries. I went back to work and found out a safty
team had already went to the sight. They could not explain why a
insulator would burn in half and not me. My super. called me into his
office and asked if i wanted to take a less dangerous job. Isaid no i
love my tech job. He said i was not taking this seriously enough. I told
him i knew the seriousness of it. He then told me i was the 1st in the
companies 100 year old history to survive this type of accident and then
i was not hurt he just said you are the luckiest person i know. I left
and I knew that Yahshua was just waiting for me to call for him. I did
finally but only in my head. I know he saved me. I also know he saved me
because i had made a stupid mistake on accident. I did not tempt YHWH.
YHWH does not always intervine for people who call for him. I know he
does as he wills. And i was not let go untill I called for Yahshua (YHWH
Saves). I praise him for it and I know he is real. Never stop calling on
Yahshua for help. Blessings.... Miles

AdventureBegins's photo
Sat 06/02/07 12:57 PM
So then Miles would you say that is pleased with the path you have

Or do you think He choose it for you?

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sat 06/02/07 12:59 PM
I believe YHWH knew the path I was going to take. I will tell u why if
you want to know but many will claim it as a lie. Blessings and shalom..

AdventureBegins's photo
Sat 06/02/07 01:03 PM
Aye many would.

Having been called a lie and worse in this place I know what you are

Share it if you wish.

Each of us that accepts a path are following the Perfect Path.

Every thing that happens in this world God causes for a reason. It is
not for me to know this reason only to have faith in His wisdom.

hosea1's photo
Sat 06/02/07 01:14 PM
do you guys really think that talking about god that this is the right
place for it? i mean everyone is gonn have different opinions about him
because none of us are the same. and some peoples thoughts might offend
someone. im just curious

no photo
Sat 06/02/07 01:18 PM
So none of you look at things from the chain initiating event?

That would be where the first domino is pushed knowing that many would
fall as a result, but exactly where each would fall and how many would
fall would maybe not be worried with or considered.

And that then the chain terminating event might or could be known where
everyone was accepted back into the fold or eternal heaven?

To the point, if each of us has chosen to follow God in our own way then
did we make the choice at all? Or did God in knowing, actually make the
choice for us?

Furthermore if we made the choice could God have known which choice we
would make without by His knowing making the choice for us in which case
we did not make the choice at all.

This topic always leads to such a circle logic.

Knows all things? Is this an existential manner of knowledge or a
predestination sort of knowledge? Would the answer to this also
contribute to the truth of God making our choices for us through His
knowledge of all things throughout eternity?

Is there anybody here who knows the nature of all things so that they
could authoritatively make the comment that God is involved in all
things or not?

I'm not arguing the initial comment in the topic nor seeking to answer
the questions posed. I am pointing out how difficult it is to know such
things and that these matters are taken as articles of faith.

no photo
Sat 06/02/07 01:19 PM
Watch out for those lightening bolts Miles.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sat 06/02/07 01:28 PM
I will and let each decide whether it seems scriptual or not. ! thing
about this site is know one really knows who you are. I do not wish to
say who i am even though i know anyone who knows of the accident i had
would know.

This is what i believe is the 1st memory i can recall in my life. I
was around 4 years old. We lived on a farm in a old farm house with a
screened in front porch that i played on all the time. it was right off
the living room where my family watched tv. this would of been i believe
the spring of 1964. Our driveway when comming to the house a vehicle
would round a curve on a small hill and shine its lights in the living
room at night and we always knew when someone was here.It had been
storming and had stopped raining as i was on the front porch. The clouds
were think and it was very dark. My guess it was after 9pm. All of a
sudden I saw the clouds light up. Then i saw fire and the clouds rolled
apart on fire. Then the light was so bright i had to cover my eyes with
my arm. I could see what looked like the outline of a man in the bright
light but i really could not look at it. I heard my mom and dad yelling.
Then i heard in my head "peace my son". My mom and dad came out and it
just disappeared. They asked me what just happened that the whole house
had lit up blinding everyone in the house. I said it was JC. That was
what i knew him as. From that point on i did not want my mom to read me
any child books. She sat me on her lap every night and read me the
bible. We went to a christian church all the time and cleaned it as a
family on thursday evenings. At 6 we had a family baptism.(which i do
not agree with at all) At age 8 in sunday school we were being taught
the 10 commandments. When they said the Sabbath was the 7th day of the
week. I looked at the calander and saw that the 7th day was on saturday.
So i raised my hand and asked why the callender on the wall shows the
sabbath on saturday. He said it was changed to celebrate JC rising to
heaven. I asked when did JC do the sabbath and he said on saturday. I
said that is not right then. The sundqay school teacher told me i would
understand as i got older. Going home i told my parents i could not go
to that church anymore. They asked why and i told them. They said you
have to go but if it is that important u will have to sit in the car i
said ok. I sat in the car and never entered that church again untill i
was 19 when i set an appointment with the minister to talk about the
sabbath. I sat in the car winter and summer untill i turned 12. The i
was allowed to stay home. I studied the bible all the time since. Well
that is where i believe YHWH nudged me and showed me he was real. I have
had many things happen that are unexplainable. I do not know for sure
what his plan is for me. All i know i have to stay the course. Take Care
and May YHWH's Shalom Fill Your House... Miles

AdventureBegins's photo
Sat 06/02/07 01:34 PM
this is the religion chat forum is it not?

I have gotton quite used to people being offended by me.

It is not my intention to offend but neither will I be silent.

To be silent would be to deny God.

no photo
Sat 06/02/07 01:51 PM
I think that our path is laid out for us, God will show it to us but
will not lead, we have to go it ourselves.

ArtGurl's photo
Sat 06/02/07 02:46 PM
I believe in one souce ... one thing ... I call that God. I beilieve in
nothing separate so from my vantage point God doesn't know all things,
God IS all things.

I also believe that we are individualized to be the experiencing arms of

If you are everything then there is nothing separate and nothing to
experience. No emotion, no environment, no senses... when there is only
one thing there is nothing it is not.

We have the notion of separate so that we can feel, and experience and
sense ... so we can bump up against the world and each other so that God
may know itself through experience - through us.

That to me is following my path ... my role is to experience, to grow,
to share, to feel for the greater good of that once source to know

God's gift to me is this life individualized as Sherrie for a time ...
able to express, feel and share. My gift to God is a life well lived,
appreciated and shared.

It is what resonates and sits well with me today. flowerforyou

no photo
Sat 06/02/07 02:49 PM
I wish I had your way with words.

How come that you can express what I feel and I can not?

:cry: :cry:


AdventureBegins's photo
Sat 06/02/07 02:50 PM
Beautifull and profound AG.

Thank you for sharing.

ArtGurl's photo
Sat 06/02/07 03:05 PM
Andrea - your words are always perfect! flowerforyou

AB - thank you for the questions that allow my mind to play in those
nebulous gray areas I love so much flowerforyou

no photo
Sat 06/02/07 03:19 PM

Your post seems very simple and straighforward, and yet I feel I must
have misunderstood it. Of course we should talk about God, and of
course we should express our thoughts even at risk of offending people.

(Now, being needlessly disrespectful in -how- we say it - that is
another matter.)

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